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Freeware, modern, functional IFC Model Viewer

User manual

Table of Contents `
Main window and navigation .................................................................................................................. 4
In 3D/2D model view: .............................................................................................................................. 4
Touch screen ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Menu FILE (ribbon) .................................................................................................................................. 8
Viewing options ....................................................................................................................................... 9
View options .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimap ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Storey slide ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Working with objects ............................................................................................................................ 12
Selected objects .................................................................................................................................... 12
Unselected objects ................................................................................................................................ 13
Object list and properties window ........................................................................................................ 13
Classifications ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Systematization of the IFC structure of the model ............................................................................... 20
Selecting elements in the property tree ............................................................................................... 26
Location bar ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Advanced operations............................................................................................................................. 32
Cutting options ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Splitting objects ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Offset of objects .................................................................................................................................... 36
Measurement ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Coordinates / Transpose project .......................................................................................................... 41
Measurement options ........................................................................................................................... 42
Compare models ................................................................................................................................... 43
Other options ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Status bar............................................................................................................................................... 45
Advanced options .................................................................................................................................. 45
Geometry generation parameters ........................................................................................................ 45
Cutting openings also in nested objects ................................................................................................ 47
Indicator of large number identification ............................................................................................... 47
Use an advanced edge removal algorithm ............................................................................................ 49
Reading openings in elements .............................................................................................................. 50
Merging property sets with the same name ......................................................................................... 50
BIMvision protocol ................................................................................................................................ 50
Plugins ................................................................................................................................................... 51
Plugin manager window: ....................................................................................................................... 53
Activate plugins window: ...................................................................................................................... 54
Activate / buy selected plugin window: ................................................................................................ 54
Plugin activation from a file .................................................................................................................. 55
Automatic updates ................................................................................................................................ 57
BIMvision keyboard shortcuts ............................................................................................................... 57
For developers ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Release notes ........................................................................................................................................ 61
Copyrights & Contact ............................................................................................................................ 67

Main window and navigation

Main application window is divided into three areas as below:

Ribbon - main program interface

Object list
3D/2D model view &

In 3D/2D model view:

• Rotate model – left mouse button + mouse move ,

o when Alt key is pressed current control point is not changed
• Zoom in/out – mouse scroll wheel up/down
o when Alt key is pressed current control point is not changed

• Move model – middle mouse button + mouse move or

right mouse button + mouse move
o when Alt key is pressed current control point is not changed
• Select object – left mouse button ,
o use with Ctrl key for multiple selections (click again to unselect object)
o click on empty space to unselect all
• Delete key– make selected objects transparent/hidden if transparent
• Insert key– show selected objects as transparent if hidden / visible if
• Backspace key – select all elements of the same type as selected, on the same
level (storey)
• Double click – zoom to selected objects

• Right mouse button – shows context menu:

Hide selected objects.

Same as Backspace key.

• Box selection – left mouse button + mouse move +with key Ctrl
o when moving left to right and top to bottom – adds to selection visible
objects which all corners of their bounding box are in selection

o otherwise – adds to selection visible objects which any corner of their

bounding box or bounding box center point is in selection rectangle

You can use this option to select all visible objects.

• Slide objects - left mouse button + mouse move with Shift key pressed.
It allows to move selected objects to any direction.

Mouse actions (click, select, zoom, etc.) without Alt key pressed, set up camera
control point, which all these operations refer to. In this point, axis with directions of
coordinate system is drawn.

Rotation and Zoom with Alt key pressed are useful while looking at selected element
that is covered by many other objects. It does do not change camera control point so
it is easier to get there without hiding those objects. Enclose selected object first and
then navigate with Alt key.

Touch screen

Supported gestures (in 3D/2D model view):

Tap / Double Tap

Click / Double click

(select objects, measure elements

/ zoom to selected…)

Press and Move

Rotate model (in Rotate mode)

Move model (in Move mode)

Press, Hold and Move

Move model (in Rotate mode)

Rotate model (in Move mode)


Zoom model

Press and Hold

Right mouse button click

(popup menu)


Rotate model around Z axis

Two Finger Tap

Display radial popup menu

On Two Finger Tap gesture BIMvision displays radial menu where you can quickly
change visibility state of selected and unselected objects. You can also switch
between “Move” and “Rotate” mode. These modes define what will be done with view
on Press and Move gesture. Default is rotation, when you change it to move – it will
be replaced with Press, Hold and Move gesture.

Menu for selected

Show menu for objects.
unselected objects.

Menu for unselected

Hide unselected objects.
objects. Switch between “Move”
and “Rotate” mode. 7
For tablets BIMvision has special option to enlarge GUI elements, which is available
from ribbon quick access toolbar.

Increase size of the user

interface for the touch mode.

Menu FILE (ribbon)

Open IFC file. You can Save all opened IFC

Recently opened files.
also drag & drop it files (with plugin data)
onto main window. into one file.

Open and add another

IFC file into existing Change language. Application will
view and view opened be restarted after this operation.
file list (module
Change the look
of the interface.
Geometry generation
Configure/download plugins.

Update application. Visible if both major

(important) and minor updates are available.

Viewing options

Default 3D view, with

perspective, orthogonal Fit view to all Fit view to selected
and oblique projections. visible elements. elements.

Alternative camera
navigation mode.

3D view with projections. Use Ctrl key There are two 2D view types:
and mouse scroll wheel up/down to projection (edges only) and
change distance of projections. Click elevations (with faces). Click
again to switch between projections. again to switch between.

Use colors defined in IFC file instead

Rotate view by 90
of coloring objects by type. It allows
degrees around
also to restore default object colors.
the Z axis.

Change view to one of View options. Draw minimap.

predefined camera positions.

“Fly mode” option allows to easily look around and move through the model from
first-person perspective. Camera rotation is made around observer/eye position with
minimal zoom step set to 0.5 m. Maximal zoom step can be chosen 0.5 m (for indoor
movement) or 10 m (for outdoor models). This mode has also ability to hold camera
altitude, as an option or when there is no model element below the mouse while
zoom is made (when no control point will be set). This mode is useful to move
through the infrastructure models or navigate inside the buildings, especially in touch

View options

Display edges of a model. It

can speed up displaying large Change global model
models on slow computers. transparency. Useful for
general viewing and model
comparison. In other cases,
Anti-aliasing, disable for slow for normal work use object’s
computers and to save transparency instead of this.
battery on tablets.

Show / Hide the display of

Change style of models spaces, grids and fasteners

Preview selection and measurement, Select how close camera can zoom to object. Over the max.
while mouse cursor is over an element distance, the view enters an object. Use: 1 cm – to look closer
in 3D view. With anti-aliasing enabled at small details, 10 cm – for quick pass through walls while
it can decrease drawing performance zooming, 1 m – for viewing large scale models (site, terrains
on slow graphics cards. etc.) to avoid rendering errors for objects far from camera.


Minimap draws building a storey that is at the level of the current observer (camera)
position or storey which contains selected elements (if there is selection and all
selected elements belong to the same storey).

Selected elements are

drawn in green.

The direction you are

looking from. When you
enter the building it also
Storey’s name. If it is
shows camera’s position:
green then this is the
storey of selection;
otherwise, this is a
storey at the level of
camera position.
Last clicked position /
camera control point.

By default, it draws the walls, footing, columns, piles, doors and windows (also if they
are made from elements of type Proxy or Building Element Part). You can also enable
drawing additional objects in the minimap menu:

Beam enables also

drawing Member type.

Minimap option affects performance for large projects on slow computers.

Storey slide

If building model has correctly defined storeys, you can easily slide them and take a
closer look to each.

Amount of slide
in each direction.

This can be also useful with one of projection views in 3D mode or in 2D mode and
top view, to see each storey projection separately.

Working with objects

IFC model is made of elements which are 3D objects. An object can be visible, marked
as transparent (regardless of its graphical representation) or hidden. Additionally, the
object can be inactive and then is invisible. By default, all objects are active - you can
change it in the objects list window.

Show all active

Regenerate geometry in
current location to remove
drawing artifacts

Fit view for all visible Object’s additional

objects options

The "Regenerate Geometry" option is applicable to visualization models with very large coordinates
and infrastructure models where the loaded project scope (distance between elements) is greater
than 1 km. Due to graphics card limitations, viewing such a project generates artifacts when the
viewer/camera is looking at a position away from the generation point. After applying the button, a
new geometry generation point will be set and the geometry will be free of any graphical artifacts.

Selected objects

Fit view for selected Highlight Automatically center Draw edges of

objects selected objects view on selected selected objects, even
objects if they are covered

Change state of Count of selected Do not select object marked

selected objects objects as transparent by clicking

Unselected objects

Change state of
unselected objects

Automatically keep state of

unselected objects. Useful
when selecting objects from
list (also with option “Center

Object list and properties window

You can view a list of all objects divided by model structure, object types, groups,
layers and classifications.

To hide window just click on

selected grouping type again

Expanding level of the tree in

object list window

There are 4 main tabs in properties window, that show information of object in
currently selected row of the grid:

• Properties – it contains all properties defined in IFC + specific object’s
information in “Element Specific” property set. This property set is created by
the viewer.
• Location – it contains object location, information about geometry and
membership (groups, systems, layers…) and information about changes if any
(in compare model mode)
• Classification – information about classifications to which it belongs
• Relations – information about other relations to which it belongs.

You can select one or all objects

that belong to the relation

Double click to select

and navigate to object

Hide inactive objects in list window Additional options

In this window you can select and deactivate objects. Selection state is marked by a
check in the first column. In the second column you can change the active state of
the objects.

Selected Activated or deactivated. Click with “Alt”
key to activate only this element

Objects in this window are shown in tree structure. When you select an element all its
sub elements also will be selected. Excepts openings of elements, they must be
selected directly (and only then are shown in model view).

In version 2.24.6, activation / deactivation of spaces, grids and Activate everything

option have been moved to the Options / Show tab in the VIEW tab.

Grouping type can also be changed from menu in top right corner of this window.

Grids have also their own additional options:

Force grid rows to have height of

one text line. Useful to compact
view of data when with large or
multiline texts (i.e. descriptions).

You can copy to clipboard value of selected grid cell using Ctrl+C shortcut or popup


In version 2.26, BIMvision introduces, in addition to the standard reading of the

classification from an IFC file, the ability to download their structure from a computer
in the form of a defined XML file, and to create your own configurations of available

Different types of grouping are available in two places: in the Objects tab and in the
Properties panel.

When choosing the type of grouping, we have two overarching options:

- Standard - sets the classification system according to the record in the open IFC file

- Set up - allows you to manage the available classifications.

ATTENTION! Each time you make changes to the configuration, you should click the
Rebuild button in the classification configuration window.

After selecting the Set up option, we have 4 options to choose from:

- Standard – sets the classification structure as defined in the IFC file

- Separator – defines which character will be a dividing one into subsequent nodes in
the structure (e.g. underscore). After selecting this option, define this character in the
column field named Separator. Below is an example of using the option with a
separator (for the Uniclass 2015 classification)

- Positions – arranges the structure of the selected classification according to the

definition of individual levels. After selecting this option, first add the first level ("Add
level"), and then enter the number of the starting character (in the "Start" column) and
the number of characters to be taken into account (in the “Length" column). These
characters will be checked and the division will be carried out according to them. You
can then define successive levels using "Add level" (in this case the starting position
number of the expression to be checked in the next level should be greater than that
defined above). Above is shown an option with a two-tier item definition which has
been applied based on the CCS-R1 classification.

Classifications before rebuilding (Standard):

Classifications after rebuilding (CCS-R1 according to conf. Positions and Uniclass
2015 according to conf. Separator):

- XML classif. defin. – select XML classification from anywhere on your computer.
Once loaded, the schema is copied to a folder in Appdata and stored there.
To check the path to the classification folder, go to File> Advanced options:

After finding the folder on the computer and opening it, we will find the configuration
definitions (.cls_def) and .xml classifications we created. After loading the classification
scheme definition in .XML - and pressing "Rebuild" - the structure in BIMvision will
arrange itself according to the loaded scheme.

ATTENTION! For a classification to be compliant, its full name (i.e. items such as
name, version, and revision date) must match (be identical) to the classification name
in the IFC file. How to check it? For example, by opening an .XML file using notepad.

The name of the classification in the .XML file

The name of the classification in the .IFC file

In the case of IFC models for which we have created classification definitions, they will
be "saved" and after selecting one of the previously defined configuration options
(one of 4) and "rebuilding" the classification, the structure will be restored.

* In the case of a .bvf file, the classification configuration is saved directly in that file

Systematization of the IFC structure of the model

In version 2.24.6 of BIMvision, the possibility of systematizing the IFC structure of the
model has been added.
After opening a file or loading several files at the same time, the structure
configuration can be changed. The options are located in the drop-down list available
after clicking the arrow on the "Structure" icon.

The options available in the list depend on whether they refer to the configuration of
one open file or several files loaded simultaneously.

If you open one file, you can merge storeys that have the same name or that share the
same "Global Bottom Elevation".

Additionally, when selecting the configuration option - "By elevation up / down", the
storeys with the same lower reference levels will not only merge, but also the
individual storeys will be arranged in the order of levels (ascending or descending).

In case of opening one file, after expanding the structure configuration, the following
options appear:

Merged storeys according to the same name option:

Sort by elevation up / down:

When several files are opened at the same time, after expanding the structure
configuration, the options for merging storeys according to their id numbers,
reference levels (along with sorting taking into account the levels of "Global Bottom
Elevation" ascending / descending), linking stories according to the same names or
revisions appear.

The first file contains the architecture model, the second one the equipment objects.

After merging by id numbers, the storeys with the same identification numbers get merged.
The structure of the project takes an organized form:

Selecting elements in the property tree

In version 2.24.7 there was a change in the way of selecting items in the property tree.

After selecting the item and pressing the BACKSPACE key, we find on the tree, the branch
with the lowest level (i.e. higher in the tree structure) and select the elements located here.

Subsequent clicks cause moving higher and higher and selecting more elements of the

In version 2.25.2, the possibility of selecting elements in the structure with the use of Ctrl and
Shift buttons was introduced.

With this functionality, you can quickly select a few or a dozen lines in the list of items (as in
Excel) with the Shift or Ctrl buttons and change their activity marker (activation /

Selecting elements with the Shift key

Selecting elements with the Ctrl button (you can select and deselect individual elements both
in the structure and in the model)

Activation / deactivation by checking

Marking various elements in the structure (active and inactive) and deactivating

Location bar

This feature shows location of selected element in project structure. It displays the
path for the first of selected elements, based on IFC structure (including merge
storeys option). You can also use it for quick navigation and selection change. Each
element in path can be selected, changed by one of its siblings or its children can be

Location path
Current selected
(project\site\building\storey\... etc.).
element is marked Select child element
Click to select element.

Select sibling element

Advanced operations

Cutting options

In version 2.21 of BIMvision, a change has been made to the interface: a new
ADVANCED tab has been added. The "Cutting" group was moved there from the
VIEW tab, then it was split into 2 groups: "Cutting " and "Cutting planes". In version
2.26, the ADVANCED tab has been renamed to SECTIONS.

Preview cross-section
along selected plane

Enable or disable
cutting mode

Fill the interior of cut elements. This option

works properly with correctly defined 3D Show entire model with all cutting
solid objects. We suggest hiding furniture, planes. This mode allows to set them
site or any surface objects before using this up in an alternative way. Useful in
function. splitting objects.

Selected cutting plane. You can also Offset of the current
use Ctrl+Shift+mouse wheel on cutting plane from its
the model view to switch planes start point. It can also be
changed here (press
Clear cutting planes
Remove cutting plane Enter to set value).

Add cutting plane of Change step used to

selected face (by default) or move selected plane with
across selected edge or a Shift+mouse wheel on
global axis. You can use Change side of selected Show offset of the model view
Ctrl+mouse wheel to plane used to cut off current cutting
change adding mode. model elements plane in 3D view

Plane offset is the distance from the:

• selected plane – in “Plane” mode

• closer vertex of selected edge – in “Edge” mode (edge from used vertex to the
plane is painted blue):

• coordinate center – in “X/Y/Z-axis” modes

Offset of the selected cutting plane can be changed:

• in the ribbon (edit the value)

• Shift+mouse wheel on the 3D view, offset will be changed by the value of the
cutting step. Value also will be rounded to the step size.
• Shift+left mouse button to directly move cutting plane (if it is not parallel to
your view).

When adding a plane in edge or an axis mode, the side of plane used to cut off model
elements depends on the direction of the mouse move.

Cutting plane (across X-axis).

Mouse was moved from right
to left. Moving in the opposite
direction (left to right) changes
the side of cutting.

This dotted line

These lines also indicate
indicates the side of
that elements behind this
the plane used to cut
plane will be cut off.
off model elements.

After adding a plane, you can always flip it on the ribbon menu.

Splitting objects

Cutting planes can be used to split selected objects. Each object being split will have
its original geometry hidden, and have new children objects added. Each added
element contains its own part of the original geometry.

Restore original geometry

of the selected objects
and remove split ones.
You can split many
selected objects by many
planes at once. Select visible objects
within the cutting region.
Objects behind the cutting
planes will not be selected.

Each of those new objects can be shown, selected and measured separately. They can
also be split again. Name for the objects is “split result”. To restore original geometry
and remove split objects you need to select the parent element.

Original object

Two new objects resulting

from splitting the original

Information about split objects is saved to the BVF file. After loading the BVF file, the
original object will automatically be split again.

Option “Preview planes” is useful when you want to split objects with more than one
cutting plane. When enabled, the entire model is shown, parts that may be cut off by
other planes are visible, so you can add other planes there (without previous flipping).
All planes are also highlighted.

Splitting objects with the “Select visible” option can also be used to visualize cross
sections (just hide unselected objects).

Offset of objects

Selected objects on 3D view can be moved in any direction. Use left mouse button +
mouse move with Shift key pressed. Using “Storey Slide” option resets all offsets.

Clear offsets Choose axis of


Those offsets are temporary, and as the storeys slide, they do not affect the real
distances of objects from each other.


Measurements are made based on the geometric representation of the object. To

perform a measurement, click the selected part of the object in the model view. It will
be highlighted if active selection is enabled in "Options". While holding down the Ctrl
key you enable the "Multiple selection" mode and you can add multiple measurements.
In the "Volume", "Area" and "Weight" modes, a second click on the measurement with
the Ctrl key removes it from the sum. In the "Volume" and "Weight" modes, you can
also measure selected objects.

Remove the last Take the sum of
Exit from measure mode
measurement many measurements
from the list

Change mode of taking dimensions. Click Ignore elements marked

again to exit from the measure mode. as “transparent”

Choosing the "Custom" option in the "Area" tab causes the "Snap to vertex" button to
appear automatically. Turning this button off lets you draw surfaces of any shape.

In case of incorrect geometry of elements, the result will be replaced by [*] and the
message: "Not all elements could be measured", with the buttons "Show" and "OK".
The "Show" option will hide all other items, and "OK" will close the message.

In the "Length" tab, you can measure the distance "Point - Edge", "Point - Plane", “Plane
– Plane”, as well as the distance between "Points". After turning off the automatically
appearing "Snap to vertex", they can be any points. By selecting the option "Point" and
"Multiple selection" and turning off "Snap to vertex" you can measure the length of any

The “Diameter” mode allows you to easily measure the distance of a pair of the most
distant vertices on a selected plane. This mode is useful e.g. when measuring pipe

In version 2.24.7, the ability to measure the distance "Point - Plane within model" has
been added. By making this measurement, the program calculates the shortest
distance of the point from the plane, and it is the part of the plane belonging to the

The "Plane - Plane within Model" option has also been added for measuring the
distance of non-parallel planes inside the model. It is determined by the minimum
distance of points belonging to planes inside the model.

In the “Angle” tab we have the ability to measure the angle between "Planes",
"Edges", as well as any sections determined by 3 points (“Custom” mode).

Change the unit system

Projections of
on axis (e.g.

Change precision
In “Weight” mode, you can change-in-place material destiny used to compute weight.

Edit density

Coordinates / Transpose project

By using the “Coordinates” or “Offset” measurement mode, you also have the option
of transposing the geometry of the entire project to a new position. This transposition
affects the measured distances of objects from each other and is saved and loaded
into/from the BVF file. After loading models with transpositions, the results of model
comparison are also changed.

The “Coordinates” mode moves the project containing the point, according to the
new position provided by the user for this point, using the current coordinate center.

In the “Coordinates” mode you can get coordinates relative to a given point or set
custom coordinates of that point.

Set the coordinate center

at the current point

Set (changed) coordinates

for the current point

You can edit

these values Restore the original

In «Offset» mode (the option is active when at least two models are loaded!), it
transposes the first point and the project to which it belongs, by the given offset (at
the second point). Offset values can also be edited by the user.

After selecting the Offset option, select a point on the model and a second point to
which it should be moved. This activates the Transpose project button. Pressing it
will cause the entire model to be offset appropriately by the vector defined by the
selected points. With the Undo Offset option, you can return your model to the
default position.

Measurement options

It is possible to do the following:

• deletion of all measurements made - the button Clear measurements

• undo the last measurement - Undo last measurement button

• multiple selection - measurements marked consecutively (without the Ctrl button)

are added and the sum of these measurements is displayed (Multiple selection)

• keep measurements - measurements selected in sequence (without the Ctrl button)

are not added - the measurements of each of those selected is displayed; the Keep
measurements option allows you to save multiple measurements selected on the

Compare models

If you have a new version of IFC file, you can compare it with previous one to see
changes in geometry. To do this open the first file normally. Then, on ribbon tab
CHANGES, open the second file. When comparing is complete, you can select and
observe changes.

Select second
file to compare

Select types of
changes to show

Types of elements that are shown in compare mode:

• Not modified – elements which have the same geometry and properties in
both files
• Modified (old) – elements which have different geometry and are present in
the first file, displayed as translucent red
• Modified (new) – elements which have different geometry and are present in
the second file, displayed as translucent navy
• Removed – elements which are only in the first file, not present in the second,
displayed as red
• Added – elements which are only in the second file, not present in the first,
displayed as navy
• Materials – elements which have different materials (or their children
• Properties – elements which have changes in properties (or in children’s

To see the changes better we suggest marking all elements as transparent or use one
of global transparency.

Other options

All ribbon buttons (except plugins) can be added to ribbon quick access toolbar. Just
right click on button if you want to add to one to display menu:

Example button to add

Add button to
ribbon toolbar

You can remove the button from toolbar also by right-clicking on it.

Added button
Remove button
from ribbon toolbar

To increase the model view workspace, you can collapse the ribbon or enter into full
screen mode. Ribbon will hide and show automatically (while clicking).

Full screen mode
Collapse the ribbon

Status bar

Status bar is located at bottom of the application window, and it contains additional

Time of drawing all visible

elements. Should be below
0.15s for entire model for
Location bar items (if there was selection) comfortable usage.

Range of selection (distance

between elements)

Advanced options

Geometry generation parameters

This option is available in the main menu and it allows to change parameters for
geometry generation. Many geometry elements in IFC are defined by parametric
representation (i.e. rounded columns) so the viewer creates their approximations
using a given count of segments. You can set viewer to generate different elements
with different accuracy (i.e. reinforcing elements do not need the same details as
rounded walls).

Beams include also Members.
Columns include also Piles.

Option to cut openings

also in nested objects Large number identification
indicator (important for
objects with large object
Use an advanced edge
removal algorithm

Options of reading
Option of merging
openings in an element
property sets with the
same name (when

Default path to
classification folder

Restore default settings Select folder Restart application

for saving the after changing the
classification settings

• Circle profile segments – used in objects defined as profile extruded by an

axis or a path, (segment count for full circle - 360 degrees)
• Parametric curve segments – used in extrusion paths, curved profiles,
(segment count for full circle - 360 degrees)
• Solid of revolution segments – used in objects defined by revolving a planar
surface or a curve about an axis (segment count for full circle - 360 degrees)
• Profile rounding segments – used in profiles with rounded corners, (segment
count for quarter circle - 90 degrees)
Please note that changing this option may increase memory requirements and
generation time. It also affects drawing performance, when you use too high segment
counts and have a large number of parametric objects.

Cutting openings also in nested objects

According to the IFC specification, holes (IfcOpeningElement) are cut only in objects
to which they have been assigned - without taking into account nested objects.
Checking this option allows you to bypass this rule.

Indicator of large number identification (important for large coordinate


Version 2.24.2 adds the option to move and read files with large coordinates. Moving
such a file will avoid the appearance of numerical errors. In the Location tab, in
addition to the current coordinates, the values of the source file will be shown.

After loading such a file, a message of large coordinates appears asking if you want to
move the file.

o If you accept to move the file, all file coordinates will be shifted towards

In the Location tab, apart from the current coordinates, the values from the
source file will be displayed (marked).

o If we do not accept the offset, the file will be read, but numeric errors may
appear (screenshot below).

Selecting the appropriate Indicator of large number identification in the Advanced
options will allow reading of a file with extreme coordinates.
The default is X = 8 (1 * 10 ^ X).

Use an advanced edge removal algorithm

When checked, BIMvision uses a more thorough but slower algorithm to remove redundant
edges from a 3D object. By default, a fast algorithm is used, which may not be sufficient in
some situations. For large models, the use of an accurate algorithm can significantly extend
the loading of the IFC file.

Examples below:

On the left, an example of using the quick algorithm, which shows redundant edges on the
front panel, and on the right, the effect of the exact algorithm (without unnecessary edges).

Reading openings in elements

The selection of the appropriate setting is related to the number of openings contained in the
elements. We have 3 options:

• Standard (fast) - standard setting. The openings are drawn, the creation of which generates max.
32tys. triangles in the element, and the reading of the rest will be ignored. Loading the model is
relatively fast

• Read all (for numerous) (slow) - option for a large number of openings in elements when the
standard setting is insufficient. All the triangles forming the openings structures in the elements are
read, which will significantly extend the loading time of the entire model

• Always ask - the user decides of type of reading each time the file is uploaded

Merging property sets with the same name

In version 2.25.2, the "Merge property sets with the same name" option was added in Advanced

So we can choose if we want to display all available property sets (even if they are duplicated) or if
we want to merge them by name.

In this case, when the option is active, only one set of properties will be visible.

Note - changes to these settings may require refreshing the file display, i.e. reloading).

Default filing directory

In version 2.26, along with the extension of the ability to use the classification, information
about the path to the folder with the classifications was introduced in the Advanced options.
The user can also choose the classification saving folder in this window.

BIMvision protocol

In version 2.24 BIMvision, the BIMvision protocol tool has been implemented. It allows
you to create links to model objects. After opening such a link, the object is marked on
the model and shown in the center of the view.

File location and GUID are separated by ”?”

● General structure: bimvision://File location?GUID

● Example of use: bimvision://C:/Models/Model.ifc?hjfQ2pTRqd62T07B1yh

After clicking on such a link we will open a file "Model.ifc" with a selected object with
GUID "hjfQ2pTRqd62T07B1yh".

Opening the link is possible when using BIMvision or another application.

When working in BIMvision, if we do not have an open file, it will be loaded, and if it is
open, the given object will be marked on the model.

If we open the link from another application, BIMvision will automatically start with the
file loaded and the object marked in it.

Thanks to the BIMvision protocol, we can combine all documents (Word, Excel and
others) in which you can save the url with the IFC model and indicate a specific element
in it.

Advanced Reports and COBie Exporter plugins that generate EXCEL spreadsheets use this
great new feature. All GUIDs in these sheets are references to objects in the IFC model.


BIMvision can use plugins that allow extending functionality and integrating with other
applications. You can download plugins from our BIMvision Plugin Store webpage:

Most of the plugins after downloading and installation work in demo mode, so you can
try and use it without any restrictions. To get the full version of a plugin you need to
activate it (provide a license number). Detailed information about licenses and plugins
purchase is in the section “For plugin users” of “Terms and Conditions” at BIMvision Plugin
Store webpage:

You can manage plugins (enable or disable), view detailed information and help files form
Plugin Manager (in main menu “Plugins…”).

Open Plugin Manager window
or go to plugins download page
if you have any plugins installed.

Plugin manager window:

Activate many/all plugins at once.

It downloads automatically not used

(or matching to this computer) license
numbers from your account in
Detailed information and BIMvision Plugin Store.
description of a selected
plugin (in the current
language if exists)

Activate / buy
selected plugin

View plugin help file (in

the current language if
exists) Go to BIMvision Plugin Store

Activate plugins window: Free or matching to this computer
license numbers taken from your
account in BIMvision Plugin Store or
Select plugins to error information
be activated

Activate / buy selected plugin window:

Download automatically not used

(or matching to this computer) Buy directly specified
license number from your account plugin on BIMvision
in BIMvision Plugin Store Plugin Store webpage

Go to your account at
BIMvision Plugin Store

Only enabled plugins, that are correctly loaded (with matching API version) can be
activated and their license status checked. After successful plugins activation, you need to
restart BIMvision to use the full versions of the plugins.

To uninstall plugin use Windows Control Panel (in the same way as with other programs).

Plugin activation from a file

1/ Open BIMvision with parameter "-mil" (right click on the application icon to go to

2/ Go in BIMvision to FILE -> PLUGINS

3/ In the plugin manager window, check the plugin you want to activate

4/ Press Enter license number

5/ Insert the license number in the right field then press Generate activation file

6/ Send the generated file (*.req) to the BIMvision team (

7/ When you get the *.ans file, go to FILE->PLUGINS again, go to the plugin you want to
activate and check it

8/ In the plugin activation window press Load activation from the file and activate the
plugin using the *.ans file you received. Confirm with the Apply button

9/ Restart BIMvision

10/ Go to FILE->PLUGINS and check if the status of the plugin you activated is LOADED.

Automatic updates

The program will automatically check for updates during startup. It also checks for new
versions of installed plugins. Remember to unblock BIMvision in your firewall to make this
feature work.

When a new version of BIMvision or plugins is available, the program shows a panel
below the ribbon with that information.

Yellow is for BIMvision, silver is

for plugins. Click on “Update”
to install new versions.

Move the cursor to this

icon to see which plugins
have a new version.

After clicking on update BIMvision downloads and installs all updates and then restarts. If
you do not want any update - hide the panels by clicking on its close button (on the

In BIMvision case this panel will be shown only for major (important) updates. For both
major and minor updates, there will be a button on the main application menu.

BIMvision keyboard shortcuts


ESC Skip the selection. During the measurement - reject the measurement made and
close the tool

F1 Reset the zoom and bring back the camera to its default position.

F2 Restore the default colors.

F3 Bring back all temporary shifts and offsets of the elements to their original locations.

F4 Bring your IFC model to its initial appearance (does not apply to color changes, which
can be restored with F2). The combination relates to the options: Display all + Reset zoom
+ Clear all offsets + Clear all cutting planes + Clear measurements.



1/ Make multiple selection by keeping it pressed and clicking on elements one by one (in
the model or in the IFC structure).

2/ For selection purposes: Holding down the CTRL key while left-mouse clicking on a
blank area, move the cursor to create a selection area

- by drawing the selection area from right to left, you select all the elements which were
fully covered by the selection area

- by drawing the selection area from left to right, you only need to select a part of the
element to include it in the selection

3/ In combination with different keys to call out some of the specified functionalities:

CTRL + A Select all the elements

CTRL + F Find. When a window pops up, please enter the expression to look for it in
your whole model. To use this feature, you must have the Objects Info plugin.

CTRL + G Quickly add a view to your Gallery. You will also be able to provide additional
data regarding the view. To use that functionality you need to have the Gallery plugin.

CTRL + M Transfer a measurement from the model to the Takeoff Reports plugin. To use
that functionality you need to have the Takeoff Reports plugin.


CTRL + D Display selected elements

CTRL + H Hide selected elements

CTRL + T Make selected elements transparent


Adding the Shift key to the above combinations (display, hide, transparent) allows you to
affect unselected elements

CTRL + SHIFT + D Display unselected elements

CTRL + SHIFT + H Hide unselected elements

CTRL + SHIFT + T Make unselected elements transparent


SHIFT Move the element temporarily in the space

BACKSPACE Go up through the levels of the IFC structure. When you select one element
in the model space or in the IFC structure, each press of the Backspace key takes you to a
higher level of the structure [starting from the element, you will go to the group to which
the entity belongs (if it is part of a group), then to the storey, building, site and to the
entire project].

DELETE One click on a selected element will make it transparent, the second one will
make it hidden

SPACEBAR Deactivate the selected element

CTRL + ALT + D Display all active elements

For developers

BIMvision provides an API for writing plugins. Here are some of its features:

• simple C language style API with many examples in C++,

• API for C# .NET,
• access to a model structure, element types and properties,
• changing color, transparency, visibility of elements,
• selecting elements,
• changing view,
• responding to events in the program (file opening, selection changing,
element clicking, etc.),
• access to measurements of objects,
• drawing text labels on elements,
• adding GUI elements and cooperation with custom plugin windows,
• support for automatic plugin localization and updates.

To start creating a plugin you need only to download BIMvision Plugin SDK from the
official website and have Visual Studio or C++Builder
installed. There are examples for these environments, but you can use any other compiler
(and can also write ports to other languages).

Each plugin works in demo mode (has some limitations for some functions) – but it is
enough to play with the API and develop the main part of the plugin. When you finish
plugin creation and/or want to have it in full mode, you need to provide a developer key.
This key allows entering license numbers used to activate the plugin (it is a part of the
sales mechanism). Once you have a developer key, you will also be able to sell the plugin
at BIMvision Plugin Store.

To get the developer key please register on BIMvision Plugin Store, apply for becoming a
developer and contact us to sign an agreement. After signing the agreement, you will
have access to the developer panel where you can generate keys, publish and sell plugins.

Click to become a
developer. After
signing an agreement
you will be able to
access the developer
panel here.

Release notes

• 2.26.4
o Improved resetting view after loading a file
o Improved the format of saving numbers to BVF
o Changing the SDK version to 5.41
▪ Measure_v1 support
▪ Get_grids_state () added
▪ Support for new entities:
• IfcFacilityPartCommon,
• IfcMarinePart,
• IfcQuantityNumber,
• IfcRailwayPart,
• IfcRoadPart,
• IfcTransportationDevice,
• IfcTransportationDeviceType,
• IfcVehicle,
• IfcVehicleType.
• 2.26.3
o Geometry generation has been improved
o Changes to API functionality have been made
▪ correction of the OnSelectionChange element
▪ correction of dm_different_measures value
▪ added return of the set value of measurement rounding for
get_item_value function
o Reported errors have been corrected

• 2.26.2
o Classifications with the possibility of their configuration have been
o Keyboard shortcuts for selected functions and their combinations have been
added and systematized
o The ability to activate the plugin from a file has been implemented (without
internet access)
o The option to change the measurement unit to imperial units has been added
o Ctrl Z (Undo) and Ctrl Y (Redo) options have been introduced
o The Disable subscription switch has been added
o Multiple selection in the property tree has been implemented
o Added Restart button in Advanced Options
o Bugs fixed
• 2.25.3
o Support for the “disable_internet” option has been added
o Information on elements with zero volume has been extended

o The generation of geometry of some objects has been improved (e.g. elbows
and fittings for installations)
o IfcTextLiteral reading and saving to BVF have been added
o Fixed bugs related to BVF (save to BVF and delete file from BVF)
o Descriptions when dimensioning any surface have been corrected
o Functions have been added to the API:
▪ get_object_area ()
▪ get_object_edges ()
▪ get_object_corners ()
• 2.25.2
o Improved and added graphics reading of new complex objects
o Support for IfcComplexProperty has been added
o The option to select elements in the structure with Ctrl and Shift has been
o The message about incorrect geometry of measured elements [*] has been
supplemented with the possibility of their visualization and selection
o Improved surface and volume measurement in special cases
o Fixed deletion of files from the project
o "Merge property sets with the same name" option has been added in
Advanced Settings
• 2.25.1
o Change in error handling when reading IFC files
o Added reading geometry of new primitives
o Improved the performance of solid modeling and volume counting
o Bug fixes
• 2.25
o New API - additional options:
- reading and saving to BVF format
- allowing for additional user actions to be programmed after pressing the
o Saving to BVF - errors correction
o Support for reading B-Spline curve and IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid
o New function of the backspace key
• 2.24.7
o Change in the way of selecting elements in the property tree
o Change in password encryption. Unification of operation for 32 and 64 bit
o In the MEASUREMENT tab, new methods of calculating distances have been
added: "Point - Plane within model" and "Plane - Plane within model”
o New API functions
▪ for saving files in .BVF
▪ for checking triangle degeneration
• 2.24.6
o Automatic download of the latest model from a folder when opening a file
o Moved enabling / disabling grids and spaces to the Options / Show tab and
such an option for the fasteners was added
o The ability to systematize the IFC structure of the model has been added
o Bugs fixes
• 2.24.5
o Arcs support (IfcArcIndex) in IfcIndexedPolyCurve curve
o Transparency support in IfcSurfaceStyleShading
o Small fixes to existing items
• 2.24.4
o Options for reading openings in elements have been added
• 2.24.3
o A switch for the use/disuse of redundant edges removal algorithm has been
• 2.24.2
o Added option to move files containing large coordinates to eliminate
numerical errors
o Errors have been corrected

• 2.24.0
o Support for the bimvision protocol :// has been added
o New API functions have been added (get_dropped_pos (), get_centroid () and
get_projects_offsets ())
o Bugs have been fixed
• 2.23.5
o Detection has been added if the ifc file has been modified.
o Diagnostic information about errors in ifc files has been added.
o Several corrections in drawing the geometry of objects were made.
o Bugfix for saving cut objects to BVF file.
• 2.23.3
o options for cutting holes in nested objects have been added
o bug fixes and stability improvements
o new API functions:
▪ closing the application
• 2.23
o display of rounding in profiles has been improved
o hole cutting in complex objects has been fixed
o new API features:
▪ getting the thickness of material layers
▪ saving loaded models as BVF
▪ saving geometry to file (enables quick loading of models)
• 2.22.3
o added model geometry caching when saving to BVF file.
• 2.22.1
o profiles information loading has been added
o added option to choose the default code page for IFC files

• 2.22
o new measure modes:
▪ point to edge and point to plane distance
▪ diameter / most distant pair of vertices of the selected plane
▪ custom area
▪ angles between planes, edges and the ground (XY plane)
▪ custom angle
o measure improvements:
▪ selecting points and edges only from plane under the mouse cursor
(not from faces behind)
▪ highlighting currently measured object (if the active selection is on)
▪ ability to draw an arbitrary shape (disable Snap to vertex) for the Area -
CUSTOM, Angle - CUSTOM and Length - POINT measure modes
o Transpose project option uses exact values of measured offset regardless of
the displayed precision unless values were edited by the user
• 2.21
o reorganization of the user interface; new tab “ADVANCED” was added
▪ ribbon group “Cutting” from tab “VIEW” was split into two groups:
“Cutting” and “Cutting planes”, and moved to the new tab
▪ group “Offsets” from tab “OBJECTS” was also moved there
o added “Offset” measurement type
o ability to transpose/set new position of whole project geometry (in
“Coordinates” and “Offset” measure mode), which will be saved to the BVF file
o option to select visible objects within the cutting region
o better support for .NET plugins (dependencies and updates)
• 2.20
o added offsets to planes for precise cutting
o ability to split elements by cutting planes
o added classification tree, changes in displaying classifications
o added relations window (IfcConnectsPathElements and IfcSpaceBoundary)
o distinction of currently selected object from rest of the selection
o compare of changes with multiple projects loaded
o module Multifile can read *.tbp files
o ability to open relative paths from properties
o support for composite profile, tapered solids and table property values
o user can set custom coordinates of the point for the measure mode
o selecting object on the 3D view with Shift key copies its GUID to the clipboard
o ability to get license numbers and activate many plugins directly from plugin
manager window
• 2.19
o ability to move (offset) selected objects on 3D view to any direction
o option to always draw edges of selected objects, even if they are covered
o support of more IFC4 elements and types
o improvements in compare model mode
o added Location and Classification tabs in the properties window

o the layout of property set (collapsed / expanded) is remembered when
viewing objects
• 2.18
o improvements of measure mode (measurement can now be done on any tab)
o measurements are remembered by plugins that save view state (Gallery and
IFC Comments)
o ability to hide inactive elements in the objects list window
o changes are merged in object list window when comparing models
o faster generation of geometry through the use of multiple cores processor
o improvements in displaying models with a large number of small objects
• 2.17
o multiple cutting planes, moving cutting planes with mouse
o ability to sort types, layers and groups by name
• 2.16
o ability to change the field of view for perspective projection
o orthogonal and oblique projections
o option to rotate the current view by 90 degrees
o ability to measure the total area of an object
• 2.15
o ability to take measurements in Imperial and US customary units
o option to change the zoom for the minimap
o inactive elements cannot be selected
o menu “Export to BVF” replaced by “Save” and “Save as…” options
o displaying properties for door/window type and style
• 2.14
o introducing partial support for IFC4 file format
o ability to save and load all opened IFC files with plugin data, into one
BIMvision File (file extension *.BVF)
o improvements in Multifile module (multiple file viewing)
▪ new IFC Structure merge modes – you can now merge storeys also by
name and elevation
▪ ability to unload models (unloaded models are not visible in the viewer
and will not be saved into BVF file)
o “Fly mode” option that allows navigating through the model from the first-
person perspective
o removed edges that are inside planar surfaces
o ability to set up measurement precision
o access to plugin help files from the main menu
• 2.13
o displaying information from IFC file header in Project’s properties
o new view option “Active selection”, which is a default and allows to preview
selection and measurement, while mouse cursor is over an element
o “Advanced options” in the main menu – the ability to change parameters for
geometry generation
o displaying a graphic card name and OpenGL version in “About” window
o plugin DLL file can be placed now in its own subdirectory; this is to
prevent from loading other DLL’s that are not plugins, but are used by the
plugin (i.e. .NET assemblies)
• 2.12

o added location bar
o minimap improvements – now it draws storey that contains selected elements
and draws a selection
o support for reading compressed IFC files (*.ifcZIP)
o option to regenerate geometry for viewing projects, which have large
o new navigation mode with Alt key pressed – it does not change camera
control point
o new logo and webpage

• 2.11
o displaying groups and systems defined in IFC file (zones have been moved to
groups menu)
o new color theme: “Graphite Gray” with two background colors - gray and dark
o minimap option
o displaying material sizes in properties
o improvements for multiple file viewing (Multifile module)
▪ new option for IFC Structure object list – merge storeys
▪ storey slide always operates on merged storeys
• 2.10
o ability to load multiple IFC files in one view
o new measure and selection modes
o displaying more object’s properties and units
o bug fixes and stability improvements
• 2.9
o added “Element Specific” in properties which contain additional object’s
information that is provided in IFC file
o included 64-bit version of the application which is faster and handles very
large models
• 2.8
o buttons of plugins added to quick access toolbar are remembered
o new languages, API functions and plugins
• 2.7
o new projection views and options
o ability to get volume and weight of a selection
o storey slide improvements
• 2.6
o displaying objects’ colors defined in IFC file
o drawing optimizations for work with large models
o full support for Unicode characters
• 2.5
o support for touch screen and gestures
o touch mode option (enlarged GUI for tablets)
o “Fill slice” option now works on AMD / ATI graphics cards
• 2.4

o new area measuring options
o added ribbon collapse and full-screen mode options
• 2.3
o plugins are now available to end-users
o integration with BIMvision Plugin Store

Copyrights & Contact

Datacomp IT Sp. z o.o.

Dąbrowskiego 24
30-532 Kraków, Poland
(+48) 12 412 99 77

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