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Social and personal lives of construction workers

Authors:- Sourav Pagaria
Samyak Kataria
Date of submission – 25 November 2022
The report is submitted as the partial fulfilment of the management
of Soft skill program at Daly college business school.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who
provided me the possibility to complete this report.  A special
gratitude I give to our project  manager, Dr Rinku Joshi Mam whose
contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement,  helped
me to coordinate my project especially in writing this report.

Building developments are regarded as having their roots in
construction. With a 12% annual growth rate, it is one of the fastest-
growing industries in India. Workers who construct buildings
primarily operate in the informal/unorganized sector. People are
forced to leave their homes and travel to unknown locations to work
in exceedingly terrible conditions due to poverty, unemployment,
and powerlessness.

Executive Summary
Building construction workers encounter numerous issues on a daily
basis, and it plays a significant role in the economy's growth. In this
study, some of the issues are discussed. Workplace bad habits,
working longer hours, physical and mental health issues, economic
issues, education level, and the lack of social security and welfare
programmes are the main issues. Stress, skin, and physical health
issues are also significant issues.

Life of construction worker

A construction worker in our country is still disorganised,
uneducated, unemployable, and socially and economically backward.
These labourers experience more hardship than regular construction
workers. Construction workers are members of a weaker part of
society, making it impossible for them to band together in pursuit of
a common goal. As a result, workers in the building construction
industry deal with a variety of issues, including a lack of job security,
low pay, long workdays, and inadequate social and medical facilities.
(K.Ponnaian, 2016)


The issues faced by construction employees, such as a lack of social

security, low pay, contractor exploitation, a decline in social
standing, as well as issues with lenders. One of the most significant
industries for creating jobs and raising living standards for many
people in both urban and rural areas is the building and construction
business. Actually, most people rely on this sector for job and
income. It is crucial to remember that this unorganised sector serves
as the foundation for economic growth. Because they are socially
and economically disadvantaged, construction workers are unable to
band together to further their shared interests. 2016 (P. Prasanna)

The workers are impoverished and vulnerable, and their challenges

vary from place to location and job to job depending on chemicals,
noise, tools or types of equipment, the availability of safety
precautions, height, and surroundings.

Their labour is entirely ad hoc in nature. One of the main effects of

their work is socioeconomic stress. They do not adopt or practise
health and safety procedures while they are working.
Government Programs
Death Benefit : In the event of a normal death, the Board grants Rs.
50,000 to the nominees or dependents of a member as a death
benefit. The nominee or dependents of the member will receive Rs.
3.00 Lakh as death benefit if the death is caused by an accident while
on the job.

Cash Award: The Board grants cash prizes to three male and three
female beneficiaries' children in each district who receive grades of
75% or higher, 65% or less than 75%, and 55% or less than 65% in the
HSLC, AHM, and H.S. at the rates of Rs. 5,000, Rs. 4,000, and Rs.

Disability Pension: The Board sanctions an amount of Rs. 2,000 per

month and Rs. 100/- per month for every completed year of service
from the year of registration as disability pension to a beneficiary
who is permanently disabled due to paralysis leprosy, TB., accident
etc. in addition to this pension he will be eligible for an Exgratia
payment of not more than Rs. 3.00 Lakh (one time Exgratia)
depending upon the percentage of disability and subject to such
conditions as fixed by the Board.

Some Facts of construction workers

 78 per cent of the building construction workers get employment
two to four days a week.

 Average minimum working hours in a day is 6 hours

 55 per cent of the building construction workers are getting less
than ½ an hour for rest during the work which includes lunchtime

 84 per cent of the construction workers is affected physically due

to the nature of the work.

 70 per cent of the workers suffer due to body pain

 36 per cent of the workers suffer due to chest pain

 34 per cent of the workers suffer due to injury

 30 per cent of the building construction workers have unfavourable

habits such as drinking (26%), Smoking (32%), Tobacco consuming
(10%), Pan Consuming (12%).

 74 per cent of the population is suffering from the psychological

problem due to the nature of the work. change of work time every
day (40%).

The unorganised labour class and its genuine needs in daily life are
also being disregarded by governments and non-governmental
organisations. The employees who are constructing the buildings
must be rescued from their weaknesses. As part of welfare
initiatives, a number of issues, including a risky work environment,
health, education, and skill development, must be addressed. Due to
a variety of factors, the majority of construction workers live below
the poverty line. The formation of trade unions for the building
construction employees is not sufficient to produce results in the
fights for higher minimum pay and livable working conditions.
Nongovernmental organisations need to take the initiative in
creating a compassionate model of intervention that the government
and building owners may use.

Home: Labor Service Portal, government of madhya pradesh: Department logo (no date)
Department name. Available at: (Accessed:
November 24, 2022).

Ministry of Labour & Employment: श्रम एवं रोजगार मं तर् ालय: Ministry of Labour &
Employment (no date) Home | Ministry of Labour & Employment | GoI. Available at: (Accessed: November 24, 2022). Available at: (Accessed: November 24,


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