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Load shedsing means: te leave behind extra cargo if the centre of gravty moves outside imi reduction of arioads on the flaps by means of the flap load relief valve a procedure used in contral systems to reduce the stick forces. (© temporary or permanent switching off of certain electric users to avoid overload of electric generators Oo? seaa8 Puling the fre shutoff handle cauces 2 number of devices to disconnect. In respect of the AC generator it can be said that the: ‘exciter control relay opens. © exeiter control relay and the generotor breaker open, generator bresker opens, ‘exciter control relay the ganarator breaker and the tie breakar open. QO? an3ea On detection ofa persistent phate imbalance betwen an AC generator connected to the main busbars and other AC generaters, the pretection ‘device that opens isfae the: generator breaker. sgeneretor breaker and the tle breaker(s) © tiebreaker) ‘exciter contol relay and the generator breaker. eo? 09637 In order for DC generators o achieve equal oad sharing when operating in parallel itis necessary to ensure that: (© thairveltoges are almost equal the synenronising busbar ls eisconnected from the busbar system. ‘equal load are connected tn each generator nusbar before paral adequate voltage cilferences exists. oO? 98360 When AC generators are operated in paral, they must be ofthe same: (© voltage and frequency voltage and amperage emperage and KVAR. frequency and amperage. QO? 1246 stander When a persictentaver-encitation limit fault exists en an AC generator connected to the aircraft mins with another AC generator, the over-axcitation protection device opens: the te breaker. the generator breaker “© the excter breaker and the generator breaker. the excter breaker, the generator breaker and the tie breaker. oO? 2633 Stand a0 \When all AC generators are lost in fight and the EMER GEN is not availatle, ‘he ACESS BUS can be fed bythe batteries when (Note al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) 5-1, €6:2 and C5:2 are closed, 73,18, (5-4 and C3-2 are closes, 72,71, C54 and C3-1 are closed wa the static inverter. © C61 and C6-2 are closed and the bus fs sndiched to the static inverter. e? oe \Wher an underspeed fault is detected on an AC generator connected tothe ‘aireraft AC busbar, the protection device opens the: exciter breaker, generator breaker and te breaker ‘exciter breaker and generator breaker. © generator breaker. excter breaker, 9332 021-30. GEN 2 can be used to feed the DC BAT BUS {Nota al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) (© via AC BUS2 and DC BUS 2 when C1-4, C53, and C7-4 are closed. vig AC BUS 7 and DC BUS 1 when C1-4, C5-2 and C7-4 ae closes. ia AC BUS 2 and DC BUS | when CI-4,C5-3and C7-4 ae closed. Mis AC BUS and 0€BUS2 when 1-4 C53 and C4 are dosed, Oo? 12038 Standard 921-20 (On the groune, external power (EXT PWR) can be used io feed the AC BUS 2 who (Note: all contactors not mentioned are cssumed to remain open} 1H ond €2-1 are closed. (2:4 and C22 are closed. © C1206 (2.2 a0 closed. Ch-2and (2-1 are closed. oO? 18657, standae ies (On the ground, APU GEN can be used to feed the AC BUS 2 when: (Wote: ll contactors not mentioned are essumed to remain open) (C14 ond €2-1 are closed. (24 end C22 are closed. (Chand C241 are closed. © 13nd C22 are closed. QO? 2128 Stands 021.20 GEN 1 canbe used to Feed the DC OAT BUS: (Noto: all contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) (© Va.AC BUS 1 and DC BUS 1 when C1-1,C5-1 an C7-7 are closes, via AC BUS 2 and DC BUS 2 when CI-8,C5-3.nd C7-4 are closed. via AC BUS 2 and DC BUS | when CI-4,C5-3and C7-4 are closed. via AC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2 when C1-4,C5-3 nd C7-4 are closed. 21880 \What isthe purpose ofthe GCB (Generator Contro! Breakeri? Controls the generator fixed exctation Connects a generator busbar to a paired generator. © Connects generator to its busbs CConnacts synchronising ausbare of parallaled generators. oO? 25472 so 971.20, GEN 2 can be used to feed the DC BAT BUS: (Note: al contactors not mentioned are assumed ta remain open) via AC BUS 1 and DC ESS 8US when C1-4, C32, (5-2 and C7-3 are closed. via AC BUS2 and DC BUS 1 when C1-4,C3-2, C24, C53 and C7-4 are closed. (© Wa AC BUS 2 and DC BUS 1 when CI-4, 3-2, C34, C541 and C7-1 are closed. via AC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2when C1-4,C3-2, C24, C54 and C71 are dosed. oO? 23684 Standard When a persistent under-exctation limit foul exists on an AC generator Connected to the aircraft mains with another AC generator, under-exccation protection deviee opens thotte bresker, the generator breaer and the te beezher “© the exciter breaker and the generator breaker. the excter breaker, the generator breaker and the vie breaker. Oo? 25782 Swandors 021-20 GEN 1 canbe uted to Feed ene DC US 7 when: (ote: ail eontacters not mentioned are ezsumed to remain open) Cth end C53 are closed. © C1 ane €5-1 are closed. (Chel, C32, C31 and C5-1 are closed. 1-1, CB, C22 and €5.3 are closed, QO? 29267 [Ac regards thrae-phase AC generator, the following candtions must be met for paralleling AC generators: 1) equal voltage ayequal current BYequal frequencies ‘4)same phase rotation S)veltages of ame phase ‘The combination regrouping all the correct statements is 13.45 1234 435 45 oO? 29372 Stand f 021.20 GEN 2 can be used to feed the ACEUS 2vihen: (Note: all contactors not mentioned afe assumed ta remain open) © Cra tectoses. 2:2 and C2.1 are closed, 61-4,€22 and €2-1 are closed, 14,22 and C341 are closed, i) 30409 stand 021-30. In case f failure of the TRU2: (Nota: all contactors not mentioned are sssumed to remain open) DC BUS? cannot be fed via DC BAT BUS, DC BUS2 can be fed by TRU 1 C27 and C22 are clase. OC BUS? can be fed wa DC ESS BUSITCS-3, C22 and C5-2 are elaced © DCBUS 2 can be fed by TRU 1 vi DC BUS 1 and DC BAT BUS FC5-1, (7-1 ane C14 ae closed. QO? 30574 (On the groung, APU GEN can be used to feed the AC BUS 1 when: (Note: ll contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) (tBend (22 are closed. 1H end C21 are closed. (24 and C22 are closed, © C13 ond C241 are closed. QO? 90885 eal load sharing in a parallel AC zystam is achieved by controling the gonarstor field current -montoring the KVAR af aach ganerator/ltemator. {@ automatic adjustment ofthe torque on each generator rotor via the 50 unit, carefully and systematically limiting the number of loads onthe bbus-bars at any anetima, oO? 33324 Standar 21-39 GEN 1 can bo used to eee the DC BAT US! {(Note:all contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) © Wio.AC DUS and DC BUS 2Wwhen C1-4, C34, C22, C53 one C7-4are closed. via AC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2 when CI-1,C3-, C32. C541 and C7-1 are closed. vio AC DUS2 and DC BUS 1 when C1-1,C3-, C22, 5-3 one C7-4are closed. via AC BUS 2 and DC ESS BUS when C1-1, C341, 5-2 and C7-3 are closed. Oe? BAAS? Stands 021-20. GEN 1 can be used to feed the ACEUS 1 vihen: (Note: al contactors not mentioned! are assumed to remain open) © CA ectoses. 2-1 and €2.2 are closed, 1-4, C32 and C3-1 are closed, 1-4, C24 and €2-2 are closed, 45565 Stardove Inan electrical circuit thre reverse current relay will oper: © when battery volage exceeds generator voltage. when circuit vokage is less then generator voltage when the batteries are Fully decharges. whan the battery is being charged, oO? 48694 Standard How are the loads on an aircraft busbar connected? © In parallel so thet curent through the busbar reduces as loads are ‘switche! oft In parallel so thet voltage through the busbar reduces as loa6s are switched of In series so that curent tough the busbar reduces as leeds are switches off ln series go that valtage through the busbar reduces as loads are switches off 52177 021-20 GEN 2can be used to feed the DC BUS 1 when: (Note: ll contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) Cte and €5.3 are closed. (1d, 2.2. and C2.1 are closed, (1-1, C3-1, C32 and C5. are closed, © 14,32, 2 and c5-1 are dosed. 335 02-30 GEN 1 can be used to Feed ene OC ESS BUS: (Noto: all contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) © Via.AC BUS 1, when C1-1, 2-1 and C5-2 ave closed, via AC BUS 1, when C1-8, 3:2 and C5-2 ae closed. via AC BUS | and AC ESS BUS, when CI-1, C3-1 and C5-2 are closed, via AC BUS 1 and ACESS BUS, when CI-1, Ci-8, (3-1, 3-2 and C5-2 are closed. Oo? 71.20. Incase of four ofthe TRU 1 (Note: al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) (OC BUS 1 cannotbe fed via OC BAT BUS OC BUS 1 can be fed by TRU2 IFC3-1 and C3-2 are closed. OC BUS 1 con be fed vie DC ESS BUS C5-1, C3-1 and C52 ae closed. © DC BUS t can be fed by TAU2 via DC BUS 2 and DC BAT BUSif C53, (7-8 3nd C71 are closed, @Q? 55862 sc Ina simple electra circuit, the poner consuming devices are connected in poral the total current consumed is equal to: the sum of the currents taken divided by the number of devices. © the sum ofthe current ten by the devices. the sum ofthe reciprocals ofthe currants taken by the davices the sum ofthe incicual resistances 63673 The purpose ofe battery contr! unitis generally to isolate the battery: 1} from the bus wen the battery charge has been completed 2} when thereis a battery everheat condition 3} n case ofan internal short crcat 4) n case of 3 Faulton the ground power unit The combination regrouping all the correct statements is e123 42 23.4 1 oO? 65140 Standard 021.20 GEN 1 can be used to Feed the AC BUS 2 when: (Wote: al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) ct-tie closes 2-1 36 (2.2 30 closed. © C11, C2 and c2-2a°e closed, 1-1, (541, 7-1, 7-4and 053 are closed, 70173. Standard A significant increase in battery temperatures an indication of, thermal runaway. ‘excess load on the battory, akernatoe Failure, vokage regulator fale QO? 71099 stancare 2130. ‘On the ground, APU GEN can be used to feed both AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 when: (Note: all contactrs not mentioned! are assumed ta ramain open) (2 and 02-2 ae closed, 1-4, C24 and €2-2 are closed, © (13,C24 and C2-2are dosed, (14,24 and C22 are closed, Oo? 74335 Stand 021-30. In case of folue ofthe static verter (Note: ail contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) ACESS BUS can be fed by DC ESS BUS. | ACESS BUS canbe ponered, required, by the EMER GEN FCé.1 is closed. ACcanbe generated by the batteries using the £5S TRU, provided the appropriate contactors are doced. OC ESS BUS will nt be provided, aven if GEN 1 and 2 2re supplying AC and the epproprace contactors are closed, 021-20, GEN 1 canbe used to feed the DC BUS? when: (Note: al contactors not mentioned are ezumes to remain apen) 1H and €5:1 are closed. Cred and C5-3 are closed, ted, C82, C3 aned C51 are closed, © C11, C34, C32 and c5-3are dosed. oO? 89173 Sanders 021-20 Cn the groune, external power (EXT PWR) can be used to feed the AC BUS 1 vahent (Wote: al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain opent © C1-2and €2-1 are dosed. Ct-2end €22 are closed. (24 end (2-2 are closed. (CH and €2-1 are closed. QO? 189650 Stands 021.30 GEN 2 can be used to feed the DC BUS 2, when: (Wote: al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) (14,92, C34 and C5-1 are closed, 14,31, C32 and C53 are closes, (1-4 and C5-1 are closed. © Chand C5-2 are closed. QO? 91381 Stans ; 021.20 On the ground, external power (EXT PAR) con be used to feed beth AC DUS 4 and AC BUS 2 wher: (Noto: al contactors not mentioned are assumed to remain open) c1aiedoses. 2A and €2-2 are closed, © C12. C24 and c2-2 are closed, (C1-4,€24 and €2-2 are closed, eo? 93849 R 021-30. In fight, tne &C ESS BLS cen bo fod by the EMER GEN when: ‘Note: all contactors not mertioned are assumed to ramai open) © C4 is closed. (C41 ie dosed via the etaticinverter (C4: and C5-2 are closed via tho OC BAT BUS and the static inverter. (C4: and C5-2 are closed via the OC ESS BUS and the stale inverter. QO? 26984 When load sharing AC generators eal and reactive loads are adjusted by controling: frequency onl voltage ony {© frequency and vokage. C50 speed. Oo? 53406 The primary purpose of the reverse curent rly i to: prevent the generator from delivering current tothe generator. “© prevent the battery from delivering currant tothe generator. ‘pravent the generator from delivering too much current ‘allow the battery to be charged, oO? 56125 Exhaustive Ia paralleled AC distxion syscem what regulates the real load? Voltage regulator ‘Main control unit © Toraue from the ¢50. Voltage sensing unit oO? 56700 Exhaustive ‘When a persictent ever excitation faukie detected on only one AC generator, the protection device opens the: tiebreaker ‘exciter breaker, generator breaker and te breaker. (© exciter breaker and generator breaker, generator bresker and tie brake, Oo? 021-09-05 Electrical motors 57352 “The ype of windings commonly used in DC starter motors are: © series-nound, shunt-nound. series shunt-noune. compound-nound. Qe? 58031 “The speed of an asynchronous &pole motor cupplied at a frequency of 400 Hertis: 800 revohations per minute 6000 revolutions per minute. | 12000 revolutions per minute, 1 600 revolutions per minute. Oo? sna ‘Te reverse the craction of rotation ofa zhunt.type (parallel Feld) DC electric motor, itisnecessary to: change the connections from shunt to series. reverse the polarity ofthe motor connections. | reverse the polarity af either the stator or the rotor. connacta phase-shif capacitor tothe feld circuit. 021-10 Piston Engines 021-10-01 General 748 Assuming the same swept volume and no turbo charger diesel engines compared to petrol engines: how a higher fuel flow at the same power ourput [produce a higher maximum power output. “© produce less maximum power output. ‘operate at higher exhaust gas temperatures, QO? 2057 The working cycle ofa four-stroke engine bs ‘compression induction, power, echaust. Induction, comaression, expansion, power. © induction, compression, power, exhaust. induction, power, compression, exhaust. oO? 5128 The thermal efficiency af a piston engineis approximately: eam 50% 79% ‘0% Oo? 6156 Given the folloning statements about diesel engines +) powers regulated by the throttle valve 2)thereisino throtle valve. 3) powers set by the fue lon, 44) tnertal affcieney loner than that fr a petrol engine. 5) diesel fue is less inflammable than pet “The combination that regroupe all af the correct statemants is 12a 0235 135 285 Qo? 6593 Diesel engines aways produce a certain amount of soot, because: the fuel droplets are too small. the take airs too cal. © the fuel croplets coming from the atomiser do not burn completely. the mixture is ways too rich. 8619 [piston engine compression ratio isthe rato of swept volume to the claarance volume. clearance volumeto the swept volume. total volume tothe swept volume. © to12 volume tothe clearance volume. Oo? 9155 The power output of diesel engine without a turbo charger is regulated by: © foe! fowonly. fuel flow and airflow. misture. siefiow only, oO? 17856 On four-stroke pston engines, the theoretical valve and ignition settings are readjusted inorder to increase the: engine RPM, compression rato, piston dizplacement. “© cverall effciency. oO? 1314 ‘The torque ofan zeroplane angine can be measured at the comshatt, propeller blades. aceestory gearbox. \© gear box whichis located betwaen the engine and the prorellr. QO? 29939 Both gas turbine and piston engines use 2 cycle made up of induction, compression, combustion and exhaust phases. Which of these statements ‘about a piston engine are corrector incorrect? 41) The process in piston engine is continuous. 2) Theoretically the combustion occurs at constant volume. 1B correet, 2)isincorrect. 1B correct,2)iscorect. © Nisincorrect, is correct 1) incorrect, 2)is incorrect, 32626 Both gas turbine and piston engines use a cycle made up of induction, ‘compression, combustion and exhaust phases. Which ofthese statements about a piston engine are correct ar ncarrect? 41) The process ina piston engine s continuous 2) Thecretically the combustion occurs at constant pressure, © Nisincorract, is incorrect. 1) correct, 21 inconrect. 1) fincorrect 2)is correct. ‘is correc, 2)s correct. QO? 30963 The correct formula to caleulate the total diplacement(engine copecity) of a mult-cyinder piston engine iste: ‘ovlnder length» elinderdlameter {© piston area piston stroke x umber of liners piston area piston stroke cinder volume number of oO? ere 35735 ‘Apart from fight inte known icing conditions, the intake systom of 2 engine needs to be hested to preventice on the ai iter. ‘needs to be heated at low poner setings, due te vaporsation heat. © Fs never heated because » diesel engine is an injection engine. li never heated becouee diesel enginat cperate a very high temperatures. Oo? 38157 The crank assembiy ofa piston engine comprises the: Crankshaft camshaft, valve springs. CCrankcase, canksheft pistons and connecting rods. © Crankshaft, pistons end connecting rods Propeller, erarkshate, connecting rods. QO? an Ina reciprecating four stroke enging, the ony 'erving”etroke the: comprassion stroke. ineuetion sake © power stroke exhaust stroke. aatez ‘The grition occurs in each cylinder of four-stroke engine (TDC = Top Dead centre behing TOC at exch second eranishattravelution, before TDC at each erantshaftreveltion, behind TOC at each crankshaft revolution, {© before TOC at each second crankshaft revolution 56401 Diesel engines, compared to petrol engines have: the same compression rai. © ahigher comoression ratio, 2 veriable compression rato. 2 lower compression ratio, QO? s9a02 ‘The power output of piston engine is directly proportional to: {© torque and Rom, workeand velocity oreo and cstance ‘exaust back pressure and RPM, QO? 2108 In order to get the optimum efficiency ofa plston engine, the pesitons of the intake and exhaust valve zt ater tha power stake are: © Intake valve cosad and exhaust valve open. both valves open both valves closed ‘exhaust valve dosed and intake valve open. oO? ea103 The compression rate ofa piston engine isthe rato of the: area ofthe piston te the olincer volume, weight of the airinduced to its weight after compression, | volume af the cjinder with the platon at bottern dead centre to that wth the piston at top dad cent, lameter of the bore to the piston stroke eo? os2e7 ‘The thermal efficiency ofa diesel engine is higher than that ofa petrol ‘engine because: 1 the compression ratio ie much higher the aie macs flow through the engine is higher the EGTis higher. the calorific vale ofthe fuelis higher. 77673, ‘The power cutput ofa piston engine con be calculated by: pressure x arm, work velociy. force distance. © torque» RPV. Oo? ys ‘Specie fuel coneumption is defined ae the: designed fuel consumption for 2 given RPM, 1 rrass of fuel required to produce unit power for unit ime. ‘quantity of fue! required to run the engine for one minute at maximum ‘operating conditions. ‘maximum fuel consumption of te aircraft oO? 0261 The power ofa piston engine, whichis measured by a fietion brake, i fiction horse power. © broke horse power heatloss power. indicated horse power. QO? sors2 {oth goe turbine and piston engines use a cycle made up oFinduction, compression, combustion and exhaust phases. Which ofthese statements abour a piston engine are corrector incorrect? 1) The process in a piston engine i intermittent, 2) Theoretically tre combustion occurs at constant volume © is correct, 2)isconract, {is incorrect, 2)is corect. ‘is correct 2)is incorrect. Ais incorrect, 2)isincorrect. 84285 Given the following statements about gi cl engines: 1) powers set by the mixture contol 2)thereis no mixture conta. 3) the amount of power is determined bythe fuel flow oni. ‘aythertmal afciency higher than that for a petrol engine. 5) ciel fuel i more inflammable than petrol. ‘he combination that regroups alo the correct statemants 22s 245 123 138 oO? 89086 Both ges turbine and piston engines use cycle made up of induction, ‘compression, combustion and exhaust phases. Which ofthese statements about a piston engine are correct or incorrect? 1) The process ina piston engine is interritent. _2)Theeraticaly the combustion oceurs at constant pressure © Nis correct, 2)is incorrect. 1) isincorrat, is incorrect. 1) isincorret, is correct. 1) correet, 2s correct. eo 96499 The part ofa piston engine that transforms reciprocating movement into rotary motionis called the: © crankshett piston. camshaft reduction gear, Oo? 96724 ‘The useful work area in an ideal Otto engine indicator diagram ic enclosed by the following gas stete change lines 2 adiabatic end 1 isothermic lines. 2 adiabatic ond 2 isobaric ines. 2 adiabatic, tIcochoric and 1 isobaric nae. © 2 adiabatic ane 2 eochone ines, QO? STR sai ‘The-camshatt ofa piston engine rotates at: | Hat the speed of tne crankshtt. “Twice the speed of tre crankshaft. Four times the speed of the crankshaft. ‘The seme speed as the crankshaft QO? 2430 standa “The crankate s the component which: provides a mounting for a ol cooler. © provides a mounting point for mast of the engine components ana in hich are the main rotating assemblies located. converts reciprocating motion into rotary mation, operates within the fast chamber. Oo? 15028. stare ‘The crankshaft of a piston engine rotates at: The same speed asthe camshaft. Half the speed of the camshaft © Twice the speed of the camshaft Four times the speed of the camshaft 17782 Starda ‘Ona four stroke reciprocating engine, the ignition in one cylinder wil occur: Twice each crankshaft revolution, Four times each crankshaft revolution. ‘Once each crankshaft evolution, (© Once every two crankshaft revelutions 18477 Seandacs Ina pitton engine the manifold pressure: fs affected only by alteude, © incroacos as tho throttles opened, Csecreases 28 the tattle is opened. {s unaffected by throttle position oO? 23187 Assuming the modified O:to cycle. vat i the postion ofthe inlet and ‘exhaust valve at the end of the exhaust strcka? Inlet dosed and exrauet open, Both valves closed © Botn valves open, Inlet open and exhaust closed. 26273 Scandard During the compression stroke: © the volume decreases and the temperature increases, the temperature remains constant and the volume decreases, the velume increases ond the temperature decreases, the velume remains constant and the temperature increases. oO? 49611 Star ‘What ic the total volume in the cylinder of 9 four stroke engine? value equal te the cubic eapacty. ‘Swope volume minus clearance volume. Volume between TOC and BOC, (© Sw2p¢ volume ps clearance volume oO? 65371 Se Valve overlap occurs beiween: (© exhaust and induction stroke. exhaust and poner stroke, compression and power stroke. induction and compression stoke. 67327 Volumetric efficiency ie the thermal conversion factors concerning swept volume. swept volume + unswapt volume divided by the swept volume. HP FH (© the amount of charge induced into a cyinder compared with that which would fil the swept volume. e? W331 Standaes During the compression ctroke of a piston engine during the practice yc, valves ere open as follows: the intake vale is open in est part ofthe stroke the exhaust valve is ‘open inthe frst part ofthe stro 1 the intake valve is open inthe Fst partof the stroke, then both valves ore dosed, both valves are openin the lest pat ofthe stroke, both valves ae closed during the complete stroke, 90034 stander Thevahes are held chutky: the tappets. the pushrod, the rocker ame. “ thovabve springs. 021-10-02 Fuel 3996 Vapour lock is: (© vaporizing of fuel proc to reaching the engine, the formation of water vapour in a Fuel system. voporzing of fuel inthe nozsles. the inability of fuel to vaporzein the nozles. Qe? 10244 ‘Aircraft fuel tanks should be checked for water atleast: ienmediately after vary refucling. (© defora the frst fight ofthe day, during refueling before each fight oO? aai2 Which one ofthe following factors would be most ely to increase the possibly of detonation occurring within a piton engine? The uso of a fuel with > high cetane rating as compared to the use of fone with a low octane racing © Hh cinder heed temperature. Using an engine with alow compression ratio Slightly retarding the ignition timing. oO? 10956 (On design purpese, the relationship between the fuel octane rating and the ‘maximum compression ratio ofa piston engine fs the maximum compression rati is independent of the octane rating. the loner the octane rating isthe higher the maximum compression ratios tha higher the octane rating i, the loner the maximum compression ratios. © the higher the octone reting i, the higher the maximum compression ratios. QO? as133 \Vapourleck i tha phenomenon by which) -sbrupt and abnormal enrchmont ofthe fuel aie mocure following an Inappropriate use of carburetor heat. ‘burme gas plugs forming and remaining inthe exhaust manifold following an overheat and thereby dicturing the exhaust. {© heat proctucos vapour bubbles that can block the fuel ine. water vapour plugs are formed in the intake fuel tine folowing the condensation of water in fuel terks which have not been drained properly oO? 49368 Vapour lock is: the effect of water vapour bubbles ia the induction manifold caused by condensation | sblockage in 2 fuel feed ine caused by 2 fuel vapour bubble, the exhaust ga obstruction caused by an engine overheating the abnormal mixture enrichment caused by a greater gasoline veporisation inthe carburetter, Oo? 51958 ‘The cylinder head and cil temperatures may exceed their normal operating ranges i ahigher octane rating than specie forthe engine is used. (© alower ociane rating then specified forthe engine is usec. the engine is operated at ahigher than normal ol pressure. the engine is operated ata too rich mixture. eo? 69790 ‘The conditions which can cause detonation are low manifold pressure and high fuel fow. high manifold prescure ang high evolutions per minute, low manifold proscure and high rovolucions per minute, (© heh manifold pressure anc low revolutions per minut QO? 71306 Presgnition rafersto the condition that may arise when: the mixture isignted before the piston hes reached top dead centre. © the mieure signtad ky abnormal condiione within the olinder before the spark occurs atthe plug 2 rich rixture i ignited by the sparking plugs. the sparking plug ignites the mixture too early. Oo? 74063 Ian engine detonetes during climb-out the normal corrective action woul bers: Jean ene mice Increase the rate of cli. © retard the troite. ‘ppl carburettor heet oO? 79595 [piston engine may use a fuel of diferent grade than the recommended! (© provided thet the grade is higher. provides that the grade ie lower provides that it is an aeronautical petvl Oo? 20239 “The octone rating of a fuel characterises the: fuel voatiy (© resistance to detonation. {quantity of eat generated by its combustion. fuel electial conductivity oO? 89352 The relationship between comprossion ratio ofa piston engine andthe required fuel octane rating s thatthe: (© higher the comoression ratio, the higher the octane rating required. higher the compress rato, the lower the ectane rating required. lower the compression ratio, the higher the cctane ating required. requires oztane rating is independant ofthe compression ratio, QO? 0344 |when cetonation is racogniced in a piston engine, the correct procedure 1 increase marifeld pressure and fully enrich the mture, ‘reduce manifold pressure and ean the mixture {© r26uc0 manifold pressure ane fully enich the micture increase manifold pressure and lean the mixture QO? s0sa2 Tho use of too low an octane fuel may cause: higher morifold pressure, “© detonation 2 cooling afect on cyinders. vapour locking. oO? 43535. Siandar Which one ofthe folowing factors would be Hely to increase the possiblity of dotonation occurring within a piston engine? Slightly retarding the ignition tring, 1 Using too lean a fual/air mixture ratio, “The use of fuel with ahigh cctane rating as compares to the ure.oF one with alow octane rating Using an engine with a low compression ratio. oO? 88336 stander Fuel is delivered to the engine under pressure to: prevent cavitation atthe carburettor. © prevent vapour lock raga constant fel flow in negative G. pravent fuel icing Oo? 92587 Stand If 2 fuel sample is cloudy and clears slonly from the top it isan indication of cold soaked fue aii the Fuel wwoxin the fuel © water inthe fuel, Oo? 23263 Sitaisve Which of the folowing concitions would most likly lex6 0 daronation? Improper igniton timing. © Use offal with toa low actane rating. Improper valve grincing at overhaul Use of fue! with too high octane rating eo? 021-10-03 Engine Fuel Pumps 62930 ‘The auxllary fuel pumps installed on shigle-engine lon-aing aeroplanes are sypeally usec 1) during wke-off 2)during cruise 2) uring landing in emergency situations 5) in cate of a suspected vapour lock Gin case offolure ofthe engine fuel pump 1123-455 013456 12.845 13,45 QO? 021-10-04 Carburettor / Injection System va974 ‘The function ofthe primer pump in a reciprocating engine ist: © provide additonal fuel for engine start serve 2s an alternate pump in cese of engine driven pump file serve as main supply pump ina fuel injection system. inject edeitional fuel curing engine acceleration Qe? i518 “The purpose ofthe ventur in a carburettor sto: roate 2 vse in pressure at the throot before the mixture entars the Induction system. event enrichment ofthe mieture due te high a velecy through the carburetor. ‘encure completa atomization of tho fuel bafere entaring the injection system. (© create the suction necessary to cause fuel to flow through the carburettor main js. QO? a78 In addition tothe fire hazard introduced, excessive priming should be ‘avoided because: the gasoline dilutes the oil and necessitates changing of it drains the carburettor float chamber. Itfouls the spark plugs. 1 washes off the brant fom the egindar walle, oO? 25568 The operating principle of floattype carourettors ‘based on the: {increase in air velocity inthe throat ofa venturi causing an inereacein air pressure ‘eutomatic metering of tat the venturi as the aircraft gains altitude, (© ference in ar pressure atthe verturithroat and the air inlet, -meacurement ofthe fuel Fw into the induction system, QO? ans ‘To maineain a constant macure at ow and high power settings in 3 pieton engine, acerburettor i ted wth: ‘mixture conti. 2 powerjet ‘2n accelerator pump. {© 2 diffesor (compensating jo) Oo? 46511 hen applying carburettor esting: ‘a decrease in RPM results from the lean minture, © tho mixture becornes richer, the mixture becomes leaner. no change occurs inthe mixcure ratio, Qe? 52962 Inwhieh sections of the carburettor would ling most kely occur? \ain air blaad ane main clscharge nozae, Float chamber and fuelinket fier, ‘Accelerator pump and main metering jet. © Ventur and the trottie vale, Oo? 56902 ‘With respect toa piston engined airerat, cen the carburettor: will oly form at outside air temperatures (OATs)below the freezing point of water. val only form at OAs low tne freezing pont of fu. will oly form at OATS below +10°C. (© may form at OATS higher than +10 °C, e? 60508 ‘The mixture controller of carburettor: ltersthe pressure drop atthe main dscharge nozzle. moves the butterfly vale through 2 separate linkage to the main throttle contro (© varies te Fuel supply to the main discharge nozle varies the sir supply at the main discharge note oO? 69011 Ina piston engine, the purpose ofan altitude mixture control isto: enrich the mixture strength cue to decreased air density at altitude weaken the mixture strength because of reduced exhaust back pressure atalituce, prevent a weak cut when the throttle fs opened raplaly at attude. {© correct for variations in the fueVair ratio due to decreased ar densty at altitude, oO? 73326 The main purpose ofthe mixture contrlis to: {© 2cjust the feel flow to obizin the correct FuaVair rato. decrease the air supplied tothe engine. Increase the exygen supplied to the engine ‘decrease the oxygen suppled tothe engine, Oo? BMG In an engine equipped with a foat-ype carburetor, th low temperature ‘that causes carburattorice is normaly the result of compression of ir at the carburettor venturi low volatility of aviation fuel. {© vaporization of fuel ne expansion ofthe sein the carturottor, ‘resting temperature of the airentaring the carburettor. QO? 77653, ‘Aue strainer, when fed toa carburettor willbe positioned between the metering jt and the dstharge nozae between the naedle valve anc the metering jt © upstream of the needle valve. downstream of the ischarge nozze, ee? 79442 Variations in the mixture ratios For carburetors ae achieved by the adjustment of fuel fow and airiow, akrlon. © Welfow. fuel Fon, ieflew andl temperature. oO? 85138 ‘Tho frst indication of carburettor cing during cruce, in aeroplanes equipped with constant speed propellers, would most ikely be 3: ‘ough running engine followed by on inereaze in manifold prezzure “© decreaze in manifold praszure, decrease in ROM, ough running engine folcwed by loss in RPM oO? 0202 UWihich scatement is carrect concerning the effect. ofthe application at carburettor hat? {© The density ofthe ai entoring the carburettor is reduced, thus eiching the mbcture. ‘The volume of air entering the carburettor is reduced, thus leaning the mixture. ‘The density ofthe air entaring the carburettor ic reduced, thus leaning, the moaure ‘The volume of air entering the carburettor is reduced, thus enriching, the mcure. oO? on692 Excessive priming ofa piston engine should be avoided becouse: 1) tarains the carburettor float chamber 2) the rick of engine Fire 3) the risk of floccing the engine 4) fouls the spark plugs The combination that regcoups all ofthe correct steternents is: 123 234 126 aia. 98543, “The purpose ofthe baromeac corection ina carburettor Isto: (© maintain the correct weight fuelto-ar ratio when the akicude increases reduce the fueltorai mass ratio when altitude increases increase the fuelto-air mass ratio when altitude increases maintsin 0 constont fuel flew irespectve of the akitude Oo? 10607 “The function ofa difuser (compensstion jet] isto (© maintsin a constant mixture in a piston engine at ow and high power settings. tenable proper functioning ofa piston engine during throttle advance, starting. enable engine ding. oO? enable en ITE Stan \When applying precautionary carburettor heating ona reciprocating engine witha constant speed propeler: the RPM decreases. © the mature bacomes richer th RPM increase. the mure becomes leaner. 38141 Air flowing through a venturi of a carburettor causes: {© 2 decrease in pressure atthe tat. 2 reduction ofa velcly at the throat. ‘en increase in pressure atthe throat. ‘en increese in velocity and pressure. 42576 Stands The function ofan accelerator pump in the carburettor ofa piston engine is ‘pressure the fuel nthe float chamber so alonéng more fuel te pass through the main jet ive 3 positive flow of foo to the main jot _2stistin atomizing the fual befereit leaves the decharge nozzle. “© temporanly enrich the mixture by pumping more fue! inte the induction system during repid tote movements, oO? Regarding carburottor ce, state the environmental couten areas most conducive for the formation of this type ofice. Temperature between +5°C and +18°, visible moisture or relative humidity greater tran 60% “© Temperature between -5°C and +18°C visible moisture or relative humidity greater than 60%, Temperature les than O°, ond clouds present. Temperature between #5°C and 418°C and claude present. Oo? 56082 standare he safest method of priming a piston engine for starting is pumping the throttle. {© jection of ulin the indo intake ports injection of fuel through spark plug holes by curning the progeller several times with the tote wide open, 60424. Stand ‘The presence of carburettor ice in an airplane equipped with fixed-pitch propeller can be venified by applying carburettor heat and noting: aninereate ia REN ane! then gradual ecrance n RPM, a decrease in RPM and then constant RPM, animmediate increase in RPM with no further change in RPM, (© a decrease in RPM, followed by an increase in RPM. ee? 62505 Sa The function ofan accelerator pump in the carburettor of platon engine ie enable engine cling, enable engine starting “© enable proper functioning of pleton engine during rapid throtle advance, ‘maintain a constant mixture ina piston engine at low and high power settings. oO? 68943 Stancars ‘The main function of a carburettor ina piston engine sto control the amount of ar entorng the air scoop. pravent detonation prevent vapor lock “© supply a correct fushairristure at al seeds Oo? 75040 Standard In an airplane eauipped with a fxed-pitch propeller the carburettor heats selectee ON. This resus i 2 reduction in RPM as aratult ofleaner mture, 10 change in mixture and no change in RPM, ‘leaner miscure but no change in RPM, © reduction in RPM as a result of richer mixxure 718 Cerbureitor heating is generally not used with take-off and cimb-power settings, because ofthe (© (05s of power and possible detonation impossibly of engine supplying enough heat. increased drag fie hazard involved. Oo? 89736 St Ifthe manifold pressure gauge ofa piston engine shows an increase shortly afer carburettor heater is turned on, itindcates: thee mixture wes too lean, an excessive heats being used. an cverheating of cylinder wall (© thotice wes formingin the corburetior, oO? 91954. Standors “Te enable proper functioning ofa picton engine curing rid throtle advance «carburetor can be fited with: a difuser (compensating it © anaccelerater puma amicure control 2 ponerjet QO? 95753 Standard Which of these statements is correct regording piston engine induction syster icing? Induction system icing affects only engines equipped with carburettor, Fuel ices normally formed in the inuction system of fuelinjection systems {© ce accraton afects both fuel injection systems and engines equippes with carburettor. Ice on the throttle valves usualy formed inthe induction system of fuel Injection ystems. oO? 98764 When appiying preczutionary carburettor heating on a reciprocating engine with a constant speed propeller: the RPM increases. the RPM decreases, the mature bacomes leaner. “the RPM romaine canstant. 26310 Exraustve ‘The purpose ofa barometric capsule in a fuelembeure system of a ‘erburettor during cli isto inereace uel to mateh a. reduce alto match fuel. © reduce fel co match ar. increase arto match fuel. eo? 94371 Eshousive “The primary function of the diffuser tube in a carburetor isto: decrease cit velocky, maintein constant fuel flow through the main jet otal powers ‘emulsify the fuel before tents the main jet. © msintsin a conetant midture ratio over the operating range of the engine. Qo? 021-10-05 Cooling Systems 133 ‘Onan air-cooled reciprocating engine the cooling airflow is provided by: a supercharger. turbocharger. © romai a pneumatic system. Qe? 50645, “The main raazon for opening the cow flaps isto contro the! cabin tomperature EGT (exhaust gas temperature) olltemperature © CHT @yinder head temperature. 5685 ‘Acylinder head vemperature gauge measures: © the temperature ofthe hottest cinder the temperature of all he inders and gives an average reacng. the temperature ofthe coolest evlinder. the temperature ofthe two elinders furthest away frem esch other duded by mo. In anair-cooled engine: the ar cooler matrix is water cooled. {© fins, baffles and deflectors increase the cinder and head surface areas. the header tankis placed above the system. ‘iris duetes through the ail cocler fist. oO? 98377 Scand In iquicooled engines, the composition by volume of the coolant mixture © 30% ethylene glycol and 70% water OR ethylene lycol and 40% water, ‘50m athylone glycol anc S0% water, “700m atnylane glycol and 30% water. 021-10-06 Lubrication Systems 5865 ‘The reading on the oll pressure gauge Is the: “© pressure ofthe cil on che outa side ofthe pressure pump,

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