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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I manage the production of multiple multi-million dollar engines, while balancing the
talents of the fifty or so members that I supervise to ensure everyone is where they need
to be based off of their knowledge and the needs of deadlines. The situation being
analyzed is the planning, inception, efficiency, and decline of a now-defunct “Dispatch”
section that many of us in the work center saw as unnecessary and wasteful. This section
would accomplish all of the responsilibities of each section, depending on which one
needed the most amount of help in addition to coordinating with other, completely
different workcenters. There was no guidance on who to pick, what exactly this new
section’s responsilibities were, and whether or not they should prioritize other
workcenters' priorities versus our own.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

There were multiple aspects to the human resource balance in regard to the Dispatch
section. Among the most difficult aspects to juggle were: training, availability, and
sustainability. Training and sustainability go hand-in-hand a bit. While there was no
training plan developed for the new section, it relied on those that had already-developed
knowledge and expected those experienced individuals to pass on what they knew.
However, since there was no guidance nor structure for the section, there was no chance
for experienced members to pass on what they knew to the incoming members.
Availability was the third largest issue. There were plenty of days when outgoing
members, many of whom were transferring to different regions around the world, would
be busy with out-processing responsibilities and the amount of coverage for the shift
would dwindle.

While I would to think that our boss would account for all of these balancing acts when
creating this new section, I do not believe he took into account just how much stress

would be put upon the section leader. Looking at Maslow’s Heirarchy, I would say that
three out of five tiers were maintained during the lifespan of the section. Esteem suffered
simply because there was a lack of confidence amongst the individuals’ abilities; an issue
that ultimately stemmed from the aforementioned lack of training and sustainability.
Additionally, the members that were a part of this section seemed to be praised higher
than their more permanently assigned counterparts that were in other sections.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

An organization's resistance to failure is the ability to withstand changes to its

environment and still be able to function. Tactics, techniques, and procedures were never
put into place to ensure that the Dispatch section would be able to continue its daily
functions despite the disruptive events that occurred. Looking at the situation from a
human resource frame, operational continuity was a major issue. The section's ability to
rebound after multiple members' departure waned the longer these knowledge gaps
continued to occur.

On-the-job training isn’t always standard practice, but it can increase productivity and
efficiency in specific industries. Not only that, it can benefit the company as a whole,
from reducing training costs to creating more effective, motivated employees. The entire
Dispatch section ran on this concept and the lack of formal training, a training guide, or a
training tracker are all discrepancies that led to the downfall of the section. Having a
stronger focus on the legitimate training of the individuals would have led to a more
successful overall venture for the section.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Similar to the structural frame, I would have invested more time into the development of
the individuals before loosely outlining what the responsibilities of the section would be.
Training was the largest issue that the personnel faced alongside the lack of guidance.
On-the-job training was the primary way of learning what the Dispatch section was
capable of. It had free reign to accomplish any task imagineable, so long as it was legal,
and they had the know-how.

While I think on-the-job training is effective and important, the sharing of the knowledge
gained would be at the forefront of concern so that incoming members to the section
would be able to be brought up to speed without having to relearn already-developed
techniques. To establish, at the very least, a baseline of continuity, I would incorporate
both training records that accurately capture each member's level of competency, and a
lessons learned log. Lessons learned logs are used to capture and share knowledge about

what has worked well and what could have been done differently during the planning,
management and delivery of an improvement project. They help others learn from both
the successes and failures of those who have the necessary experience.

Reference or References
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