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Benchmark - Reviving the Professional Culture

Christina Morales-Cota

Grand Canyon University


Instructor’s Name

November 22, 2022


Existing School Culture

A public high school just completed its first year in service. The school is Maynard High

School. Now to begin its second year in existence. In February early this year I was informed

that I would be taking over as the principal in July. The school is currently struggling in all areas

from staff to students. There will be less teachers as 7 teachers are not returning and neither is

the principal or assistant principal who resigned mid-school year. There has been a budget put in

place to hire new staff. I am currently looking for 9 new qualified teachers, a guidance counselor

and an assistant principal. The school has a curriculum that hasn’t been used throughout the

school. Teachers have not been evaluated the way they should be either.

Teachers have not been given the support that they need to succeed. The district has

professional development that hasn’t been used appropriately which leaves teachers to figure

things out on their own. When there is no information being thrown at teachers they are not able

to implement due to lack of help and support. The staff does not work together or collaborate the

way that they should due to the lack of PLC formations and guidance. This is the current

situation at Maynard High School and there is a lot of work to be done.

Mission and Vision Statement

Now that I am going to be the principal of Maynard High School it has now fallen on

myself to create a mission and vision statement for the school. This vision and mission statement

will need to be shared by all staff, students, teachers, stakeholders and parents. My plan is to

form a team to get this done. I will have teachers, students, parents and stakeholders involved in

helping with ideas for our vision and mission statement. The vision statement that will be looked

at and agreed on is as followed: A happy child is a successful one. We will build and foster a

positive, safe and learning environment. An environment where everyone is equal and all

achievements are celebrated.

Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes

The entire purpose of a school is to help students become successful in their studies and

good citizens to the world. In order to bring for the good citizens we must set goals within our

school. This will allow teachers, students and staff something to work towards. As a new

principal I will start with small short, easily attainable goals. As we meet each goal it will give

teachers, students and staff encouragement to keep going. Once we are able to achieve the short

term goals it will give the motivation to achieve the long term goals. The short term goals are

based off the vision and mission statement of our school.

The first goal that I have put in place is that all staff, teachers and students have an

understanding of our vision and mission statement. Teachers and staff will have an

understanding and expectations of what and how we will implement this. I will have teachers

explain in their own words, how they are able to implement this vision and mission statement on

their own. As we are all a team and each and every one of us will play a part in implementation. I

will have teachers and staff what tools they will need to help them with implementation of our

vision and mission statement. Encouraging them to ask for what they need so they can be

successful and help our students be successful as well.

The second goal that I will have in place is that every single teacher will have a copy of

the curriculum. All teachers will receive training on the curriculum and will have an

understanding of what is expected. They will always have someone to help them with the

curriculum throughout the year. They will never be alone. Each teacher will have a mentor to

help guide them through the curriculum as well as online resources for them to utilize when they

need it.

A long term goal that I will have is that all curriculum will be implemented in the

classrooms. There will be grade level meetings weekly, where teachers will get together and

discuss the curriculum and what works and doesn’t work for them. This will allow for

collaboration and the sharing of ideas within grade levels as well as subject levels. What is

learned in our meetings, teachers will do their very best to implement and try different things in

their classrooms.

Another long term goal would be to have more community and parental involvement in

our school. Having new activities at the school where community members and parents come to

see what is going on within the walls of our high school, we will work on a calendar where there

are events going on campus. “Studies show that community partnerships lead to stronger social

and emotional skill development” (Anon, 2021).

Involve and Collaborate with Stakeholders

As a new principal I am going to need help from everyone within the school community.

This is not limited to students, teachers and staff. I will also need the support of parents, and

community members. Prior to school beginning I will hold a meeting so the community, parents

and stakeholders can meet me and ask questions as they have them. I want everyone to know that

I have an open door policy and I will always be available to discuss anything and everything. I

will also ask for feedback from families and community members. I will take the feedback

throughout the year and implement changes as needed.


Parent Relationships

Parents are a huge part of the school environment. They will be a priority as everyone in

the school. Having open houses, events and asking for parental involvement will be crucial in

having a good relationship with parents. I will always go out of my way to talk to parents when I

see them out and about in the community. I will listen and take their words seriously and allow

them the opportunity to come in and talk to me whenever they need it.

School-Community relationships

Just as with the parents a relationship with the community is very important. I will be at

events going on in our community as I represent our school. I will have our school host events

for the community as well as having our students and staff participate in community events. I

will ensure that the community feels valued and in turn they will offer more support in our

school when they feel important.

Advocating for Student needs

All Students need to know that they have support. I will do my best to ensure that every

single student feels needed and wanted. But that they also have the support to grow and succeed

in school and have someone to talk to. I will advocate for my students starting day one.


As the principal at Maynard High School there is a lot of work that needs to be done.

Students need to be the top priority so they are able to be successful. As a leader I need to be able

to give leadership to its highest potential, set the school direction to go forward and meet all of

the needs for the school. I will focus and ensure that all students are receiving the best possible

education. I will make sure that my staff and teachers have the support that they need to make

student success a reality. I know that this is going to be hard work but the payoff will be



How School-community Partnerships Can Strengthen Learning Environments. (2021, November

18). Giving Compass.



American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Scope of practice.


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2014). Improving cultural competence (HHS

Publication No. 14-4849). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance

Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Copeland, T., Henderson, B., Mayer, B., & Nicholson, S. (2013). Three different paths for

tabletop gaming in school libraries. Library Trends, 61(4), 825–835.

Holland, R. A., & Forrest, B. K. (2017). Good arguments: Making your case in writing and

public speaking. Baker Academic.

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