Klaviyo Post-Purchase Flows

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Post Purchase Flows:

1. Customer Thank You – New Vs Returning Customer:

Trigger: Placed order
Flow filter: Cancelled order zero times since starting this flow
Wait 1 Day
Conditional Split: Has placed order equals 1 over all time
Yes: New Customer Thank You, No: Repeating Customer Thank You
Email 1: For New customer: Welcome to the family! Follow our social
links, give feedback.
Email 2: For Repeating Customer: Your loyalty and trust feels a lot.
2. Review Request:
Trigger: When someone fulfilled order.
Flow filter:
You are probably loving the product, kindly review it. How much start will
you give?

3. Customer Thank You + Customer Review Request:

Trigger: Someone Place order
Flow filter: Cancelled order zero times since starting this flow
Wait 1 Day
Email 1: Thank you + Give education about product How to use it
Wait for 16 Days
Email 2: Product Review Request, We would love to hear from you! Tell
them to share a comment on our FB page(give link) about the product, be
it video, pic or written, you will enter into lucky draw and can win a falan
Wait 4 Days
Email 3: Product Review on site, give stars rating and a comment review

Email 1:
Email 2:
Email 3:
4. Cross sell up sell: ( As Campaign)
Show him the best selling product, most preferably in GIF form, add its
features and benefits shortly, then recommend others as well in small
5. Cross sell up sell: (As a flow)
Trigger: Fulfilled order
Flow filter: Fulfilled order zero times since starting this flow
Wait 14 days
Product Review/Cross sell Email 1: Your opinion counts! We would love to
have a review of your purchase.
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Collection Cross sell: E.g a person sells wallets, cases and goods
Trigger: Fulfilled order
Trigger Filter: The Wallet
Flow filter: Fulfilled order zero times since starting this flow AND
Fulfilled order zero times over all times where Collections contain or The
Cases AND
Fulfilled order zero times over all times where Collections contain or The
It means that the person bought Wallet, now you have to upsell him cases
and goods as well
Time Delay: 7 Days
Email 1: Cases
Show him a few cases with CTA
Time Delay: 3 Days
Email 2: Goods
Show pics of different goods you have with CTA
 Immediate Upsell:
Trigger: Places order
Flow filter: Email frequency doesn’t equal weekly AND
Email frequency doesn’t equal monthly AND
Has not been in flow at any time
Time Delay: 15 mins
Email 1: Order Again in the next 48 hours and get 15% Off
Use Code….
Wait 1 Day
Email 2: Your Coupon is expiring, Put a timer over there

6. Replenishment Reminder:
Reminding the customer that it’s time for a re-order.
Trigger: Placed order
Flow filter: Placed order zero times since starting this flow
Delay: 30 days
Email 1:
7. Customer Winback Flow:
Winback time delay depends on your product, if it’s consumable after one
month then delay 30 days.
Trigger: Placed order
Flow filter: Placed order zero times since starting this flow
Delay: 60 days (can also put a conditional split, one for 60 days and one for
75 days
Email 1:
Delay: 15 days
Email 2:
8. Sunset Unengaged (aka break up):
Trigger: Unengaged (first make a segment of unengaged profiles, in lists
and segments section)
Segment making: Person is not suppressed AND
Opened email zero times since last 90 days AND
Clicked email zero times since last 90 days AND
Received Emails at least 15 over all time AND
Placed order zero times since last 45 days AND
Active on site zero times since last 45 days AND
Flow filter: Opened email zero times since starting this flow AND
Clicked email zero times since starting this flow.
Time Delay: 1 Day
Email 1: You’re missing out
Wait 5 Days
Email 2: Last email for you
Wait 5 days
Update profile category: Supressed profile

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