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When we witness businesses that appear to have achieved amazing sudden success,

it makes us wonder if our own is on the correct route. If we are not careful,
comparing ourselves in this way can lead to a cascade of poor choices, which is
known as the doomloop.
The Doom Loop can be found in almost every other company. The company's
impending demise stems from a lack of knowledge that is driving it farther and
deeper into the abyss. It all starts with poor results, which lead to poor decisions,
which lead to even worse outcomes, and so on. It has a foxy odor to it. It may also
quickly bring a firm to its knees. It is, without a doubt, far easier to slip into a trap.
Stopping momentum is the goal of the Doom Loop. It takes a functioning business
and grinds it to a standstill. All of the simple solutions have been attempted, but
they have only made matters worse. Part of it stems from arrogance and ego. The
new executives believe they can make things much better, but they overlook the
fact that the current firm still has some redeeming qualities. They also have a
tendency to make it their own, discarding anything linked with past leaders.
Any long-term advantage is either zero or negligible. It's similar like planning a
family vacation with a certain location in mind. The parents argue over the
destination as the journey begins. The motorist does a U-turn halfway there. The
following day, the direction is altered once more. No one is getting what they want,
thus the car is in chaos. They will ultimately have to turn around and return home
since they will not be able to make it to their destination in time. The holiday has
been wrecked, and the family is dissatisfied. No one comes out on top.
If your immediate competitor's success isn't based on the good-to-great principles,
it will be fleeting; on the other hand, you are laying the groundwork for your
company's long-term success. It might take a while for the flywheel to acquire
momentum, but once it does, it will be amazing.

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