Citect For Windows, Version 5.xx SATTBUS Driver, User Information and Design - PDF

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Citect for Windows, Version 5.xx SATTBUS driver, User information and design ASIA PACIFIC i Technologies Pty Limited 0-12 Nest Steet (PO Box 178) Pymble NSW 1073 Ausrlio To 612 98551000 Far 61 29488 9164 EUROPE 6ieshnloges(ethrands) Py Ld Verbookstraar# 6C 2332 CA Leiden The Netherlands Tol 3171 576 1550 Fox 3171 576 6842 NORTH & SOUTH AMERICA GiTochalogies Ine. Suite 140, 4828 Parkway Plaza Blvd Chavet, NC 28217-1958, USA Tel 1 704379 3898 Fax 17G4 3293889 Gitect for Windows, V5.9 SATTBUS Driver Driver version history 141 L.Ye SattBus Driver v1.00.01.000 BS. © Copyright 1999 ‘echnologies Page: 2 Gitect for Windows, V5.x« SATTBUS Driver Contents 1. User information... 4 1.1 DEVICE APPLICATION NOTES. 4 LLL OVEPVIEWserssseerereien sesmsnssseessnnnnee 5 LL.2 Setup QUIDe rveessnneneee sevisnseseninnnneee 6 11.3 Reference: Required Components.. 7 1.1.4 Reference: Communications Forms 8 15 Reference: Wiring Diagrams. 10 11.6 Reference: Data Types... seers sevnsnssseesrnnes LI 1.1.7 Hints, Tips, and Frequently As ed Questions 11 1.2 _ DRIVER REFERENCE - 1.2.1 Description 1.2.2. Driver generated error codes .. 1.2.3. Parameters, options, and settings. 1.2.4 Advanced... 2. Analysis. 2.1 Overview 2.2. FUNCTIONS FROM OPENSB32.DLL . 2.3. Type DeFinirions . 3. Driver design FUNCTION CALL FLOW... INITIAUSATION... vee TO DEVICE ONLINE TEST. ssserereee STATE FLOW DESCRIPTION see OUTSTANDING REQUESTS .. Enno HANDLING 3.6.1 Data Errorsivenes 3.6.2 Timeout Errors. 3.7 _DBFS cesses 3.7.1. SattBus. dbf bibubee sosniusnens 22 nanan 23 3.7.2 PrOtDir dbFosssssesevseeeee 3.7.3 PROLETP dBFosssssesevseesee sessseessssrsnies 23 4. Driver implementation . . 25 4.1. DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES. 25 4.1.1 Contacts. 41.2 DOCUMENES srsvevsereees 4.20 RISK AREAS... 4.3. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 4.4 BETATESTERS wsssone seesensneeeee ee 5. TEStang sss. ieee cece cece e eee cena e tenets ennee enna s 26 5.1 INTRODUCTION ... 5.2 PROCEDURE sss. © Copyright 1999 Ci Technologies Page: 3 Gitect for Windows, V5.x« SATTBUS Driver 1. User information SattBus is a robust communication network for linking Programmable Logic Controllers(PLCs), process controllers, intelligent 1/0 devices, sensors etc. The network is intended to satisfy an increasing demand for replacing point to point configurations. A maximum of 120 nodes over a distance of 2000m can be connected. SattBus is a fieldbus based on token passing which is easy to configure and connect to. OpenSattBus is an API providing application program access to the services of the SattBus protocol. It is developed for use in multiple operating environment. It is provided either as a static link library, or as a .DLL(dynamic link library). The application protocol of SattBus can be used on two different types of media. The first is the traditional fieldbus “SattBus’; a token bus using twisted wire pairs at a bit rate of 62.5Kbps. The second option is TCP/IP as a transport mechanism for the SattBus application messages, enabling communication on Ethernet, serial links, or any other medium supporting Internet Protocol traffic Communication with SattBus is realised in Citect through the SattBus Driver on traditional fieldbus “SattBus’! 1.1 Device Application notes Detail Manufacturer ABB Automation Products Device name SattBus is a token-passing communication network and protocol which can communicate with a wide range of devices. Communications SattBus uses a proprietary PC board, ABB Automation method Products part number 492720202, and Opensb32.. | crete woes | Dagger spel Veagtimntatons V0 bits’ Da DIGITAL 4= 0100077777 ReadiWrite VO bits as 6-bit byte | Xb BYTE b=0t0007777 Read/Write Register Re INT = 01032767 _ReadiWrite d= 0 to 62 (controller index) @ = 0 t0 24 (integer index) f= 0 to 15 (offset into integer, starting from the most significant Controller Static Data | INT bit in an integer) g= 1 t0 16 (bit length for operation) ReadiWrite Please refer to Hints & Tips and ® See Citect Online Help for details on how to set up redundant 1/0 Devices. © Copyright 1999 ‘echnologies Page: 10 Gitect for Windows, V5.x« SATTBUS Driver Comii Message for detailed information 1.1.7 Hints, Tips, and Frequently Asked Questions You should be aware that each unit (including PC with SattBus card installed) on a same SattBus should have an unique node address, otherwise it will cause node address conflict on the bus. Opensb32.dll (Version2.1) is currently not compatible with Citect. It can€ be loaded using LoadLibrary(), which is the way Citect loads its drivers. This SattBus driver currently only works with Opensb32.dll version 2.04 and version 2.15. Some units e.g. SCO5, OP45, SBC converter can only handle 32 registers in one reading (512 bits), while others like SC35, $C200 can handle 128 registers (2048 bits). Two records are made in protdir.dbf to give each unit the best performance. SATTBUS32 is for 512 bits, and SATTBUS128 for 2048 bits Outstanding Requests strategy is applied to the driver to improve its performance. The default value of MaxOutStanding is set to 30. The default timeout value is 10 seconds. With these two parameters adjusted according to the practical situation, the best performance can be achieved. If an old model of PLC such as SC31 is connected on SattBus via a SattBus converter, you probably will get #COM using the default MaxOutStanding and Timeout value because of the slow response from this unit. Increase Timeout value will help in such case. The Static Controller information of some old model of PLC on SattBus can only be accessed using Comli Message. During transfer of static data for controllers 50 bytes are always packed and transferred, so several signal conditionings are needed to mask out the data into usable information. Some information should also be viewed as binary information, As you can see, with the template Cdte.fig for Static Controller Data, you can access data with any offset and any bit lenath (1 to 16) within the 25 words of information of any controller. It provides an easy way to apply the conditionings. In the template, d indicates the controller number, which is obvious. e stands for word number, which is composed of two bytes. For accessing data within byte 20 or byte 21, you need to give a value of 10 to it in both cases. The last two parameters f and g is combined to mask out value of any one or several continuous bits within a word. In the word, the most significant bit is the left most bit, while the least significant bit is the right most bit. In this driver, the most significant bit of a word is located in the most significant bit of the first byte, and the least one is located in the least significant bit of the second byte. The first byte has more significance than the second byte has. The gain of a controller lies in byte 21, so tag with address C1:10.8.8 will give you the gain value. Fhere is 8, which means starting from the 8 bit (second byte). g is also 8 here, which means with length of 8 bits (one byte). At least there is one bit you need to access, so g should be within range from 1 to 16. One more example, if the set point value is needed, which lies in the 12 least sign bits of Byte 18 and 19, because the least sign bit is the one starting from the right most, C1:9.4.12 is the address for it. The following typical Controller Static Data for controller 1 with their address in Citect is for your reference. All data types should be UINT. Gain: C1:10.8. Dead Zone: C1:10.0.: SetPoint: C1:9.4.1 © Copyright 1999 Ci Technologies Page: 11 Gitect for Windows, V5. SATTBUS Driver Auto-Manual: C1:6.14.1 Upper Limit: C1:18.0.16 Lower Limit: C1:19.0.16 © Copyright 1999 ‘echnologies Page: 12

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