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1. Explain how modern society has changed our diet since the 60´s.

• New food industries came onto the market

• Transport improvements

• Better means of preserving foods

2. Give the 2 main factors that the required daily caloric intake of each person depends

The requirement daily caloric intake of each person also depends on body size and the
amount of exercise.

3. Explain why teenage girls must be very carefully with their diet.

 Las defensas pueden disminuir

 Dolores musculares y óseas por el crecimiento

 Ejercicio físico + dieta saludable y rica en calcio y magnesio (para conseguir una buena
reserva mineral en los huesos)

 Chicas: las niñas se desarrollan antes que los niños y en un período más corto.
Además, con la aparición de la menarquia (primera regla), su organismo exige más
cantidad de algunos nutrientes, como el hierro, y la disminución de otros, como las
grasas y los azúcares.

4. Give the 6 major nutrients. Which are macronutrients? Give 3 examples (food) from
each macronutrient.
 Proteins: macronutrient (meats, nuts, and cheeses)
 Carbohydrates: macronutrient (pasta, potatoes, rice)
 Fats: macronutrient (oils, fatty meats, avocados)
 Water
 Vitamins
 Mineral salts

5. Imagine one physical activity that you practise or would like to. F.e. a match of any
sport, a bycicle rute, 30 minutes of steady running, an hour of dance class, 3-4 hours
hiking… and explain what kind of food you should have before, during and after the
activity. Give a menú example for those moments.


MAIN DISH The main dish should be fast-

absorbing carbohydrates, such as
white rice or pasta, preferably
without sauce.

SECOND COURSE For the second course, the importance is in

the contribution of proteins, we can
choose between white fish: hake, cod,
sole… Or white meat such as: rabbit,
turkey or chicken.

DESSERT Finally, for dessert, what is recommended

is a piece of fruit or yogurt.

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