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Capacity Enhancement of Roundabout in an Urban


Prepared by
Nishant Kumar (SID – 20102003)
Abhay Thakur (SID – 20102047)




Dr. RR Singh



This is to declare that the project work entitled “Capacity Enhancement of

Roundabout in an Urban Area” is an authentic record of our own work carried
out as a requirement of Minor Project for partial fulfillment for the award of degree
of Bachelors of Technology in Civil Engineering, Punjab Engineering College
(Deemed to be University), Chandigarh, during the academic year 2022-23,
under the guidance of Dr. RR Singh, Civil Engineering Department.
We also declare that this report has not been submitted to any other University or
Institute for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title.
Abhay Thakur

Nishant Kumar

This is to certify that the above statement made by the students is correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

Dr. RR Singh
Civil Engineering Department
Punjab Engineering College
(Deemed to be university)


With the increase in road traffic caused by globalization, it has become

necessary to construct a transportation network capable of handling both current
and future traffic effectively. In order to comprehend the challenges and provide
answers, a multidisciplinary approach is required. The traffic engineer is worried
because various roadway elements influence the safety of vehicles and other
road users. Among all roadway elements, junctions indicate potentially
problematic sites in terms of traffic safety. It is estimated that well over half of all
fatal and severe car accidents in urban areas occur at intersections. Aside from
accidents, the design of an intersection is crucial since it directly governs the
efficiency of operation, speed, cost of operation, and capacity.

1. Road system of Chandigarh seven V's

Important for the plan of Chandigarh is the arrangement of traffic detachment
named the seven V's featuring the traffic separation. The street framework
addresses the stall of traffic into an arrangement of seven classes containing
each degree of flow from arterial streets to apartmental house corridors. V's
represent the regional highways leading into the city from other cities viz.
Chandigarh Ludhiana road, Chandigarh Ambala road. V,'s form the main
horizontal axes of the town. These also border the business center and intersect
at lower edges such as Madhya Marg and Dakshin Marg. Surrounding the
residential sectors and forming the grid pattern of the city are V3's the streets
reserved for fast traffic around the sectors. Bisecting each sector is V4 or
shopping street intentionally open to a variety of traffic, but permitting relatively
slow movement for supplying the needs of sectors in the way of shopping and
tradesman's services. schools, medical clinics and public venues. The limits of
organization are V6's prompting the entryways of houses. V7's ways are
intended to help people on foot and cyclists
through the ceaseless park belts of the city which contains school and playing

2. Capacity of Roundabout

The full capacity of a roundabout is the maximum value of the sums of all entry
flows. On the assumption that the traffic operation characteristics remain
unchanged which include critical gap, the minimum headway, the following
headway and the turn orientation proportion of each entry, the sum of all entry
flows is the full capacity of roundabout when each entry flow is equal to the entry
capacity correspondingly. The entry capacity can be calculated by use of the
equation based on the gap acceptance theory. Capacity is the main determinant
of performance measures such as delay, queue length and stop rate. It
represents the service rate (queue clearance rate) in the performance (delay,
queue length,stop rate) functions, and therefore is relevant to both
under-saturated and oversaturated conditions. Conceptually, this is different from
the maximum volume that the intersection can handle, which is the practical
capacity (based on a target degree of saturation)under increased demand
volumes, not the capacity under prevailing conditions .

3. Capacity Analysis

Three performance measures are typically used to estimate the performance of a

given roundabout design degree of saturation, delay, and queue length.

3.1 Degree of Saturation

Degree of saturation is the ratio of the demand at the roundabout entry to the
capacity of the entry. It provides a direct assessment of the sufficiency of a given
design. Although there is not any source to specify an exact amount for the
degree of saturation for an entry lane, there are several sources recommending it
less than 0.85 in order to have a satisfactory operation. When the degree of
saturation exceeds this range, the operation of the roundabout will likely
deteriorate rapidly, particularly ever short periods of time Queues may form and
delay begins to increase exponentially

3.2 Delay

Roundabout delay is defined separately for each entry approach. The delay for
any entry approach is composed of two distinct: components: queuing and
geometric delay. Queuing delay occurs when drivers are waiting for an
appropriate gap in the circulating traffic. geometric delay results from vehicles
slowing down when traversing the roundabout.Delay is a standard parameter
used to measure the performance of an intersection. Control delay defined by the
HCM2000 as the time that a driver spends decelerating in a queue, queuing,
waiting for an acceptable gap in the circulating flow while at the front of the
queue, and accelerating out of the queue. Control delay can be considered to be
the overall time loss that includes all delays experienced in traveling through an
intersection with reference to approach and exit cruise speeds

3.3 Queue Length

Queue length is an indicator that reflects the proper design of the geometric
parameters for approach. Average queue length is equivalent to the
vehicle-hours of delay per hour on an approach. It is useful for comparing
roundabout performance with other intersection forms, and other planning
procedures that use intersection delay as an input.

4. Level of Service for Roundabout

Level of service is qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a

cafe stream, and their perception by motorists or passengers The level of service
criteria a facilitates the traffic flow parameters such is day speed, travel time,
comfort, and freedom to maneuver into a simplified scale A to F where A
represents ideal conditions based on the traveler's perspective and F represents
the worst conditions.The principal service measure in the Highway Capacity
Manual (HCM, 2010) for evaluating the level of service (LOS) is control delay.
Level of service can also be related to the degree of saturation which determines
the level of service criterion to both the delay and degree of saturation.


1. Study the existing condition of rotary intersection (features of rotary).

2. To carry out assessment of intersections (traffic volume count, directional flow).

3. To assess the capacity of the rotary , the level of service for the roundabout
considered using the INDO HCM Method and suggesting ways to enhance
capacity .

Fig. 1 Roundabout
(Fig. Credits :

Four performance measure are used to estimate performance of


1.Degree of saturation
Degree of saturation of the rotary is the measure of how much demand the
roundabout is experiencing as compared to its total capacity. Degree of
saturation value is 85% are regarded as suffering from traffic congestion

2.Level of service
It is the quantity measurement describing operational conditions within a
traffic strum such as time , freedom to maneuver, traffic interruption and
comfort. LOS is based on average control Delay in which Los –A is best
condition and F is worst condition .

3.Average control delay

Control delay is defined as delay caused by a control device either a stop
sign or traffic signal. It is appropriately equal to delay due to time in queue
plus declaration execration delay component it is a fine of capacity of lane
and degree of saturation for any particular lane

4.Queue Length
This is the number of units waiting in a queue or present in a system.

1. Overview

In this chapter, detailed methodology adopted for determination of

level of service and capacity of junctions for signalized roundabout
and signalized intersection are described. The present study can act
as a base for transport planners and officials for deciding between
signalized roundabout and signalized intersection and enhancing the
overall capacity for handling the traffic volume.

2. Passenger car units

Based on the static and dynamic characteristics, the vehicles

observed in an urban intersection have been classified. Passenger
Car Units (PCUS) derived for different vehicle types, based on five
important inputs namely, traffic flow, headway, conflict angle of
vehicles negotiating the roundabout, vehicular speed and
composition of traffic.

3. Driver behavior

3.1. Critical Gap

As previously stated, critical gap is the shortest time span in the

circulating flow during which an approaching vehicle may safely enter
a roundabout. As a result, critical gap is the smallest gap that is
permissible. A specific driver may reject gaps smaller than the crucial
gap while accepting gaps equal to or larger than the critical gap. The
critical gap may be calculated using observations of the highest
rejected and smallest accepted gaps for a specific intersection.
3.2. Follow-up Time

The time elapsed between the departure of one vehicle from the
approach and the departure of the following vehicle utilizing the same
gap in the circulating flow under a continuous queuing situation is
referred to as the follow-up time. Thus, follow-up is the headway that
specifies the saturation flow rate for the approach if no conflicting
vehicles on higher- ranking movements exist.

4. Capacity Estimation

The maximum flow rate that can be handled at a roundabout entry is

determined by two factors: the roundabout's geometric elements and
the circulating flow on the roundabout that conflicts with the entering
flow.When the circulating flow is minimal, drivers at the entry can
enter the roundabout with little wait. Larger gaps in the circulating
flow are more advantageous to entering drivers, and more vehicles
may enter each gap.

IRC Method:
According to the IRC method of capacity estimation of a roundabout,
the capacity of a roundabout is calculated by the capacity of each of
the weaving sections. The following empirical formula to find out the
capacity of the weaving section:

Q= 280w[1+e/w][1-P/3]

Where e is the average exit and exit width, i.e., (e1+ e2)/2, w is the
length of the weaving section, I is the length of weaving, and p is the
proportion of weaving to the non-weaving traffic. If b and e are the
weaving traffic and a and d are the non-weaving traffic, then,

P= b+c / a+b+c+d

This formula for capacity is only valid when the following conditions
are satisfied

1. Weaving width of the roundabout is in between 6 and 18 meters

2. The ratio of the average width of carriageway at entry and exit to

the width of the weaving section is in the range of 0.4 to 1.

3.The ratio of width to the length of the weaving section of the

roundabout is between 0.12 and 04.

4. The proportion of the weaving to the non-weaving traffic in the

roundabout is in the range 0.4 to 1

5. The length of the weaving section available at the intersection is in

between 18 to 90 m.

Flow chart for operational analysis of roundabouts


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