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SAT Math Mock Test No.

8 433

SAT Math Mock Test No.8

M ath Test - NO Calculator 25 M INUTES, 20 Q UESTIONS
For questions 1-15, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided,
and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 16-20, solve the
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the
directions before question 16 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use any
available space in your test booklet for scratch work.

1. No calculator is allowed for this section. All numbers used are real numbers.
2. Figures that accompany problems in this test are intended to provide information
useful in solving the problems. They are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when
it is stated in a specific problem that the figure is not drawn to scale. All figures lie in a
plane unless otherwise indicated.
3. Unless otherwise specified, the domain of any function j(x) assumed to be the set of all
real numbers x for whichj(x) is a real number.


h ~ b~
• .J2 ~s
G DW~~1
I b ll!0 a s s...[3
45 3~
60· S

A =7rT 2 A = Iw A = ~ bh V = Iwh V = 7fTz h c 2 = aZ + b 2 Special Right Triangles


The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360; the nwnber of radians of arc in a circle is 2n:.
The sum of the degree measures of the angles in a triangle is 180.

1. A, B, and C are three points on a line in 3. In the figure below, if a = 2e, and b = 3a,
that order. If AB = 20 and BC is 10 less what is the value of c?
than AB , what is the length of AC ?
a) 30
b) 38
c) 35
d) 32
Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
2. If Y > 0, what is 20 percent of 50y? a) 18
a) lOy b) 20
b) 12y c) 28
c) 14y d) 34
d) 20y
434 Dr. Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook For The New SAT

4. If x> X2, which of the following must be a) 2

true? b) 1
I.x<l c) 0
II. x> 0 d) -1
III. x 2 > 1
a) I only 9. On a certain farm, every sixth tomato
b) II only picked is rotten, and every fifth tomato
c) I and II only picked is green. If a famer randomly
d) I and III only picks a tomato from the farm, what is the
probability that the tomato will be both
5. A rectangular solid has dimensions of a green and rotten?
x b x c where a, b and c are positive a) :5
integers. Its volume is v and its surface
b) ~
area is s. If v is odd, which of the 6
following must be true? c) 30
I. a is odd.
II. Both b and c are odds d) 2-
III. s is even.
a) I only 10. Which of the following is an equation of
b) I and II only the line that is perpendicular to the y-axis
c) I and III only and passes through the point (2, I)?
d) I, II, and III a) y= 1
b) Y =-1
1 1
6. If x > 0 and x Y xi' = X4 , what is the value c) y= x
ofy? d) Y =-x
a) 1
11. At West Hill High School, some
b) 1
members of the Key Club are on the
1 math team and no members of the math
c) -4
team are freshmen. Which of the
d) -1 following must also be true?
a) No members of the Key Club are
7. Which of the following expressions must freshmen.
be negative if x < O? b) Some members of the Key Club
a) x2 - 2 are freshmen.
b) X S - 1 c) Some members of the Key Club
c) .x4 - 3x2- 1 are not freshmen.
d) x 6 + 3x2 + 1 d) More tenth graders are on the
math team than are on the Key
8. Point Q lies on the line with equation y Club.
- 3 = 2(x - 3). If the x-coordinate of Q is 2,
what is the y-coordinate of Q?
SAT Math Mock Test No.8 435

12. If=-y = 4, x = 4z, and z = 6, what is the 14. In the xy-plane, line I passes through the
value of y? origin and is perpendicular to the line 2x
+ y = b, where b is a constant. If the two
a) 6
lines intersect at the point (3a, a+l), what
b) 7
is the value of b?
c) 8
a) 3
d) 10
b) 15
13. If the sum of three numbers is 54, what is c) 9
the average (arithmetic mean) of the d) 12
three numbers?
15. When the number 13 is divided by the
a) 9
positive integer p, the remainder is 1. For
b) 12
how many different values of p is this
c) 15 true?
d) 18 a) Six
b) Five
c) Four
d) Three
436 Dr. Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook For The New SAT

For questions 16-20, solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid, as described
below, on the answer sheet.
Answer: 2. Answer: 25
12 Answer: 201
Write answer~ Either position is correct.
in the boxes. "":'-+iI-+_+-=:..L

o 0 0 0

000 e 00 e 0
® e ®® e 0<90
® @ (!) ® (!) (!) (";\ .-
Grid in results "~0 ,....
Note: You may start your
answers in any column, space
permitting. Columns not
needed should be left blank.
• Mark no more than one circle in any column.
• Because the answer sheet will be machine- • Decimal Answer: If you obtain a
scored. You will receive credit only if the decimal answer with more digits than
circles are filled in correctly. the grid can accommodate, it may be
• Although not required, it is suggested that either rounded or truncated, but it must
you write your answer in the boxes at the fill the entire grid. The acceptable ways
top of the columns to help you fill in the to grid ~3 _,
r - __~
are·· ~______ ~____~
circles accurately.
:2 / 3
• Some problems may have more than one
correct answer. In such case, grid only one
• No question has a negative answer.
• Mixed numbers such as 3 ~ must be gridded
as 3.5 or ~ . (If ~ is gridded, it will be
. d as 2' 1
mterprete 31
not 3 -. )

16. A bag contains only red, white, and blue 17. If 3x2 = 5y = 15, what is the value of x 2y?
marbles. If randomly choosing a blue
marble is three times as likely as randomly
choosing a white marble, and randomly
choosing a red marble is twice as likely as
randomly choosing a blue marble, then
what is the smallest possible number of
marbles in the bag?
18. In the figure above, four line segments
intercept at a point. How many degrees is
SAT Math Mock Test No.8 437

20. If x +2 y = 5, what is the value of


19. In the right triangle above, what is the

value of x?
438 Dr. Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook For The New SAT

Math Test - Calculator 55 MINUTES, 38 Q UEST ONS
For questions 1-30, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided,
and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 31-38, solve the
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the
directions before question 31 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use any
available space in your test booklet for scratch work.

1. Acceptable calculators are allowed for this section. All numbers used are real numbers.
2. Figures that accompany problems in this test are intended to provide information
useful in solving the problems. They are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when
it is stated in a specific problem that the figure is not drawn to scale. All figures lie in a
plane unless otherwise indicated.
3. Unless otherwise specified, the domain of any function j(x) assumed to be the set of all
real numbers x for whichj(x) is a real number.


A =nr2
9w~~A=/w A=! bh V=/wh
tID b~S~~S a s s..J3
c2 = a 2 + b 2 Special Right Triangles
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360; the number of radians of arc in a circle is 2n:.
The sum of the degree measures of the angles in a triangle is 180.

1. The median of a set of 15 consecutive

integers is 35. What is the greatest of
these 15 integers?
a) 42
b) 41 Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
c) 40 2. Two equilateral triangles are shown
d) 38 above with the ratio of their side lengths
equal to~. What is the ratio of their
a) ~
b) 2-
c) ~
d) ~
SAT Math Mock Test No.8 439

3. A car rental company charges $50 per a) 9

day for the first 5 days, and $45 a day for b) 10
each day after that. How much will Tom c) 12
be charged if he rents a car for two d) 15
a) $455 7. A cube has 2 faces painted green and the
b) $525 remaining faces painted red. The total
c) $555 area of the green faces is 32 square
d) $655 inches. What is the volume of this cube,
A in cubic inches?
a) 9

b) 27
c) 36
d) 64
B D E F c
4. In the figure above, if segment AD 8. In the xy-plane, line I passes through the
bisects LBAE, segment AF bisects LEAC, origin and is perpendicular to the line 3x
and mLBAC = 110·, what is the value of + 2y = 2b, where b is a constant. If the two
mLDAF in degrees (Figure not drawn to lines intersect at the point (2a, a -1), what
scale.)? is the value of b?
a) 60° a) -13
b) 55° b) -12
c) 45° c) -6
d) 40° d) 12

5. Five erasers cost as much as 3 pencils. If 9. Megan began a one-way 10-mile bicycle
Matt bought one eraser and one pencil trip by riding very slowly for 5 miles. She
for $1.60, how much does one pencil cost rested for 30 minutes and then rode
in dollars? quickly for the rest of the trip. Which of
a) 0.50 the following graphs could correctly
b) 0.60 represents the trip?
c) 1.00 a) ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Travel Distance vs. Time
d) 1.10

6. 36 marbles, all of which are red, blue, or

green, are placed in a bag. If a marble is
picked from the bag at random, the
probability of getting a red marble is ~
I: tt\=-"- - - -
a 2
- ---
Time (hr)
and the probability of getting a blue
marble is ~.
How many green marbles are
in the bag?
440 Dr. Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook For The New SAT

b) a) 5
Travel Distance vs. Time b) 4
c) 3
! 15 - -------- ------
d) 2

~1°5 -/
1;; - - - -- 7-
----- -
Q 11. From the graphs below, how many more
o - ----- graduates went on to a four-year college
o 2 4
in 2013 than in 2012?
Time (hr)
2012 Graduates Plans

c) r - - -- - - - - - --
Travel Distance vs. Time

E 10 +-_ -=_ - - -
+-L-f-C --,- -
o 2 4 2013 Graduates Plans:
Time (hr) Total Number of Graduates: 420

d) ~_________~

Travel Distance vs. Time

_ 15 ..,...--- - - - -
! 10 +---~---
:; 5 +----------::lfIIC-- - - -
.1iQ i 0 ~----.---_,
a) 29
o 2 4
Time (hr)
b) 32
- - - -- ------ c) 33
d) 35
10. The table below shows the number of
students in Mr. Jang's class that are
taking 1, 2, 3, or 4 AP classes. After a new
student joined the class (not shown in the
table), the average (arithmetic mean)
number of AP classes per student
became equal to the median. How many
AP c1asses IS. thenew stud entta kin? lK·
Students Taking AP Classes 12. The figure above shows the graph of the
Number of APs Number of line y = mx + b, where m and b are
Students constants. Which of the following best
1 6 represents the graph of the line y= -2mx
2 4
+ b?
3 5
4 4
SAT Math Mock Test No.8 441

a) a) Segment AD
b) Segment AC
c) Segment CB
d) Segment AB


15. The Venn diagram above shows the

distribution of 40 students at a school
who took biology, chemistry, or both.
c) What percent of the students studied
a) 30%
b) 45%
c) 50%
d) 60%
16. On an Algebra final exam, class A has an
average score of 90 with 15 students.
Class B has an average score of 86.5 with
20 students. When the scores of class A
and B are combined, what is the average
13. If/(x) = X 2 + X 3/ 2, what is the value off(3) score of class A and B?
=? a) 86
a) 3 x (1 + 3v'3 ) b) 86.5
c) 88
b) (1 + 3v'3) d) 88.5
c) 3 x (1 + 3v'3 )
d) 3 x (3 + v'3 ) 17. 104 students are in the freshman class. If
the ratio of male students to female
students is 6 : 7, how many more female
14. In MBC below, LACB is 90 0 • Which of
students than male students in the class?
the following segments has the longest
a) 8
A b) 10
c) 14
d) 15

442 Dr. Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook For The New SAT

the ratio of the momentum of A to that of

120 B?
a) 1
o 3
b) 3
Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
18. What is the value of x in the figure c) 3
above? d) 5
a) 90
b) 100 22. If two bodies A and B as described above
c) 125 have equal momentum, what is the ratio
d) 120 of the kinetic energy of A to that of B?
a) ~
19. How many points do the graph of
function, J(x) = (x -1)2, cross the x-axis? b) ~
a) 0 c) 3
b) 1 d) 9
c) 2
d) 3 23. Joan has $25 and wants to buy a dozen of
red pens at $0.60 each and two dozens of
blue pens at $0.8 each. Without counting
20. In the xy-coordinate system, (k, 9) is one
sales tax, how much more money does
of the points of intersection of the graphs
she need?
y = 2X2 + 1 and y = -x2 + m, where m and
a) $1.00
k are constants. What is the value of m?
b) $1.40
a) 13
c) $1.50
b) 12
d) $2.00
c) 10
d) 8

Questions 21 - 22 refer to the following

The kinetic energy of an object is the
energy that the object possesses due to its
motion. Kinetic energy is equal to half of 24. In the figure above, the circle has a center
the product of the mass and the square of o and radius of 4 cm. What is the area of
its velocity. the shaded portion, in square
The momentum is the quantity of the centimeters?
motion of a moving body, measured as a 1
a) -TI
product of its mass and velocity. 2
b) 2-TI
21. If two bodies, A and B, have equal 3
c) 2-TI
kinetic energies and the mass of A is nine 4

times as much as the mass of B, what is d) 3TI

SAT Math Mock Test No.8 443

25. If x and y are non-zero integers, what is x

percent of y percent of 2000?
a) xy
b) 5xy
c) 10xy
29. The figure above consists of three circles
d) sxy that share the same center. The circles
have radii of 2,3, and 5 respectively.
What is the probability that a randomly
26. A ramp is 30 meters long and set at a 30° chosen point will be in the shaded
angle of inclination. If you walk up to the region?
top of the ramp, how high off the groWld 1
a) 5
(in meters) will you be?
a) 15 b) ~
b) lS..{i 5
c) 16
c) lSv'3
d) 18 d) 2-

27. One of the angles of a rhombus is 120°. If 30. Machine A makes 250 toys per hour.
one side has length of 3, what is the area Machine B makes 350 toys per hour. If
of the rhombus? both machines begin running at the same
a) 3 time, how many minutes will it take the
b) 3v'3 two machines to make a total of 1800
c) 4.5v'3 toys?
d) 6-13 a) 180
b) 150
28. To get a job done, a machine needs to c) 130
produce x boxes of toys, in which each d) 120
box contains y toys. If this machine rWlS
10 hours per day and produces an
average of z toys per minute, how many
days will it take to finish the job?
a) -
b) 60 x10 x z
c) 60 x 60 x10x z
60 x 10 x xy
d) z
444 Dr. Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook For The New SAT

For questions 31-38, solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid, as described
below, on the answer sheet.
Answer: !.... Answer: 25
12 Answer: 201
Write answer~ Either position is correct.
in the boxes. i-i-+..iIr+o~F~

o 0 0 0

000 . 00 . 0
® . ®® . 000
0<D00 00~'"
Grid in result . """r.'I0 r-
Note: You may start your
answers in any column, space
permitting. Columns not
needed should be left blank.
• Mark no more than one circle in any column.
• Because the answer sheet will be machine- • Decimal Answer: If you obtain a
scored. You will receive credit only if the decimal answer with more digits than
circles are filled in correctly. the grid can accommodate, it may be
• Although not required, it is suggested that either rounded or truncated, but it must
you write your answer in the boxes at the fill the entire grid. The acceptable ways
top of the columns to help you fill in the to grid ~3 are·•
circles accurately. r--- - ---.
2 / 3
• Some problems may have more than one
correct answer. In such case, grid only one
• No question has a negative answer.
• Mixed numbers such as 3 ~ must be gridded
as 3.5 or ~ . (If ~ is gridded, it will be
interpreted as 31, not 3 .!:..)

31. In the figure above, a cube has a

volume of 64 cubic units. What is the 5
length of the diameter of a sphere that 32. In the right triangle above, what is the
is inscribed in the cube? value of x?
SAT Math Mock Test No.8 445

A ----;;----;+-_~

33. In the figure above, AB is tangent to 36. The figure above shows an
circle 0, AB = 12, and AC = 8. What is arrangement of 14 squares, each with
the area of ~OAB? side length of x inches. The perimeter
of the figure is P inches and the area of
the figure is A square inches. If 21P =
A, what is the value of x?
34. Monday morning, Jason starts out
with a certain amount of money that
he plans to spend throughout the
week. Every morning after that, he
spends exactly '3 the amount he has
left. 6 days later, on Sunday morning,
he finds that he has $64 left. How
many dollars did Jason originally have
on Monday morning?

37. John places a mirror on the ground

140 feet from the base of a lighthouse.
He walks backward until he can see
the top of the lighthouse in the middle
of the mirror. At that point, John's
eyes are 6 feet above the ground and
he is 3 feet from the mirror. Find the
height, in feet, of the lighthouse.

35. In the xy-plane aboye, 0 is the center

of the circle with a radius of 2, and the
measure of L8 is ~ radians. What is the 38. In the xy-plane, the point (I, 2) is the
value of x + y? (Round your answer to minimum of the quadratic
the nearest tenth.) function [(x) = x 2 + ax + b. What is
the value of I a-b I?

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