Arnold S Training Routine

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Arnold's training routine According to Ric Drasin, during the period that he

trained with Arnold this is e xactly how they trained chest and back:
SupersetsBench press and pull ups 4-5 sets of each (for bench 10,8,6,2,1,maybe
another si ngle, then drop to 8) Incline bench and seated cable rows 4-5 sets of
each Dumbbell flies and One-arm cable rows 4-5 sets of each Would sometimes end
with: Cable crossovers and machine pullovers Finish with situps (just bodyweight,
100-200 reps of situps or leg raises) took about one hour. And this is the routine
Arnold did as a 260lb world-class bodybuilder... not tal king about his formative
years or anything. It's extremely similar to an ordinar y bodybuilding, if anything
he did much less than modern bodybuilders, though yo u have to keep in mind he
always trained every muscle 2-3 times a week. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER'S CHEST/BACK
SUPERSET WORKOUT EXERCISE Superset 1 Bench presses Wide-grip chins Superset 2
Incline bench presses Bent rows Superset 3 Flyes Seated cable rows Superset 4 Dips
Close-grip chins SETS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 REPS 12, 10, 8, 6, 5 10 12, 10, 8, 8, 8 10 10
10 10 10

BICEPS/TRICEPS SUPERSET WORKOUT EXERCISE Superset 1 Standing dumbbell curls Lying

dumbbell extensions Superset 2 Incline dumbbell curls Overhead triceps extensions
Superset 3 Preacher curls Dips SETS 5 5 4 4 4 4 REPS 8 10 8 10 8 10

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