List of Indian Spices

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List of Indian spices

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Indian spices

Indi n spi s i l a ari t of spi s and herbs grown across the Indian subcontinent (South Asia). With different cli ates in different parts of the country, India produces a ariety of spices, many of which are native to the Subcontinent, while others were imported from similar climates and have since been cultivated locally for centuries. Spices are typically heated in a pan with ghee or cooking oil before being added to a dish. Lighter spices are added last, and spices with strong flavor should be added first. Curry is not a spice, but a term which refers to any side dish in Indian cuisine. It could be with a gravy base or a dry item. A curry typically contains several spices blended together.

[edi ] List of Indi n spi es

Below is a list of spices and other flavoring substances commonly used in India Indi n Commo n Name (All these are Englis Urdu Hindi Hindi h Name Name names Name but written in English) .



Ginger ,

Aamchur Sour /Amchoo Mango r powder powder


Indian Pickle

Used as fresh and , , also ada, Dried Powd , er form, see "Sont h" gives fish , currie s tartnes s Hundr eds of , varieti , es

exist. All are interes ting. , Ajmud Celery / Radhu ni seed , , radhuni


Carom/ thyme seed

,, , , , ,


Indian gooseb erry

, / Dried not fresh. , Is groun d in Middl e East.

Pomeg Anardan ranate a seed

Bazil / Basil Badam

spice powder Almon d , , , Malab ar variet y is native to Kerala . Very earthy and darkly

Choti Elaichi

Green cardam om

, elachi, ,

Badi Elaichi

Black cardam om

Chakra Phool

Star anise

Chironji Charoli

aroma tic. Exotic , chines e influe nced flavor s a type of nut partic ularly used in makin g desser ts


Mango extract Grow n comm erciall y in Kerala in southe rn India. Two types, cassia (com mon) and royal.

, Dalchini Cinna mon darchini, ,


Corian der seed

( ), , dhone , , , Blend of 8+ spices . Each

Garam Masala

Spice mixtur e

Gulab Jal

Rose water


Unrefi ned Sugar (Jagger y)

(made from sugarcane juice) (made from palm juice)


Turmer ic

Corian } Hari dergree dhaniya n } Harad / hime Termin alia chebul a

grom mshla, family has their own secret recipe . Flavor s desser , ts. Heavil y used golap jl in Middl e East. from the sap of , the , sugarc gu , ane or date palm Sourc e of "yello , w , color" / in holud/holde many currie s. Fresh green leaves , . AKA Cilant , ro. ,

Hari Mirch

Green Chili ,

kcha morich, Dhania Corian powder/ der Pisa powder Dhania

, / , ,,


Asafoe tida


Tamari nd


Nutme g




Cumin seed

Intens ely aroma , tic , relate , d to Truffl e and Garlic Provid es tartnes , s in South , Indian tetul, currie s Whole nuts last foreve , r. ,, Powd er, only a month . Mace is outer coveri ng to nutme , g nut. Simila r aroma . , See , Kali

, Cumin seed Jeera ground Goli ed into balls Licoric Jethimad e h powder ' '




, ,

, ,, ,

Curry Tree or Kadipatt Sweet a Neem leaf

/ ,

also know n as Kabra , Karer in Hindi Canno t retain flavor when dried. Only use fresh.

, Kaju Cashe wnut / , , Rock salt, but with very sulfur y smell. Earthy , much used in North Indian currie s.

Kala Black Namak / salt Sanchal

, ,

Kali Elaichi

Black Carda mom

Kali Mirchi

Black pepper

, gol morich,

Large st produ cer is the southe rn Indian state of Kerala . ,


Nigella seed jira

kalo menth i aakulu ,

Kasoori Fenugr eek Methi leaf Dried

( )

Katira Goond

Tragac anth Gum

Kebab Cheeni

Allspic e

Kesar, Saffron Zaafraan

A thicke ner and coatin g for desser ts Tastes of Clove + cinna kabab mon + chini nutme g+ baylea f World 's most expen , sive spice. jafran Flavor ing for

Kesar Saffron miri miri pulp

rice. Actual ly, safflo wer conce ntrate / , ,


Dates Garcini a indica Poppy seed


, ,

Khus Khus

, posto dana, Used in fish prepar ations of Kerala vellulli paaya,

Garcini Kudamp a uli gummi -gutta


Garlic roshun,

Lal Mirchi

Red Chilli

, lal morich, Andhr a Prades h, Kerala , , Tamil lavangam, / Nadu , and / Karna lng/lbonggo, taka are largest produ cers in India.



Kali Mirch

Pepper corns Fenugr eek leaf

miriyalu, ,

Methi leaves

, methi pata, , methi,

Methi seeds Naaga Keshar Namak

Fenugr eek seed


, , / lbon/nun, , ' ', lebu, , , / / peaj, This is a Benga li spice mix that combi nes pch anisee d, cumin , fenugr eek, musta rd and nigell a ,


Lemon / Lime

Pudina Pyaz / Ganda



Panch Phoron

fo on

Black Pathar Stone Ka Phool Flower

Pippali Peeli Mirchi Rai

Long pepper Yellow Pepper ,,


Brown Mustar d Seed Alkane Ratin jot t root Safed Mirchi Saji na phool Sarson White Pepper Citric acid

, mustar d seed , , shorshe, , Sarson Tel Mustar d oil tel, Saunf/Sa Fennel nchal seed / / / , / sof/mouri, smalle r in size , than regula r shorsher

Shahi Jeera

Caraw ay Seeds Vinega r ,


Soa sag Dill

, , ,


Dried ginger

, ,

mostl y powde red

Suwa or Anisee d Shopa

/ Both Malab athru m and Bay Leaf are simila r and called as Tej Patta in Hindi. howev er, they are from two differe nt famili es with differe nce in taste

Malaba thrum, Tej Patta Bay Leaf

, tej pata

Til Shimla Mirch Kali Zeera

Sesam e seed Capsic um Black Cumin

Arom a

betwe en cumin and diesel fuel , Tulsi Holy Basil , ,

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