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Pon el adjetivo que hay entre paréntesis en la forma correcta

1. My aunt is much …………………………….. (TALL) than me

2. My father is the ……………………………. (TALL) person in our family
3. My brother is 24 and I am two years …………………….. (OLD) than him
4. English is ………………………………. (EASY) than German
5. China is the country with the ……………………….. (LARGE) population
6. I speak French ............................................ (FLUENTLY) than English
7. I think your general behaviour is getting …………………………….. (GOOD)
8. I’m afraid my pronunciation is getting ……………………………… (BAD)
9. Ann is the ………………………….. (CLEVER) person I know
10. You are …………………………….. (FAT) every day
11. My bike is …………………………. (CHEAP) than John’s
12. Your house is ……………………….. (BEAUTIFUL) than mine
13. Your marks are ………………………….. (GOOD) than mine
14. I think that roses are ………………………… (PRETTY) than tulips
15. Which is ……………………… (FAST), a tortoise or a snail?
16. Which is ………………………….. (EXPENSIVE), a flat or a house?
17. Today I got up …………………………… (LATE) than usual
18. The book I bought was …………………………… (GOOD) than I thought
19. Maths is …………………………….. (DIFFICULT) than History
20. My children are ………………………….. (TALL) than me
21. Horror films are …………………………….. (GOOD)
22. Today travelling by plane is ……………………….. (CHEAP) than twenty years ago
23. The ………………………… (INTERESTING) country I’ve visited is probably France
24. The village was ……………………………. (FAR) than we had all expected
25. I got the …………………………… (BAD) marks because I hadn’t studied enough

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

Escoge la respuesta correcta

1. Japanese is …………………………… than English

a) difficult b) more difficult c) the most difficult

2. This is …………………… monument in our country

a) older b) old c) the oldest

3. My brother is ……………………… than my sister

a) young b) younger c) the youngest

4. English is the …………………… subject

a) easier b) easiest c) easy

5. Tomato soup is ………………… than mushroom soup

a) the tastiest b) tasty c) tastier

6. My daughter is very …………………………

a) the smallest b) small c) smaller

7. Cats are ……………………….. than some dogs

a) small b) the smallest c) smaller

8. Football is ………………………. than fencing

a) the most interesting b) more interesting c) interesting

9. My house is ………………………… than yours

a) the newest b) new c) newer

10. My English is very ………………………

a) the worst b) bad c) worse

11. Brazil is ……………………… than Spain

a) the biggest b) big c) bigger

12. Jim is ……………………… footballer in our team

a) better than b) good c) the best

13. Kate is ……………………….. student in our class

a) the worst b) bad c) worse than

14. We have a ………………….. job

a) good b) better than c) the best

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pon el adverbio de frecuencia en el sitio correcto

1. I’m a bad boy (never)


2. They go swimming on weekdays (seldom)


3. We don’t run in the mornings (often)


4. Does it take you long to get home? (always)


5. Sam arrives late for work (usually)


6. Our house isn’t clean (always)


7. Do you go to the cinema every weekend? (always)


8. Do you feel sad? (sometimes)


9. That boy has a shower (never)


10. Our Maths teacher gets angry (hardly ever)


11. Peter writes a diary (often)


12. My cousins are noisy (sometimes)


13. Sarah doesn’t drink alcohol (usually)


Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Escoge la opción correcta

1. She worked ………………………. (HARD / HARDLY) to pass the exam

2. She ………………………. (QUICK / QUICKLY) crossed the street
3. He was ……………………… (EXTREME / EXTREMELY) ……………………….
4. They haven’t seen him …………………………….. (LATE / LATELY)
5. She is very ………………………….. (GOOD / WELL) at German
6. She plays the guitar very ……………………… (GOOD / WELL)
7. They play soccer rather ………………………… (BAD / BADLY)
8. Tracy’s dress was ……………………… (EXTREME / EXTREMELY) ……………………
9. She is a very …………………………. (FRIEND / FRIENDLY) person
10. The cake tastes …………………………. (GOOD / WELL)
11. English teachers are …………………………. (NICE / NICELY) and friendly
12. Charles cannot write very ………………………… (GOOD / WELL)
13. Terry’s English is very …………………………… (GOOD / WELL)
14. Leila drives ……………………… (FAST / FASTLY)
15. Some students work very ……………………………. (HARD / HARDLY)
16. The athlete ran …………………………….. (QUICK / QUICKLY)
17. The lion is a ……………………………. (QUICK / QUICKLY) animal
18. The old man moved …………………………. (SLOW / SLOWLY)
19. The old man was very …………………………. (SLOW / SLOWLY)
20. Ken’s exams are ………………………….. (EASY / EASILY)
21. I finished the exam ………………………… (EASY / EASILY)
22. She finished reading the book really ……………………………. (FAST / FASTLY)
23. I can’t speak English as …………………………. (CORRECT / CORRECTLY) as you do
24. I speak French as ……………………………. (FLUENT / FLUENTLY) as a native speaker

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Escoge la respuesta correcta

1. Never
a) I never go there b) I go never there c) Never I go there

2. Usually
a) I usually get up at six-thirty
b) I get up usually up at six-thirty
c) I get usually up at six-thirty

3. Often
a) I often go there b) I go there often b) Both are correct

4. Generally
a) Generally I don’t read a newspaper
b) I generally don’t read a newspaper
c) I don’t generally read a newspaper

5. Rarely
a) Rarely I go there b) I go rarely there c) I rarely go there

6. Seldom
a) I seldom do it b) I do seldom it c) Seldom I do it

7. Frequently
a) I am frequently late for work
b) I frequently am late for work
c) Both are correct

8. Always
a) I am on always time b) I am always on time c) Both are correct

9. Often
a) I go often to the cinema b) I often go to the cinema c) I go to the cinema often

10. Usually
a) She usually has lunch b) She has usually lunch c) She has lunch usually

11. Sometimes
a) I sometimes go to the cinema
b) Sometimes I go to the cinema
c) Both are correct

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Escoge la opción correcta

1. My uncle arrived ………………………….

a) late b) lately

2. He entered the room ……………………….. because the baby was sleeping

a) quiet b) quietly

3. He lived very ……………………….. with his dog for a lot of years

a) happy b) happily

4. I had a ……………………. time doing my homework yesterday

a) hard b) hardly

5. He tried very …………………. to pass the exams

a) hard b) hardly

6. He opened the door ……………………….

a) slow b) slowly

7. Try to speak as ……………………… as you can

a) loud b) loudly

8. There is a plane flying …………………………. in the sky

a) high b) highly

9. The teacher told his pupils to be …………………….

a) quiet b) quietly

10. The baby looked very …………………….. with his new toy
a) happy b) happily

11. Try to speak as …………………………… as you can

a) clear b) clearly

12. He was a ……………………….. driver

a) careful b) carefully

13. I managed to pass all my exams …………………….

a) easy b) easily

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to

1. Look at those black clouds. It ………………………….. (RAIN)

2. “I’ve got a headache” “I …………………………….. (GET) you an aspirin”
3. “What are you going to do?” “I ……………………………… (STAY) at home”
4. Some scientists say that the world ………………………………. (CONTINUE) to change
in the next 100 years
5. I’m tired so I ………………………………. (SIT) down for a while
6. We …………………………… (HAVE) dinner at my uncle’s house this weekend, as usual
7. It’s all been planned. We …………………………….. (GO) to New York next month
8. He looks as if he …………………………….. (KILL) someone. He’s so angry
9. Experts say that the world population ………………………….. (INCREASE) during the
coming years
10. Yes, it’s true. We ………………………….. (GO) to buy a castle very soon

Choose the correct answer

1. I’m not sure where to go for my holidays

a) Maybe I’ll go to Paris b) Maybe I’m going to Paris

2. The weather forecast says it …………………….. tomorrow

a) will rain b) is going to rain

3. John is coming back from Argentina. I ……………………… him at the airport

a) will meet b) am going to meet him

4. I’ve got some very good news.

a) I will have a baby b) I am going to have a baby

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos,
Tlf: 968 30 30 00

Choose the correct option “A” or “B”

1. The phone is ringing

a) I’m going to answer it b) I’ll answer it

2. This box is too heavy for me

a) I’m going to help you b) I’ll help you

3. What are your plans for your holidays?

a) I’m going skiing b) I’ll go skiing

4. I have to do a lot of homework

a) I’m going to stay home all weekend b) I’ll stay home all weekend

5. I need someone to take my dog for a walk

a) I’m going to do it b) I’ll do it

6. I’m exhausted
a) I think I’m going to bed b) I think I’ll go to bed

7. Goodbye
a) I’m going to see you tomorrow b) I’ll see you tomorrow

8. I need someone to take me to the airport

a) I’m going to take you b) I’ll take you

9. I’ve decided to learn music

a) I’m going to buy a piano b) I’ll buy a piano

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos,
Tlf: 968 30 30 00
1. Completa las siguientes frases con la forma del present simple adecuada

a. I ……………………………. (go) to school in the evening

b. We ……………………… (fry) eggs in the microwave
c. My boyfriend …………………….. (dance) very well
d. I ……………………… (run) more than 500 metres in a minute
e. My mum …………………….. (watch) TV every day
f. Luis ……………………… (like) pop music
g. My cat ……………………… (sleep) 12 hours every day
h. Teachers ………………………. (work) hard
i. People from China ……………………. (speak) Chinese
j. My neighbours …………………………. (buy) a new car every year

2. Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
f. _________________________________________________________
g. _________________________________________________________
h. _________________________________________________________
i. _________________________________________________________
j. _________________________________________________________
Documento creado por
_________________________________________________________ Mariano Fernández

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Completa los huecos usando el present perfect

1. My mother ……………………………… (COOK) a delicious cake

2. The boy next door ……………………………. (BUY) a new mobile
3. I ……………………………….. (NOT FEED) my fish yet
4. Sally …………………………… (GET) a new DVD player for her birthday
5. Chris …………………………….. (NOT FIND) his dog yet
6. The pupils …………………………….. (ALREADY DO) their homework
7. Nick ……………………………….. (HAVE) a car accident
8. Liz …………………………….. (NOT FINISH) playing chess yet
9. ………………………………….. (JULIE / BE) to school today?
10. What ……………………………….. (YOU / PREPARE) for lunch today?
11. My mother ………………………… (DO) the ironing but she ……………………… (NOT
SWEEP) the floor yet

Escribe frases en el presente perfecto

1. you / ever / been / here before?


2. I / never / buy / books from that shop


3. She / already have / breakfast today


4. They / never be / to England


5. Where / you / go ?

6. My mother / never fly / before


Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Completa los huecos usando el present perfect

1. I ……………………………. (JUST BUY) a new car

2. ……………………………….. (YOU / EVER SEE) a green dog?
3. My sister …………………………………. (NEVER EAT) rice
4. We ……………………………… (NOT RECEIVE) your letter yet
5. How many times ……………………………….. (YOU / PHONE) us?
6. I ……………………………… (NOT FINISH) my breakfast yet
7. What …………………………….. (THEY / DO) to that cat?
8. John and his wife ………………………….. (LIVE) in England for 3 years
9. Where ……………………………….. (I / LEAVE) my wallet?
10. Simon ……………………….. (NOT MEET) his new classmates yet
11. I ………………………….. (JUST SEND) her an e-mail
12. My mother …………………………….. (JUST GO) to the supermarket

Rellena los huecos con for o since

1. I haven’t been to New York ………………………… two years

2. Luis has worked in this bank ………………………. 2010
3. I have known him …………………………. I was six
4. It hasn’t rained ……………………… more than a year
5. They have been married ……………………. a decade
6. Nobody has come to see me ……………………….. I left England
7. She has been a doctor ……………………… 8 years
8. I have been ill …………………………… last week
9. My father has been sitting alone ……………………….. he woke up
10. I haven’t driven a car …………………………….. I was young

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple or present perfect

1. I ……………………………………… (NOT SEE) him last night

2. They ………………………………. (GO) to Finland in 2010
3. I can’t find my purse. I think I …………………………….. (LOSE) it
4. Ann ………………………… (READ) a lot of books since he was a child
5. We don’t know where your mother ……………………….. (GO). Nobody
………………………. (SEE) her since yesterday
6. They …………………………….. (VISIT) their friends in England two years ago
7. I …………………………. (GO) to see him three times this month
8. We ………………………………. (HAVE) two exams last week
9. We ………………………………… (HAVE) two exams since last week
10. I …………………………………… (NOT BE) to New York yet
11. How many times ……………………………. (YOU / BE) to the circus this month?
12. How many times ……………………………. (YOU / BE) to the circus last month?
13. I …………………………….. (NOT LIKE) my first school
14. ………………………………. (YOU / EVER BE) to Greece?
15. ………………………………. (YOU / GO) to Birmingham when you ……………….
(BE) to England?
16. Felipe II ……………………………. (HAVE) a very busy and interesting life
17. I ……………………………………. (NOT SEE) John today but I …………………….
(SEE) him yesterday
18. ……………………………………… (HE / DO) his homework yet?
19. ………………………………….. (YOU / PLAY) football when you …………………..
(BE) younger?
20. …………………………………. (YOU / EVER PLAY) baseball?
21. My grandfather’s life …………………………….. (BE) very sad because he …………
(DIE) before he could see the sea

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos,
Tlf: 968 30 30 00

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple or present perfect

1. I ……………………………… (LIVE) in this house since I was born

2. He …………………………. (LIVE) in Ireland for two years and then he
………………… (MOVE) to Germany
3. When I …………………….. (LEAVE) school, I ……………………… (CUT) my hair
and I ………………………….. (WEAR) it short ever since
4. Shakespeare ………………………….. (WRITE) the play “Hamlet”
5. My brother is a writer. He ……………………….. (WRITE) a few novels
6. I ……………………….. (NOT SEE) him for three days. Where can he be?
7. He ………………………. (NOT SMOKE) for five weeks. He is trying to give it up
8. Chopin …………………………. (COMPOSE) a lot of music
9. When …………………………… (HE / ARRIVE)?. He …………………………..
(ARRIVE) five minutes ago
10. I …………………………. (READ) all his books when I ……………………… (BE)
nine years old. I ………………………. (ENJOY) them very much
11. I can’t go out because I …………………………….. (NOT FINISH) studying yet
12. I ………………………………. (NEVER DRINK) vodka. It’s my first time.
13. Here are your trousers. I ………………………….. (IRON) them
14. I ……………………………… (LEAVE) home at 8.00 a.m and I ………………………
(GET) there at 12.00 p.m
15. I ………………………….. (MEET) a new girl last June via internet
16. ………………………………. (YOU / SEE) Paul last night?
17. Cervantes ………………………………… (WRITE) Don Quixote
18. He ………………………… (BREAK) his leg last year
19. I …………………………….. (BE) born in 1999
20. I …………………………… (WORK) in a factory until I got married. Then I …………
(CHANGE) my job and now I ……………………. (WORK) as a secretary for two

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos,
Tlf: 968 30 30 00

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the past simple or past continuous

1. We ……………………………… (RUN) in the park when a boy …………………….

(FALL) off his bike

2. When I ………………………… (PHONE) my husband, he ……………………….

(WORK) in his office

3. Yesterday at six I ………………………………. (LIE) in bed

4. The children ……………………………. (PLAY) in the garden when it suddenly

……………………… (START) to rain

5. I …………………………. (PLAY) the guitar when he …………………….. (ARRIVE)

6. While Alan ………………………… (PAINT) a picture, his friends ……………………

(SWIM) in the sea

7. I ………………………… (TRY) to tell them the truth but they …………………………

(NOT BELIEVE) what I …………………………. (SAY)

8. What …………………………….. (YOU / DO) yesterday when I ………………………

(PHONE) you?

9. I ……………………………….. (LISTEN) to the radio while my sister …………………..

(WATCH) TV in her bedroom

10. When I ………………………… (ARRIVE), they …………………….. (PLAY) cards

11. My father …………………………… (SMOKE) a cigar while his friends ………………...

(PLAY) golf

12. I ………………………… (GET) up, ………………………… (HAVE) a shower and then

I ……………………. (LEAVE) home

13. When Jane …………………………. (BRUSH) her teeth, the telephone ………………….

14. I ……………………………. (BREAK) my arm while I …………………………. (SKI)

15. I …………………………… (DO) my homework and then I …………………. (GO) to


Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Choose the correct answer

1. John …………………….. in Mexico for 15 years

a) lived b) were living c) was lived

2. When you phoned I ………………………… TV

a) watched b) was watching c) watch

3. Two weeks ago at 10.00, my sister ……………………………..

a) is sleeping b) slept c) was sleeping

4. Philips …………………………. on the phone when his mother arrived home

a) is talking b) was talking c) talked

5. She was crossing the road when a car …………………………. her

a) hit b) was hitting c) hitted

6. I lost my money when I ………………………….. home

a) are going b) was going c) went

7. When they …………………….. out, it was raining heavily

a) were going b) went c) gone

8. It had stopped raining so I ……………………….. for a walk

a) was going b) go c) went

9. When I dropped the bottle, it ……………………………..

a) was breaking b) broke c) broken

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Haz frases en el pasado continuo

1. He / dance at the disco


2. she / play cards with her friends?


3. I / not cry

4. You / not feel / well yesterday


5. Where / you / go / at nine o’clock?


6. She / not sleep / at midnight


7. Matt and Jerry / work in a car factory?


8. I / come home from work by train


9. it / rain / at lunchtime?

10. What / you / study?


11. Why / she / run?


12. You / not read / a good book


13. He / not watch / a film at eleven o’clock


14. It / not snow


Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en la forma correcta del past continuous

1. Julie …………………………………….. (SLEEP) at three o’clock

2. You ………………………………….. (STUDY) at nine o’clock
3. Luke ……………………………….. (READ) a very interesting book
4. I ……………………………….. (WORK) at home at seven o’clock
5. They ……………………………. (EAT) chocolate very quickly
6. John ………………………………. (PLAY) tennis very badly

Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pasa las frases siguientes a pasado

1. I play football with my friends

2. Do you watch films?

3. They don’t work in a factory at night


4. She tidies her room when she comes home from school

5. Do your parents listen to the radio when they are on holiday?


6. John and Jenny decorate their baby’s room


7. I don’t paint walls. I paint pictures


8. We don’t drive at night because we don’t like it


9. Do you wash your father’s car?


10. She doesn’t talk to you when she sees you in the street

11. I go to Paris if I have enough money


12. She eats cakes because she loves them


13. You are a beautiful girl and you look pretty in that dress

14. He swims in a swimming pool in summer


Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en el pasado simple

1. Peter ……………………………. (KNOW) his brother’s address

2. You …………………………… (GET) a lot of homework yesterday
3. They …………………………… (SEE) a film at the cinema
4. We ……………………………… (RUN) ten miles yesterday
5. John …………………………… (LEAVE) his wallet on the table
6. The boys ……………………….. (THROW) the ball through the window

Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en el pasado simple

1. You ……………………………… (DO) your homework yesterday

2. The Smiths ……………………………. (LIVE) in Portugal for three years
3. Ana ………………………….. (TAKE) a photo last year
4. Peter ………………………………. (GO) to the cinema with his brother
5. Sarah ………………………………… (WALK) to work last Monday
6. I …………………………….. (CHOOSE) the cheapest car

Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en pasado

1. I ……………………………… (WALK) to school yesterday

2. He …………………………. (STUDY) French for ten years
3. They ………………………… (ARRIVE) home late
4. We ………………………… (MARRY) in England
5. The film …………………………. (END) at 10.00 p.m
6. Ellen …………………………… (WAIT) for the bus for a very long time
7. You …………………………. (LIKE) the museum very much
8. Kyle …………………………. (NEED) a dictionary yesterday
9. My friend …………………………. (USE) my pen last Wednesday
10. The man ………………………….. (HELP) the old lady

Traduce las frases anteriores al español. Usa un diccionario si es necesario

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


1. Escribe frases interrogativas en el pasado simple

a. Ann / open / the window? _____________________________

b. She / walk / home? _____________________________
c. You / work / in the garden? _____________________________
d. You / sing / a song? _____________________________
e. She / sit / on a chair? _____________________________
f. You / visit / the castle? _____________________________
g. Jenny / lock / the door? _____________________________
h. She / be / happy? _____________________________
i. Greg / kick / the ball? _____________________________
j. The car / stop / at the corner? _____________________________

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

1. She pushed her bike. →

2. She carried a bag. →

3. We waited in the park. →

4. The policeman arrested the thief. →

5. We ate fish. →

6. She watched the match last night. →

7. She asked her friend because she did not know what to do. →

8. I opened the door. →

9. The teacher checked our homework. →

10. Cindy had a dog. →

Documento creado por

Mariano Fernández
Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


1. Escribe frases afirmativas en el pasado simple

a. He / answer / the question _____________________________

b. You / ask / a question _____________________________
c. The dog / bark / all night _____________________________
d. They / call / us _____________________________
e. We / climb / a mountain _____________________________
f. John / collect / stamps _____________________________
g. We / live / in London _____________________________
h. I / be / hungry _____________________________
i. They / have / a hamster _____________________________
j. He / go / to school _____________________________

2. Escribe frases en negativa en el pasado simple

a. They collected postcards _____________________________

b. You jumped high _____________________________
c. Albert placed squash _____________________________
d. The teacher tested our English _____________________________
e. Fiona visited her grandma _____________________________
f. He washed the car _____________________________
g. You were thirsty _____________________________
h. He had a computer _____________________________
i. I bought bread _____________________________
j. You saw the house _____________________________
k. You visited me yesterday _____________________________
l. John came to the party _____________________________
m. I did the washing-up _____________________________
n. The book was very interesting _____________________________

Documento creado por

Mariano Fernández
Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous

1. Where’s John? He …............................... (STUDY) in his room

2. Don’t forget your umbrella. It always ………………………… (RAIN) in England
3. I …………………………. (WORK) hard every day and you …………………….. (KNOW) it
but I …………………………….. (NOT WORK) at the moment
4. Look! That old lady ……………………………….. (RUN) after the bus. She ………………...
(WANT) to catch it
5. He ………………………… (SPEAK) Spanish perfectly because he ……………………….
(COME) from Spain
6. Listen! Your father ……………………….. (COME) home from work
7. …………………………… (YOU / GO) away at Christmas?
8. The roses she ………………………. (HOLD) ………………………… (SMELL) wonderful
9. Look! It …………………………. (SNOW) again. It always ……………………….. (SNOW)
in winter in this country
10. Mary ………………………. (PLAY) the piano very well but she …………………………
(NOT PLAY) the violin
11. “…………………………………. (YOU / ENJOY) this party? “Yes, I ……………………….
(HAVE) a great time
12. Sorry, I can’t help you. I ……………………………………. (NOT KNOW) how to solve this
Maths exercise
13. “What ………………………….. (YOU / DO) tomorrow? “ I ………………………….
(STAY) at home”
14. I ……………………………… (THINK) that dress ……………………………… (NOT SUIT
YOU) but it …………………………… (FIT) you
15. I ………………………………….. (LIVE) with my parents but at the moment I ……………
(STAY) with some friends

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous

1. My friend Paul ………………………………… (SPEAK) four languages

2. We ……………………………… (LEARN) Italian this year
3. Some students …………………………. (NOT WEAR) a uniform at school
4. He likes Ann. He ………………………… (TALK) to her on the phone very often
5. We ……………………………. (BUILD) a new house right now
6. ……………………………….. (YOU / GO) dancing very often?
7. A lot of people …………………………… (BELIEVE) in ghosts
8. Tom …………………………. (READ) an English book right now
9. She …………………………….. (NOT LIVE) with her parents at the moment
10. They often …………………………… (GO) skiing in winter
11. Let’s go out. It …………………………… (NOT RAIN) any more
12. Hurry up!. Everybody ……………………………… (WAIT) for you!
13. “Can you drive?” “I ………………………….. (TRY) to learn”
14. My mother ………………………… (TEACH) me French at the moment
15. My mother ………………………… (TEACH) me French at weekends
16. The River Nile ……………………………. (FLOW) into the Mediterranean
17. “………………………….. (YOU / LISTEN) to the radio” “No, you can turn it off”
18. He always …………………….. (STAY) at expensive hotels
19. Normally I ……………………………….. (FINISH) work at 5.00 p.m
20. “What …………………………… (YOU / DO)?” “I’m a teacher”
21. It ……………………………. (NOT RAIN) much at this time of the year
22. I’m a doctor but I ……………………………… (NOT WORK) at the moment
23. The train always ………………………………. (LEAVE) the station on time
24. I can’t come right now because I ……………………………. (HAVE) breakfast
25. My neighbour always ……………………….. (GO) to work at 6.00 a.m

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Pon las frases siguientes en el orden correcto

1. working / he / hard / is

2. well / we / feeling / not / are


3. all the questions / is / answering / he / ?


4. wearing / the children / tracksuits / are / not


5. the cats / looking at / is / the dog


6. I / a friend / on the phone / talking to / am


7. building / is / he / a block of flats


8. soup / having / they / for dinner / are / ?


9. a new novel / are / writing / you / ?


10. the bus / are / the pupils / waiting for


11. read / trying to / I / a book / am


12. drinking / not / the teachers / are / orange juice


13. plump jam / making / my grandmother / is


14. solving / is / the problem / he / ?


Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


1. Completa las frases en presente continuo con el verbo entre paréntesis

a. The birds ……………………….. (FLY) in the sky

b. My sister ……………………. (READ) a book in her bedroom
c. I ………………………. (DO) my homework
d. We …………………………… (HAVE) a very good time today
e. She ………………………… (WORK) in her office at the moment
f. ………………………………….. (IT / RAIN) now?
g. James ………………………….. (NOT PLAY) chess at school now
h. My brother and his girlfriend ……………………… (GO) out now
i. They ………………………….. (BUILD) a new house
j. She ………………………… (GIVE) me a very expensive present
k. My father and my brother …………………………. (TIDY) the house
l. My grandparents …………………………… (CLIMB) a mountain

2. Traduce las frases anteriores al español

a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________________
f. ____________________________________________________________________
g. ____________________________________________________________________
h. ____________________________________________________________________
i. ____________________________________________________________________
j. ____________________________________________________________________
k. ____________________________________________________________________
l. ____________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

1. Rellena los huecos con la forma correcta del present continuous

a. Why ………………….. she …………………… at the ceiling? (LOOK)

b. Mark and Sharon ………………………….. a very big cake (MAKE)
c. The cook ………………………………… a huge turkey (COOK)
d. ……………………….. you …………………….. a carol? (SING)
e. What song ……………………… you ………………….. ? (SING)
f. She ………………………………… that house (NOT BUY)
g. What …………………… they …………………….. ? (SAY)
h. My children ……………………………… (NOT READ) at the moment
i. Frank …………………………………. a new wonderful novel (WRITE)
j. He ………………………………… his room (NOT TIDY)
k. Sophie …………………………………. to the cinema with David tonight (GO)
l. It ………………………………………. today (NOT RAIN)
m. It ………………………………….. (SNOW)
n. The girl ………………………………………. a film on TV (WATCH)
o. ……………………… your children …………………… with their dog? (PLAY)
p. She ………………..……………… very late because she’s late again (RUN)
q. They ………………………………. about their future together (TALK)
r. ……………………………… it …………………….. today? (SNOW)
s. Alice …………………………………… today because she is ill (NOT SING)
t. He ………………………………. today because he has a temperature (NOT DRIVE)
u. My children …………………………………….. in this weather (NOT GO)

2. Rellena los huecos con am, is o are

a. She ……………………… studying in her bedroom

b. Carlos and John ……………………….. drawing
c. He ……………………….. not drinking a cup of tea
d. What book ……………………… you reading?
e. What ……………………… they listening to?
f. Ana and Juan ……………………….. shouting upstairs
g. The children ……………………………….. making their beds

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

1. Completa las siguientes frases con la forma del present continuous adecuada

a. I ………………………….. (look) for my glasses

b. You ……………………….. (read) a book
c. Pamela ………………………… (cry)
d. Paul …………………………… (study) English at university
e. Everyone ………………………. (laugh) at me
f. He …………………………. (wait) for his mother
g. The cat …………………….. (sleep) on the sofa
h. I ……………………… (type) some letters
i. My friends ………………………… (send) an email
j. Your cousins …………………………. (use) your car today

2. Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
f. _________________________________________________________
g. _________________________________________________________
h. _________________________________________________________
i. _________________________________________________________
j. _________________________________________________________
Documento creado por
Mariano Fernández

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

1. Completa las siguientes frases con la forma del present continuous adecuada

a. Mike …………………………. (clean) the house

b. He ……………………… (cook) pasta for dinner
c. Mike ……………………….. (smile) at me
d. He ………………………. (run) to catch the train
e. John ………………………. (dance) in a disco
f. He ……………………. (cry)
g. He ………………………… (laugh) at you
h. He ……………………… (wait) for the bus
i. He ………………………….. (play) the guitar
j. They …………………………….. (drink) water

2. Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
f. _________________________________________________________
g. _________________________________________________________
h. _________________________________________________________
i. _________________________________________________________
j. _________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Coloca el verbo en la forma correcta del presente simple

1. We ……………………………… (live) in Paris

2. George ……………………………… (sell) peaches
3. I always ……………………………. (visit) my parents
4. Alice ………………………………… (go) to church on Sundays
5. They ……………………………. (be) my best friends
6. You always ………………………….. (pay) the tickets
7. London ………………………….. (be) a big and nice city
8. My cousin ………………………….. (paint) his house once a year
9. I …………………….. (study) and …………………. (work) in Madrid
10. Mike never …………………………. (do) his homework
11. Sharon ………………………… (make) her bed in the morning
12. My daughter …………………………. (read) a lot of books
13. Dogs ………………………………….. (be) good animals

Traduce las frases anteriores al español

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________
11. _________________________________________________________________
12. _________________________________________________________________
13. _________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00


Coloca el verbo en la forma correcta del presente simple

1. I …………………………… (travel) to London every week

2. They …………………………. (run) in the park every Saturday
3. My mother ……………………… (clean) the house once a week
4. You ……………………….. (be) a good student
5. Mary …………………………. (work) in a bank
6. John ……………………….. (walk) to his office every day
7. You …………………………….. (study) English at school
8. The dog ………………………. (break) the fence
9. The car ………………………….. (be) in the garage
10. My father ………………………….. (have got) a nice coat
11. My brothers ………………………… (write) poems
12. The table …………………….. (be) broken
13. Good people ………………………… (share) what they have

Traduce las frases anteriores al español

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________
11. _________________________________________________________________
12. _________________________________________________________________
13. _________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

1. Completa las siguientes frases con la forma del present simple adecuada

a. We …………………………………. (call) our dog

b. Emma ……………………….. (learn) her lessons very well
c. They …………………………. (look) at birds
d. John …………………………. (come) home from school
e. I ……………………….. (meet) my friends at school
f. He ……………………… (repair) his laptop
g. Walter and Fran …………………… (say) hello
h. The cat …………………….. (sit) under the tree
i. You ……………………….. (drink) water
j. She ………………………… (forget) her lunchbox

2. Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
f. _________________________________________________________
g. _________________________________________________________
h. _________________________________________________________
i. _________________________________________________________
j. _________________________________________________________
Documento creado por
_________________________________________________________ Mariano Fernández

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

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