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4 United States Hazardous Waste Engin

Environmental Protection Research Laboratory

Agency Cincinnati OH 45268 -?/I psf
Research and Development EPA/600/S2-87/078 Feb. 1988

3 Project Summary

Nondestructive Testing (NDT)

Techniques to Detect Contained
Subsurface Hazardous Waste
Arthur E. Lord, Jr. and Robert M. Koerner

A systematic and comprehensive separafe reporf o f the same fifle (see

study was conducted t o detect buried Project Reporf ordering Information af
containers w i t h nondestructive testing back).
[ N DT) remote-sensing techniques.
Seventeen techniques were considered
but only four were ultimately selected.
Those four were electromagnetic in- Since there is a vast amount of
duction (EMI), metal detection [MD), hazardous waste buried below the surface
magnetometer (MAG), and ground of the soil, it is important to clean up
penetrating radar (GPR). The containers these wastes before they do additional
- both steel and plastic - varying in damage to the environment. The first
size from 5 gal t o 55 gal were buried in step in any cleanup procedure is to detect
known distributions in a wide variety of the waste and then determine its spatial
soils; also, some were submerged in extent. As in any subsurface exploration,
water. Five diverse field sites were used. many techniques can be brought to bear.
As a result of the work at the five Test borings and limited excavations are
field sites, a relatively complete picture very valuable but are not without their
has emerged concerning the strengths problems. The information obtained is
and weaknesses of the four NDT sub- not continuous and the destructive nature
surface container location techniques. of the test makes it possible that waste
GPR is the only reliable method t o could inadvertently be released during
detect plastic containers, but it has the probing phase. Therefore, there is an
limitations. GPR, EMI, and MD all suffer interest in probing from the surface with
severe loss of detection ability when nonintrusive methods.
the background electrical conductivity The goal of this project is to identify
exceeds 40 millimhos/meter. In dry and assess the best possible NDT tech-
sandy soil EMI, GPR, and M A G are all niques for detecting and delineating
capable of picking up a single 55-gal hazardous waste. Since another EPA
steel drum t o a depth of at least 10 laboratory was performing the same type
feet. The M A G method works well for task for monitoring hazardous waste
steel under all subsurface conditions, leachate plumes, this work concentrated
and GPR can usually pickup the side o n the detection of steel and plastic con-
walls of the excavations where waste is tainers buried beneath the surface of soil
dumped. Application of signal enhance and water bodies.
ment techniques (background suppres-
sion) can be expected t o enhance NDT Literature Phase
utility. The first phase of this project consisted
This ProJect Summary was developed of identifying as many NDT techniques as
by EPA's Hazardous Wasfe Engineering possible which could have possible ap-
Research Laboratory, Clnclnnafi, Ohio, plication to a broad spectrum of hazardous
to announce key findings of the research waste problems. Seventeen such tech-
proJecf fhaf is luiiy documented in a niques were identified. They were:
0 Microwave-pulsed - also called and water conductivity are major issues. surface) to intermediate (at a depth of )
ground penetrating radar (GPR)
0 Microwave-continuous (CWM)
Quantities of ferromagnetic material (e.g., w.
steel objects) can severely affect the MAG Background conductivities greater than
0 Eddy current - also called metal method. With these thoughts in mind, 40 millimhos/meter seriously impaired
detection (MD) test sites were obtained, containers of the use of those methods based on
0 Magnetometer (MAG) various sizes were carefully placed at electrical conductivity measurements, Le.,
0 Seismic reflection different depths and geometric arrange- MD, EM1 and GPR. The MAG method
0 Seismic refraction (SR) ments, backfilled, and then located using worked much better since it is a method
0 Electrical resistivity (ER) the various NDT methods. based on magnetic measurements and
0 Penetrating r a d i a t i o n (x-rays, The first field site was a nearly ideal not on electrical conductivity. The bound-
gamma-rays, neutrons, etc.) dry sandy soil in an open field, free of aries of a "trash dump" containing metal
0 Acoustic emission man-made interference. This site provided objects were observed with all methods
0 Liquid penetrant an excellent starting point and essentially even though the background conductivity
0 Infrared radiometry narrowed the selection (after careful varied from 25-60 millimhos/meter.
0 Pulse-echo ultrasonics literature review) from seven of the pos- Site 5 was the same location as Site 4
0 Sonar sible NDT methods to the four mentioned but, in this case, plastic containers were
0 Very low frequency electromagnetic previously. The surviving methods were used instead of steel. The MD, EM1 and
- also called electromagnetic in- MAG, EMI, GPR, and MD. Steel con- MAG did not detect any of the plastic
duction (EMI) tainers buried to 10-ft depths were ac- containers even when these were filled
0 Induced polarization curately located and could possibly have with salt water. The ability of GPR to pick
0 Self-potential been located deeper if stable burial pits up the water table, as well as the con-
0 Optical techniques. could have been excavated. Various steel tainers, was demonstrated.
Adetailed report was prepared on each container arrays and the boundaries of a
of these techniques. (These are available "metal trash dump" were accurately
from the authors.) Information was sought located. Some plastic containers were
from the literature, company brochures also located, but with poorer results. Conclusions
and personal communications. The litera- The second site was more formidable. Table 1 presents the results obtained at
ture search eliminated a number of the Here a saturated silty clay soil overlying all five field sites and should be considered
techniques from further experimental shallow shale rock was used. Detection the final results of the project and can
evaluation. Some of the reasons for depths with the four methods indicated serve as a guide for the practitioner.
techniques were much shallower, ap- Some additional remarks are in order t
eliminations were:
0 prediction of very little chance of proximately 4 ft, and the results were help assimilate all the results of thes,
success influenced by the large amount of back-
0 high cost of equipment ground metal in the areas (e.g., trailers, In a dry, granular soil with medium
0 no indication from literature search equipment, fences, etc.). interference, individual typical steel con-
of success for container detection The fact that containers are sometimes tainers can easily be seen to a depth of at
0 inaccessibility of equipment. dumped directly into water and that the least 10 ft with all methods except MD,
As a result of this first phase of the salinity of the water can range from fresh which detects to 6 ft. Deeper detection is
project, the number of techniques con- to brine, the third study was directed at probably possible, but 10 ft was the limit
sidered was further reduced from seven- drums under water. Containers were of our burial ability. As the soil water
teen to seven. The remaining techniques submerged in water and placed on the electrical conductivity becomes larger, the
were ground penetrating radar, micro- bottom sediments at four different sites. detection ability of the MD, EMI, and GPR
wave-continuous, metal detection, mag- The salinity of the water ranged progres- methods suffers. When the background
netometer, seismic refraction, electrical sively from fresh to ocean. (The work was conductivity rises to 40 millimhos/meters
resistivity, and electromagnetic induction. actually performed at various positions or above, the detection ability is seriously
along the Delaware River.) To depths of 3 impaired. The MAG method works well
ft of water above the containers, the under all granular soil conditions for it is
detection and delineation results were not affected by high background electrical
Field Tests "excellent" to "no good" in direct propor- conductivity.
Each of the NDT methods will operate tion to the increase in water salinity, Le., In cohesive soils (clays), there are
"ideally" under a prescribed set of soil electrical conductivity of the water. definite problems with MD, EMI, and
types and man-made interferences. The Bearing directly on the above three GPR due to the usual high water content
typical sites where most waste material studies is the extent to which ground and soil inhomogeneities. A logistical
containers are buried are far from those salinity can influence the detecting cap- problem arose with respect to the MAG
"ideals." Rather than burial in dry ability of the NDT methods used. At this data, since work in cohesive soils was
granular soils, drums are usually dumped point, studies were made at a fourth site performed in the presence of magnetic
in swamps, mudflats, water and the like. with steel containers buried in a soil of interfering materials (trucks, fences, etc.).
Furthermore, t h e most successful varying electrical conductivity. The ocean Research should be conducted in an
methods we have worked with are based was used as an electrical conductivity interference-free cohesive soil using the
on measuring eiectrical or magnetic ef- extreme and the conductivity decreased MAG method. The use of MD, EMI, and
fects. High electrical conductivity areas, substantially as the survey moved inland. GPR in relatively uniform, dry cohesive
e.g., near equipment storage areas, junk
yards, or ocean water, can severely in-
The soil was a medium-to-fine granular
sand indigenous to the coastal area. The
soils is of interest.
When steel containers were submergea 1
fluence the techniques. Soil homogeneity sand density ranged from loose (near the under water, the MD, EM1 and GPR

able 1. General Acceptability of Using Various NDT Methods to Locate Typical Sized Buried Containers
3 [Maximum Penetration Depth Achieved m Parentheses)
Steel Containers
Subsurface Type of Metal Electromagnetic Ground Penetrating
Material Saturation Void Water Detector Induc t ion Radar Magnetometer
(Reference) (MDJ (EMU IGPRI (MAGI

Granular 0%- 20% fresh excellent (6'1 excellent ( I 0') excellent I107 excellent ( I 0')
(sand) 20%- 50% intermediate excellent (2 7 average f4.j excellent (3') excellent (4')
50% - 100% ocean not good not good poor (2') excellent ( 1 0,)

Cohesive 50% - 100% fresh moderate" 14') moderate" (4') moderate' (4') poor (4')"

Water 100% fresh excellent (3'1 excellent (3') excellent (4'J excellent (3'1
100% intermediate poor not good not good excellent f3'J
100% ocean not good not good not good excellent (3')

Plastic Containers
Granular 10% - 50% intermediate not good not good excellent - if
contents con- not good
ductive (4')
fair - I f con-
tents non-con-

50% - 100% ocean not good not good poor not good
Excellent in dry clay.
**Many interfering magnetic objects. Excellent in absence of interference

,: methods are only of"value in relatively 0 MD, EMI, and GPR will suffer severe container dump site, the MD (instru-

3 sh water. When the water conductivity

esabove 60 millimhos/meter, the three
methods are quite useless. The MAG
loss of detection ability when the
soil's electrical conductivity rises
above about 40 millimhos/meter.
ment costs about $500) I S a good
first method, followed closely by the
MAG method (cost about $4000)
method functions well in water of all The same conductivity limitations More detailed surveys can use the
conductivities. also apply to the detection ability for more expensive instruments EM1
Plastic containers are more difficult to containers submerged under water. (cost about $8000) and GPR (cost
detect than steel containers. The MD, 0 GPR is the only reliable method to about $30,000)
EM1 and MAG methods are useless in detect buried plastic containers. The full report was submitted in ful-
detecting buried plastic containers. The 0 GPR can "see" excavation bound- fillment of Cooperative Agreement No
GPR method works well for typical size aries. This is an extremely important CR-807777 by Drexel University under
plastic containers, especially if the con- point. the sponsorship of the U S Environmental
tainers are filled with electrically-conduc- For a preliminary survey of a metal- Protection Agency
tive material. However, the method still
works with non-conductive contents.
These results for plastic containers apply
only for granular soil with relatively low A r t h u r E. Lord, Jr., a n d Robert M. Koerner are w i t h Drexel University.
electrical conductivity. If the granular soil Philadelphia, PA 19 104.
has high conductivity material in its voids John E . B r u g g e r is t h e EPA Project Officer [see below).
or if the soil is a wet, non-uniform The complete report, entitled "Nondestructive Testing ( N D T) Techniques t o
cohesive material, then the same limita- Detect Contained Subsurface Hazardous Waste." [Order No. PB 88-702 4 0 5 /
tions apply to GPR as were mentioned AS; Cost: $ 1 3 . 9 5 , subject to change) will b e available only from:
earlier. National Technical Information Service
While this is a systematic and compre- 5285 Port Royal Road
hensive study of NDT methods, it is not Springfield, V A 22 161
complete and a few additional situations Telephone: 7 0 3 - 4 8 7 - 4 6 5 0
still remain to be studied. The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at:
As a brief bottom line, it can be stated: Releases Control Branch
0 MD, EMI, and MAG all work ex- Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory-Cincinnati
tremely well in detecting buried steel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
containers in dry, granular soil to Edison, NJ 08837
any typical depth.

J The MAG method works well under

all subsurface conditions.

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Agency Cincinnati OH 45268 EPA

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