Experience Reflection Paper Template Parimita Choubey

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Learner Information

Learner name: Parimita Choubey

Learner email: parimita.choubey@gds.ey.com

Badge Information
Sub – domain: Circular Economy Bronze
Badge Level:
Sustainability 9 June 2022
Domain: Submission date:

Section 1: Experience information

Select the Experience Category Mark your chosen category for this experience with X
Apply learning - Manage an internal or X
client project
Apply learning - Change behavior
(Leadership pillar only)
Create Knowledge - Author success
Create Knowledge - Develop a new
solution or process/method
Share Knowledge - Teach/coach others
Share Knowledge - Serve as a Subject
Matter Resource for Learning
Share Knowledge – Advise Leaders
(Gold and Platinum level only)
Experience example (copy from EY Badges Jam – experience example file on the experience page of this badge)
Experience Category Description Manage an internal project or client engagementAssist in managing a client
engagement or internal project/ project workstream to support a teamor
(copy entire section including Level
of Responsibility, Key activities and
business unit or an EY Ripples/orrelated societal contribution initiative
Sample deliverables)

Responsibility:Contribute to the creation and implementation of the solution,

working with guidance and supervision

Key activities:▪Identify business issue/opportunity/goal▪Document current

state▪Plan project▪Design solution▪Manage stakeholder and
communications▪Implement solution▪Assess impactSample
deliverables:▪Solution description and visual

Experience Duration in hours: 80 Hours

(Requirement: Bronze: 1x30hrs /
Silver, Gold and Platinum: 2x50hrs)
Has the experience been used in No
another badge?
(If yes please detail Badge and Badge
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Section 2: Experience Submission
Academic Integrity:
• This paper should be written in your own words. Plagiarism, of any kind, will not be tolerated and is a type of academic
misconduct inconsistent with EY’s Global Code of Conduct.
• Plagiarism is presenting the words, ideas, or images of another as your own; it denies the creators of content the credit they are
due. Self-plagiarism is where you are re-using your content again, eg. from a different Experience Reflection Paper, whether
it’s a section or the whole paper.
• If external sources are used (e.g., books, journal or web articles, reports, lectures, etc.) in your paper, it is your responsibility to
cite them using the appropriate formats detailed in the section instructions.

Citation and word count guidance:

• You must keep within the word count limit for each sub-section.
• Where you are including any references and content from another source, this must be in-text cited using APA Style. A guide
for using APA Style in-text citations can be found here.
• Words that are not yours, or are your own words used in previous Experience Reflection Papers, will need to be counted
separately in the “Additional content from another source” box of each sub-section and in a different font color for clear
recognition by BAT reviewer. The Additional content word count limits are identified in each section.
• Other useful web resources to help you check and cite your work are Grammarly and Scribbr's citation generator.
• All additional content from another source must also be credited in Section 4, Reference List (see page 5).
• Do not include any information in this paper that would identify a client or other members of EY personally, e.g., use phrases
such as “my manager/colleague” and “a major energy company” rather than client names.

Section 2a: In your own words, summarize your Learning.

Summarize what you learned from completing the badge learnings, with details of your key learning take-aways. Explain what your goal was in
taking the EY Badge. Do not just list topics, concepts or course names, but instead explain what you learned from them, in your own words.

The circular economy learnings helped me understand the basics of circular economy and its importance in view of the scarcity of resources. The
badge provided me with a comprehensive overview of the importance of ESG and circular economy.

The learnings have a defined strcuture and takes the learner through the ways circular economy has been implemented by clients globally. It also
helps understand the different frameworks in this space and how a change in the operations and functioning of clients can play a significant role in
how we live.

My goal when signing up for this course was to understand more about ways in which circular economy has been implemented, the green business
strategies, and sustainability initiatives across organizations. This course has been istrumental in improving my understanding of the circular
economy and I hope to continue learning about different sustainability measures in future.

Word count of additional content from another

Word count of your own words: 112
(excl. additional content from another source)
excl. the in-text citation itself – (Author, Year.. )
min. 100 words, max. 120 words max. 30 words

to page 3

Section 2b: In your own words, describe your Experience.

Briefly describe the specific experience to which you applied learning from your Badge. You should focus on one unique experience and not
multiple experiences. This should not be a description of your role or the wider project during which your experience happened.
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I leveraged the learnings to develop an internal tool which is used to measure the carbon Footprint of logistics operations and thereby, share ways to
manage the logistics in a circular and sustainable way.
The GLEC framework has been leveraged to help analyze client’s data and help them look at their current footprint generated.

Word count of additional content from another

Word count of your own words: 54
source: 0
(excl. additional content from another source)
excl. the in-text citation itself – (Author, Year.. )
min. 50 words, max. 75 words max. 15 words

Section 2c: In your own words, reflect on your Learning as applied in your Experience.
Share some of the specific activities you completed and show how you applied the learning from this badge to those activities. You should describe
the relevance and impact of applying your learning to your client, business, team or society. What did you do differently? What did you and/or others
feel, learned, commit to as a result? You should also reflect on any challenges, improvements, or shortcomings by providing details of what you
learned from applying your learning to this experience and how you would improve your contribution if you were to undertake the same experience

This training has given me a deeper insight into the circular ways of working and has helped me understand how, we as responsible
beings, can make small changes to adopt the policy of reuse and recycle.
It also gave me insight on how the large corporates are taking steps towards ensuring circularity in their business operations.
The training on business design helped me understand how flawed design has led to excessive pollution on earth. If people created
products more thoughtfully, they wouldn’t have to worry about pollution or shortages. Designers with full ecological awareness can
create products that offer infinite utility and do no harm; they will help the Earth.
I have also understood the Cradle-to-cradle framework where products have no end-of-use date; they nourish the natural system
There was also a section which helped me understand how technology has led to innovators seeking new ways to get value from idle
The business model of eBay and Craigslist have enabled selling of unwanted items efficiently; Zipcar, Airbnb and TaskRabbit has
enabled consumers to rent assets like accommodations, and workers, as per their need.

Resource constraints, growing demand and sustainability issues has led to shifting focus from mass consumerism to a more
collaborative consumption mindset that targets to remove friction from the consumerist economy.
I learnt about the 4 necessary factors to ensure the success of a sharing economy:
Trust between strangers, belief in the common, idling capacity and, critical mass of users.

The trainings helped me understand the importance of minimizing environmental impact of product through its life cycle. There are
two ways to implement these:
 Closed-loop supply chains and remanufacturing
 DFE: Design for environment & cradle-to-cradle design
Lean and six-sigma are two proven process improvement methodologies.

I also learnt about the concept of carbon footprint measurement and lifecycle analysis.
The objective of LCA is to find the entire range of environmental damages attributable to products or processes through their entire life
cycle, which comprises raw material extraction and processing, packaging, transportation, manufacturing, and distribution, use by
consumers, and end-of-life/ disposal.
Carbon footprint means the amount of greenhouse emissions associated with an organization, a product, or a process over a defined
period. Carbon footprint measurement is an application of LCA in order to study the environmental impact of GHG emissions.
These concepts have been incorporated in the Carbon Footprint Analyzer which focuses on the logistics operations of the client and the
resulting emissions. This has been showcased with multiple stakeholders globally and based on their feedback, the analyzer has been
enhanced to focus on alternative fuels model to be able to assist the client with their carbon footprint emissions based on their decision
with respect to a greener fuel. The analyzer is equipped with showcasing the updated emissions based on the hybrid fleet choices the
user makes.

I hope to be able to continue learning more on ESG topics and being able to use this knowledge to help clients accelerate their journey
towards a more sustainable future. My experience with the Circular economy training has been very positive and I would recommend
this training.

Word count of your own words: 516 Word count of additional content from another source:
(excl. additional content from another source) excl. the in-text citation itself – (Author, Year.. )
min. 500 words, max. 600 words max. 150 words

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Section 3: Screenshot evidence
• DO NOT include copies of actual deliverables in your zip file
• Please include in the section below at least 1 and up to 5 screenshots of your deliverables with any comments to enable the
Attestor/SMR reviewer to see an example of your work
• Do not include any information in your screenshots that would identify a client or other members of EY personally, e.g., use
phrases such as “my manager/colleague” and “a major energy company” rather than client names.
• You can also include links to externally published articles or materials you created as part of this experience.
Screenshot 1:

Further screenshots (up to 5 in total)

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Section 4: Reference List (only required if you included content from additional sources)
• All content from additional sources that has been cited in the text of this Experience Reflection Paper must also be listed as a
reference in the box below using APA Style. A guide containing APA Style reference examples can be found here.
• If you cited your own words from a previous Experience Reflection Paper, your previous Experience Reflection Paper must also
be included in the reference list. In this case, please use the below reference example as a guide:

Author last name, Initials. (Year). Title. Subtitle [Unpublished type of work].

Example: Smith J. (2021). Data Visualization: Silver Badge [Unpublished Paper].

Further information can be found here.

Section 5: Academic Integrity & Global Code of Conduct Attestation

Invalid signature
I have acknowledged all external material by crediting the source(s) using
appropriate APA citation style.

I understand plagiarism is an act of academic misconduct.

X Parimita Choubey
My Experience Reflection Paper submission reflects my own personal
experience and my own reflections on my experience. This experience was
authentic and for the purposes of this badge. I provide this confirmation in Signed by: Parimita Choubey
line with the ethical and behavioral framework as set out by the EY Global Right click on the above signature pad to sign
Code of Conduct.
Note: Once the document is signed, you will be
I acknowledge that the SMR reviewing my Experience Reflection Paper unable to make any further edits to the document.
may reach out to me to validate the authenticity of the experience I have
described (only applicable for Silver, Gold and Platinum badges).

Next steps
• Email the completed Experience Reflection Paper along with any deliverables to your attestor. Include links to any externally
published articles or materials you created as part of this.
• Ask the attestor to review your Experience Reflection Paper and complete the Experience Review Form and return it to you by
• You should then zip or create a pdf with the completed Experience Review Form plus the Experience Reflection Paper and the
email from the Attestor.
• Ensure you do not include deliverables (other than screenshots included in Section 3 of this paper or links to externally published
articles or materials you created as part of this).
• Submit your zip file via the Experience submission form on the Experience page of your badge.
Please note this form is only activated after you completed the learning requirement of the badge.

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