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Hello everyone, my full name is Vu Thu Trang Im from Ha nam

Now im going to talk about 3 main advantages of living in big cities.

Firstly, it provides us with more employment opportunities with higher average

salaries. Most of the corporate offices, industries, factories, government offices,
and manufacturing industries are either situated in a city or close to the city. So if
you want to have a successful career or well paid job, stay in the city and find a
suitable job as well as expand your knowledge to have chance of promotion.

Secondly, One of the other good things about living in the city is the mass
transportation systems that they have. Not only are there buses and taxis, but there
are also subways that offer a relatively quick and convenient solution to help you
get from one point to another and also traffic along the way. Besides that, taking
the train will give you all the time you want to focus on reading a book or even
listening to your favorite podcast without taking your eyes off the road.

Finally, living in Big cities we will have many diffirent ways to entertain.
There is always something to do in a major city to keep people of all
different interests from getting bored. Most cities have a lively nightlife,
different types of food to try, shows of all types, museums, landmarks,
parks, festivals, sports games, and much more.

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