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Giáo viên: Cô Trang Anh

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.
Question 1: Some students are talking about their plan for the trip.
- Tom: "I don't think taking a hiking trip in this weather is a good idea." - Peter: “_______.”
A. You should do nothing B. You lied to me
C. It's a breathtaking view D. There's no doubt about it
Question 2: Brian is talking to John in his house.
- Brian: "Would you like coffee or fruit-juice?" - John: "________.”
A. I couldn't agree more B. Yes, I'd like to
C. I'd prefer coffee, please D. No, I've no choice

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the questions from 3 to 7.
For many years, scientists have been arguing about global warming. While they don't all agree about
what this might mean for Planet Earth, many think it is going on – and that we can do something about it.
We need a few more years to gather facts before anyone can say for sure. But people need to start now to
do things to stop it.
There are many types of gases in our atmosphere. Some of them absorb the heat from the sun and
control our climate. “Greenhouse gases” are those that hold the heat around the planet's surface. When we
increase the level of these gases, we upset the balance. These extra gases trap even more heat.

Some scientists say global warming has already started to change the environment. The Earth's
temperature has risen one degree Fahrenheit this century. Many scientists believe it could rise from two
to eight degrees Fahrenheit in the next hundred years. This would be the fastest rise in 10,000 years.
Sea levels could rise. Ice sheets could melt and add to the water level. Many places near the coast
would be in danger of flooding. If the climate change is too large and too fast, some plants and animals
could really suffer. They could even die out. The weather could become more violent and extreme. In some
places there would be more forest fires. But in other areas there would be more rain and snow, storms and
(Adapted from
Question 3: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Global warming and its negative effects. B. Global warming and forest fires.
C. Global warming and suggested solutions. D. Global warming and its advantages.
Question 4: According to the passage, gases control our climate by ______.
A. increasing its level B. absorbing the heat
C. changing the environment D. upsetting the balance
Question 5: The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. century B. global warming C. temperature D. environment
Question 6: The word "extreme” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. severe B. gentle C. quiet D. peaceful
Question 7: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Climate change would cause forest fires everywhere.
B. Scientists have all agreed about global warming.
C. The gases we increase trap even more heat.
D. Scientists say that global warming can never change the environment.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 8: The frustrated customer wanted to exchange the article, obtaining a refund, or speak to the
manager. A B C D
Question 9: The students who always pay attention in the classroom is often more successful.
Question 10: Famine and infectious diseases at home drove men to immigrate from the hometown;

hopefully to the promised land.
Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 11: They didn't offer her a pay rise. She was late quite often.
A. If she wasn't late quite often, they would have offered her a pay rise.
B. They would have offered her a pay rise if she had been late quite often.
C. They wouldn't offer her a pay rise if she had been late quite often.
D. If she hadn't been late quite often, they would have offered her a pay rise.
Question 12: We infected Coronavirus. We realized how important the prevention was.
A. Hardly had we infected Coronavirus when we realized how important the prevention was.
B. Not until had we infected Coronavirus that we realized how important the prevention was.
C. Not until we infected Coronavirus did we realize how important the prevention was.
D. Little did we realized how important the prevention was until we infected Coronavirus.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 13: Many scientists agree that global warming poses great menaces to all species on Earth.
A. fears B. risks C. annoyances D. irritations
Question 14: Although he made intermittent appearances this season, his goals helped his team win
important matches.
A. regular B. distinctive C. occasional D. constant

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 15: A. window B. police C. problem D. answer
Question 16: A. recommend B. disappoint C. advertise D. interrupt

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 17: I'm sure that Jane told them our project yesterday.

A. Jane may have told them our project yesterday.
B. Jane should have told them our project yesterday.
C. Jane must have told them our project yesterday.
D. Jane need have told them our project yesterday.
Question 18: The last time I used a public phone box was ten years ago.
A. I didn't use a public phone box ten years ago.
B. I have used a public phone box for ten years.
C. I would use a public phone box in ten years.
D. I haven't used a public phone box for ten years.
Question 19: “My parents will visit me next week”, said Claire.
A. Claire said that my parents would visit her next week.
B. Claire said that her parents would visit her the following week.
C. Claire said that my parents would visit her the following week.
D. Claire said that her parents will visit her the following week.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the questions from 20 to 26.
Stonehenge, one of the oldest mysteries in the world lies in southern England. Even the name is
ancient. The word “henge" comes from Old English used over a thousand years ago. The word meant
"hanging " so Stonehenge means "hanging stones.” However, the hanging stones go back much further than
Most recent research has found that Stonehenge was built in three stages and took at least 1,400
years to build. The first stage was started about 5,000 years ago and took 50 years to complete. In this first
construction, the people who built Stonehenge dug a ditch and some holes. Historians believe these holds
held long wooden poles. They don't know if there was a round building there or if the log poles were
connected together more like the stones there today. However, they have found some digging tools made
from animal bones there which has told them how old this stage is.
The second stage lasted for approximately the next 500 years. In this phase, it seems that some new
holes were made and some of the old holes were filled in. One of the most interesting things is that the old
holes were usually filled with burnt materials, often human ashes! These ashes and other building tools
help historians tell the age of the second phase.

The final phase took the longest time; almost 1,000 years. Some of the stones were brought by water,
while others came over land. These stones are terribly large and would be difficult even for modern
machines to move. How did the ancient people manage to move them? No one can say for certain, but it
seems most likely that they were moved through simple machines and willpower.
How the stones got into place is only one of the mysteries surrounding Stonehenge. Who built the
massive monument? Why did they build it? Was it for an ancient religion? Was it a tomb for a great person?
Is it the gateway to another world? No one can answer these questions, but there is one thing people agree
on whenever they see it. Stonehenge is one of the most impressive ancient mysteries anyone has ever seen.
(Adapted from
Question 20: Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Stonehenge: Mystery and History B. Some Interpretations of Stonehenge
C. Stonehenge: Ridiculous Theories and Facts D. The Newest Seven Wonders of the World
Question 21: The word “ditch” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. garden B. tunnel C. pond D. trench
Question 22: According to the passage, what help historians tell the age of the first stage?
A. building tools B. human ashes C. log poles D. animal bones
Question 23: The word “they” in paragraph 4 refers to _______.
A. people B. mysteries C. machines D. stones
Question 24: The word "gateway” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. part B. entrance C. exit D. roundabout
Question 25: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The first stage took 1,400 years to complete.
B. Huge stones were brought by water and came over land during the third stage.
C. Old holes were filled with materials such as human ashes during the second phase.
D. In the first construction, there were digging tools made from animal bones.
Question 26: It can be inferred from the passage that when the mysteries of Stonehenge are settled,
A. we can make modern construction techniques better
B. we can communicate with aliens from outer space
C. we can learn more about the timing of farming
D. we can learn more about ancient times

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 27: A. cream B. tear C. leap D. heat
Question 28: A. messages B. sunglasses C. measures D. resources

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your sheet answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 29: As Robert is having a party on Sunday, he's asked me _______ him decorate his room.
A. helping B. helped C. helps D. to help
Question 30: My friend _______ in my house before he bought his house last year.
A. lives B. had lived C. will live D. is living
Question 31: The policeman got on his _______ horse when the driver who was caught speeding
questioned his authority.
A. fat B. high C. big D. clever
Question 32: _______ I'm really hungry, I'll wait for the others to arrive.
A. Because of B. Despite C. Because D. Although
Question 33: She's been to New York several times, _______?
A. hasn't she B. is she C. isn't she D. has she
Question 34: She _______ quite often as a guest on popular television shows, as well as in television and
big screen movies
A. looked up B. turned on C. looked after D. turned up
Question 35: The bus station is crowded _______ commuters almost every day.
A. with B. off C. on D. in
Question 36: He's one of the best doctors in town and held in high _______.
A. appraisal B. esteem C. estimation D. value
Question 37: Science and technology in the past progressed much _______ than they do now.
A. slowly as B. most slowly C. more slowly D. as slowly
Question 38: Tired of playing second _______, she resigned and started her own company.
A. violin B. fiddle C. guitar D. bugle
Question 39: _______, he will leave this city.
A. Once completing his business trip B. As soon as being completed his business trip
C. Before he had completed his business trip D. When he will complete his business trip

Question 40: Every possible effort _______ by the orphanage to find the boy's parents.
A. was made B. is making C. made D. was making Question
Question 41: This year, you should go back over the things you have studied in class at least once _______
A. Ø (no article) B. the C. an D. a
Question 42: His helpfulness today has made me revise my _______ opinion of him.
A. originate B. original C. originally D. origin
Question 43: If you _______ your mind about attending Mr. Jones's lecturer, just give me a call.
A. decide B. give C. change D. attain

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 44: Your room is too dark. I think the little lamp only gives a feeble light.
A. strong B. thick C. late D. resistant
Question 45: We were all amazed at how quickly my eighty-year-old grandmother was back on her feet
after breaking her hip.
A. become ill B. recover from a sickness C. get better D. be healthy again after sickness

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 46 to 50.
Scientists have proven that our genes (46) _____ our physical characteristics and traits such as
height, hair color, and eye color. For example, we get two genes from our parents to decide the color of
our eyes. The gene for brown eyes is dominant, or stronger than, the gene for blue eyes. Genes that are
not dominant, such as the gene for blue eyes, are called (47) _____ genes. In order to have blue eyes, we
need to have two genes for blue eyes.
What about our personalities? Our personalities affect how we act in all our social interactions
with other human beings - family members, friends, colleagues, and strangers. We can change our
behaviors, but (48) _____ individual personalities don't change much throughout our entire lives.
Some people believe that our personalities do not come from genes. They argue that they are a
result of the environment we grow up in - our interactions with others. (49) _____, people who grow up in
the same environment often have completely different personalities. So, this theory cannot be entirely
correct. While scientists have successfully identified genes (50) _____decide physical traits, they have not

yet discovered a gene that determines personality. In other words, there is no proof that our personalities
come from genes.
(Adapted from
Question 46: A. determine B. hesitate C. pursue D. introduce
Question 47: A. powerful B. influential C. recessive D. gentle
Question 48: A. much B. another C. many D. little
Question 49: A. Additionally B. Moreover C. However D. Therefore
Question 50: A. whose B. that C. who D. whom


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