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Randell Chapman

Organized Talent and Leadership Development
Dr. C. Guinta

I have been involved with many stretch assignments.  However, the project does
not pertain to a “human resource development”.  After reviewing all the materials in the
first module, I noticed a theme about creating an understanding between two roles in a
company or stretch assignment.
In Giulioni's article, “4 questions to ensure successful stretch assignment”, she
describes 4 directions of how to improve a person's experience with a stretch
assignment.  The four ideas are to understand and develop the purpose of a stretch
assignment, the current skills and motivation of the team members in the stretch
assignment, the experience of the members so they can challenge and grow in the
assignment and what materials are needed for the employees to deliver the desired
outcome. (Giulioni, 2021) Without being aware of Giulioni’s article, I followed her ideas.  
The project I was involved in included setting up a team, assigning roles within
the team, coaching the team, and follow through to finish the project.
In my employment field, the stretch assignments are focused on the manufacturing
process.  The manufacturing process involves customers' needs of the parts
dimensions, tolerances, materials, assembly if needed, surface finish and GD&T
(geometrical dimensions and tolerances such as flatness, squareness, parallel etc.). 
Manufacturing process also includes what machines to use, who will run the machines
and how long will it take for the product to be made.  
This project was an easy product to create.  I set up a team of 2 new employees,
two experienced employees who worked for the company for a year or two, and two
employees (including myself) as advisors/support to the workers.  In manufacturing, it is
important the advisor (trainers) and managers help new younger employees.  In our
company, we want to have lifelong employees.  We understand a solid foundation of
work ethic and future opportunities can retain employees.  As “veteran” employees, we
need to provide a full range of learning opportunities for all our employees. (Werner, pg.
20) I let the new employees know the advisor and myself are there to assist with
questions, training, and procedures.  We are not there to run the machine.  The two
experienced workers also helped with coaching and developing the new employees.  
In the beginning, production had some issues.  The products were not falling into
specks of the customers' print.  The advisor and I reevaluated the process and decided
the process was not working.  We held another meeting with the team to determine a
different process.  After the meeting, production continued with the new process and the
results were improved.  
After a couple of weeks, I noticed that one of the newer employees was not
keeping up with the process and given time for the parts.  He was disappearing from the
machine numerous times a day (lunchroom or bathroom), he was going to different
departments interacting with other co-workers and arriving late for work.  The plant
managers asked what was going on and I needed to fix the problem.  Dr Giunta
explained in the video about human resource, “to be an effective manager and leader
means that one works well with people, guides and develops their employees and their
team members” (Dr Giunta, 2022). I agree with this statement. The problem could not
be solved if I yelled and screamed at him. The problem would not be solved if I made
things worst. If a conflict happens, the leader must ask himself/herself a question. Am I
helping the situation or hurting the situation with a negative attitude? There were many
different directions this situation would go. Instead of yelling or accusing, I talked to the
employee.  I explained the deadlines we must meet.  I asked if there was a problem with
the machine.  Even though I knew the issue, I didn’t want to be accusatory.  The
manager and I tried talking to him about the lack of production. We wanted to younger
employee know we are there if he needed help. Moore stated, “By increasing
employees’ comfort level with unfamiliar situations, they allow ‘individuals to become
more adaptive and resilient in both current and future roles’” (Moore, 2016, para. 4).
We needed the employee know his job was going to be safe.
In the book “I love it here”, Pulver explains how a changing workforce through the
generations can cause issues.  It is the manager's job to understand how to relate to a
younger generation (Pulver, pg. 27) He also explains how a company can misdiagnose
a problem (Pulver, pg. 29).  It would have been very easy for the management and
advisors to accuse and blame the lack of care or knowledge from the newer employee. 
I witnessed management's approach to correcting the worker.  They thought he was
unable to do the work.  They thought he was an “entitled” young worker who did not
care about the job.  At first, I agreed with management. However, I was misdiagnosing
the problem. The new employee knew how to do his job. He displayed he can do the
job. The main issue the newer employee had was that he got distracted very easily. 
His distractions were his phone and smartwatch.  The company has a procedure for not
allowing phones on the production floor.  Smartwatches do not fall into the category. 
We did mention about staying in the cell and getting the work done.  His conduct did not
improve.  To continue to retain his employment, we moved him to another section of the
plant where he can be closely monitored, and he was taken off the team.  
This customer is an ongoing customer.  We have deadlines every month for
hundreds of parts.  Our success rate of on time delivery is 98% per month.  The team
grew by 2 more employees for off shift work.  I have stepped away from the process
and advisory of this customer.  I am currently working with a new product and new

Excerpt: Moore, A. (2016, February). Stretching Out, TD,12

Giunta, 2022, Week 1, Module 1, Human Resource Management (HRM): Introduction

and Process Overview, Why HRM Matter

Julie Winkle Giulioni Published: March 11, 2021. (2022, January 31). 4 questions to
ensure successful stretch assignments. SmartBrief. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from

Pulver, C. (2021). I Love It Here:  How Great Leaders Create Organizations Their
People Never Want to Leave. Page Two Books

Werner, J. (2022, 8th edition). Human Resource Development: Talent Development.


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