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Paulin, SILAGAN, Carlene

Section and Group No: Borgia GRP 3 Date: September 9, 2022

• Fill out the necessary details on top (Name, Section, Date).
• Read all the instructions before proceeding.
• This worksheet will be your ET3 and will also serve as the initial draft of your
Performance Task for the First Quarter.
• Fill out the Title Page of your research paper found in the next page. Replace the
words in red font with the correct information.
• Provide the Problem, Hypothesis, and the Experimental Design approved by
your Science teacher.
• Provide a list of the materials and procedures.
• After securing individual copies, fill out the Collaboration Rating Sheet attached
in the page 5, INDIVIDUALLY.

Materials and Procedures

Directions: After learning all the tips from the discussion, list down all the materials
you are going to use in the experiment. Write a step-by-step procedure of your
experiment in the space provided.

• List all the materials with quantity and quality.

• Procedures should be clear and coherent.
• Use active voice format and number your procedures.
• Tip: try to imagine if you are the reader, would you be able to follow the steps


BANTAYAN, Maria Angelica


SANANO, Maria Paulin

SILAGAN, Carlene

Borgia – Group 3 Galatians Date:

September 9, 2022.
Problem Statement
Does the presence of coffee grounds affect the growth of the Ipomoea Aquatica (Kangkong)?


If we use coffee grounds as fertilizer to the Ipomoea Aquatica (Kangkong), then the plant will grow

Experimental Design

Independent The independent variable is the coffee grounds as fertilizer.

Dependent The dependent variable is the growth of the plant.

Constant Variables The constant or controlled variables are the amount of

water, the amount of sunlight exposure, the size of the
plant, and the kind of plant
Experimental Set-up Set-up A
Under Set-up A are pots labeled as pots 1, 2, and 3. We will
add 1 tablespoon of caffeine to each pot as a fertilizer. We
will also add a 1 cup amount of water to each pot. The
suggested amount of sunlight exposure should not exceed
2-3 hours daily.
Note: The amount of water and sunlight exposure will be
present in both experimental and controlled set-ups.
Controlled Set-up Set-up B
Under Set-up B are pots labeled as pots 4, 5, and 6. We
will add 1 cup of water to each pot and we suggest that the
amount of sunlight exposure should not exceed 2-3 hours
daily. There will be no fertilizer added.

Note: The amount of water and sunlight exposure will be

present in both experimental and controlled set-ups.
Drawing / Graphic Image of both Set-ups
Material Name Quantity
- Moonlight Dwarf Plant - Six (6) for both Set-A and Set-B.
- 17cm plant pots - Six (6) for both Set-A and Set-B
- Tap Water - 1200L cup
- Coffee grounds - 1 tablespoon
- Digital Weighing Scale - 1
- Measuring Tape - 1
- Loose Soil - Six (6) 2L worth of soil


STEP 1: Gather all the needed materials and have a chosen area for where to conduct and execute the experiment.
STEP 2: Gather or prepare the gardening materials: 6 Moonlight Dwarfs, 6 17cm pots, 1200L of water, coffee
grounds, and loose soil.
STEP 3: Fill the 6 small pots with an equal amount of loose soil: 3 in Set-up A and 3 in Step-up B.
Create a hole by using a trowel in the middle, then add your Moonlight Dwarf Plant to the loose soil.
STEP 4: Label 3 pots as 1, 2, and 3, which will be your experimental set-up, while the other 3 pots as 4, 5, and 6,
which will be your controlled set-up.
STEP 5: Place 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds in every pot under the experimental set-up. (pot 1, 2, and 3 only).
While in the controlled set-up, do not add any caffeine.
STEP 6: Start watering 1 cup of water per pot (all 6 pots) and place it in the same area so that every plant can
receive the same amount of sunlight.
STEP 7: Do step 6 for 4 weeks.
STEP 8: After 4 weeks, the results should come, and start gathering data during the 4-week experiment.
STEP 9: Measure the height of the plants under the experimental set-up which are plants 1, 2, and 3.
STEP 10: After measuring the height of the plants, you may now compare and answer/ask if the hypothesis
worked or not.
Collaboration Rating Sheet
• In this part, you are going to evaluate your groupmates in terms of how they
showed collaboration and participation in the making of all your Performance
• There is no need to rate yourself.
• Type your groupmate’s family name on the first row.
• If you rated your classmate 1 or 2 points, please include a brief explanation as to
why you think he/she deserves that score.

Barrios Bantayan Provendido Sanano Silagan

Rated by: 4 4 4 4 4



Collaboration motivating all participating in attempting to share missing to gather most

(working in a members to share in the group’s work responsibility of or very little of the
team with contributions equally and groups’ work, but ends group’s work and does
respect and equally and valuing valuing all up completing most of not share or respect
harmony) all members’ ideas members’ ideas the work, without others’ ideas
utilizing input of
Enabling Task 3 and Performance Task Rubric:

4 3 2 1

PROBLEM The problem of the The problem of the The problem

investigation is clearly investigation is of the
identified and stated. identified. The problem of investigation is
the identified and
investigation is stated is
The partially identified and erroneous or
independentdependent The is stated in a somewhat irrelevant.
variable relationship is independentdependent unclear manner.
specific, measurable variable relationship is
and attainable. The The variables
independentdependent are not stated
variable relationship is at all.
not specific; needs

EXPERIMENTAL Hypothesized Hypothesized There is no

HYPOTHESIS relationship relationship between hypothesis
between the variables and stated.
relationship between
variables and the predicted results is
variables and
predicted results reasonable based on
predicted results has
is clear, practical, general knowledge
and reasonable been stated but
and observations.
based on what appears to be based
has been studied. on flawed logic.

EXPERIMENTAL Experimental design is Experimental design is Experimental

DESIGN a well-constructed test adequate Experimental design is design is not
of the stated to test the hypothesis. relevant to the relevant to the
hypothesis. hypothesis, but hypothesis.
is not a complete test.
REPLICABLE Procedures are listed Procedures are listed in Procedures are Procedures do
PROCEDURES in clear, clear and chronological listed in clear not accurately
comprehensive, and steps. and chronological list the steps of
coherent steps. order, but the steps are the
not stated in simple experiment.
The steps are The steps are terms and are
numbered and are numbered and are
stated in complete
sentences with the

complete supporting stated in complete not incomplete

illustrations or sentences. sentences.
photographs for
replication. Some terms used are
The steps are too technical.
straightforward and
The steps are can be followed.
straightforward and
can be easily followed.

MATERIALS / All materials and All materials and the Materials/setup

SETUP setup used in the setup used in the Materials and the are NOT
experiment are clearly experiment are setup used described at all
and accurately described in the experiment are
described inaccurately described

motivating all participating in the missing to

Collaboration members to share in group’s work equally gather most or
attempting to share
(Working in a team contributions equally and valuing all very little of
responsibility of
with respect and and valuing all members’ ideas the group’s
groups’ work, but ends
harmony) members’ ideas work and does
up completing most of
not share or
the work, without
respect others’
utilizing input of

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