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Proposal for the

Computer Vision
Part of
Robot Manipulator

P.H. Naveen Dilsara

1. Introduction

This Manipulator is planned to design in order to perform the task of picking Gloves and placing them in
the correct orientation using image processing technology. When designing this manipulator we have
selected our very own unique features comprising 6 Degree of freedom, Actuators, and Computer vision

Before designing this manipulator we have been planning to divide our tasks into three sectors. Namely
Mechanical, Electronic & Image processing (computer vision).

Computer Vision Part of the Robot Manipulator is elaborated below.

Task - To develop the vision system for identifying hand gloves and acquiring data in the workspace.
This Robot Vision is also known as computer vision. In robots, vision uses the principle of digital image
processing technology. The aim of a Robot vision system or computer vision is to help the robot collect
information about this particular environment (Workspace), with the help of cameras (CCD).
For example, let’s consider how a human being receives a vision. Human beings collect information
about the environment with help of their eyes. So with the help of our eyes, we take a photograph of the
environment and process the brain and consequently. We could identify that as an object. Exactly this
particular principle we are going to copy in an artificial way in robot vision.
Robot Vision – To extract, characterize and interpret objects present in an image/photograph captured
using a camera (Camera setup)
Purpose of the robot vision systems/computer vision system – To identify and interpret the different
objects present in a particular image or photograph.
The Vision system of the manipulator are consisted camera, ADC, microcontroller, and computer vision

 CCD camera - CCD cameras’ main accomplishment is the production of quality images
without any distortion.
 ADC - Use a simple MCP3008 analog to digital converter (ADC) to read up to 8 channels of
analog input with 10-bit precision because Raspberry Pi only has digital inputs, so analog
sensors need an external ADC system
 Raspberry Pi 4 - A Raspberry Pi is best suited for high-level control and decision making because
powerful CPU (quad-core ARM Cortex-A72 processor), Various RAM sizes. This controller has
a lot of memory, so it can use to store image captures from the camera.
 OpenCV is a pre-built, open-source CPU-only library (package). It supports a good variety of
programming languages including Python

The robot vision system/computer vision system is simply represented in steps as follows.

Image Sampling A/D Frame

Capturing Converter grabbling

Sensing & Digitizing

detection Thresholding Pre processing

Object Identification

Image processing

Activities Robot controller

Robot Applications
2. Justification

Introduction of a robot manipulator has so many effects for the betterment of a company Robotic
manipulators are capable of performing repetitive tasks at speeds and accuracies that far exceed those of
human operators. They are now widely used in manufacturing processes.

3. Aims and Objectives

The aim of the project is to picking gloves and placing them to a correct orientation.
The objective of this project is to make the production of the company much more efficient and accurate.

4. Methodology

Identify real-problem in the industry

 Build rapport with engineer or manager
 Factory visit
 discussing the real situation

Developing knowledge and experiences

 Research paper, Review paper and books
 Tutorial Videos
 Seek advice from supervisor and industry experts.

 Dividing the main problem into smaller problems.
 Finding solutions to each sub-problems with use of mathematics & science

 Finding solutions to problems using the scientific method and testing it repeatedly.
5. Project Schedule

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