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Word - Stage lighting

What is Stage-Lighting
Stage-lighting is a craft of lighting when it is used in big production plays or dance recitals

taking place in a Grand theater. These lights can commonly be found on the top or on the side of

any stage you may go to, they usually have a different color of lighting depending on what

mood they play or the theme of whatever production is taking place on set.

When going to a big theater to watch your favorite play look above the stage the lights are being

controlled by a stage manager, those are the people who are in charge of making sure the lights

work and that they are on Q with the actors and the feel for the play.

The equipment that is used for stage lighting is dimmers, and lighting instruments controllers,

which are in use when lighting up a stage,

Some Shows that use Stage- lighting

● Concerts

● Trade shows
● Broadcast Television

● Film production

● Photography

The History of Stage-Lighting

Around the Roman and Grecian time is when the enhancement of lights on a stage was recorded,

Before electricity was invented the architect build the theaters facing east to west. The reason for

them to build them face that direction is because in the sunset hour or when the sun would set the

natural light would shine bright on the performers, during this time they build outdoor theaters

then around the 1800’s they began to build indoor theaters.

Candles and sunlight were the main things to be able to

Light up a roofless theater but when they went indoor they

had lanterns to help the stage and all around be lit up for

guests to see the actors and for the actors to see the audience.

How much do stage- lights cost

According to “ Newmusicaltheater “ a regular production for lights to light up a stage on the

most famous Broadway, their budget is around 8-12 million

dollars for lights and other equipment for any product that will

take place on the stage.

For small concerts or festivals, portable lights would be around 1

thousand to 10 thousand dollars depending on the brand.

Why is stage- lighting important

Stage - lighting is important because it helps the theater be full of light, it can make a big

difference, and dimming a stage light for a scene can give it some life. The most important light

on any stage is the spotlight. It gives the main actor the chance to go crazy and show off his or

her or they skills.

A lot goes into a stage production lights are very expensive and working them and also trying to

make the fit while

The actors on stage can be a hard job, stage - lighting is a big deal when it does to ant industry.






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