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Metropolis Observatory

Floridea Di Ciommo 10

Rights and claims

for metropolitan

world association
of the major

page 03

page 04
Mobility: a mirror of the trends
in governance, gender
and climate change

page 11
Claiming mobility

page 13
Balancing needs, rights
and claims

page 16

page 18

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“If I live in a city and commute to another Mobility requirements in the urban,
every day, who can ensure that I do so suburban and peri-urban setting lend
safely?” This personal concern kicks off themselves to different solutions that help
the latest Metropolis institutional video, mitigate negative effects on transport
narrated by a female voice representing poverty and climate change. In the current
a citizen in an unidentified metropolis, pandemic, mobility can also play the role of
which could be any of our 138 members “agent of contagion”, making the transport
or any large urban area in the world. sector one of the hardest-hit by the crisis.

Fundamental to urban dwellers’ daily, Mobility management at the metropolitan

mobility is one of the most emblematic, level must therefore tap several areas of
high-profile and sensitive examples of how urban planning at the same time to meet
metropolitan governance applies to the the end goal of safe, affordable, accessible
life of many individuals. Transport and its and sustainable mobility.
management have a profound impact on
people’s access to the vital activities of care, Even though the mobility requirements
work, study and leisure, on family budgets of metropolises in distinct socio political
and therefore on their quality of life. and economic contexts may differ across
various parts of the world, the solutions can
Satisfying mobility requirements proves be similar in terms of planning and public
increasingly complex when territorial transit management.
spaces are broadened and diversified,
as in the case of the major metropolises, In our tenth issue paper, Floridea Di
requiring coordination between public Ciommo, an economist and urban analyst
authorities of different levels and sizes and with expertise in equity and transport,
between private and individual initiatives, inclusive technology and sustainable
which constitute both formal and informal logistics, encourages the world’s major
transport networks. metropolises to work together and to roll
out solutions posited on metropolitan-scale
diagnoses that leave no-one behind.

Octavi de la Varga
Metropolis Secretary General

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04 metropolis

Mobility: a mirror
of the trends in
governance, gender
and climate change

Mobility is nothing other than a

mirror of current land-use trends
framing the array of metropolitan
spaces in different parts of the
world: the concentration of jobs into
specific areas and, at the same time,
the urban dispersion of housing and
Photo: Elizabeth/table4five (Flickr)

of daily life activities.

The people who live in major

metropolises need to travel between
city centres, where work, trade,
education and health facilities are
located, and the suburban or peri-urban
In the metropolitan area spaces inherent to more peripheral
of Montréal, the city of
municipalities, which present a limited
Laval implemented transit
planning to improve children’s diversity of activities. Metropolitan
wellbeing by prioritising mobility patterns therefore differ
pedestrian mobility. Open data significantly depending on the urban,
on street surfaces and road
suburban or peri-urban sphere and
characteristics enabled the
creation of a street typology their different scales.
that facilitates the allocation
of walk-friendly areas around At a neighbourhood scale, we can see
an active form of local mobility that can
be done mainly on foot or by means

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of non-motorised vehicles and which planning and land use, among others.
contributes to the health of the people Within this framework, we can identify
who practice it. However, planning metropolitan mobility instruments and
public transport geared towards measures which, depending on the
getting around on foot only resolves model of governance, would be simpler
accessibility to the daily activities of to implement.
territories that provide the services
needed to perform them and which at The presence of an institutional
the same time coincide with housing metropolitan area, for example,
locations. This is not the case of large has the distinction of being able to
urban agglomerations, where people redistribute resources for sustainable
need to go around their daily activities mobility actions in a fairer way,
by crossing different parts of the in line with the needs detected in
metropolitan territory. specific metropolitan territories. This
coordination role can also be assumed
Walking or cycling can therefore only by a regional or provincial government,
address internal accessibility to the or a metropolitan transport authority
municipality or neighbourhood and – for over 20% of the metropolitan
between neighbouring towns when spaces included in the Metropolis
there is suitable pedestrian and system of metropolitan indicators,
cycling infrastructure. Access from the sector entities are the only mechanism
peripheries to the vital activities located of metropolitan coordination that
in metropolitan centres would very likely exists. Regardless of the institution in
require mechanised transportation. charge, mobility management at the
metropolitan level shares the idea of
At the level of the metropolitan area and prioritising equal access to a territorially
its far-flung municipalities, therefore, and demographically fairer transit.
it is crucial to rely on public transport
networks with affordable, accessible
and nonpolluting mechanised mobility
services. If these networks are not
available, private automobile use will
The institutionalisation of
intensify as the sole response to travel
requirements between neighbourhoods
metropolitan areas can
and towards the peripheral result in a fairer distribution
municipalities of a metropolitan area. of resources in sustainable
mobility, responding to
Mobility policy instruments and
the needs of their diverse
measures at a metropolitan level
encompass the creation of institutions,
fare integration, and strategic mobility

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06 metropolis

A mobility survey
in the metropolitan After identifying areas
area of Barcelona of transport poverty in
has made it possible its peripheral cities, the
to identify the
locations with poor Metropolitan Area of
transport links to Barcelona launched a strategic
road corridors plan to encourage a territorial
(N150 and C31)
rebalance and sustainable
and inclusive mobility. The
plan shores up intermodality
with park & ride stations and
promotes electric and low-
emission mobility.

Source: Di Ciommo and Rondinella, 2019

Photos: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

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Mobility Women also have restricted accessibil-

for who? ity due to low service levels in off-peak
hours and sexual violence that takes
The metropolitan approach to mobil- the form of indecent touching and oth-
ity not only makes it possible to see er forms of sexual harassment that
potential conflicts between territories take place, for example, on packed bus-
and transport network fragmentation es and trains. The project “Safety and
but also appreciate the mobility pat- public space: Mapping metropoli-
terns and uses of different population tan gender policies”, carried out by
groups. The perception of a fair distri- Metropolis in 2018, showed that the
bution of mobility resources, in terms most common gender policies were the
of accessibility and affordability, is at ones associated with public transport.
the heart of the rise in the use of any
particular mode of transit (Kaplan et al The situation is compounded in the
2014). context of a pandemic like COVID-19,
since most of the essential work in cit-
Pertinent studies have shown that a ies – in hospitals, care homes, cleaning
suitable transit system is essential to and food services – is done by women.
satisfy fundamental human require- Public transport has also been restrict-
ments including safety and health pro- ed due to the pandemic, impacting the
tection, jobs and social stability. Low- subsistence of women who are informal
er-income households, especially, can workers living on the outskirts of cities,
experience severe difficulties, partly and for whom accessible and safe public
because excessive transport costs can transit is their livelihood.
compromise other household expendi-
ture in areas such as health, education Mobility of care – which covers travel
Female workers
and healthy food (Litman, 2020). related to household management and
and carers, maintenance such as errands and dai-
together with the Analyses of data available at the met- ly shopping (food, medication, etc.), as
elderly, children ropolitan level across different regions well as all travel undertaken to care for
and people of the world suggest that the popula- dependent persons (looking after the
tion groups with the most unmet mo- elderly, children and people with func-
with functional
bility needs include the elderly, people tional diversity in health centres, edu-
diversity, form with functional diversity, minors and cational facilities, etc.) – represents the
the population female workers carers. This becomes highest percentage of trips and is most-
groups with the clear when we analyse satisfaction by ly done by women. On average, mobility
with the most gender, where housewives (by defini- of care represents nearly 40% of trips in
tion the population group that assumes large metropolises, compared to 20%
unmet mobility
care) are the most heavily impacted, as work-related mobility (the rest is distrib-
needs are women who need to balance their uted between travel for study, leisure
productive and reproductive work. and personal affairs).

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08 metropolis

However, most metropolitan transport The Gauteng city-region has data val-
systems have been designed principally idating this hypothesis. Women who
to cover work mobility, without consid- travel for work reasons choose taxis (for-
metropolitan ering that direct trips for work reasons mal or informal) as their main means of
transport do not represent the movements of the transport, with 52% of use. The choice
systems have majority of the people. Women work- of a flexible form of transport is due
been designed ers also suffer from the ‘invisibility’ of to women’s need to take on more care
stages of care in their daily movements, tasks, especially while parenting. In this
to cater for
which constitute complex journeys, regard, when gender and age data were
direct mobility with many more stops along the way, crossed, an inverse correlation was
from home than direct mobility from home to work found between women’s age and use of
to work and and back again. the taxi as a means of transport. It was
back, without found that the younger the woman and
A comparison of mobility polls across the greater her carer role, the more use
considering that
various metropolitan areas around she made of cabs. Similarly, the older
this represents the world found that 29-to-49-year-old the woman, the fewer care responsibili-
a minority of women were the population group with ties and therefore the lower percentage
journeys the highest mobility rate, for reasons of movements by cab.
related to caring for children and de-
pendents, and the ones who travelled
in sustainable ways the most. Yet the
needs of these women are being met
least (Figure 1).

Figure 1.
Unmet transport needs by work situation and gender

Source: Di Ciommo et al. 2019

70 %

60 %

50 %

40 %

30 %

20 %

10 %



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Mobility with a 1.
Proximity to public transport (at a max-
gender and imum distance of 0.5 km for inhabit-

climate-action ants) is a necessary condition but is not

enough. For a reduction in transport
perspective poverty to have effect, a minimum ser-
vice quality level is needed which in-
Statistics show that at the global lev- cludes frequency of the mode of public
el, transport is responsible for 23% of transport, safety and a good quality/
Public transport
greenhouse gas emissions. Indicators price ratio.
that is sensitive released by Metropolis on 58 metropoli-
to the needs of tan spaces around the world show some 2.
diverse popu- more “virtuous” metropolitan areas, i.e., The list of the 20 metropolitan areas with
lations not only ones with good access to public trans- the most polluted air in terms of PM2.5
port, low CO2 emissions, low percentage particles, headed by Nouakchott,
facilitates inter-
of private vehicle use and good air qual- Delhi and Cairo, does not include any
dependencies ity in terms of particulate matter emis- metropolitan area in the global north.
between terri- sions (PM2.5). Such examples include Both the regulatory policies of these
tories, but also Greater Manchester, Montréal, New countries and their historical invest-
is more sustai- Taipei and Santiago de Chile. ment in public transport networks and
services have improved mobility im-
The case of Santiago de Chile, however, pacts on persons and goods in terms of
suggests that the relationship between air quality.
physical access to public transport and
low emissions does not explain it all. 3.
This is the metropolis where, in 2019, By contrast, the list of the 20 metropol-
citizens rebelled against a price hike in itan areas that emit the most CO2 most-
public transport, which had already re- ly includes cities from the global north,
corded a fall in use from 83% in 1977 to none of them with the highest amount
47% in 2012. The reduction in the use of air pollution.
of public transport could be explained
by the rise in the income of an impor- In general, the present transport sys-
tant part of the population, but even tem continues to facilitate a form of
still there is a significant group of the mobility with different priorities with
population for whom public transport respect to what the majority of peo-
remains financially out of bounds. ple need, and in some metropolises
the private automobile continues to be
This explains why metropolitan mobil- promoted instead of active forms (walk-
ity, even when “virtuous” with regard ing or cycling, skating, etc.) and public
to some indicators, can continue to modes. Types of public transport sensi-
have visible impacts on transport pov- tive to the needs of diverse populations
erty, and leads to three considerations: and which are more accessible and

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10 metropolis

EnCicla is the public bi- affordable not only facilitate functional to alleviate both transport’s negative
cycle system operating interdependencies between territories impacts on climate change and trans-
in the Aburrá Valley
but also encourage modal changes to- port poverty.
metropolitan area
boasting over 90,000 wards more sustainable forms of trans-
users, 1,600 bikes and portation. Metropolitan planning must grapple
80 stations distributed with the dichotomy between the sup-
across the 10 munici-
According to metropolitan mobility data ply of transport systems, mainly built
palities in the territory.
Close to 20% of daily analyses, women have more sustaina- for work, and the unmet needs of the
take-up is by women. ble mobility patterns. For example, in a mobility of care. After showing that mo-
The service is continu- single-car household economy, the car bility of care is the overriding goal and
ing to operate during
is most often used by the man. Because that the modes of transport women use
the pandemic with new
safety protocols, pro- of this, the mobility of the women, with most are sustainable, the next step is
moting active mobility care and productive burdens, is charac- to redirect the transit system towards
to prevent the spread terised by local and more active jour- travel for care purposes.
of COVID-19, as well as
neys. Once incorporated into the plan-
a form of transport with
a social, economic and ning of our urban spaces, the means
sustainable impact. and patterns of women’s mobility serve

Photo: Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá

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Claiming mobility

Although the need for mobility is not In global north and south alike, the or-
identified with a universal right, ex- ganisation of metropolitan transit sys-
plaining why there is still no right for tems by corridors, such as Bus Rapid
people to travel to access the most Transit (BRT), express trains and light
important activities in their lives, rail, among others, has been posited as
mobility is related with human rights a solution for problems of physical inac-
when people are consuming mobility cessibility, but different outcomes can
services. The 2030 Sustainable Devel- be obtained depending on the context
opment Agenda, under target 2, Goal in which they are included, presenting
11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, partial solutions or even reinforcing iso-
is tentatively putting together a right to lation and spatial segregation.
mobility for the most vulnerable user
groups. Clear examples are seen in metropol-
itan areas flagged by socioeconomic
segregation, where precarious mobil-

Target “By 2030, provide access to ity between poor segregated spaces
safe, affordable, accessible and (informal settlements like townships
sustainable transport systems for and favelas) and rich segregated spac-
all, improving road safety, notably es (private housing estates) is offset by
Goal by expanding public transport, the flexibility and affordability of infor-
with special attention to the needs mal transport (legal and legal) which
of those in vulnerable situations, upholds its high levels of users from
women, children, persons with the urban peripheries.
disabilities and older persons”
In contexts of segregation, the ways of
demanding the right to perform daily ac-
This right is related to the need to ful- tivities translates into dissatisfaction in
fil activities essential for survival. The mobility polls and on social networks, or
COVID-19 crisis has underscored the im- in more violent street protests.
portance of certain essential services for
covering the basic needs of higher-risk In general, the strong dependence es-
population groups. Guaranteeing mobil- tablished in the metropolitan sphere
ity of care connected with access to food, with the automobile as the main means
medication and care services has been for performing activities limits the imple-
shown to be fundamental to sustaining mentation of more ambitious mobility
life during lockdown. strategies openly aimed at intermodal

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12 metropolis

In Johannesburg, the
Rea Vaya BRT system
has meant travel-time
and cost savings in the
order of 10-20%, secu-
ring enhanced access
to a variety of daily
activities. However,
these benefits largely
accumulate in medium
income households and
have yet to benefit the

Photo: GIZ / Claus Nakata

poorest areas of the
city, which still have
no financial or physical
access to Bus Rapid

public transport for enhanced accessibili- and pedestrian systems reveal shortag-
ty, interdependence and air quality. es in comparison to educational, work
and mobility of care requirements.
At the same time, the metropolitan Under such conditions, metropolitan
sphere is characterised by large com- areas become an ideal breeding
mercial areas located far from residen- ground for exacerbating the transport
tial neighbourhoods, as well as outlying poverty identified with the needs of
areas that have been left to run down delivering on unmet vital activities (Di
both in terms of their own small busi- Ciommo et al. 2019). Major metropo-
nesses and essential equipment for lises must therefore equip themselves
people’s daily quality of life: primary and with suitable analysis and intervention
secondary schools and health centres instruments to be able to act according
(Di Ciommo & Lucas 2014). In the most to the needs and aspirations of their
extreme cases, metropolitan areas are inhabitants.
home to inaccessible and segregated
spaces where it is difficult to leave in or- The main challenge to the approach
der to cover care requirements or access based on needs, rights and claims is
socioeconomic and educational oppor- therefore identifying these needs. Al-
tunities (Di Ciommo & Lucas 2014). though substantial headway has been
made in the literature on how to eval-
This is a social reality integrated in a dis- uate people’s basic needs, translating
persed model of urban design in which them in practice into transport needs
the networks of public transport, cycling continues to be a complex question.

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Balancing needs,
rights and claims

People’s mobility covers different The key advantage of a needs-satis-

kinds of trips according to the faction analysis compared to equity
The analysis of
reason, origin/destination combina- evaluations using spatial-accessibility
the satisfaction tion and mode of transport. Travel measures is that the different popula-
of mobility “types” comprising these variables tion groups are no longer considered
needs enables are therefore defined to identify passive subjects awaiting a fair distribu-
different requirements, calculating the trav- tion of transport resources but instead
el-time limit on the basis of average can directly cite their unmet travel needs
time and under the hypothesis of (requiring improved transport policies
groups to be a person’s willingness to travel and additional resources). Mobility
active subjects being related to the activity the polls, including a satisfaction section
in transport trip requires, the origin/destina- by inhabitants with regards to their
planning, tion combination and the different own travel experiences, are an impor-
modes of transport. tant instrument for shining a torch on
towards a fairer
mobility requirements. If they are also
distribution of The notion of needs is directly related considered in urban and metropol-
resources to the notion of benefit: estimating itan planning, they can avoid having to
the benefits of a population entails resort to protest as a way of demanding
measuring how far their needs are the right to mobility of care and instead
met. Current benefit-based method- enable access to activities related to the
ologies, however, are not always able sustainment of life.
to pinpoint unmet needs if they are
not pushed to the foreground. Making Transport planning must analyse
requirements visible is therefore essen- demand and understand the factors
tial for measuring transport equity (Di behind people’s travel behaviour and
Ciommo et al., 2019). decisions if it is to identify suitable
policies and investments (transport
Numerous indicators have thus been and land-use measures, new infra-
defined in recent years to pick up structures, public-transport pricing
on transport equity. They include an policies, emission-based taxing,
indicator of mobility needs that inte- etc.). Specifically, changes in choice
grates the user’s degree of satisfaction of transport mode are produced by
regarding a specific activity attribute. both quantitative factors related at

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14 metropolis

the same time with the attributes 1.

of the alternative mode of transport The dispersion of activities essential
(e.g., cost, travel time, comfort), the to human life in the metropolitan area
characteristics of the individual (such as reinforce the trend of depending on
When needs income, age, social situation and size of mechanised transportation, whether
analyses are household) and contextual attributes, by private vehicles or public or informal
carried out in such as the purpose of the trip. transport

a coordinated
The metropolitan sphere requires 2.
manner data collection on a more refined and The application of restrictions on using
throughout the infra-municipal scale since it is essen- private automobiles to enter central
metropolitan tial to take it to the scale closest to each parts of the metropolitan area because
area, it is person in order to detect inequalities they pollute creates tension between
and potential shortages of resources. mechanised-transport dependent
possible to
In turn, when these needs-based anal- peripheral municipalities and activ-
target solutions yses are done in a coordinated fashion ity-rich but highly polluted central
according throughout the whole of the metropol- areas. Traditional mobility, identified
to the itan area, it is possible to identify the with transport networks that structur-
identification of territories that suffer from more trans- ally integrate the metropolitan space,
port poverty and unwanted isolation, are presented as something that can
the territories
prompting potential solutions to drill disrupt the source of fragmentation of
that suffer most down on. the metropolitan territory
from transport
poverty and The metropolitan scale has also been A needs-based approach considers
isolation shown to be the most suitable when it the concentration of transport poverty
comes to redistributing the resources at the same time as the potential for
inherent to the transport system changing travel behaviour towards
(Davezies, 2007). Different public a more affordable and sustainable
and private funding sources can be mobility with zero emissions. The
combined and aligned at the metro- measurement of transport-poverty
politan scale and at the same time we concentration is applied to European,
can ensure both a balance between American, African and Asian metropo-
the different municipalities within the lises alike. The metropolitan approach
metropolitan space and services that to mobility therefore clearly reveals not
are affordable to the public. only potential conflicts and fragmenta-
tion of transport systems between terri-
Needs, rights and claims around tories but makes it possible to gauge
metropolitan mobility therefore take the different needs between mobility
on a complex dimension for two main for productive reasons and that moti-
reasons: vated by reproductive or care reasons.
In the case of functional metropolitan
areas, mobility policies and measures

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are identified that can be more easily The project of the Hanoi
implemented through a metropolitan metro, which is establishing
an integrated transit system
institution than through bilateral agree-
across five districts, contains
ments between municipalities. This is provisions to boost women
where governance and the instruments employment in the trans-
to choose in order to organise mobility port sector.About 30% of
the jobs generated by civil
at a metropolitan level come into play:
works are held by women
metropolitan institutions, fare integra- on equal wages, and similar
tion, strategic mobility planning and land targets have been set for the
use. Mobility management at the metro- personnel of maintenance
and operations of the new
politan levels guarantees a territorially
electrical and mechanical
and demographically more acceptable systems, ticket sales, and
transport justice, enabling the redistribu- supervision of stations.
tion of resources for sustainable mobility ticket sales and station-
actions free of transport poverty.
Photo: Thijs Degenkamp/Unsplash

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16 metropolis

Public transport in Seoul. Photo: Manki Kim / Unsplash

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• Bolster participative mobility • Work in coordination with land-

systems from metropolitan gov- use policies to control the dis-
ernance spaces, which are the persion of housing or production
most suitable to clearly indicate activities, or excessive functional
the parties responsible for the work concentration in a specific
right to access necessary activities, part of the metropolises.
who call for decent transportation.
• Beware of interdependencies
• Provide analysis instruments between residential spaces and
to ascertain people’s needs and those with a concentration of
aspirations and which enable data workplaces: the concentration of
collection broken down by sex, pat- jobs in a single area far from where
terns, reasons, means and modes workers live, as well as an invest-
of mobility. ment in corridor transport sys-
tems, hampers mobility solutions.
• Incentivise active local mobility
and foster its integration with oth- • Police the land use/transport
er modes of public transport (inter- relationship, essential for cover-
modality), facilitating the change ing mobility requirements: a plan
of habits by focusing on users and to access decent housing requires
non-users, before and after claims a matching spatial anti-segregation
are made. mobility plan.

• Focus on mobility of care, in • Organise learning communi-

other words, to contribute to the ties around practical sustainable
maintenance of life and wellbe- mobility measures and define the
ing of the majority of the people, metropolitan mobility white paper
including vulnerable groups, and to support urban areas in drafting
boosting public-transit frequency their mobility, land-use and indus-
in off-peak hours. trial-production strategies, with
the aim of reducing emissions that
• Redirect transport planning to
harm human health (PM2.5) and
more global territorial scales like
the planet (CO2).
the metropolitan one and to more
refined ones (infra-municipal) at
the same time, in both cases pre-
serving the needs-based approach.

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18 metropolis

Asian Development Bank. (2013). Kaplan, S., e Silva, J. D. A., & Di Ciommo,
Gender tool kit: Transport— F. (2014). The relationship between
Maximizing the benefits of improved young people‫׳‬s transit use and their
mobility for all. perceptions of equity concepts in
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Incorporated. transportation equity. World
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Evaluating the equity effects of
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context–The Madrid Metropolitan space: Mapping metropolitan gender
Area. Applied Geography, 54, 74-82. policies.

Di Ciommo, F., Rondinella, G., & Pineiro, Mitra-Sarkar S. and F. Di Ciommo

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entre planificación del transporte y Collection, TR NEWS.
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Guzman, L. A., & Oviedo, D. (2018). formalisation: Lessons from
Accessibility, affordability and equity: the implementation of BRT in
Assessing ‘pro-poor’ public transport Johannesburg, South Africa, Working
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Venter, C. (2020) Interview on Mobility

Hirshman, A. O. (1970). Exit, voice and issue and freedom corridor in South
loyalty. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Africa.

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About the author
Floridea Di Ciommo, PhD in transport and urban planning from ENPC-ParisTech and
the Polytechnic University of Madrid, as well as an MSc in Economics and Statistics
from Bocconi University, Milan, Floridea is co-director of cambiaMO|changing
mobility, where she is responsible for research, innovation and the development
of the fields of equity and transport, inclusive technology and sustainable logistics.
She has academic expertise in issues around demand modelling and transport
evaluation. Floridea works on the relationship between the mobility behaviour of
individuals and socioeconomic, gender and environmental variables. She is a member
of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) on mobility patterns and values and on
women, gender and transport, and of the Women in Transport - EU Platform for
Change committee. She has taught at several European universities and supervised
numerous doctoral and master theses. She is currently supporting the creation of
innovative enterprises and the empowerment of women in sustainable mobility and
partners with national and international institutions and associations on gender
and transport aspects and the analysis of the impact of transport on health. She
drafts decision-support projects for municipalities, metropolitan areas, transport
authorities and research centres.

Floridea Di Ciommo
economist and urban analyst

The information and views set out

in this publication are those of the
author and do not necessarily reflect
the institutional opinion of the World
Association of the Major Metropolises
(Metropolis). Neither the Metropolis
Secretariat General nor any person
acting on behalf of the association
may be held responsible for the use
which may be made of the contents
of this work.

This work is licensed under the Crea-

tive Commons Attribution-NonCom-
mercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license,
Supported by: Edition:
May 2020

This publication contributes to the implementation of the

following Sustainable Development Goals:

Secretariat General
Avinyó, 15. 08002 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel. +34 93 342 94 60


metropolis world association of the major metropolises

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