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Educational Philosophies

Use pages 160- 176 to complete this chart.

Teacher-Centered Student-Centered

Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Social Existentialism

Definition/ Key Traditional structure Strict and Academic Centered around Centered around Meant to help
Principles to create a similar centered curriculum personal learning understanding and students find
minded society. Was not centered around and not relying on improving society. meaning and
meant to make society only old information like Economically and purpose.
society one common improving The Classics socially
unit. productivity in
Key/Influential William Bagley Robert M Huchins John Dewey George S Counts A.S.Neill
People E.D. Hersch Jr Mortimer Adler Nel Noddings Bell Hooks Maxine Greene
Examples Average High Average High school The Summerhill The Hessian Hills Sudbury Valley
School School school School
Advantages Helps society Helps improve Promotes new Helps change promotes pursuing
function as a solid society in areas it is thinking and society for the better dreams and taking
unit already set in. creativity and improve quality initiative to achieve
of life those goals
Disadvantages Doesn’t promote Also doesn’t Relies solely on Doesn’t promote Relies too much on
change as a positive promote positive student finding true purpose students taking
thing. change and responsibility and or pursuing what Initiative.
eradicates creativity. initiative you want

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