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Proposal for the

Control System
Part of
Robot Manipulator

Nisal Nimnaka Siriwardena


In the present robots have been playing a vital role in industries. Because it can perform work more
accurately, fast and smarter than humans. These manipulators are introduced into the industries for
increasing the productivity and quality of products in a greater extend. The modern commercial robotic
systems are very complex. They are integrated with many sensors and actuators which, have many
interacting DOF and most of them require user interfaces and programming tools.

This Manipulator is planning to designed in order to perform the task of picking Gloves and placing them
in correct orientation using an image processing technology. When designing this manipulator we have
selected our very own unique features comprising with 6 Degree of freedom, Actuators, Computer vision.

Before designing this manipulator we have been planning to divide our tasks into three sectors. Namely
Mechanical, Electronic & Image processing (computer vision).

Control Systems Part of the Robot Manipulator is elaborated below

Every robot system is created and modified so as to be able to perform the required function. Control
systems allow for the movement and function of various parts of the robot, as well as execute a specific
set of motions and forces in the presence of unforeseen errors. Teamwork is also essential in Robotics.
The level of interaction between human and machine decides how versatile and adaptable the robot is.
CONTROL OF ROBOT MANIPULATOR The dynamics of the robot are said to highly non-linear and
design is difficult. Based on variation bounds the control parameters are determined which confirms the
strong stability of a closed loop system. In case of a flexible joint robot the controller design increases the
control performance and it is very complex compared to rigid robot. Joint flexibility has proved play a
very important component of robot dynamics and control but previously it was known as a limiting factor
for manipulator performance. The most recent trend in manipulators being the teleoperation of robots. In
this the robotic manipulators are operated by a remotely located human operator. Delay problems were
identified between the sensory feedback and the command given to the manipulator by the operator. To
overcome the dependency on delay, the passivity-based control was used and the master- slave tele
operator system was introduced which acted as an interconnection of two-port networks.
1. Controller – The robot controller controls the movements and functions of the robot. The robot
controller is a feedback control system, run by a computer program that gives commands for the
moving parts of the robot to follow. The controller stores information about the robot and its
work environment and contains programs that operate the robot; 2. Actuator – The Actuators
(such as motors, pistons,
grippers, wheels, and gears) are used to produce mechanical movements of the robot elements to
make the robot move, grab, turn or lift. The source of energy that the actuators require to create
motion is usually electricity, hydraulic fluid, or pneumatic pressure; 3. Sensors – The sensors give
the robots an awareness of their environment or surroundings and other important information.
The sensing elements feed measurements and details like sizes, shapes, space between objects,
direction, etc. to the robot controller which processes them and then sends back the control signal
making necessary changes, to activate the actuators to enable appropriate robot control. In order
to achieve high levels of performance, the robotics control uses a closed loop control system
making use of sensor feedback as explained below. A feedback control system consists of five
basic components which are, 1. Input; 2. Process being controlled; 3. Output; 4. Sensing
elements; 5. Controller and actuating devices.

Introduction of a robot manipulator has so many effects for the betterment of a company Robotic
manipulators are capable of performing repetitive tasks at speeds and accuracies that far exceed those of
human operators. They are now widely used in manufacturing processes.

3.Aims and Objectives

The aim of the project is to picking gloves and placing them to a correct orientation.
The objective of this project is to make the production of the company much more efficient and accurate.
4. Methodology
 Planning out the required information
 Working out the required calculations
 Designing a Model.
 Analyzing the Model
 Testing the Model

5. Project Schedule

October November December January February March

Task Name

Testing the

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