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UVic 370 Counselling

Online Session via Zoom

Progress Notes

Client Name: Sandy Teo

Client #: 1

Date: Friday 10/14/2022 @ 7:00 PM

S- The client expressed feeling overwhelmed and exhausted when she joined the meeting. She
mentioned being relieved to be at the counseling session, and that it was good to see me after a
busy day. The client indicated still being impacted by voices from the past and the those are
having a toll on her mental health, but she would like not to be affected by them. The client said
she felt like crying when she first joined, but she expressed feeling better after our discussion.
The client indicated feeling guilty for not being able to be as present with her children as she
would like to, but she also admitted it is because she is busy with work and university
requirements. The client was able to identify further strengths compared to the first session such
as being caring and good listener. She also stressed her support system are her immediate family,
specifically her husband.

O- The client remained calm throughout the session. However, she seemed tired and fatigued as
evidenced by the fact her eyes tended to close as we were talking. The client seemed discouraged
as evidenced by the fact she mentioned feeling 'mom guilt'. The client seemed particularly
excited when she described childhood experiences in her elementary school and current activities
she likes to engage in with her children and husband. This was evidenced by the big smile she
had on her face. The client seemed a bit less overwhelmed and more relaxed towards the end of
the session compared to the beginning of it, as evidenced by the fact she was smiling more
compared to when she first joined the session.

A- The client appeared more fatigued compared to the previous session. The client seemed to be
overwhelmed by all the current commitments, and I believe this to be accentuated by the fact that
Sandy might have unrealistic expectations of self. She admitted being very busy and trying her
best, however she also admitted feeling like she was not doing enough for her family. The client
expressed still experiencing low self-esteem, comparing herself to others, and hearing 'negative
voices from the past', but wanting to make some changes to feel better.

P- The client was assessed with an informal tool, The Tree of Life and a formal tool, the
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Through these I was able to assess her self-esteem as low and
identify her strengths (determination and being a good listener), supports (mainly husband), and
needs and problems (being overly self-critical and having unrealistic expectations). I also
assessed for risks and Sandy did not show any concern towards self-harm, or harming others. No
homework was assigned at this time, but the client was invited to reflect on her strengths and
encouraged to use kind words towards herself. In the next session I will set SMART goals with
the client and focus on specific, achievable aspects she can work on. I foresee recommending
writing positive affirmations, meditation, and keeping a journal.
Our next appointment is Sunday, 10/30/2022 @ 3:00 PM

Simona Scoffone ________________________________


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