Grammar, Spelling, Vocab, Lesson

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Social Studies/LA – Academic Vocabulary, Handwriting, Grammar and Spelling

Multi -Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) LESSON PLAN

Name: Shawnta Martinez Grade Level 2

ELA Standard in all four language arts areas: ELD Standards in all four areas:
Content Standards: Academic vocabulary
Academic vocabulary 12. Selecting language resources b. Use a select number of
RI 2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text general academic and domain-specific words to add detail (e.g.,
relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. adding the word generous to describe a character, using the
RI 2.2 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text word lava to explain volcanic eruptions) while speaking and
relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. writing.
L 2.1.g. Create readable documents with legible print Handwriting
W 2.2 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in
Productive C.2.9. Writing literary and informational texts to
which the development and organization are appropriate to task
present, describe, and explain ideas and information, using
and purpose.
appropriate technology
SL 2.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and
situation to provide requested detail or clarification.
L 2.2.d. Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words Grammar

A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure

ELA Language Objective: ELD Language Objective for Grade Level

Students in grade 2 will listen actively to spoken English within an
academic context. Students will present an informational text, which ELD Language Objective:
utilizes the lesson vocabulary and writing. Students in grade 2 will listen actively to spoken English within an
academic context. Students will present an informational text, which
ELA Content Objective: utilizes the lesson vocabulary and writing.
Students in grade 2 will acquire and use grade appropriate general
academic and domain specific words and phrases. Students will write ELD Content Objective:
Students in grade 2 will acquire and use grade appropriate general
about families correctly using the domain-specific vocabulary content.
academic and domain specific words and phrases. Students will write
about families correctly using the domain-specific vocabulary content.
Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels
Level 1: Define
Level 2: Categorize, Organize, Distinguish
Level 3: Contrast, Compare, Explain
TPE 3.5. Adapt subject matter curriculum, organization, and planning to support the acquisition and use of
academic language within learning activities to promote the subject matter knowledge of all students,
including the full range of English learners, Standard English learners, students with disabilities, and
students with other learning needs in the least restrictive environment.
Learning Focus
Central Focus Statement: What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?
Students will receive direct instruction relating to 5 domain specific academic vocabulary words. Following the instruction, students
will be able to correctly utilize the importance of family and its significance throughout the world.

Supporting Literacy Development through Language – Plan ahead!

Essential Literacy Strategy: Must be for either composing or comprehending text: (Ex. Write an explanation of____ or Analyze
characters or information in content areas). You must teach this strategy in your lessons.

This lesson will be Composition, students will be gathering and organizing information for writing and understanding
domain specific vocabulary and creating a group book.

Language Function Statement:

What main communication language function do students need to use to communicate their understanding of this content?
The content and language in this lesson will focus on the learning task of families represented by the active vocabulary
used. Students will also provide examples and details that represent their vocabulary words. In addition, they will be comparing
ideas with others.

Language Supports: Describe instructional supports during and prior to your learning task that help your students understand and
successfully use the language function, vocabulary, and discourse demands. Be specific and link to standards and students.
I will be utilizing the projector project the vocabulary words. Students will have access to chromebooks and dictionaries.

Additional Language Demands in vocabulary, syntax and discourse:

Academic vocabulary/symbols: List vocabulary and explain how it will be used and learned
Students will use cue words such as: who, what, where, when, why, how, according to, and specifically, while using the unit
vocabulary words to describe and explore different cultures.

Syntax: (Use language frames in Language of … section in Toolkit)

Students will use Language of Inquiry or seeking information:
I wonder why…
How does … work?
I’d like to know more about….

Discourse: Use Graphic Organizers in Toolkit to help students learn to speak and write language for this content

Materials Planned Supports: Explain how strategies

 List of 5 vocabulary words meet strengths/weakness of students so that all
 Pencils students meet the targeted outcome.
 Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils
 Vocabulary picture paper The two strategies that will help my students the
 Social Studies Journals most in this lesson are inquiry learning and think
 The Great Big Book of Families by Mary pair share.
1. Using the Inquiry learning strategy we
tap into the students interests by
allowing them to choose which topic,
or in this case culture, they would like
to study. This gives the students
control, which leads to more interest in
the assignment.
2. Think Pair Share strategy gives the
students the opportunity to share their
ideas with a peer. By sharing ideas, we
give some students may need a little
extra help, courage, or ideas an
opportunity to form a response to
contribute to the group discussion.

Pre-Assessment: How will you determine Motivation Strategy: How will you catch Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
prior knowledge? attention of students and focus their minds What assets will be utilized to support
and attention on the learning goals? learning these standards with these
Students will think, pair, share with a partner students?
what they already know about families, such as Boys and girls, we have been learning a lot Students will have the opportunity to become
their customs, traditions, roles, etc.… The class about families around the world and engaged with this lesson since it allows them
will then come together to share their discussions to share their background knowledge in regard
through time. We have read quite a few
as the teacher writes them on the classroom to families they are studying. This lesson allows
whiteboard in order to inspire them with their
informational texts, now it is your turn to
make a book. You will be working with your students to connect the lesson to their
vocabulary/writing activity.
tables to create a family book that explains personal lives as they share about their own
our vocabulary words. When your group’s families.
Misconceptions: Identify common
misconceptions regarding concepts addressed in book is complete you will present it to the
this lesson. class. Be creative!
Although all families are different and may have
different traditions, the vocabulary is still

List/explain lesson steps/strategies clearly so a substitute teacher could teach your lesson.

Learning Learning Strategies and Activities

Lesson Activate and build on background knowledge -List Strategies and steps and feel free to select strategies from your
Introductio texts that you would like to try.
n: Activate and build on background knowledge -Strategies/steps
Before  State objective/provide purpose for learning
Teaching - By the end of this lesson, you my second-grade friends, will be able to clearly define and write about our 5
Setting the
vocabulary words so clearly that you can put together collaborative book!
 Check for background knowledge
-Students will think pair share to discuss what we already know about families.
-After students have shared with their partners, we will come together as a class and discuss prior
knowledge and I will write what students share on the whiteboard.
-We will also go over the five key vocabulary words to see if students remember them,
 Motivate for learning
Boys and girls, we have been learning a lot about families around the world and through time. We
have read quite a few informational texts, now it is your turn to make a book. You will be working with your
tables to create a family book that explains our vocabulary words. When your groups’ book is complete you
will present it to the class. Be creative!

TPE 3.2. Use knowledge about students and learning goals to organize the curriculum to facilitate student
understanding of subject matter and make accommodations and/or modifications as needed to promote
student access to the curriculum.

Lesson Explain Strategies/Lesson steps for Targeted Intervention in each of the following CCSS areas:
Body: Explain Strategies/Lesson steps for each CCSS area:
 Engage students in active meaning making of key concepts
During/ Family- a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.
active Ancestor- a person, typically one or more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
engagement Culture- the way of life, attitudes, arts, and behaviors of a particular nation, people, or social group.
in learning Diversity- a range of different things.
Heritage- valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, that have been passed down from previous generations
 Model strategy/skill by using examples or demonstrations
An example will be modeled of what a vocabulary page should look like.
 Guided practice
Students will work in their table groups of 5, each student oversees one vocabulary word to make a page for.
Students will use Chromebook and class library to come up with detailed definitions and accurate examples.
 Planned supports for whole class, ELD or special needs
Before this lesson I will have pulled my ELD and special needs for a small group session to go over the vocabulary
words and how to construct the page for their books.
Explain your mini lesson steps in each of the following areas:

Academic vocabulary: Use chart to determine your vocabulary strategies. Strategies also in Ppt. presented in class
and texts.

Academic vocabulary: Use 3-tier chart to determine your vocabulary.

Tier 1 words:
Family- a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

Tier 2 words:
Diversity- a range of different things.

Tier 3 words:
Ancestor- a person, typically one or more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
Culture- the way of life, attitudes, arts, and behaviors of a particular nation, people, or social group.
Heritage- valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, that have been passed down from previous generations

Handwriting: See T. p. 344 and ff.

Include a writing chart and directions on how to use it based on a writing program like D’Nealian.
Include an assignment for handwriting that supports writing and spelling the academic vocabulary for your lesson.
List your activity steps here for handwriting practice. See sample below:

1. Students, take out your white boards (Please make a White Board out of a sheet protector and a piece of age-
appropriate handwriting paper you have downloaded.)
2. Teacher: Demonstrate how to form the new letters and words using the D’Nealian system age appropriate for
your class.
3. Teacher: Share/discuss the practice handwriting sheet showing the letters and sentences you want your students to
4. Have the students practice writing the vocabulary words in D’Nealian as well as standard form.
5. I will give the students 8 vocabulary words
6. I will have the students write them down on a lined paper to practice.
7. Below is a sheet of the vocabulary words I will have them practice and how I want them to write in D’Nealian as

Must include usage error correction for ELD students (Tompkins P. 324)
Select what you think fits your ELD students’ level of writing.

Our lesson revolves around the diversity of different languages, and this could even include the different dialects of
different families as well. This is a time to explain standard English versus nonstandard English. This is when we can talk
about our writing. For the students in this class, we will be focusing on past tense forms as we talk about the heritage of
families and cultures. As well as double subject usage as students compare their own families and experiences

Closure/ Strategy for restating key points, extend ideas, check for understanding/other
After Explain:
Teaching  How you will restate key point of learning objectives
I am so proud of you, my second-grade friends, for clearly defining and writing about our 5 vocabulary words so
clearly that were able put together collaborative book!
 How students share learning to develop student voice
Students share their learning by presenting their group books to the class. Each student presents their page clearly
explaining what they wrote and describing their illustration.
 How you will check for understanding

Address following areas:

Academic vocabulary
Students will accurately determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area
Students will create readable documents with legible print
Students will produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation to provide requested detail or clarification.
Student will generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words

If possible have a student spell the words on your list and see where they fit on this analysis chart. This could be a student in your
observation class.

Spelling/Word Analysis Chart. (Tompkins p. 336)

Emergent Letter-Name Within -Word Syllables and affixes Derivational

Data Analysis Conclusions

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