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Lesson Class #4 :Counting the Stars- Book Course Grade 5 LA (60

Title/Focus dissection minutes)


● Read, write, represent and talk to explore personal understandings of new ideas and
(all of these should be completed via the worksheet)
● Comprehend new ideas and information by responding personally, taking notes and
discussing ideas with others
(comprehension can be assessed if students can answer the questions without guided
● Develop and follow own plan for gathering and recording ideas and information


At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Identify context clues that can help us to determine the genre of the novel that is
presented in the title.
2. Represent personal understanding through writing and illustration of new ideas
presented in the novel.
3. Compare personal experiences to the experiences characters undergo in the novel.


● Worksheet (24 printed): Have paper passer hand out to each table the correct amount
(Leanne, Kayde need differentiated papers)
● Physical copy of Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the
Space Race
● Pencils
● Google slides presentation
● Glossary sheet printed for each student with 5 filled in words


● Create a google slides presentation and upload photos of the novel cover page.
● Pre read the first half of the book to ensure I know any tough words and am able to
properly pronounce them.
● Ensure all students are reminded of the volume needed within our classroom
community prior to the start of the work period.
● Give a countdown for students at the 15, 10 and 5 minute mark so we have enough time
to clean up before the bell, and to keep certain students engaged and on track with their
● Check in periodically (unless our EA is available) with students who need additional
support. Leanne and Kayde will complete a fill in the blank style comprehension
- Leanne: Clarify what the questions mean and physically show what is being
asked. Follow up with why is this your answer?
- Kayde: Every 5 minutes check in to see his progress and read the question out
to get his answer. Have him write it down and describe his ideas.


Introduction Time

● Let students know what we will be doing, as we start our read aloud 5 min
journey. We will be exploring the stories of 3 people, and seeing their life
through a unique lens.
- Ask if they can tell me what we did last class and how this may
tie into this lesson.
● Have students grab all the materials needed for the class period, which
will be posted on the first slide of the presentation. During this time, have
a student hand out the worksheets, 4 per each pod.
● Introduce the book and bring their attention to the screen and the photo
on the cover page.
- Ask students if there are any context clues in the title that help us
identify this as a non-fiction passage.

Body Time

Topic 1) Have students read over the questions prior to the 20-25 min
Read aloud- The read aloud. Tell them to write down any ideas on the
Finest Hour mind map area that they find important, this will
help them answer the questions when the book is
- Prior to beginning the book, highlight the image on
the front cover and discuss why they may have
chosen animations to be featured on the cover.
2) Be sure to highlight the people, places and events
that are highlighted.
- Ask students why these names are important? Names
help us to understand who the story is about and
provide us with background information.
- Ask students if this biography, although “short”, has
a clear beginning, middle and end.
First bell of the 2 period blocks should ring at this time.**

Topic 1) Redirect students' attention to the board, make 10 min

Introduce the sure students are in their seats and silent as we
worksheet start the next activity.
package - Reiterate that they will be getting instructions
about the worksheet for part one of the book.
2) Explore the first question together as a class so
they can all see the expectations for how they
will be filling out the booklet. This should be a
form of scaffolded learning and help them to
connect new ideas to things they already know.
3) Reiterate how their mind map page should have
important ideas that can help them to answer the
questions in the booklet.

Topic 1) Put up a timer for students to show how much 15-20 min
Silent work time time they have to work on their booklets.
2) Move around the room to check in with students
on how they are connecting to the passages.
Facilitate discussions if they require additional
- Have 3 passages printed and on a google
slide that can be used for students to answer
the comprehension questions. The first
questions are solely to assess how they
connect big ideas in the book to experiences
they have had, and is a way to introduce
students to the novel.
3) For Leanne, Kayde I will provide a fill in the
blank and illustration based packet. They will
have short passages attached to each question so
they can re-read and connect to the ideas the
other students are being asked to explore.
3) Direct students' attention when we are 5 minutes out
to slowly finish the question they are on, and not
rush as they will continue to fill out the booklet as
we progress through the chapter.

Conclusion Time

● At the five minute mark direct students to finish their final thoughts and 5 min
put their work away in their binder. Reiterate that students will need this
package over the next few classes and it needs to be kept in a safe place.


Identify context clues that can help us to determine the genre of the novel that is presented in
the title.
- Have students answer a question at the start of class to stimulate conversation and
create a hook for the novel study. Use discussion to plan for the next lesson, and alter
the conversation we have prior to reading the next chapter.
- In the worksheet include a space that asks them to provide examples demonstrating
their knowledge of why the book falls into the nonfiction category.
Represent personal understanding through writing and illustration of new ideas presented in
the novel.
- Students will fill out the packet as we progress through the 3 parts of the novel. At the
end of each section, students’ will hand in their packet for feedback, and to assess if
students are properly connecting to the novel's main ideas. Feedback will also be used
as a way to modify the next packet created, based on student responses.
- All questions are used to connect our own experiences to the events that are occurring
in the novel, as a way to make the novel more palatable for everyone.
- Students should be able to answer questions in full sentences or illustrate their ideas,
based on the instructions given for that section of the text.
Compare personal experiences to the experiences characters undergo in the novel.
- Students will connect ideas from the novel, to the experiences and events in their own
life. We will connect back to the ideas of problem/ solution and cause and effect that
we discussed earlier in the week, in comparison to the book. Further, they will be able
to see how problems or causes led to a specific outcome, and is a driving force to the
plot as presented in the text.

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