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Lesson 4

Your New Customer Acquisition

Flow Actionables
Introduction to Advanced 8-Figure Email Systems
How incentivize lead capture
Crucial psychological triggers to build a sense of
exclusivity, provide teasers and incite FOMO.
#1: Optimize your Design to your Website

Before Optimization After Optimization

#2: Use discount and/or Content Incentives
#3: Prepare content for building brand awareness
#4: Handpick user-generated content to establish trust
#4: Handpick user-generated content to establish trust

Customer Acquisition Flow
(Discount Offer)
Email 1: Welcome Discount
Wait 12 hours
Email 2: Discount Reminder + Brand Story
Wait 24 hours
Email 3: Discount Reminder + Customer Story
Customer Acquisition Flow
(No Discount Offer)
Email 1: Welcome + Brand Origin Story
Wait 24 hours
Email 2: Value-based Content + Product Reco
Wait 24 hours
Email 3: Featured Customer or Featured Product
Capturing leads is one of
the most crucial stages in
your Email Marketing

Next up, Cart Recovery.

See you in the next video!

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