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SCHOOL Administration would like
to extend our heartfelt thanks to
S.Y. 2021-2022
the proud parents / guardians and
to all stakeholders who in one way
or another make this affair a Date: June 15,16, 2022
Time: 8:00 am-5:00pm
successful one. Venue: Grade 10, 11, 12 Classroom

This serves as an invitation

OPENING PROGRAM (8:00-9:00)-(9:00-12:00)
A. Philippine National High School………Glace A. Resma
B. Prayer……………………………………………..SuzAne P. Salinas
C. DepEd Leyte Hymn……………..…………..Maricris V. Infanso
D. AbuyogHymn…………………………………..…. -do-
E. Welcome Talk………………………………….Lilibeth H. Paderna

F. SPEAKER DAY 1 (1:00-3:00 pm)

1. Embarking on a Journey of Self Awareness …………..Grade 10
( Suzane P. Salinas)
2. Road to the Right Choice……………………………………….Grade 11
( Rina P. Gernale)
3. Entering the Exits………………………………………………….Grade 12
4. ( Glace A. Resma)

5. Examining the Destinations……………………………….….Grade 10
(Lilibeth H. Paderna)
6. The Star Power……………………………………………………..Grade 11
(Glace A Resma)
7. Discovering the C’s ………………………………………………Grade 12
(Suzane P. Salinas)

G. Speaker Day 2 (8:00-10:00)

8. Charting your own experience…………………………....Grade 10
(Rina P. Gernale)
9. Reaffirming the Chosen Track……………………………..Grade 11
(Maricriz V. Infanso)
10. The Choice Choosing ………………………………………….Grade 12
(Lilibeth H. Paderna)
11. Fit the Right………………………………………………Grade 11
(Suzane P. Salinas)
12. My self in other shoes………………………………Grade 12
(Rina P. Gernale)

13. Rising towards the reality of my dream……Grade 11
(Lilibeth H. Paderna)
14. Future combo active ……………………………….Grade 12
(Maricris V. Infanso)

15. Up, up in the ladder of my career …………..Grade 11
(Rina P. Gernale)
16. Keep me balance …………………………………….Grade 12
(Glace A Resma)

SPEAKER DAY 3 (8:00-10:00)

17. Beginning the journey where I am ………….Grade 11
( Maricris V. Infanso )
18. Version of Me 2.0 …………………………………..Grade 12
(Suzane P. Salinas)

19. Plan to succeed ………………………………………Grade 11
(Glace A. Resma)
20. Runway Mastery …………………………………….Grade 12
(Lilibeth H. Paderna)
(1:00-3:00)…………………………………………...Closing program

H. Message……………………..Yolanda M. Verra
School Head

Masters of Ceremony:
I. Maricris V. Infanso

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