Abstract of Semiconductor

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A Dissertation submitted in partial fufillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of master

of science in physics

University Roll No:19MS5504458
University Regestration No:16RCB0335
Academic Session:2019-2021

Under the supervision of

University Department of PHYSICS,

University Department of PHYSICS

Ranchi University ,Ranchi

Science block, Morabadi Campus Ranchi


Semiconductor: - Most of the solids can be placed in one of the two
classes: Metals and insulator. Metals are those through which electric charge
can be easily flow, while insulators are those through which electric charge is
difficult to flow. This distinction between the metals and the insulators can be
explain on the basis of the number of free electrons in them. Metals have a
large number of free electrons which act as charge carriers, which insulators
have practically no free electrons.

Theory and Defination-

Semiconductor are the materials whose electrical conductivity lies in between
metals and insulators. The energy band structure of the semiconductor is
similar to the insulators but in their case, the size of the forbidden energy gap
is much smaller than of the insulator.

Zener Diode- A Zener diode is a silicon semiconductor device that permits
current to flow in either a forward or reverse direction. The diode consists of a
special, heavily doped p-n junction, designed to conduct in the reverse
direction when a certain specified voltage is reached.
Photodiode- A photodiode is a semiconductor p-n junction device that
converts light into an electrical current.
Solar Cell- As solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts
the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a
physical and chemical phenomenon.

 Depending on electrical conductivity all materials can be divided into
three main groups:conductors,insulators and semiconductors.
 Silicon is the most common material used to build semiconductor
 When have reviwed three main components that are used to buid
electrnic devices, namely: diode, transistors, LEDs.

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