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Topic 1: Time Reference (Particle に)

にち よう び がつ
~ 日に ~ 曜日に ~月に ~ます


なん よう び なんにち なん じ
• 何曜日 • 何日 • 何時 ~ます

 いつ is used to ask when an event or an action will take place.

Example:. いつ行きますか。 When will you go?

 you need to place the particle に with either of the following absolute time references:
a. days of the week
b. numerical expressions of time
c. months
にち よう び い
Example: 日曜日に行きます。 I will go on Sunday.
Note: Underlined items in sentence/s example/s are particles being used.

 other time expressions do not need to use the particle に as they’re not “specific”— such as
adverbs of time:
a. today
b. tomorrow
 also expressions describing regular intervals such as adverbs of frequency:
a. everyday
b. often
わたし きょう と しょ かん に ほん ご べんきょう
A. 私は今日図書館で日本語を勉強します。
I will study Japanese language in the library today.
わたし しち じ うち かえ
B. 私はよく七時ごろに家へ帰ります。
I often go back home at around seven o’clock.
わたし まち い
C. 私はよく街に行きます。
I often go to the town.
Photos: Copyright @ Smile Nihongo Academy

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