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29 21:22:20] Launched version: 4003003, install beta: [FALSE], alpha: 0,

debug mode: [FALSE]
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Executable dir: F:/Telegram Desktop/, name: Telegram.exe
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Initial working dir: F:/Telegram Desktop/
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Working dir: F:/Telegram Desktop/
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Command line: F:\Telegram Desktop\Telegram.exe -noupdate
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Executable path before check: F:/Telegram
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Logs started
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Connecting local socket to Global\
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] This is the only instance of Telegram, starting server and
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Moved logging from 'F:/Telegram Desktop/log_start0.txt' to
'F:/Telegram Desktop/log.txt'!
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Primary screen DPI: 96
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansRegular.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirRegular.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansRegularItalic.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirRegular.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldAsBold.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldItalicAsBold.ttf'
loaded 'DAOpenSansSemiboldItalic'
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:20] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldAsBold.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldItalicAsBold.ttf'
loaded 'DAOpenSansSemiboldItalic'
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Using DirectX compiler 'F:\Telegram Desktop\modules\x64\d3d\
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading settings...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading encrypted settings...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Lang Info: Loaded cached, keys: 4272
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenAL Logging Level: (not set)
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Audio Playback Devices: OpenAL Soft on Haut-parleurs (3- USB
AUDIO CODEC);OpenAL Soft on C24F390 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio);OpenAL Soft on
Ligne (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM));OpenAL Soft on MSI G24C4 (NVIDIA High
Definition Audio);OpenAL Soft on Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio);OpenAL
Soft on VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO);OpenAL Soft on C24F390
(NVIDIA High Definition Audio) #2;OpenAL Soft on VoiceMeeter Aux Input (VB-Audio
VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO)
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Audio Playback Default Device: OpenAL Soft on Haut-parleurs
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Audio Capture Devices: OpenAL Soft on Microphone (Voicemod
Virtual Audio Device (WDM));OpenAL Soft on Microphone (Realtek USB2.0 MIC);OpenAL
Soft on VoiceMeeter Aux Output (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO);OpenAL Soft on
VoiceMeeter Output (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO);OpenAL Soft on Ligne (3- USB AUDIO
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Audio Capture Default Device: OpenAL Soft on Microphone
(Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM))
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading accounts info...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading encrypted info...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading map...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading encrypted map...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: encrypted user settings read.
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading encrypted mtp data...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] MTP Info: read keys, current: 4, to destroy: 0
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Map read time: 1
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] App Info: reading encrypted mtp config...
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] Export Info: Destroy top bar by controller removal.
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL: Using custom 'gpu_driver_bug_list.json'.
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL Profile: OpenGLES.
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL Renderer: ANGLE (NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL Vendor: Google Inc. (NVIDIA)
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL Version: OpenGL ES 3.0.0 (ANGLE 2.1.7 git hash:
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL Extensions: GL_ANGLE_explicit_context,
GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5, GL_EXT_float_blend, GL_EXT_draw_buffers,
GL_OES_element_index_uint, GL_CHROMIUM_copy_compressed_texture,
GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil, GL_OES_depth32, GL_ANGLE_explicit_context_gles1,
GL_CHROMIUM_bind_generates_resource, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_unsigned_texture,
GL_EXT_sRGB, GL_OES_standard_derivatives, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGB8_texture,
GL_OES_texture_half_float, GL_NV_pack_subimage, GL_ANGLE_depth_texture,
GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_RGBA8_texture,
GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1, GL_ANGLE_multiview_multisample,
GL_ANGLE_texture_usage, GL_EXT_unpack_subimage, GL_OES_surfaceless_context,
GL_ANGLE_get_tex_level_parameter, GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order,
GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes, GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture,
GL_OES_texture_float, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_unsigned_texture,
GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_signed_texture,
GL_ANGLE_client_arrays, GL_OES_depth24, GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed,
GL_OES_texture_border_clamp, GL_OES_vertex_array_object, GL_CHROMIUM_sync_query,
GL_EXT_texture_norm16, GL_OES_texture_npot, GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source,
GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_alpha8_texture, GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location,
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb, GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888,
GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_texture, GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit,
GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture, GL_EXT_texture_rg, GL_KHR_debug, GL_EXT_texture_storage,
GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3, GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap, GL_OVR_multiview,
GL_EXT_debug_label, GL_ANGLE_robust_client_memory, GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean,
GL_NV_fence, GL_OES_EGL_image, GL_OES_texture_stencil8, GL_EXT_map_buffer_range,
GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear, GL_EXT_blend_minmax,
GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external,
GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed, GL_ANGLE_lossy_etc_decode, GL_ANGLE_memory_size,
GL_ANGLE_multi_draw, GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod, GL_OVR_multiview2,
GL_EXT_instanced_arrays, GL_CHROMIUM_lose_context,
GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_signed_texture, GL_WEBGL_video_texture,
GL_ANGLE_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_frag_depth, GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8,
GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays, GL_ANGLE_request_extension,
GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance, GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer,
GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object, GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3,
GL_ANGLE_texture_multisample, GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc,
GL_ANGLE_copy_texture_3d, GL_OES_mapbuffer, GL_EXT_read_format_bgra,
GL_OES_get_program_binary, GL_ANGLE_program_cache_control,
GL_EXT_blend_func_extended, GL_OES_texture_float_linear, ,
GL_OES_EGL_image_external, GL_ANGLE_get_serialized_context_string,
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc,
GL_EXT_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float,
GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGBA8_texture, GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex,
GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample, GL_EXT_robustness
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] EGL Extensions: EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness,
EGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer, EGL_ANGLE_d3d_texture_client_buffer,
EGL_ANGLE_surface_d3d_texture_2d_share_handle, EGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer,
EGL_ANGLE_window_fixed_size, EGL_ANGLE_keyed_mutex, EGL_ANGLE_surface_orientation,
EGL_ANGLE_direct_composition, EGL_ANGLE_windows_ui_composition,
EGL_NV_post_sub_buffer, EGL_KHR_create_context, EGL_KHR_image, EGL_KHR_image_base,
EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image, EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image,
EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image, EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses, EGL_KHR_stream,
EGL_KHR_stream_consumer_gltexture, EGL_NV_stream_consumer_gltexture_yuv,
EGL_ANGLE_flexible_surface_compatibility, EGL_ANGLE_stream_producer_d3d_texture,
EGL_CHROMIUM_create_context_bind_generates_resource, EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_control,
EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float, EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context,
EGL_ANGLE_display_texture_share_group, EGL_ANGLE_display_semaphore_share_group,
EGL_ANGLE_create_context_client_arrays, EGL_ANGLE_program_cache_control,
EGL_ANGLE_create_context_extensions_enabled, EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache,
EGL_ANDROID_recordable, EGL_ANGLE_image_d3d11_texture,
EGL_ANGLE_create_context_backwards_compatible, EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error,
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL: QOpenGLContext created, version: 3.3.
[2022.11.29 21:22:21] OpenGL: [TRUE] (OverlayWidget)
[2022.11.29 21:22:22] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:22:24] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:22:33] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536042273636684, seq_no = 298
[2022.11.29 21:22:33] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536042273636684, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:22:52] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536124168051896, seq_no = 40
[2022.11.29 21:22:52] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536124168051896, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:22:52] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536125186126192, seq_no = 20
[2022.11.29 21:22:52] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536125186126192, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:22:55] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:22:57] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:22:57] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536175651344744, seq_no = 30
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536175651344744, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536175934109932, seq_no = 20
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536175934109932, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536176149748392, seq_no = 26
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536176149748392, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536176150463520, seq_no = 8
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171536176150012544, seq_no = 18
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536176150463520, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:23:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171536176150012544, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:23:05] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:23:12] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:23:24] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:23:48] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:23:50] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:23:50] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:23:51] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:25:14] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:25:14] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:25:30] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:25:32] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:25:59] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:26:00] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:26:39] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:26:42] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:50] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:51] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:26:51] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:26:52] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:27:14] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:27:15] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:27:17] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:27:26] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:27:26] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:27:32] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:27:32] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:27:33] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:27:35] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:27:39] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171537507230638092, seq_no = 16
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171537507230638092, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171537507288465952, seq_no = 20
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171537507288465952, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171537507889019552, seq_no = 18
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171537507889019552, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171537507890563164, seq_no = 16
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171537507890034020, seq_no = 16
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171537507890563164, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:28:14] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171537507890034020, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:28:17] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:19] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:21] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:23] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:23] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:24] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:25] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:27] RPC Error: request 835 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 21:28:31] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:31] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:31] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:41] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:41] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:45] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:45] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:28:49] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:28:49] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:28:59] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
542398533, text: Generic error in an external library).
[2022.11.29 21:29:00] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:05] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:05] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:06] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:06] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:07] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:07] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:11] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:11] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:16] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:16] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:18] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:18] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:21] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:22] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:27] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:27] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:29] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:29] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:35] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:35] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:49] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:49] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:51] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:51] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:52] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:52] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:56] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:56] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:29:58] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:29:58] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:02] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:02] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:03] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:03] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:05] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:30:12] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:12] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:14] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:16] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:18] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:18] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:21] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:21] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:22] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:22] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:24] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:24] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:26] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:30:39] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:39] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:41] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:41] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:43] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:30:43] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:30:49] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224130879832, seq_no = 1796
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224131306768, seq_no = 1348
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224130983780, seq_no = 1482
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224131524532, seq_no = 1270
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224130879832, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224131306768, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224130983780, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224131524532, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224309736788, seq_no = 1842
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224309736788, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224309800796, seq_no = 1802
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224309800796, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224578247708, seq_no = 1458
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224578247708, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538224609927348, seq_no = 1624
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538224609927348, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:01] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:31:11] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:31:12] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:31:19] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538301836656316, seq_no = 170
[2022.11.29 21:31:19] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538301860908780, seq_no = 248
[2022.11.29 21:31:19] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538301836656316, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:19] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538301860908780, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:19] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538302089754488, seq_no = 240
[2022.11.29 21:31:19] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538302089754488, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:31:59] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:31:59] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:32:05] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:32:16] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538563954539228, seq_no = 884
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538563954539228, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538563956214252, seq_no = 998
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538563956214252, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538564179268276, seq_no = 670
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538564179268276, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538564742440768, seq_no = 918
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538564742440768, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538564773419492, seq_no = 590
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538564773539760, seq_no = 596
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538564773419492, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538564773539760, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538564774767684, seq_no = 626
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538564774767684, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538564772873168, seq_no = 692
[2022.11.29 21:32:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538564772873168, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:21] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:32:25] App Info: writing encrypted user settings...
[2022.11.29 21:32:27] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:32:38] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538640779234980, seq_no = 924
[2022.11.29 21:32:38] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538640779234980, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:42] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538662378472956, seq_no = 40
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538662378472956, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538663451876760, seq_no = 44
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538663451876760, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538663454182292, seq_no = 12
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538663454182292, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538663452239696, seq_no = 24
[2022.11.29 21:32:43] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538663452239696, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:44] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538666566543968, seq_no = 15
[2022.11.29 21:32:44] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538666566543968, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:32:46] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:32:47] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:32:49] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538688178371208, seq_no = 22
[2022.11.29 21:32:49] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538688178371208, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:33:08] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:33:11] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:33:13] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:33:16] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:33:32] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:33:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:33:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:33:34] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538881330949328, seq_no = 50
[2022.11.29 21:33:42] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:33:45] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171538928746817548, seq_no = 64
[2022.11.29 21:33:45] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171538928746817548, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:33:45] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:33:52] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:33:53] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:01] Audio Error: trying to load part of audio, that is not
current at the moment
[2022.11.29 21:34:01] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:34:01] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:02] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
1094995529, text: Invalid data found when processing input).
[2022.11.29 21:34:02] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
1094995529, text: Invalid data found when processing input).
[2022.11.29 21:34:02] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
542398533, text: Generic error in an external library).
[2022.11.29 21:34:29] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:34:29] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:38] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171539156301181760, seq_no = 10
[2022.11.29 21:34:38] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171539156301181760, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:34:38] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171539156300885400, seq_no = 12
[2022.11.29 21:34:38] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171539156300885400, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:34:39] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
1094995529, text: Invalid data found when processing input).
[2022.11.29 21:34:39] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:34:39] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:43] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:34:43] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:44] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:34:44] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:45] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:34:50] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:34:50] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171539207889830000, seq_no = 98
[2022.11.29 21:34:50] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171539207889830000, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:35:00] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:01] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:04] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:08] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:10] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
542398533, text: Generic error in an external library).
[2022.11.29 21:35:10] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:10] Streaming Error: Error in avformat_open_input (code: -
542398533, text: Generic error in an external library).
[2022.11.29 21:35:11] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:11] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:11] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:17] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:18] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:31] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:31] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:45] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:35:46] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:35:59] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:36:35] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171539658686127428, seq_no = 8
[2022.11.29 21:36:35] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171539658686127428, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:36:41] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:36:44] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:36:44] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:36:46] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:36:46] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 21:36:47] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171539710365309168, seq_no = 82
[2022.11.29 21:36:47] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171539710365309168, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:36:47] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171539711584861584, seq_no = 28
[2022.11.29 21:36:47] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171539711584861584, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:36:55] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 21:38:38] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:38:38] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:39:18] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171540358773245708, seq_no = 284
[2022.11.29 21:39:18] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171540358773245708, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:40:25] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 21:40:43] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171540723788350832, seq_no = 132
[2022.11.29 21:40:43] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171540723788350832, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:42:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:42:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:42:33] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:45:44] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 21:52:22] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 21:57:18] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171544998372167340, seq_no = 1018
[2022.11.29 21:57:18] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171544998372167340, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 21:59:05] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 22:02:07] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171546238832797316, seq_no = 248
[2022.11.29 22:02:07] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171546238832797316, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:04:04] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 22:04:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 22:05:20] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171547067501579840, seq_no = 150
[2022.11.29 22:05:20] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171547067501579840, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:12:06] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171548811365399060, seq_no = 364
[2022.11.29 22:12:06] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171548811365399060, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:14:07] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171549331054116140, seq_no = 114
[2022.11.29 22:14:07] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171549331054116140, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:19:53] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171550817276416268, seq_no = 290
[2022.11.29 22:19:53] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171550817276416268, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:24:22] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 22:24:22] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 22:26:37] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171552552213720796, seq_no = 336
[2022.11.29 22:26:37] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171552552213720796, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:27:47] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 22:28:24] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171553011913273900, seq_no = 92
[2022.11.29 22:28:24] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171553011913273900, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:28:24] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 22:29:08] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171553200799091016, seq_no = 40
[2022.11.29 22:29:08] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171553200799091016, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:30:16] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171553492724828124, seq_no = 90
[2022.11.29 22:30:16] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171553492836450916, seq_no = 92
[2022.11.29 22:30:16] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171553492836450916, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:30:40] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171553596323111036, seq_no = 22
[2022.11.29 22:30:40] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171553596323111036, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:31:00] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171553681703828348, seq_no = 18
[2022.11.29 22:31:00] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171553681703828348, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:33:13] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171554254948984256, seq_no = 180
[2022.11.29 22:33:13] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171554254948984256, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:33:19] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171554278839009224, seq_no = 10
[2022.11.29 22:33:19] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171554278839009224, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:33:46] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171554394670165680, seq_no = 30
[2022.11.29 22:33:46] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171554394670165680, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:36:27] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171555086158012224, seq_no = 136
[2022.11.29 22:36:27] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171555086158012224, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:39:09] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171555782127528668, seq_no = 104
[2022.11.29 22:39:09] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171555782127528668, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:44:06] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171557057604623956, seq_no = 240
[2022.11.29 22:44:06] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171557057604623956, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:44:19] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171557113919180464, seq_no = 34
[2022.11.29 22:44:19] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171557113919180464, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:45:30] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171557418423557080, seq_no = 98
[2022.11.29 22:45:30] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171557418423557080, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:46:19] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171557628984543012, seq_no = 54
[2022.11.29 22:46:19] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171557628984543012, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:51:40] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171559007611563092, seq_no = 282
[2022.11.29 22:51:40] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171559007611563092, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:53:51] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171559570384112044, seq_no = 120
[2022.11.29 22:53:51] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171559570384112044, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:54:15] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 22:54:29] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171559733464424444, seq_no = 38
[2022.11.29 22:54:29] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171559733464424444, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 22:55:22] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171559960999125652, seq_no = 48
[2022.11.29 22:55:22] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171559960999125652, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:02:50] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171561885241303344, seq_no = 460
[2022.11.29 23:02:50] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171561885241303344, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:03:05] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171561949555043936, seq_no = 18
[2022.11.29 23:03:05] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171561949555043936, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:05:05] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171562464911834228, seq_no = 116
[2022.11.29 23:05:46] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 23:09:34] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171563620363419256, seq_no = 376
[2022.11.29 23:09:34] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171563620363419256, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:11:15] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:12:16] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171564316896178080, seq_no = 240
[2022.11.29 23:12:16] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171564316896178080, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:12:19] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:13:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:13:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:15:25] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171565127919881820, seq_no = 142
[2022.11.29 23:15:25] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171565127919881820, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:16:28] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:25:26] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171567709109024796, seq_no = 558
[2022.11.29 23:25:26] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171567709109024796, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:29:02] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:29:02] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:29:02] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:29:02] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:29:15] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171568692766627976, seq_no = 202
[2022.11.29 23:29:36] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171568782808358884, seq_no = 220
[2022.11.29 23:29:47] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 23:29:49] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 23:29:54] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171568860117515068, seq_no = 282
[2022.11.29 23:30:20] Audio Info: recreating audio device and reattaching the
[2022.11.29 23:30:26] Audio Info: Closing audio playback device.
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15092 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15084 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15086 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15083 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15094 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15091 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15095 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15087 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15096 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15088 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15093 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15089 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15097 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15085 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171569139405517116, seq_no = 394
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171569139405517116, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15090 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:30:59] RPC Error: request 15098 got fail with code 400, error
[2022.11.29 23:31:56] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.29 23:37:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171570707204530440, seq_no = 320
[2022.11.29 23:37:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171570707204530440, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:45:44] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171572940629639616, seq_no = 342
[2022.11.29 23:48:59] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171573777987797276, seq_no = 452
[2022.11.29 23:48:59] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171573777987797276, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:53:03] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:53:03] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.29 23:55:45] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171575521743944388, seq_no = 260
[2022.11.29 23:55:45] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171575521743944388, error_code 33
[2022.11.29 23:58:51] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171576320605379728, seq_no = 152
[2022.11.29 23:58:51] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171576320605379728, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:04:47] Audio Info: OnDeviceStateChanged("{}.{51409480-
afff-4f9c-bb76-aaa991aa8db5}", 8) scheduling detach from audio device.
[2022.11.30 00:04:47] Audio Info: OnDeviceStateChanged("{}.{891f8a4a-
06ca-4076-aba4-aa1a36095dc7}", 8) scheduling detach from audio device.
[2022.11.30 00:04:47] Audio Info: OnDefaultDeviceChanged() scheduling detach from
audio device, flow 0, role 2, new_default_device_id: "{}.{ec033b91-
[2022.11.30 00:05:02] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171577914060315556, seq_no = 174
[2022.11.30 00:05:02] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171577914060315556, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:05:57] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171578150174839432, seq_no = 70
[2022.11.30 00:05:57] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171578150174839432, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:07:21] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:07:48] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171578627136189088, seq_no = 92
[2022.11.30 00:07:48] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171578627136189088, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:09:56] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171579176629484608, seq_no = 100
[2022.11.30 00:12:04] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171579726642315392, seq_no = 194
[2022.11.30 00:12:04] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171579726642315392, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:18:00] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171581255393456520, seq_no = 284
[2022.11.30 00:18:00] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171581255393456520, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:19:45] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171581706427061408, seq_no = 124
[2022.11.30 00:19:45] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171581706427061408, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:20:36] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171581925408289976, seq_no = 62
[2022.11.30 00:20:36] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171581925408289976, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:22:43] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:22:43] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:22:43] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:23:41] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:23:41] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:23:41] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:23:41] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:23:41] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:27:05] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171583596498645024, seq_no = 332
[2022.11.30 00:27:05] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171583596498645024, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:27:05] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 00:27:46] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171583772328332332, seq_no = 26
[2022.11.30 00:27:46] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171583772328332332, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:31:46] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 00:32:02] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171584871977552244, seq_no = 196
[2022.11.30 00:32:02] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171584871977552244, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:32:22] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 00:33:00] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171585120944764016, seq_no = 50
[2022.11.30 00:33:00] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171585120944764016, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:34:57] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171585623375234800, seq_no = 84
[2022.11.30 00:34:57] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171585623375234800, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:38:03] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171586422435470876, seq_no = 212
[2022.11.30 00:38:03] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171586422435470876, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:39:28] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171586787412123044, seq_no = 66
[2022.11.30 00:39:28] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171586787412123044, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:39:54] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 00:44:17] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171588028629999464, seq_no = 314
[2022.11.30 00:44:17] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171588028629999464, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:50:59] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171589755253443948, seq_no = 244
[2022.11.30 00:50:59] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171589755253443948, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:55:29] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171590914920262952, seq_no = 230
[2022.11.30 00:55:29] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171590914920262952, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:58:12] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:58:12] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 00:58:24] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171591666605187912, seq_no = 104
[2022.11.30 00:58:24] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171591666605187912, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 00:59:08] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171591855396481136, seq_no = 44
[2022.11.30 00:59:08] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171591855396481136, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:00:40] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171592250591123976, seq_no = 46
[2022.11.30 01:00:40] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171592250591123976, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:03:34] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:03:35] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171593004223856760, seq_no = 174
[2022.11.30 01:05:47] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171593569159799328, seq_no = 284
[2022.11.30 01:05:47] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171593569159799328, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:14:56] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171595927100222060, seq_no = 482
[2022.11.30 01:14:56] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171595927100222060, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:14:56] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:15:36] API Warning: not loaded minimal channel applied.
[2022.11.30 01:16:49] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171596412445589792, seq_no = 98
[2022.11.30 01:16:49] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171596412445589792, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:18:29] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171596841937596532, seq_no = 130
[2022.11.30 01:18:29] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171596841937596532, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:22:16] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171597818002611276, seq_no = 190
[2022.11.30 01:24:29] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 01:25:06] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171598547122648304, seq_no = 324
[2022.11.30 01:25:06] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171598547122648304, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:31:14] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171600127579630880, seq_no = 276
[2022.11.30 01:31:14] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171600127579630880, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:35:10] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171601141248358648, seq_no = 228
[2022.11.30 01:35:10] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171601141248358648, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:36:41] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 01:37:45] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171601806900014112, seq_no = 190
[2022.11.30 01:37:45] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171601806900014112, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:41:16] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171602713139817564, seq_no = 232
[2022.11.30 01:41:16] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171602713139817564, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:42:39] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171603069532819576, seq_no = 104
[2022.11.30 01:42:39] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171603069532819576, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:44:54] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171603649390676256, seq_no = 186
[2022.11.30 01:44:54] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171603649390676256, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:45:24] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171603778309818760, seq_no = 62
[2022.11.30 01:45:24] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171603778309818760, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 01:46:28] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171604053294142192, seq_no = 80
[2022.11.30 01:46:28] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171604053294142192, error_code 33
[2022.11.30 02:01:29] Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!
[2022.11.30 02:12:33] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code
33) for msg_id = 7171610775232026708, seq_no = 1420
[2022.11.30 02:12:33] Message Info: bad message notification received, msgId
7171610775232026708, error_code 33

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