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9C VOCABULARY  Guess the number

Complete the sentences with a number from the list.

196 206 1,700 2,920 5,000 6,992 86,400 155,887 2,500,000 64,100,000

1 The human body has two hundred and six bones.

2 The total number of countries in the world is ____________.

3 A person with a good level of English knows about ____________ words.

4 A hippopotamus normally weighs about ____________ kilograms.

5 A normal person sleeps for about ____________ hours every year.

6 A day has ____________ seconds.

7 An Olympic swimming pool has ____________ litres of water.

8 ____________ people live in the UK.

9 The River Amazon is ____________ kilometres long.

The novel ‘Emma’, by Jane Austen, has ____________ words.

Work with a partner. Compare answers. Decide which answers you both think are correct.
Listen to your teacher and check your answers. Were you right?

Complete the sentences with a number from the list.

196 206 1,700 2,920 5,000 6,992 86,400 155,887 2,500,000 64,100,000

1 The human body has two hundred and six bones.

2 The total number of countries in the world is ____________.

3 A person with a good level of English knows about ____________ words.

4 A hippopotamus normally weighs about ____________ kilograms.

5 A normal person sleeps for about ____________ hours every year.

6 A day has ____________ seconds.

7 An Olympic swimming pool has ____________ litres of water.

8 ____________ people live in the UK.

9 The River Amazon is ____________ kilometres long.

The novel ‘Emma’, by Jane Austen, has ____________ words.

Work with a partner. Compare answers. Decide which answers you both think are correct.
Listen to your teacher and check your answers. Were you right?

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Elementary  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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