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Unit 6 - SS8H4 - GA’s Westward Expansion Name _______________________ 1

SS8H4:a – Explain the reasons for the establishment of the University of Georgia, and the westward movement of Georgia’s capitals.

The University of Georgia - UGA

• _______________ _______________ (one of the GA signers of the US Cons tu on) was appointed
by then Governor, Lyman Hall (one of the GA signers of the Declara on of Independence) to
________________ the original _______________ for the university.

**What is a charter? ______________________________________________________

The GA ________________ ____________________ approved it in 1785, making the university the

__________ state-created and state-supported __________ _________________ in the
– Abraham Baldwin, and other Georgia leaders, ___________________ that an
__________________ popula on was necessary for a free government and that _____ ___________________
should make ________________ available for ______ people, not just the wealthy.
– Abraham Baldwin served as ______________ ___ __________ from 1785-1801.

• In 1799, trustees put aside 633 acres and founded ________________ _____________. The name
_______________ to the University of Georgia and opened its doors to students in ____________.
• Though UGA was the first state college _________________, the University of North Carolina was
the first to actually hold classes.
• In 1872, UGA was saved from bankruptcy when it became a “______________________
__________________________” which allowed it to expand and offer more educa onal programs -
specifically in agriculture and technical/trade educa on.
Unit 6 - SS8H4 - GA’s Westward Expansion Name _______________________ 2

Georgia Capital Ci es

1. _____________________ was the first state capital as it was the

first established city during ______________ _______________.

2. During the __________________ ___________, Patriots moved

the capital to __________________. This city served as Georgia’s capital
during the Revolu onary War and shortly a erward.

3. The General Assembly made _________________ the new capital

in 1786. It was named a er___________ ___________ _________ of
France for his _____________ during the Revolu onary War. Louisville
was located between the two previous capitals (Savannah & Augusta)
and served as a compromise between western se lers & coastal

4. Eventually _______________ __________________, the capture

of ___________ ____________ _____________, and an outbreak of
malaria resulted in a move of the capital again, this me to

5. A er the ___________________ of the _________________

Indians and ____________ _______________ in north and western Georgia, the capital moved
to_________________where it remains our state capital today.
** Looking at the map and understanding the order in which our state capitals were established, what trend do you no ce about the direc on in
which our capitals were established? _______________________________________________________________________________________

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