Signpost Paragraph Instructions

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Signpost Paragraph

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Analyze one of the signposts in either Zootopia (1B) or Cars (2B/3B.)

EXAMPLE: Finding Nemo

SIGNPOST: Again & Again

PURPOSE: Character Development & Plot Development

One signpost that shows character development and helps to further the plot in Finding Nemo is Again & Again. Early on in the movie,
the audience learns that Dory suffers from short-term memory loss. When she and Marlin find the scuba mask, she reads "P. Sherman,
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney" and is able to remember that address in future scenes. This shows character development because prior to
meeting Marlin, she could not remember events from mere seconds before. Through becoming friends with Marlin and having his
acceptance, she is able to anchor something in her memory and becomes more than just a one-dimensional character.

Not only does this aid in Dory's character development, but it also helps to further the plot. The address from the scuba mask is that of
the dentist that captured Nemo. Without the address, Marlin and Dory would have no direction in which to travel, and Nemo and his
father would never have been reunited.

If you need a sentence stem or two, feel free to use the following:
One signpost that shows (purpose) is (signpost.) (Briefly provide relevant background information.) This shows (purpose)
because… (explain how it furthers the plot/develops character/shows theme/etc.)

If you are struggling to come up with a response, use the following questions to
guide your thoughts:

Contrasts & Contradictions

What character action or feeling was unexpected?

What was unexpected about the action or feeling?
Why do you think the character acted/felt that way?

Again & Again

What did you find that keeps coming up over and over again?
Why do you think this word, phrase, image, idea, or situation was repeated?
What does this Again & Again signpost lead you to think will happen later on?

Aha! Moment

What lead you to believe this would be an "Aha! Moment"?

What realization came to the character's mind?
How is this realization likely to be important to the story?

Memory Moment

What was happening when the character recalled this moment?

What memory came to the character's mind?
Why do you think this memory is important to the character or the story?

Words of the Wiser

What did you see that told you this was going to be a "Words of the Wiser" moment?
What advice or insight did the wiser character share?
How do you think this will affect the main character or the one who received the advice?

Tough Questions

How did you know this was going to be a Tough Question?

What did you wonder about when you thought about this question?
How is this question important to the story, and how do you think the character will answer it?

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