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Workshop reasearch and academic integrity

Guidelines regarding the research note (to be prepared in the CA under supervision, and submitted
in the dedicaed space on DVO)

1- Expectations:

- Content:
o A 3 pages research note, using at least 8 references/sources of which at least 3
academic sources.
o A structured document with: an introduction, a problematic (ask your lecturer for
help if needed), 2 or three main parts, a conclusion.
o A list of references.
o Appendix and footnotes if required.
o All content should be yours, in line with instructions provided in CMO.

- Length and presentation:

o 3 pages (+ appendix if relevant)
o 1.500 words (+ or – 10% allowed)
o Times New Roman 12 (Title: 14).

- Criteria of presentation and referencing:

o References: APA system presented and explained in the CMO.

2- Proposed subjects (choice is free):

- Is the nuclear energy a “green” energy?

- Is the digitalization of economy a good news or a bad new for climate change?
- Cryptocurrencies: at the advantage of citizen’s wealth or speculators?
- Has the Covid-19 crisis been a revelator of the EU’s unity or diversity?
- Can the air transport industry recover from the covid-19 pandemic?
- Did the Covid 19 pandemic lead to a de-globalization?
- Has the introduction of the Euro 20 years ago increased or decreased the purchasing power
of the citizens of the Eurozone members?
- Explaining the “slowing down” of Huawei’s results.
- Is the increased use of “remote working” a temporary adaptation to covid-19 or a new
organizational practice in organizations?

3- Assessment:

a. 25%: ability to formulate a problematic and draft a summary

b. 25%: ability to identify, use and mention relevant sources
c. 25% ability to answer question/topic
d. 25%: writing and presentation.

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