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Summative test I


Name: _______________________________________________________________ Score:


Directions: Check (√) whether the different materials listed below

decay FAST or SLOW
6. dead animals ______ ______
7. plastic cups ______ ______
8. Styrofoam ______ ______
9. papaya fruits ______ ______
10. tree branch ______ ______
11. spoiled foods ______ ______
12. aluminum can ______ ______
13. twigs ______ ______
14. camote leaves ______ ______
15. kangkong leaves ______ ______

Directions: Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is false.

________________16. metal spoon floats in water
________________17. pencil floats in water
________________18. stapler sinks in water
________________19. coins sink in water
________________20. chalk floats in water
______________21. plastic toy boat floats in water
______________22. thumbtacks float in water
______________23. “pingpong” ball sinks in water
______________24. plastic saucer floats in water
________________25. nail sinks in water

Directions: Write A for absorbent if the materials absorb water

and NA for non-absorbent, if the materials do not absorb water.
_____ 26. rubber ball
____ 27. cloth
_____ 28. plastic bag
____ 29. manila paper
_____ 30. blanket
____ 31. handkerchief
_____ 32. paper
____33. rug
_____ 34. plastic bottle
____ 35. Sponge

Summative Test 1

Total No. of Item

Items Placement
-identify the materials that undergo decay; and
15 1-15
- describe the materials that undergo decay
- classify materials based on their ability to float and sink;
- describe the kinds of materials that float and sink; 10 16-25

-classify materials based on their ability to absorb water;

- describe materials based on their ability to absorb water; 10 26-35

Total Number of Items

35 35

Percentage of Items
100% 100%

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