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UNIFORM ARREST REPORT-AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT. = Trend [me Rreieg | Anesiers [Secor Dati | Warant Sane By — [Org aT CTS a a eu | Sou] woman Evin Deon FivaraniSenice ‘ZEREETIG Pvc Apncy Home] Fest OF Peng Rasy Ran STANT RS] CO TOR HaTTANQOGAPOUCEDE | rH 0830100 2 212915 aezoRina flemtng Aemey one | RepowngOR' — FapotingAewreviO TI: Taamen® | Reporra Comp tam “ARRESTEE | (OTeCOHI) Lat ae Fre hens aaa as —— saan GESON,LEWUAN SHAGULLE a a = LEWANS za[w[s | renees | n_| Resident Fear Far ean Taso Prva efes [Boom seat Numba OrerLeznae Wambor” Sate sos _| 150_|aisc [ere = cm Frame naar ow ee or sea Frame Phone PaevoT ee Tar STE Waits] Eze Prone | TBST ATT ADS CaaS 000000 ° Bevel DesGiewepon SIV Wade Re Pred WAR Deas weapon ead Wake WEE CalBeT ee a a La La 7 anaes naa Peer 1, ; neo oven Cem Freecom EC aT Wn WE PPS O-Suarian Oa TaN Tom war Tae ude _ Latina Fisthane tg 0OB Ave set Raw Homer Busnes Adsest Phone Number VENCLE VR ake eer we cas) Tees Sie Year Tape ™ jvm Bowes AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Inthe GoneralSessions CourtotHarnilon Salo of Tennessee vs ICE,LEJUAN S ‘Theunsasignedatant ster being cy snomsceordng Pel CE, LEIUANS neseraneis omewseuninoans {hea commited neofencecf LEAVING SCENE OF ACCIDENT W/DAMAGE TO VEMICLE Inmeapoveccunt ecaten) ssemR0ST ‘onoratovt 1729202 Fue flantnaes oxtninaineseeenal fice esting id ieatendants chargets dismissed anotuetilisreunesy ofan nedandanisaesiedana eased noubeing ras at nsterse orinecait ones anchegraseau nine deencentscasenedeencar series upon aetsonoy Medea Pecan ‘avigyunsweron cverieaston toineronevalaraaesruesenoalaubicvscordsreaingioMaciss wma cae Receeraae SRST | EAT] seam cranes yee Eat ef 194 erates pron: Badge ‘Judge-Court OFGeneralSessons = a Ramey anesing OMe SAREE CTE ‘cout cietbeputyCiet aoa 0 ucrpousioau/aciaeaeho apascovin gt panos ‘A autn ALN; RODS: IeDUBEB SUL ewe ou syregiasuasaiaas a “yrogiasuaeo.aas 4 esac fry paezcvaoutpr ora elapeuepe ge 0 seus ppousiuepuang - 9 ese ne = mane GD moma onann es eorpeeaaes ~ ‘of $34 -suouipuog, a4 agsewag =e saumeubs 267% £28 ATOR NOSE SNOWITIS.20WD et svamig saying SNOLLOW NOILYEOud ev JoaN998 NAN 9 isteas snus S02 NL_YODONYLLYHD fob Ld¥ 1S THAAD LOK am sr408) WNOWS N¥naT NOSIS 820988) on a¥90a sme Ne Pe) BURA o"iNaweanr State of Tennessee AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Docket 1895059 IN THE GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON COUNTY STATE OF TENNESSEE VS. ICE, LEJUAN 3401 CAMPBELL ST, APT 103 CHATTANOOGA, TN 34706 ‘Theundersignedaftiant after being duly swom according tothe law. statethat ICE, LEJUAN hese name is otherwise unknown tothe affiant, committed he offense of LEAVING SCENE OF ACCIDENT WIDAMAGE TO VEHICLE inthe above county onorabout 112912022 Further, afiantmakes oath thatthe essentialfacts constituting said offense, tie sources of affiant’ information, and thereasons why his /her informationis believable concerring saidfactsare as follows: (on 1129122 at085¢ hours. I(FTO Clemons #827) responded to acrashinvolving several partes and vehicles. Throughthe investigaton offhe cashes, \was found thatLejuan los (7/3093) was fleeing fom an aggravated domesticassaultano otner collisions resulting rem when nepurpeselly ceshed Ft his wifes ris efor toes romtnat assauliand crash, nesttuck 3venicies which ae listed 2s: 2008 Toyots Técoma(TN- 148686), 2022 Dodgeram (14-MDU062), and a2013 Mazda CX-5(TN-B3IBGKR) Those vehicles were occupied oy Wesley Cofer (12/13102) inthe Tacoma, Eric ‘Gordon ('2/11/72)in heer, and AmaniiKing (6/20/94 )imthe CX-6 Amani was listed in thecrach ropartpropered by investigator Frisbec a having & rnonsincapacitaing inury Ic. Ice then stole anothe: vehiclefrom witness atthat crash sceneand attemptedto lee again and struck a 2006 Freightliner box truck criven by Micha Harris (0428160). Ate stiking this vehicle Mr lee fed on foot us. Ieenad arevokedarivers icensealthe timeorinecrashesand wasnotinsures All col ions woredocumonted in crash rsports under 22-128880 and 22-2500, (Dueto lr Ice lesing from related criminal actions io escape capture or discovery, nis acions wererectless and with noregard for tesafety offre, | fam seeking warrants for aggravated assault ageinstrimin elation to each vahiclene stuck. Adcitionallylam seeking warrants fr diving ona revoked license, financial responsibiliy, and leaving the scene ofan acc'dent witn propery damage and inury. Irtne getengants cnarge's alsmisse,ano tuebil|sreturnecby agranajury, he defendant's arrestea andeleaseawrnaut oeing charged wn ‘an offense, orthe court enters nolle proseauiin the defendant's case, the defendantis enitled, upon petition by fredefendart he cout ‘havingjurisdiction overthe action, to theremoyaland cestruction ofall pubic records relating to the case wihoutcos! tothe deerdant Affiant-Name and Address ‘Swom to and subscribed before me this Officer CLEMONS, J 12972022 Le Rernir Libba Judge -Court of General Sessions Vince Dean, Clerk, Criminal Division General Sessions Court By: Deputy Clerk ARRESTWARRANT. “STATE OF TENNESSEE ‘STATE OF TENNESSEE vs. HAMILTON COUNTY DOCKET NO. 1895089 Ice, LEJUAN Rece 8 sec Mw Address: 3401 CAMPBELL ST, APT 103 CHATTANCOGA, TN 34705 DOB 701930 | Wet 175 ——_ ot ost yen 820 ir _—_ TO ANY LAWFUL OFFICER OF THE STATE. Bacecupon the affdav of complaint made and swom t bef ms ty CLEMONS, JASON 2827 ‘There is probable cause to believe thet the offense(s) of LEAVING SCENE OF ACCIDENT WIDAMAGE TO VEHICLE TCA: 55100702 has been comrritted in Harrilton County, Tennessee, and charging ICE, LEJUAN thereof, you are therefore commanded in the name of the state of Tennessee forthwith to arrest and bring the said accused person before the court of General Sessions of Hamilton County, Tennessee, to answer the said charges. Rowe Aube Judge, Court of General sessions Issued. 11/28) Vince Dean, Clerk, Criminal Division fe oe Authonzed Officer CLEMONS, JASON #827 Deputy Clerk SUBPOENA: You are further commanded to summon the following witnesses to personally be and appear at the Courts Building, and testify in behalf of the State of Tennessee, aforesaid, on the day of Name, Address Phone # Ne AS noms mae sens ous ae seen : a eee a Return of Service hereby certify and retumn that on the date below | executed this warrant by the arrest of: ICE, LEJUAN (as ese hinutpoain uae tess, ands __ este found in my County after diligent search, Austin Garratt, Sheriff y ZL is This 23th Day of November, 2022 By: Complaint No: 22.128889 Authorized Officer Barber Camy #1134

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