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EQUATIONS ROMUALDO 5S. CALUAG BSCE-PUP 14th PLACE, CE BOARD MAY 1994 REGISTERED JR. GEODETIC ENGR. 1994 FACULTY MEMBER, CE DEPARTMENT BULACAN STATE UNIVERSITY Published & Distributed by Book Store el. © 735-4: c : : Janciangko St., Cebu City, Tels. 760-63, -A C.M. Recto St., Davao City, Tel. 221-02-72; Ledesco Village, Jaro, Iloilo City. No portion of this book may be copied or reproduced in books, pamphlets, outlines, or notes, whether printed, mimeographed, typewritten, photocopied, or in any other form, for distribution or sale, with- out the written permission of the Publisher and authors. The infringer shall be prosecuted in compliance with the copyright, trademark, patent, and other pertinent laws. The Publisher recognizes the Participation of the following while in the course of their employment. Rhea Xina Arjona for the cover design RBSI's Local Book Associations Membership: i I's | iP: Associat Philippine Booksellers (APB); Book Development See of the Philippines (BDAP); Philippine Educational Publish Association (PEPA) ae PEPA’s International Book Associations Me; P 1 Bok mbership: Asi Pasifc Publishers Association (APPAY Associtrn fa? Asian Publishers (ASEAP); International Publishers The Author hoor onienndscnh neon romtetacare SEPARATION OF VARIABLES 13 HOMOGENEOUS FUNCTIONS 20 @ EQUATIONS WITH HOMOGENEOUS COEFFICIENTS 22 EXACT EQUATIONS 3@ : LINEAR EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE 51 MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES 64 CHAPTER 3 ELEMENTARY APPLICATIONS 72 ‘ ESCAPE VELOCITY FROM THE EARTH 72 4 z NEWTON'S LAW OF COOLING 73 SIMPLE CHEMICAL CONVERSION 78 MOTION THROUGH A MEDIUM gO SLIDING DOWN MOTION AN INCLINED PLANE 1 MIXING OF SOLUTIONS e4 SIMPLE INTEREST @5 LOGISTIC GROWTH AND PRICE OF COMMODITIES 86 ORTHOGONAL TRAJECTORIES 90 CHAPTER 4 ADDITIONAL TOPICS ON EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE 96 INTEGRATING FACTORS FOUND BY INSPECTION 90 THE DETERMINATION OF |NTEGRATING FACTORS 105 SUBSTITUTION SUGGESTED 8Y THE EQUATION 112 BERNOULLI ‘S EQUATION 112 COEFFICIENTS LINEAR IN THE TWo VARIABLES 134 MISCELLANEOUS — EXERCISES147 AMENTAL LAWS OF OPERATION OME PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENTIAL OPERA’ DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS 16¢ CHAPTER G6 LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS 169 THE AUXILIARY EQUATION ; 169 DISTINCT ROOTS 169 REPEATED ROOTS 178 A DEFINITION OF EXP # FOR IMAGINARY 2 187 A NOTE ON HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS 169 Gos x dx—y"dx + Sinx dy -2xudy =0 1 y(Cos x-y)dx + (Ginx -2xy}dy=0 ans. : aye) “Genco Rafe ti cx w7(Cycos wt +02 Sint) x'dy + axydx = 0 + Cdx -w*n divide by dx, tw 22d9 + any = — dx + Wx =O ans, cx+etea c +Ote a 9s Ue + DF ES ones Substitute, Hy = 14 [CB sary) ody a a + ax j Ky = 1+ ay + 2x’y 8, y= mx ++ jha parameter, xy dx = dx + x%dy + 2x7ydx m to be eliminated dx + x8dy + 2x7ydx -x7ydx <0 =m +00 Ame dx + x3dy + x°yox 2Ox2y +4)dx + x8dy =O ons Aus 20 See ans, 9, Y= 40x Bcus = x" ty, aydy = 4odx 4a = 2908 ox Substitute , yt - (2949 ie w= C5388) ae e ) t ydx = axudy 2xyodx + y'dy - 2yx dy -2y dy =O Urdx -axydy =O ans, divide by y, te 0, Ysax*+bx+c # Bxydx + Udy - 2x dy-2ydy = 0 y’= 2ax+b +0 We 0 + aces iy ci ® by 8 a ‘then subtract to ‘egn @® ae r By = {2 + 3c,e* =2y'= ae N= 0 + BCye%* yt See ; apa ruitnly con® by eae then “subtract fo eqn ry By -y!= 12 yt - ay’ = 3cen* = 30 68 Be % Y=c, + c2e°™% y’— Sut 6y =O w= 0 + (ace) AUT = Sy" +64 =O y"= 16ae* ax a 2 * 4c. €& seltoly yl by =A. then Te eae ubtract fo eqn. y Cie ae Btu =) J6c,e ** multiply eqn.@ by 2. 16 C,e%* then eee ‘to eqn.@ ax + zee + acee™ 24 2Ce™ + 2Gre 2y 2 2x +2x* + c,e™ @ multiply eqn.@ by 2, eves 40.) yls 2+ 4ce" + 9c,e% subtract eqn ® to eqn.@ Ag+ 4cje™ + 6c.e™ "= ce" + cre” YY 2y's 2-4% +3G.e% Ge* + Coe* ; gee) multiply eqn.@ by 3, then ‘subtract to eqn.@) s2y'= 2~ 4% + 3c,e% i oe 3y/~6y = 6x - Gx? + 3C,e™ 15 Y=xt Ce*+Cre bese, eo 5 = yeotcet-cet @ ee + 2-10x + 6x yl oO Cex +C2e*% G vy W"= Syl + Gy = 6x? -toxga act eqn. @ to ean * Cre + Ge* er ime 18, Y= ce" + Coxe* ce 4 & (xe* 42%) o a + Coxe” + coe* @ + Ca (xe* 4 e*) + Ger 5.189 Cae” 4 2rse% i oo) cye* Y"s Cye* y= c, e% cos ax t+ Ge*em3x @ a Gq [e™C3 enavdt 2" cos 3x] @ + G[e*(scs30 + 20*sn39] © _ Yl = 3c, e™sin BX + 2C,e% cos BX + BCe** cos 3K + 2Ge™sn3X @ ® = 3c, [e™(3<05 30) + 2€7%cin Bx] t 2c, e*C3 sn ax)t 26 Cos 3x] + 3G, [e% Cacmax)+ 2e™ cos 3x] + 2c,[e** (acos 3 426 en3x] 4 y%= - 9c, €3% cos ax - 6cye** cin 3x - 6Ce™ SiN 3K + 4C4E™ COS BK 3 | = 96,67 sm3x + GC, c™ cos 3% + 6C.C% WS 3x + 4C,e™™ Snax * 5c, e™ cos 3x -12C,e™ sin 3x — SCE** sin BX + 12C,0** cos BK @ multiply eqn. © by 2, then subtract to ean. @ 2cqe*% cos 3x + 216% sin ax =3C,e%% sin BX + 2C\e7* cos ax + 30,0 cos 3x + 26.07% om 3X BY =? = 3C,e*% sin 3x - BCxe** cas ax ® multiply eqn, @ by 5 , then add to eqn.Q © 9! = -Sc,e™ cos 3x ~ 2.C,e* sin 3x - SC, e7%sin 3x + 12. ** cos 3x + 5y = 5C,e% cos 3x + SC, e** sin 3x YY + By = -12c,e™*sinax + 2.C.e™ cos ax ® multiply eqn. @ by 4, then add to ean.® Ce y” + sy 2 me =U +2 ans. yi 4y’+ tBy =O ey Y"=4y' + 13y =O ans, x 2 2 “12C,e™ gin 3x + 12 C.e** cos BX 12. €,e™% sin3x ~ 12 Cie" cos 3x DOD mYy= cye*cos bx + Ge™ sin bx ® ) a a& bisa parameter ‘ y’=¢, [e™(-bsin bx) + cos bx (ae™)] + cr [e™(boosbx) + sinbx (ae™)] = BEC sinbx + Ce™cos bx) + a (CreMcosbx + Cre™sindx) but , Y= cre casbx + ae™*sinbx Substitute 4, = b(-cyesinbx + cae™cos bx) + ay w’-2ay +y (a*tb*) Pee ed ao sy epeee ee oe Zty e 1 a bendy 4 OE ayy/—« ONY! yee, +c.e* yo + ce* Subtract eqn, @ to en 8 6e0e substitute ¢ and Cx fo eq.) Ba ty'-y")n + y” Bie ay xu ey yxy’ t xy Y= xy! ty" (x12 0 23,4 3 yx? +e” ® 2c +(e") pects oan Ze" - ee” ® ye xt +x HEBER) (yea 2c,+ ce” 9 Ras ory ene te Cerny = Gxt tx (uty xP ot Ge Pa KG xyty = x xy xy yry add equation®@ &@ + xy"-2x ty" 2 i; yi s 2ex -c2€* Woda 8a dudeen ree ge, + ce% NS xy" ty tb xy'-y 2x8 42K 42 yity” = 2cxr2c, @ Gory" boxy! oy = x8 tox 42 From equation @ we get , Oat xP Fax 28) Uos cyx? + Ce @ From equation @) we get 3 z a : Ys 2c\x + 2c,¢7% urate 2 Seater. esas eae = multiply eqn.@ by then “subtract to eqn.@ 2 press Y= 20% + 2Q€ PY Jax +2) = (u/ty")( x424) oe aes ee = 24% - 20x" © 2xy'42y’= x4y/+ ee te Eqn. © , we get eee a 2- 4x Equate Cy = C1, : Bedi. UM 2y/ & Bee 2H 4x na Cy 2y)(2-4%) = (4’-2y’)(2x- 2x") 2y’~ 4xy—4y +8xy = 2xy% 2x74’ axy + 4x7y’ 2y'-4xy"—4y + 8xy - axy’t 2x7y” +4xy/ -4x7y 20 2y'-4y + Bxy - 2xy” + 2x7y”- 4x74’ = 0 2(4-2x")y’ + 4 C4- ax)Yy - 2xC1-x) y= 0 divide by 2, Bie ary t (1-2x7)y — xCi-») yu” = Oo ans, Genera} Equation = mx m slope = 5 =m =o y oF me substitute m, - = oy * ude = xdy . ydx - xdy = 0 cans . Straight lines through the fixed point Ch,k); hand k not to be eliminated. 4 Cn.) General Equation Cu-K) =m Cx-h) dy = mdx a so substitute , (y-k) = 2 (x=h) (Y-K) dx = (x-h) dy CO-K)dx = Cx-h dy pee 4 General Equation ye mxtb slope y- intercept . bam ax Substitute, _ 9 ou Y= ax * * dx ydx = xdy + dy dx - (x dy =O ane Straignt lines with slope and x-intercept equal N \ oe General Equation y = m(x-a) m = Slope Bis dato ¥= Mm Cx-m) dy = max #2 Oe ou 1a ox 4 substitute , y u! Cx-yDd prema Mee CY ke U9? = xyt=y x-intercept | from Problem nr b= a “y) ; b= Cxy’-y)? Substitute a78b* inegn@: multiply by 9’. ae ' ky= xy’-y + ¥’Cy-xy’) CA ; (yy) -9/Cxu'-y) = PAE gta] 4 Ky (1-9) Cxy’-y) 7 : i fe ane, HRY! = 4-Y'2(xy/-y) = 0 oo =P leet ee - : ans, e et 1+ 2] 6, Straight lines ata fixed (at Co : distance P from the origin. freee: oe lua! aa e ae - (xy-uy = PA ans, 7, Circles with center at tne origin a —) x x Genera\ Equation x ee axdx + 2ydy =O /. xdx + Ydy=O ans, 8, Circles with center on the therefore, these are lines X-axis, ‘tangent to a circles witha Tadius P from the origin, cans. les with fixed radius YF and tangent to x-axis. san [trary natalie] ayvey atie[ircu yp | General Equation si Heol x=)? + (y-k)* differentiate , ye aera fy 2&-h) + 2(y-kyy’= 0 ee ] } eet = Sy ky” oe 12, Circle fact vatu he line through | General Equation © (x-h)? + (y tR)? = R? since, K=tR but & to be eliminated t 2(x-h) + 2CYtRIy’=0 xoh = -y' (gta) _ Gy Xaxdx + aydy)- (x2 +y7Fex-dy) Oy 4 = 2x7dx - axydx + 2xudy ~ 2u%dy =x'dx + x7dy - y'dx + voy ; O= x%dx- 2x ydx -y7dx + x*dy + axydy -y*dy + OP r2ng-y2 Ox + OF 42% 12, Circles of radius unity, use the fact that the radius of cur- vature is 1 ly“=0 General Equation (x-h)? + Cy-k)* uy” 2x-h) + 2¢(y-Ky'=0 (x-h) =~ y-kYy oe Square both sides, : ‘‘] C-h}® = (y’)? Cy-k* ans. substitute, e fine rough y-k = [1+ cu] differentiate, y= tlre oy} ayy t= -g* [1tCu*] ich ; muitiply by [1+ cv'?] . ica] ** 2-4” Square both sides, b14cun* J? = cy”)? ans, Bay = wane Trt =(+ qo) ™ differentiate, ru’ ae theary ay'y” + Ow 7 s dy y ton y - 3y = 73cosx + @s%x + C 4 3 Ctany-yt 6) = cos*x ~ 3008 x ns me yi = cos*x Cosy = cos*x cosy ay = C8" cosy dx og a abe ~ “i = divide by PRO) See At He by cosy, inussipig by 8, -In(irge*) + ane at, divide by (ar ae Peet ay =0 Be yce ie ate e the lower half of circle ee (ye) = at xdx + [a?=x7 dy = 0 ae Be er + fay= (0 (ar-x" +y = 6 fogrc 2 [eae ans . 3 the upper half of tne Grcle x2 + (Y-e= a? ns. divide by x ( x*-a*)' a?) : Saat q from the table of Integration : a raced a x And So E at (de Areca) = ye ArcQos& = y te a Arete = ¥ ure @ From cule =B Gos =e 4 gnc ES) eee) as, Arecos & 19 20y) + [Oat ye 2hy + [Rete aE 2hy t [ROC YD hy th{arrge A (aut [xarye ) “4 Homogeneous , 1st degree Fhx hu) = +" x-y Fey) = 4 x-y #0Ax dy) = [CK (hy) = [RG0) (lx, Au)= fk Pune “Momegeneous , /2 degree eae” Foxy) = Ff (An, Ay) = e%* “\ Not hornogeneous tan x 0x,y) = tan x fon : Fda Ay) = tan 3S = A* tan 2 4, Homogeneous , Zero degree C8 + y2) exp (3) + axu F (xiy) = (xt?) exp (3B) yay 4 UAx, Ay)= [CAvd*+ (Any exp (FA + 4hxky = At (xt yt) exp (28) + 44x F (dx, hy) = 2 [Otty expt) “, Homogeneous, 2nd degree xsn Pe y ont Foy) = xs hae F(x fa) = Ax Sin kx cin 4 = Aya > Kx sin b= ky sin f(x f= A (x Sin & = y iy “, Homogeneous , 1st degree axy ay 2+ 3xy eae £ (he, ky) = SOE + Beene i ae Aid + SIRO 2 5 eae = ARC + 3x9) K x= 2 Flo = Cale rem f 4 (hu, ko) = [qu + Co] =e Carre RAM, maagencous, tere degree GO (ute ans. Fku,Av) = K8 oe 43, xInx - ying oh Hex jeneous , 3rd ree ans, as o £Gx,9) = xinx- ying 1p $C Rx, fy) = Ax ln 60) = Aus In CA) Be tier aN’? a = K (xinks - y IN AY). i fav) = (ut -4v?) pe : 4 F (su b= [Coy 4 car Wc Wot homogeneous ‘anh : (aur - ey tary] cas (uaa 20, xinx - xIny any Pete he) = 6" Curae fy) = winx = xing | A Homogeneous. -1 degree ons. § (Ku, fy) = Aw In fin = Bot Ah = Ax (in Kx ~ In Ay) , e ha = Kx In Sp = she nk 4 ¥ =x Cink = Ing) i F (Bx, y= & Coto = 210) me oe ogencous’) xt Heater ae t/a catty) + “ya ysyh Ge = 97) a (e199) | fxa = aa j Les? + uy] hx, fy) = oT i ot [Aw = CAurT _ hae uty ae RW Got ee ae Oi Fix, 4s) = OS ae Homegeneous , Zero degree ans, 21 * ee 5 * ge =O In x= inary?) = nc Inx = Inc + incatv*) Inx = Inc (a4v) x= € (9407) but v u a x x =c(9+-) x = c-oxtry®) = = 3 2, (X-2y)dx #(2x+y)dy =O Homogeneous , 11 degree Substitute, (= 2vx)dx + (2x + vx\(vdx + xdv)=0 XC1-2v)ax + x(2 + Vax txdv)=0 divide by x, G-4av)ax +(24VXudx t xdv)=0. “2v) dx + (av +V*)dx + (2¢v)xdv=0 v*) dx + x (2tv)dv =0 “2 X= C(9x*+y7) ane a7 n CR +9 arctan Hee | In cx? ty) +4 Arctan 2 oe ans, 2(2x"+y")dx ~ xydy =O Homogeneous , 2nd degree bee yzvx dy= vdx t xdv Substitute, 2 (2x? + V2x?)dx vx? (vd + xdv)=O. 2x"(2 tv*)dx - vx (vd +xdv)=0 divide by x2, 2(2 +7 )ax -v "dx ~ vxdve@ (4tV7)dx ~ vxdv =O t but divide by x (442), dx, _vdu ay x atve 9 ox _ f_vdv = (es ={o Inx - din Gq¢v2)sine 2in x —In (4 tv?) = ain ‘ =o : divide by x (2 t3v ~ xydx - 2) dy = av _ Bae ene 2 +av tee * < Homogeneous , 2nd degree * e dv __(adu | eae tae f * fo dx = vay + udv considering , substitute , io Bee piss cory sariy-6 (oe vy? Cvdy + ydv)~ y*(v*# 3)dy =O Integration by Partial Fraction, =O ‘ divide by ¥> rn saree | y2dy + vydu ~(v?+3)dy =O e 2B - . 3 Tw wth WH poy 208 4 = Ave) + BON) . divide by y. ee a % vay = 2220 ee a ve-2, Bees do vdv - sat Boe je V3 _giny = -3inc ¥-ainy = -ane y?-6lny =-6in es but ones = 6In Yf/ce 4 x2= 6y7In ¥/e ans. Ae fo aoa 5, x*y/= 4x* + 7xy t 2y* . Warm © (uta) = x vee) Homogeneous , 2nd degree but: vs9/e, ae a x02 = ax? + 7Ky +2yr c xtdy = (4x24 Tey t2y7)dx c(Prt= x G+) Let : yt pix gevx c (CBee at Ge) dy = Vdx + xdv act =e ans. divide by y, 3vidy + avydv + (v4 Nay=O C4v3 +1) dy + 3vydv =O ae dav zines ee divide by yCau#t), considering, - pS Av (ER) Let, b-v Ing + gio (4u741)= Inc A Sav = Ay 4 Gurii(va2) VE a Siny +ain(av?+ Hs ine In g8(4v241)? s-v =ACv-2) + BCVANE Inc -2|-2 vil = -2in(v+i) ae + In Curay v1) -In@ea) Inc + Inv +)" = In (vagy = Inc Lsine % Cx-y4x +y)dx : + x (Sx~y)dy=O0 Homogeneous , 2nd degree 4x? “xy -y? )dx + x (Sx-)dy= 0 Let We vx dy 2 Vax + xy Substitute, (ax? avx?- v7 Vex + x (Sx -V XNA txdv= O. (q-3v-v2)dx + x*(S-V)(udxtxdd)2o- i ; ; ' - U(Se-1)du + u(32-7)(ude t2du)-0 divide by u, (S2-1)du + U(32-)de + (327-72)du =O (327-22-Ddu + u(32-7)d2=0 divide by u (327-22-1, du + es G2?-22-1) tae acer ht a P d2 inu +4 Gtr! consider , (_@e-7)de \Gze0@-) Let A Pane tt a4 32-7 = ACe-1) +BG2+\) Wf 221; 82-1 ae-1/2 , A=6 then, (32 -Ndz dv f (32 +1) (2 32+! = 2 In Get) -In@-) (av tue ¢ Wu) 9, (x*42xy- 4y7) dx — (x?-Bxy- 4y*)dy=o Homogeneous, 2nd degree let! (go aiee dy = vdx +xdv substitute, ' (x74 2vx? 49x?) dx ~ (x7 Bux*= 44x) (vdx + xdv)=O x7(142y-4u") dx — x7(1- Bu-4y*N(udxtxdy)=O divide by x”, (142 -4v2 dx = (v-av?-4y3)dx > (1-Bv-4u?) xdv =O (tye quis av'ndx =x (4-By-au7)av20 ) ve) av34l oar If ve-1 ece Vet 5 Aad then, ferev—n ov [Cav4+@v-1) dv _ [avdv ave tavtavel) acon rae = InCav*+1) -In¢vt!) And so, In x + In (4v441) -In¢vt!) =Inc x (4v741. eee y= vx dy = vdx + xdv Substitute, OF tax + vx Cuda rade x7 CIV?) dx + Ux*(vdx +xdu)20 divide by x>, (1 tv? dx + v2dx + vxdy =O (14 2v4)dx + vxdv = 0 divide by x (1tav*), dx dv ey NEN x Faye ee dx vdv (e+ ieee 1 +2u* fo Inx + Ain Gitav2)= In 42, xydx- (x+2y)* dy =O Homageneous , 2nd degree tet x= yy dx = vdy + yav substitute, ‘vy 2(udy + ydv) - Cvy +24)" dg =O ‘vy? (udy + ydv)- g* (v#2)"ay=O divide by y* vidy + wyav - (v #2)*dy=0 v2 dy + vydu ~ (v7+4v +4) dy=O vudv - (4v +4) dy = 0 vydv- 4(V#l) dy =o divide by y (vt, vdv_ _ 4d¥ 5 vel y (ti -Ddu v-In(vti)-4Iny=-inc V = In (vt!) + Inytinc vidx + x(x+v)dv =O Homogeneous , 2nd degree let: x=ve dx= vde + edv 13. + cer% es y2(xty) ans, 27 Let 4 2 (2 t2) = 4 =A (242) + Be Woes 0 5 tines din din 2-4 In Cera) So that, see ae Sages fine - Film Ces)tinv =hine In 2 - In (ze +2) +2Inv Ine -In (242) +Inv vie 242 zinc but aC v2x = C(X#2y) ans, 14, [xcse GP)-u]ex + x€y 20 Homogeneous , 2nd degree ees : x(ese V = VIX + x (vdxt xdv' divide by x, (ese v -v )dx + vdx +xdv=0 esc vdx + xav =0 divide by xccev, Inx - cos Vv Inx-Inc = ans. 45, xd% + sin?( 2 )[Ydx -xdy]= 0 divide by x7, ax sin P)Lbéx-xau) _ tee 2 = * aE tet yd dv2—ndy=ude = yevx substitute, ax 2vav = Sx _ Sin?vav =0 dx GA- Gs 2V) f (= - [Se -| 4 Inx-F vt 4 Sina =inc 4inx -2y + Sin 2v = 4Inc 4inx -4inc = 2v ~Sin2y |. tin B) = av - sinav Beet vc Six, iets oe dys vax + xdv substitute, (a-vxin vide + XIN (udx + xd) x Cie vinvydx + xiny (VOXt KAD) divide by Xs G- vinv)dx + vINvax + xinvdy =O dx + xinvdv = 0 divide by x, dx 4 Invdv=0 (dx ' \ 3 +{in va fo Inxtvinv-vee a y ¥ c xinx + yind-y =o x INX + ying -y nx = ee OC y) In xtylny 2 emt ans: , Dey arctan (2)] dx + x Arctan (2\dy20 let: y=vx dy= vdx t xdv Substitute, [x-ux Aretan vJax + x Arctan v(vdx+xdu)20 X (1 Arctan v)dx. + xArctan v (vdx +x divide by x, Ox— vArctan vax + v, i a = VArctan v-$ In(i4v?) And $0, Inx + Arctan v - 4 inci) =Inc Ding + 2v Arctan v~in(itv3) = 2Inc ay Arctan v = zinc +In(i+v4)-2Inx but x ou prs: AP arctan 4 = In v9 y 2.2 Arctan > = In Periein 2c ay’ arctan 2 = xin 18, ytdy = x (xdy-ydx) e” Homogeneous , 2nd degree divide by y*, qy=2% (dx-x94) x/9 ae tet: v ae ; x Evy * gv 2 wees nay ee substitute , dy = -vudv eY divide by ys gu. Sydye” a jew Ing = ev (1-v) ting Ing-inc = e*G-y) Ing /e) = e°C-¥) but | Vege in(® = 8 G-H) n@= Fay yin@) = ef Wx) ans. 19, t(s?+t7)ds- $(6*-t*)dt=0 let setv ds = tdv ¢vdt substitute, +t (t3v3+ tM ty + vat) ~ ty (t4v7=t*)dt =O. t3(v7+1) (tay # VOLT - t3v(v?=)dt=0 divide by £3, tiv rdv + @Witwst - (vi -v)dt = t (v2 4)dy +2vdt =O divide by ty. Ge a 20t Oi tis ‘Heald Biinv: <, S* =~ in(est) ans. 20, ydx = (x + /gE53)dy Let. x= vy ors vay + yd Substitute, yCvdy t ydv) =(vy + y= VaP dy yivdy tydv)= (vy ty Ji-v2)dy y Cvdy + udu) = 9 (vt [7-2 dy divide by y, vdy tydv = vdy + Jv ey yav =(J * Yay divide by y (i-v2)'4, er a jeer 8 (_ J Viv From the Table of Integration du Si-ve nnd $0, Arcsin v = Iny - Ing but? v = Arcsin «', Are Sin CH) = In() ans, 21, (8x 2xy + 3y*)dx = 4xydy tet; y= vx dy = Vdx + xdv Substitute , (Bx? = 20x24 32x?) d x = 4ux*(vdx + xdv) (3-2v t By" )dx = Wx*(udat xd) considering « 4vdv__(_4vau \v2e2v-3 JODO av ae Wines) vt3 gv = ACv-1) + BCS) rf ve ve then, (Cavey Steves And So, Inx = Inx + 3in (43) + Inv-I=Ine In x(vt3)8(w- sine . X(vta8Qv-N=e but 2, Gray 2 yeu f (222x7¢ ie Lot 303(y-x) ee : & “\@+3x)3(y-x) sex? ons, in cy a multiply by (yt), Geta OE 2x 2-4 Cxty) (ety) In Gry) ax taxtay 2 Substitute , J (ety) In Cxty) 42 (xt ay) 20 wae Faas — Nou av+0 ans, PPG de — HCY) dy = 2k, (y-RErpAYes oe Bide by v". when x20 ; y=t X**Foddx — 2H Cway 5 Let vx 5 Variable Separabie un ee (x - [te Ve )bx~ xdetxdvysO Find he particular solution indicated : [vx - [RCV |ax—x (udev) 0 2a, Couddx + (3% +y) dy = 0 (vx= * [TF VF) dx-x (ud txd¥) 0 a Be x(V- [TF VE )dx - x (vdx exdv)=O F. et y =v: divide by xs dy= vdx + xdv ee eau, (v -JiFv )dk = vdx = xdv = 0 -i) x= vandy + (3x + OC ude + xd) vdx ~ [TFUF dx - vex - xdv =O ®CI-v)dx + x(3tVv) (udx t xdv) =O. THF -xdv = divide by x, divide bs Oe ee ) (1-0) ax + (3+v) (vaxtxdv) =0 I, Gx - vdx + 3vdx + 3xdv + v2dx+yxdu=0 ex Jue (vtravrijdx + x(3tv)dv =0 a er = ic divide by x(v*+avt1), f= + (73 s a, (atvidey 15 x Fiat = fo * Vv? favet From the table of Integration , fae + [eens . 50 * vaezul Inx + In (vt fee) = in (atuav _ . eRe =< Inx(v2 TRF) = Inc consider , . a ‘ © (Cty carv)av nk Cte Na a veenet SOHN but v= 2, substitute = [-t2tiev)dv (vr x(2t[FE) ze eee = [ieee + ft 2dv 2 Sear) Cot * (4 + BY) oe Cri : “ory Ce + PSs el edi fete x(a+ GP). In (vt = 2(utnt 31 26, [ xcos? (YA) wax + xdy =O When x21 4 = 1/4 oe xeos* (2) dx - ydx 4 xdy = (ux + [RET WE dx - x (ude txdv)= 0 agi ya ee Cox + EGF) dx - x (vee t xdv)= divide by x?, (ex + FTF ) ax ~ x (vax t xd *C04 fie )dx - x(vdx pxdv) =O divide by x, (+ figy= )dx- vox -xdv 20 vax + Situt dy - vdx-xdv =O ftv dx - xdv =O ide by x Si¥v¥, a _ gy ‘ag a f - [4 = fo From the table of Integration, Inx - In(v+ fir) =inc 5 7 + (sectv dv =o in WR = Ire G@s*v * * Inx + tan v et ioyy Pee oe but v= ¥/m , Substitute. V = Y/x , Substitute Inx + tan 2 ees aor 6 when x24) Bem7a s7dx + Idx 160K + vdx txdv =O (trevtis) dx + xdv =0 divide by x (vet evet6), et ty. x (8+ By r16) +iny =} x+y multiply by 4 (x+y) 4y F(x 2y) Iny = -10e 29), 4(xt2ydin ys 4y-x—2y 4(xt2y) ny = 2y-% ang, when as 29, xydx + 2(x*4 ay") dy =O when X20) yet multiply by 5 (ut4x), S(yt4x) nx — 5x = vidy + vydur 2u*dy + dy =O -(6+4x) vd 5 ee dy (32 +4)dy + vedv = 6 4x = S(yr4ninx = 5*- Per ie A Bly tax) Ink 2 *-Y ans a, du gy ave ‘ (+(e BB, y%dx + (x*+ Bxy + 4u*)dy = O IF re Gi erhen. x 22 ; yt ny + Lin (Bv¥4) = Whe : multiply by © Ging + In (av844) = lnc cee B64 (ax? tay2)=4 ans, 30, y(2x™ xy+y)ax -x"(2x-y)dy=0 when x= 0 ,y=1/2 Let y = vx dy = vdx + xd substitute, vx (2x7 = vx? tv2x*)dx = x? (ax-vadx txdv)=0 xP (2-v tv? d= x3(2-v)(ud txdv)2O divide by x, Gu-v7evdx - (2v-v7)dx ~(2-v)xdv 20 vidx + x(v-2)dv =O divide es x3, Bae ease ls ia but iv = -2u)dx- x (6x-y nx =t gat ace consider , a f eae considering ‘Vv (3v-1 vi +de Vevey = VY aver Let ( ae 2 =A(Bv-1) + BY tiha If v i ae veel vole” Boe § well then, ae ae ig (@ dv V@v-1) aver =-2inv +2 In @vel) And So, 3 Iny + 3in (av-1) +2Inv = ~ 2inav-1)= In 3 Ing f In Qv-1) t2Inveln© And co, In yv? (av-1) = Ine 4ing £] *, gv*(av-1) = © 4 in oe 3 bit vee, q x 9 (33) (- 2 ia (a ax-y a g Sexe lax = ae a When x=4, ax [3a- ee ca Lc=2 13 gu)ou + (v3+I) yay =O 4u(v2-I)dy + (v8 +) gav20 divide by gv (v7 +1), 4gy , _(vtsiav g vqey ay see din y + (ov2+Daw _ vive) 4 considering , | (visdev -f Ww nav varie) v(v2-" d let Men 7 Bc vor) ver * ar Viel HAW Ei) 4 BUCH) E@ rl) meh eos 4 tied then, -2 In (av-!) [omens 2{¢ +fes fi veri) vt v= */y , substitute wt(Gi-1) */9 y4 (x29?) eee fe eS wf y3 (= y?) 2 ew when x =2, 961 vn " = ° 2c (ex remade axa) fet: (wes ad xCI6+ Sv)dx + X(319) Cvdx + adv) =O divide by x, (16 +50)dx + (av U*)dx + x@tvidy =O (v3 + 8u +16)dx + x(tuydy = O diviae by RR @tvydv “f+ ilar = ) | ee BY Fs cutay dx , (qed _( dv (as fae freee inx + In (ut) ‘aa ne (uhey peas SO Aas bur ve 9, substitute ¥ In x( +4) > in SOBER a ee x oFaK In (ytaxys ease pass through the point (1-3) in (-344) + tg In ( tobe eat And $0, in(utan+ eae c m+ UFaX (9t 4x) in (ytax) +x = Btae 1 (at4n) in tan) = Bt 3x | Bydx + ata 2udx + 29*dx ~ xdy = tute, 2y (14y) dx ~ xdy = 0 ee divide by ay (ut , yiCavaddy © Pees ae divide by y% * wry = (3v*=2) dy = 2 Gudy rysv) 2 [oe ef aae Avtdy ~2dy = 2v7dy t2uydy SCRE v*dy ~ady 2 2uydy (*=2)dy = avydy considering , divide by y (vt-a), Iny - in (v2) = Ine : tes x) 2y3 = x*-ay* when x=4; 2y3 + 2y? = 9? OF (41) = ty? (yrs) = xt = xto(#) F prove Euler's theorem that, if F ipa homogeneous function of degree kin x and gy, Coe eRe sy SE okr. @ FIRST METHOD @ = BE Let M Os and let be equation @ 2, Let Nn SE ang let be y equation @ » Integrate equation © partially with respect to x taking y as . constant and let be equation 4, Differentiate equation © par- tially with respect to y taking ag constant and letbe eqn 5, Equation @ is equal to Eqn.@, ‘and let be equation © 8, Integrate equation © and let be equation © 7, Substitute Equation © to Equation@ , F=c @ SECOND METHOD® Bfor +(nor=fo D.t : Direct Integration £9, FxIdx ,Q(xdx Hovddy , O(y)dy N.D.T s Non-Direct Integrable 29, FOX, Yd O(x,y)dx “1, Arrange tne equation into Gen Equation raking ail of the direct _ Integrable in Mand N choos Non= Direct Integrable in M GN grate ,D.1 and N.D.1. In- ate N.D.I partially with ect to one particular variable ae ee Re aye Integrate ean. @, Sar = foxrydox po S + xu th) @ Differentiate Eqn Os Be xt HO ot onney 3y fi equate Eqn @ and Eqn®, x4 HCY) = X-¥ subst w= -Y ® Integrate Eqn ®, | faa) = f-ydy os Ha) = =e ® Substitute Eqn © to Ea’n@,, Fe c/a x — 27 x7 +2xy - 9? 3y SECOND METHOD @ “3 xJor+ (or =fo OL : xX 4x ,-yay > (2g N.O.E : Yax , xdy ” choose | ydx r Joxdx - ydy) + f vax =f | we =3e = 2Ky- ay? @ Integrate eqn © = (6x +y2)ex F = 3x*+ xy*+ HH) @ Differentiate Eqin @ BES axy + 4/Cu) @ oy Equate Eqn. @ and Eqn® 9 2xy - 3y? = 2xy + H/C) HY(a) ay? ® Integrate Eqn © P fH 'enay = f-aytey @. H(¥) = -y? ® Substitute Eqin@®to Eqn@ re © ‘sa 2 x 4 C= 3x24 xy2-y3 ans, : @SECOND mETHOD® 5 for + (vot DI: 6xdx , -3y70y @, MeD. 3: y%dx , axyay : choosing ° ytdx \(6xdx-Sy%ty) * | Y’ox Bc! f a) | 3x*- y3+ xy* =C ir «1, 3x74 xy? -y? = ans > 3, (2xy - 3x?)dx + (x*+y)dy =O Wiz 2xy- ax?) BM. ax i = x? DN. fo @ ee fy), Gh = 2x o. 2 EXACT a. @FIRST METHOO® m=BE 2 axy-3x* Petes xtty ) x74 0G) = x8 9, K@=y Integrate Eqn. ©, futwray = fade wore fur © Substitute eqn © to Eqn @, rec C= x2y-x2 + $y? ans, esecono methone 30.54 [nos p.T > -axtéx, yay NOT: 2uydx , xdy choosing : '2xgdx 3x*dx + gay) +f 25upx={0 4, (y*2xy + 6X0dx — (x? -2xy42)4y = 0 @ FIRST METHOD ® E = yt-anyrex O Bieta @ Integrate Eqin.O, Jor = f(g?-axy r6xyox F = xyt-x4y + 3x74) @ Differentiate &q'n @, BES any -x* +H) @ ao _ 7 2dy yP-axgrdx , =(*- axy) ay choosing © Cy?-axyrdx ,. ee Jo4xax - 244) + fiv*exy)ax=fo @FIRS Sx*-2y + xy*-x7y =C * y*- x7y + x7-2y = ¢ ans, © & C2xytyddx + O-xdy =O a = € OM E Meaty , BM a axs4 | = Bx, 7 NOT ExXAcT VARIABLE SEPARABLE YC2XF 1) ox + Cx*-x)dy =0 divide by y(x*-x), ete, we fez tide , (dy du = *O-) Su f u considering , ‘ fete 6 gin G1) In | et> su ¢ : ae ubstitute Bay © v eqn@ 1 XS xe tS oe 4 2xt1 = AGI) + Bx © = x* = any tan SC taxy = x24 29% < +32 @ SB COND “eT om Zfor + [nore (Wy 24 Cody 4 yav) + 2(y-vyrdy=0 YXY-2)(vdy tYdv) 4 2yC-V¥dy=0 divise by y, (V-2 udy + Cv*-20)dy + (2-2v¢dy =0 (v-2)udv + (v?-4v+2)dy=0 divide by y (v7-4v+2), (v-2) dv V2 -dvt2 (v2) dv vi-que Let v2 4)av gina + ny =tinc Inu + 2Iny= Inc In ay® = Inc - by? Substitute ae iis ee Integrate Eqn. cs for = fcax-ayyax F = xaxy encod Differentiate Eqn We oe ' SEs -axt nw) Equate Eqn. and Eqn 2y-3x = - 3x4 Ca) H’y) = 2y Integrate eqn Src ey = i ® SECOND METHOD® Ffor + [nor elo DI. 2xdx , 2ydy NDT: -2ydx, -axdy Choosing: -3ydx Scoxox +2409) Saude -{o x? +9? -axy = x*+y? = C+3xy one, 1, De Exercise 8 by another method . (2x~ aurdx + (ay-Bdy =O f+ feet (_cav-aydv_ -fo av? -6u42 In x +f In Cau?-eveay2lnc | 2inx +n (av 6vt2) = Inc In x*(2v?-6u #2) = Inc o, ®*(av?-6u425 = but 2 ved, pom es 2y*-6xy +2x? =C divide by 2, y?-3xy4x% 2c x*4y7 = craxy #2) =e 10. v(2uv?-3)du + (au2v M = av4u-av 2-3u+ dv)dv=0 + $= buy23 N= 3u2v?-3u + qv N 2 Bp = suv?-3 Exact,’ Integrate Edn. ©, for = (Guv3-avyeu F = u%v3-aw+T) © iG erentiate Eqn. @, o 4y2-3u4Td) © b.T : 4vdv vGqvu -3)du) (3u4v3~30 dv choosing :(3u2v J 4 vév + (07/7 au av NDOT *—3u dv” cee 2 av7+ u2v3—auy =e v (u?v*-3u ¢av)2€ ans, 11, (Cos 2y -3x7y” dx t (@s2y- 2x Sin 2y-28y)du Cos 2y-3x4y? ~25in 24 ~ 6 x2y Cos 2y 2x Sin 24-28 = 2Sin 2y ~6x4y exacr! METHOD: @ Ee aa x | Sa Integrate Eqin.O foe-< (cian y -2xSin29 xty @ > -30°y? 0% HOD = 4 Sin ay Substitute Eon, ® to Eqn@, FEC C= new ay- mute cindy ans © SECOND METHOD, Tfor+{n.o,1 = fo D.T * cos ay dy N.D-T { (cos 2y -3x7y*) dx 5 ~(2xsin 2y + 28y Jay choosing © (cos 2y-3%°y*\dx feos 2ydy + (Coe ay -20%u")ox -(0 $ sin Dy + xcos 24 ~ x3y? = Cans, 12, (1ty4)dx + (x7y ty) dy = 0 Me ity? | 5 Ney ey ei) = xy - Nor Exact / } Variable Seporable (ity2)dx + y (x? 41) dy =O divide by (x>+1)C14y%) , be udu sg Tee ay) 4x a ay carey +S? Arctan x + £In(tey) = © multiply by 2, 4h BArctan x+ In (sey?) = © ans, 13, Cit yt + xy?) dx + (xh ty t2xy)Ay =O Me tty? + xy? sey ty # any = 2xy 4 ty + HNYD wy) ey ® Integrate eqn. @ wea) = (yy /AGy) = bgt © Substitute Ean. © to Em.@ hee. wyte dey ed yt multiply by 2, 2x + axyhetytr gt Co 2x4 yPCaxtxtan) Jy C2 Ke ut Cx ans, @ secon METHOD, Efo.t +{mot =o Dt: ax | wey NOT. Cytt ay? idx 5 OOy t2xy)dy choosing | (y* + xy*) dx: (os + qua) + (eu? enytrax =fo ae Be agte dete rnohiplgs ye 2x + ght any? rxtyt = © axtyr(itaxt wt) 2 2ntyt(xey 26 ans, 14, (wit wee) dw + (23+ wie-wde Mew? twatee Hts west NeBttwie-w = wi e2wiel- awat eo wo tawtrtted Cw pet? Efor+(wor=(, (BL widw | etde ND.T: Cw2?-2)dw , (wie - wid? choosing | (we? -2)dw Sontaw + 23d2) + ((weta)dw -we sc WA £24 $ wit awe Wes owtet sad Owes ac rane ans, = tan y)dx + (x3-xSec*y)dy=0 eTHOD, Ofer + (wor =(o O.T + none ND. C2xy ~tany dx ; Ox? = x50 bag choosing : (2xy~tan y dx fe2ry tan y) 4x = fo _xty a xtan gy at 16, (cos x.cas y - cot x)4x~Sin xSin ydy M = cos x cos y ~ Fe si ‘ Sin x Cosy - In sinx + HCY) @ © Ean. @, + oSinx cing + H°¢y) Me r¥ine- case = ws + sine rsn& 4 reee = ne tose “!, EXACT EQUATION / @ FIRST METHOD, Fr sine ~cos & ® r(smercse) Integrate Eqn.@. Be hers sno cose vr n Erte sine -reas © +H(0) @ Differentiate Eqn. G) Se ve Equate Eqn @ and En ©, # (sme + cos) = reese 4+ rained +H/(o) “a (ele 0 Juve = fo (de Substitute H(0) 40 eqn. @, Caper ersing-rese sraserrsne tne) © C= rt rarsme -2rcoso = rt + 2r (sing ~ cose) $€coND MeTHOR, Zfor + (mor «fo \ EXACT EQUATION / @ FIRST METHOD, ms EE saxty anyy ox 238 See note Bye 1 Integrote Ean. Ds (re: (arty: 4s 6x Fe iy -aty? + ant HH) @ Differentiate Ean, @, SEs ety en) @ Equate eqn, @ and Egn.@, ws extyten = x2-6x4yt+ HG) Leg) = 4 ® Integrate Eqn, ©, (#1 = (ay WG) * -y ® Substitute Eqn. ©to Eqn.@, rec oF xy -2cyl + axt-y @ SECOND METHOD, E{or+ {nor =(o D.t: 6xax , -dy NDE. (3x4y > xy? dx | (8 = 6xtyt) dy choosing (3nty - 4xy? ex [(exdx ay) + (co%y-sy han fe = rSine - r?cos@ +H(0) ate Eqn.@, Feee + Drhcasocing + we) © Eqn. @ and Fan.@, 2rteos@ sin ® 4 rcose = + 2rteose sing + HC) cos 8 4 HC) =0 He) H(®) 40 En. C= réng -1*cos7e @ SECOND METHOD, ifort + [uot fo (D.T 1 none 1: (Sin -2rcos*@) dr 5 (cos @)(2r Sine +1) de Ei ta Das oO eos (xy) = cos (xy) +4704) J Wy) #0 wea) + fo wwe Gubstitute W(y) to kan. @ ce xt Sin Cxy) @ second METHOD sfor + (wor = (o D.T 5 axdx ND. y cos (xy) dx . x cos (xy) dy choosing | y (avd + (yeas Gu) x? + Sin (xy) M, 2xy dx + Cy? +x) dy =O EXACT EQUATION / @ FIRST METHOD MSE mere Integrate can, @, fe" =f aryan Fe ey say Su%dy + faxyay = fo ae Gears. = y Cy? + 3x*)=C ans, 22, 2xydx + (y*- x2)dy =O M=2xy ; one 2x N ae = 2K NoT EXACT! Homogeneous ox Substitute, 2vy?(vdy + ydv) + (y*-v7y")dy=0 2uy?(vdy + yd) + y*(t-v7)dy =O divide by y% 2v7dy + 2vydv + (1-7 dy =O (v?+ 1 )dy t 2vydv=0 divide by yCv*+!), 9, _2vdv_29 gy viel (dy , (_2vov =f 5 +f ve+T 2 iny + In¢v?4i) = Inc jaye? Hn Ine cea Integrate for = {exu*+y-xdox Fe xy - a nang Differentiate Eqn.@ = x*ytxtH) © Equate Eq'n.@ to &qin.® x*y tx = x2yute tHY) “HO ® integrate Eqn.© SH'@ = fo H(g)= Cc substitute, Hy) to Edn. C= + xy - C= x7y74 2Kg- x7 ‘ons, Sax (1°xY)- ern oy 4 xt(ay) (1g + 2x Ag arty (1-xy) + 2x Cx) : aan, Cee ae * “G-ayy® Be Aye 3g 1 HG) coe . rentiate Eqn. @ , quate eqn @ and Eqn © xP + By -3x =x3-3x 1 BCU) LWW) = ey Integrate Eqn.® , s ( wy) EXACT EQUATION / METHOD, © hen x =O 4 €= G76) - 300) + 47 cre “b= xy-3xy + ay fees xy ~iax ; i wy os : + HG) @ Differentiate Em, @, ; . By 7 CY-xytY 21-204) Hy) © Substitute Eqn. @to Eqn @, Fac = (y- xy + fe when X= 2 , y=1 € = ((- 207" + 4 c=- 5/3 ‘ ~ ¥CI=xy) multiply by 3y ( = Sy (i-xy “Syuts 28, (a+y t 2y*Sin* x ) dx + CK +2%y-y Sin 2x)dy=O M = 3fyt2y*Sin?x DM. 1+ ay sin? By N= x F2xy-YySin 2x 2 Sin 2x = 2Sin x Cos x N = x +2xy - 2ySin xCos x ete AE Rae 2 : 4 aay meet , F=ax res +H) i = ax ty +247 |O Seer +4) = axtxy + 2y7(% —Saay) Pango) F = 3xtxy t+ xy 4 yy - 4 y*sin ax ‘sa ® erentiate Eqn @, + 29y Sin 2 + 4'CO) © equate Eqn. @ and Eqn @), y Sin ax + 89) = x+2xy-YSin 2x HCa) = € stitute HC) to Eqn, @ C= axtxy+y*-Lu'sinax C= 6x taxy-2xy+y"Sin ax C+ 2x @TUts*)=y%sinax ans, ax [Bx+y-y expCx?)]dx + [x?+3y7+ cles M = 6x*+ 2xy-2xye* I ax ane re Eqn, 2 SEs axy-awe re © 2xy-axye%+ T&) = 6x? 4 2xy -axye™* “ Tx) = 6x? Integrate Eqn ©, Srna = {6x74x 1 TO) = 2x3 Substitute Eqh @to Eqn @, Fac 4 = x79 +yF4ye™ 42x3 *y tax? + y?+y exp, ans, ) (XU* + X-2y+3)dx + xPydy = 2(x+y)dy When x =4, y=1 (ut tx-2y +3)¢dx + x?yay ~ @x tayidy =0 | (HY? x-2y 43) dx + (X7y-2x-2y)dy <0 ® + Hcy) vifferentiate Edn. @, PEs xty-ax tH) © | y equate Eqn.® and Eqn®, x?y -2x + HY) = x7y -2x-2y - HCY) ® Integrate Eqn. @, ei, HC DCO? + CO qaXD+ 6a) 207 2 then, 2 = x7y* +x xy $6x-2y? ay t2 = 7y74x7-axy t6x O44 13 both Sides, 2y? +15 = xay2 tx qnyt 6x +13 . —4xy +4 2y*445 = x2y2. e"dy + yerdu = ae™*ax but dey) = e“dy + ye%du And £0, ace'y) = ae fJace%y) =fae™*ax +c Sra dy u (a etPax ey = fae ex +c but > u = Span GENERAL EQUATION ~yel™ . fae! an +c EXERCISES 1, (x® + 3y)dx - xdy =O [ x40?) dx + Givide by -xdx , 5 +3y Be we tay | oy a 0 multiply by 2*°s ay =i Pot SKY, 2, 2(2xy + 4y-3)dx + (x+2)%dy =O For Integrating factor 2 el rindx oS ke 2 [2u (x+2) -3] + Cxtaytdy=0 divide by (xt2)tax 4 2|ay +2) -3 Catan = [8 cnradtantc YCx#2)9 = fecxt2)*ax +c Yext2)? = 2¢x72)3 + multiply by Cx-+2)-4, le fucutnry = en" en = Beuayt_. ® Bun’ Gay + Ge-3)x= aue™ 2) 3aue7* For Integrating factor a Pow) du ie SCh-a)ou e Inu -3u Spwyou _e@ 4 areas thus, x(ue™ [aue™cue “date x(ue* au) = My = [su%du +c x (ue multiply by eee =(u*+c)e*” ans. udx + (1-3u)xdu = 3udu dx + ({-3u)xdu-3udu =0 Udx + [(i-3u)x - au)au =0 divide by udu, ox (i-3u)x-3u_ _ a $y (EM)x-3 20 xyes =fe™ + multiply by e545 X- 4xy. Solve methods = x- 4xy + ax (yu) =x PCx) = 4x a@ =x For Integrating factor dx, fads eS P6 é y’= cece x -ycotx & es X -¥ Ctx Gee cot (0) = coc Pix) = Coty QC) = Cee x For Integrating factor POOdx |S ot xd In Sin x tultiply by, In (49-1) = ~-2y? Inc Be NS e207 Inc (4y-1) =e" “dys + CexpG2x7) i Che 2 Seige (any tx 450 (txt) — + Heo xAaxd +x! afxtat YY tC se, fat crt nty tax = tane = Sec*e de (_x%x [pian Sec%2 oe {+ tan*e 1+tan*e = Secte = [one secte ae Sec*O ={ tan @ ae ={ (sece -1) de Xd ny Bee in ee but ; tane =x @ = x Aton x XOX = x - x Arctan x een x2 ‘And £0, y(i+x7)"! = x -Arctan x+C multiply by (+x), Y = (1tx?)(x-Arctan xc) ans. 1, CY- Cos *x)dx + Gos xd divide by ws xdx, y ec x +tan xy = [coe x (see x +tan) dx BGee x + tan x) = (1. Sinx = feos « Gag eat lae usec x + tan x)= {(1-¢in xd \y(Sec x + tanx) = x-aaox +¢ ang, 2y cot 2x X ~ 2y Cot 2x + 2 Cot 2x (yy =x P(x) = 2Cot 2x ame x For Integrating factor {Ponds 2Cot 2x0 e! a ae In Sin 2x SP cx dx = Sin 2x thus, y Sin 2x = [x Sin 2xdx +e considering 5 [xSin 2x dx And 9, =-% y sinax =-% coe ax 4 foezade ysinax = -% coe 2x yxsinx = i xin x dx Considering , We shx as ‘integral by Parts , let usx du = Sinx dy i ys ic, then Gx x o6 = coe x feos « ax. XOEx + Sin Sin x ~ x cos x And $0, A Xasinn = Sin x-xcosx+e ane, 1M ma are con “my m2. PG) em: aGd= Crem for Integrating factor, elie. gi mde multiply by e >, ys cse™™ + ce™ 18 vdx + (2x44 -vx) dv divide by vdv, a he eet vx VS v Fer Integrating factor, totes [CB -1) dy tial pias iesiaite, cans, OM) y! + 2y = Ox44 1? x(x? #1) 2 + 2y = Gt Hy? divide by x (x?+1), dy 2u ax elPimax _ Integration by Rartial a 2 - 5 XO x Tex A(X41) +28 x? ax 2inx — in (xl) Inx? gine” Spode _ x2 e = Gee thas, ee = er & xP yt gy ¥ Poy) aw For Integrating factor . Spesag e és Sasay oF =e thus, wr xe” = j2y3e%dy te Integral by Parts, tet u=y? av =2ye%Sy du = 2ydy vz e%* stetty = ree -fe* 2udy multiply by 4 x 2y?-14ee8s aera when x=~1,y+0 (ant 3) OL = yt caxeaytt 25, Solve Exercise 424 for cases divided by (2x43), neo j n=. di ror n=0; av =(0: Gray = ox -¢ i dx ‘multiply by 2x , = bxdu Bes divide x by(xta) A. ta yx xto a fay = (01-42) ax Y= bx - abin(xtay +c Y= bxte —ab in (x ta) st WKeay”- Lin Cxss) 4c 2y Ox ta)". Ingxts) 4 tyro BO Ge tay le Casa) te. aero: ye” = [ e™ wax From Exercise #17, yet ee se" +c OLS + Rie E sin wt aye %s when t=O iL= t divide by e**, ee ie 2 : sin wt Pay > F-1 + ce ie when a= @*-14+c¢e™ a C= 2e" For Integrating actor , From Exercise # 29 Spd f Ede a e e ons, PA € Lge + Ri eae ; where L.R,E are constants Le ee Sones when t20,i=0 3 ae di. dt From tne Table of Entegration +e w let +e : att): : For Integrating factor , x (fe ve re Peed, fat | elrHat 12ST At f & sero iss T(E sinwt- weosut) & ie* eee 2 Deg 2 Gwe =fEe a rc ‘ m when tz0 , 120 eve f(Scinwer- wesw) a eV Eonar +e ve Law? , Find the particular solution of oy’ = 2 (2x-y) Which passes through the point 200379). For Integrating factor elfax _ p S2dx per ‘then , ye™ = [axe ax rc Integration by Parts, Let usx 5 ave 20 Gy rf dus dx avs 7% ans, We eet Ae ee divide by e** , ys de-1 $28 when t=0, 692 divide by (1+ t7) dt , ds , 2tfst?-aceeal | 20 eer ds 2%? Roe THE 2 kh? Pee) 435 QD = et Crt)” For Integrating factor , at ena. , [aie Integration by Parts, let u=te dus 2tdt Substitute, au erie a a we S~ Anew = @ Bm Incrryy ee but wets | efrcendt Ba 4+ty et thas, | S(r4tey-t gt (2 etn) one, =O ° ‘Linear Equation divide by -xdx , ee es, ax 8 x cy a POX) aw For Intearating factor SPindx ~ -f 2gx -2Inx, 2 e as ex Pind a thus, BOT atc ox? =[xax +f 2 2 xtc uxt =e WS multiply by 2x7, 2y = Seen ans, a (axy + 34-4 dx + O4 Ny x0 e Linear Equation divide by (xtD?an, — , POO = eo aw =74 For Integrating factor 3dx SPGdx Sela. e Sra thus, Set Equation divide by xdx | ax = vdy + ydv Substitute , ¥?(vdy + ydv)— vy (2Uy +3y )dy=0 Y*Cvdy + yd) ~ vy? (2v +3)dyz0 divide by y?, Vdy + ydv - av7dy — avdy=o0 Co oe udu - (2v*+2v)dy <0 st divide by y (2v2F2v), 8, (x2 +1)dx + x7y7dy = 0 Variable Separable divide by x*, dx + {xe =(o ue «Shee multiply by 3x, 3x7-3 +xy3 = 3cx xy? = 3¢x+3asee xy?-= 2(Cka ee ans, eet COP+ yd dxty*@xtkyidy20 See a av uae f cc tk is constant Homogeneous Equation Inv ~ In(vti) : Exact Equation v ai =Inge-ine ating factor. pa Saxdx e eo yes. a eX ax tC 2 Integration by Parts, = Sin*® tens oe. nce f aie 5i070de +e sin? ® rsin*e@ = cos® +c f-sinede +e ans, 10, y(x+3y)dx + x*dy=o Homogeneous Equation Let ¥y dy = vdx + xdv Substitute, VX (Xt 3ux) dx + x2Cudx + xdu) ° VX*CUI+AV0x + x"(vax + xdv)=0 divide by x3, (W + BV") dx + vax + xdu C2v 4 av" Jax + xdv <9 Givide by x Cavtay2y, dx N.D.T: y(3t 2xy7)dx 5 30g? tx-1)dy choosing | y(3t 2xu* dx Sec?x sec? ~ [aay + fy (a+ 2ry0dx «fo y dy a, - Hye ans, Seg Sec*x dx eet ae oe feas?y ay =f sect dx uss a loey ca §c1- sin*y) cosy dy = tan x +c a iv A sing - 978 s tanx +e 15. (2x?- 2xy - y2) dx + xydy = O F 2 OP fapcrescoa ge a eerste, 7 mm — te vx vax + xe duo a Substitute (14 x7) y= x4y (2x2 -2un-va dct VIR dt Xd) =0 ve Variable Separable 22(2-2u-v3)dx + vat(vdx txdv) =O Bey PON Gey ge = x+y 2dx -2vax-v'd + ViEKa vad 20 pa. _x*éx 2(v=1) dx + vadv =0 yt ttx ‘ ? =2dx 4, _vdv divide x* by(1 + x*) =o 24S + [+a -2inx ¢v tin(u-t) = Ine Inx? =v -InGy-a) = Ine inx* -In (v-1) -Inc = v 2a : multiply by 3y°, but Ww 1 = xy? - axy?+ 3y%Arctanx +c nf Bb ix 3uiy3 - 2ytrrcton xtc +9) 4 Wyte y? (3x - 3 arctan x tc) ans, 67 paket (dx, (c3-sutdev * au(i-v) tp + Fn (ay- av) 4inx + 3in (av-4u9) = In x9 (qv-av3)° x* (ayaa)? = v= 2, then xt (G2- ws (408 eg x4 bes ye ey ", Linear Equation & Variable Separable variable Separable ; 18, (K-y)éx - (x+y) dy = 0 Homogeneous Exact Equation ; Yt In(v*-2v-1) = Inc ~ T= Wn y?Cv?-20-1) = Inc Bea CY*-2v-1)2 c then, For Integrating fuctor ; SPax {4d et® cet A+ cos 2 yy [secxax = eee WnGeeex + tanx) =4t + bsinat +c Min (Secx + tanx)=t+ Sin 2t+C one, divide _~x* by (I-x), 0, (Siny~y Sinx) dx + (cos x +x cosy) dy =O ey eon Sin yy cin sy - sinx = chy + Incy-3) thus | 5 Bed t% Cy-3) = - tne = Ine ting - In (ya), 21 9= 6 CyB) expC) ang (2y cos x + Sin?X)dx = sin x, dy when x= , y= 4; bx oF then , y Sin*x Sin*x =| Sinx dx 40 4 - y sin *x = -cos x te multiply by sin?x, y= -cosx sin? + csin2x when x= ,y =t 4 = -c0s % 2+ c sintay We Y = cos x sin?x + Sintx Y= Sin?x (1m cos x) Me Xi (dx-dy) = Ady + ytd Homogeneous & Integrating factor by Inspection © Homogeneous ; bet x= vy oe = vay + ydv tut * Linear § ude dinkede # Ge ave a foe ae - ee a fase x0 a y Integrating factor by Inspection; mT 9g xydx — xydy - x*dy -y%dx 20 ge + uyetcx = Sin “x2 ylnexy xydx - x¥dy - xydy - 47dx =O P(x) = coex * Cudx - xdu) - y (xdy + yosx) 20 Ax) = Sin x ees, For Integrating factor, Pd x3: Udx-xdy_ dy tude g elt = eae in (cScx ~ cote) oe ‘ eh 2 coex-cot % thus , 1 (csc x-cstx)afl dx Coa y(ccen ~cot x)= (= cos de =n x Inc a -** - BS) 2 xs te ¥ ng cre “. UCCSCX -@tx) = x-Sin K +E ans, fox ylncxy a*(dy-dx) = x*dy + y*dx Variable Separable ; a*dy -a7dx = x*dytyrdx (a® ~ x?) dy - Ca*tyt)dx =o ox Bry ~ ae dx ‘of attraction between hneaveniy todies. The Universal gravitational constant Ms sma: respective masses ¥ 2 distance between centers of mass Since , GM, mz are constants Peels Gmpm, Re ne r By Newton's second Law = ma where F : Net force acting on a body M i mass of the body @ + resulting acceleration From @ , Tf at the earth Ma Mar oe Vo = 2g Rn? R14 < OR Mois Foe vs 29 5 + (vet agp) From the equation it con be that v will remain 0.165 (603x142) 100485 x 1°? mi Bec Rm = 1060 miles Required ve Solution ve = [2G.cowen eR) Ye = 1.473. mile /sec ans Determine , to hwo significant figures , the velocity of escope for earth of the celestrial bodies listed below . The data fare rough and g may be taken fo be 6.1% 10°% mile /sec* Given Acceleration of Gravity at the surfuce Radius Cites) Venus 0.85.9 3.800 Mars 0.38 9 2 100 Jupiter Sun 23g 2,609 43.000 432 000 Ganymede 9.129, Roh Solutions For venus , Ne= 304,15 miles /see ans, Fer Ganymede , Ve = {2 @2)6.1 x10) (1780) Ve= 1,61 miles /sec ans, “NEWTON'S LAW OF 0 0 nee The rate of change in the temperature of a body is directly proportional fo the difference in Femperature between the body and its environment du due us Ge $2 oc uu aus ~k (u-ua ae > = R Gas) -k ot = -k fat -kt tine ~kt ee 30°F 20°F ? torr 25" 20h am Solution : “From the general Equation u= ua + cet when t okt u= Tot ce When t=0 , u= {9 Pep tice t“ thus , U= 20 + ss (2) 5 Ge) (a) when t= 7minutes , uso +55 (2M “Us 22.70°F S 23°F ans () when uszosep , te? 20.5 = 20+65s ap itside - 400 Pn 02 Pa 1:08 Pm Inside : 405 p.m 4:09 t.m| Solution For Outside us ua +ce** us -t0 + ce * © When t=0., U= 10°F qo= -0 + cot = 80 ‘And $0 , ake u=-t 480€ @ When t= 2, U= 26°F 4-26 = -t0 +800 *O -ky2 5 36 (e-*)? = 38 k 36 \ih . #8) thus, us -10 eat ae © when t= 5, us -0 wo(3 yh Uz 0,8673* when t= 4, u=? @ togrm) us 70 ~ 69,132 (38) uz 56.00 °F ans, At 9:00 A.m, a thermometer reading 7o"F is taken outdoors Where the temperature is IS*F, At 9:05 A.m., the thermometer reading is 45°F. AY 9:10 Am the thermometer is taken back indoors where the temperature is fixed at 70°F . Find (a) the reading at 3:20 A.m. and (b) When fhe reading to the nearest degree , will show the correct (70°F) indoor temperature Given Out doors: 2700 am. 9:05 Am 9:10 Am Indoors Be ote ss)" Ug = 31,36°F okt For the same temperature , =e)" (6 2:0 4.m), Ups 31.36°F + c(22y% 636 = 70 + ¢(32) 38.63 = 70 - 38, 63(- 210 (e940) us? 2 10-38.63 (22 us $8.60 °F 250-7 phen us 60.5 4 69.5 = 70 ~ 36.63, genie aah 76 5S = 36,63 Where the air is af 60°F. At 2510 Pm. the reading is 71°F When Was the thermometer brought indoors ? Given Outside Required x time brought Solution Outside i 20 + 60e : When t23 usqa'r 42 = 20 + 60 e*™ Equate Eqn,@ = Ean.@ (ae a ana =a 3in a2, (am? 7s ae 0 2 feta ee. or FS @ when bs Ux = Bor tren , 2 tnerme melt me @ when ae he poy (Catan): oa te 71 = Bo + (ux-60) (224 (e ee af Coux = 4000 = 919528 9Ux + 180 = 2,11TUx =169,36 2.117 Ux + 9Un = 168,36 4 180 Uns 31,43°R ini equaig © Diy Suote t Shae on VK = 4,96 ® S.0 minutes F x therefore , T= aloo +S min Ts 20s fim, x amount of unconver - ted substance. 8, Suppose that a chemical reaction proceeds acording to the law given, If half of the substance AA has been converted at the end of 10 seconds , Find when the nine - tenths of the subs - fance will have been converted x eke © When t=0 , x =A, Be key follows the law given above If only a fourth of the Sut tance has been converted at the end of 10 seconds , Find when nine - tenths of the sub tance will have been conver: when t= 10sec , x B.'s Be en ko) eB ove ‘abs - at 3 Subs - erted, Ox. ~kdt ee fe = - (a g Be os eet Pea = “kt -c ans, 14, Radium decomposes ata rate proportional to the of radium resent. Suppose that itis ins thats years ap Foximately 1.1" of a certai Rey oF radium has decom- posed. Determine approximately how long jt will takes for one” half the original amount of dium to decompose okt x= ce ® when t=o , x =%° -ke) Me = ce of ie cs, %e then , = ¢ in (0.999586) eee (In (0,99958Q) © when = 1567 years % 1600 years ang, 18. A certain odio active substance has a half - life of 38 hr, Find hhow long it takes for 90% of the radioactivity to be dissipated. “kt x= ce @ when t=O, =x te bicaam WCE Xe then, x= koe when t= 38br , Fret = W- fr By Newton's Second Law F = ma 4 Btn op oedoe In 100 = £ In 3 Wate oe since 19, There an aS ye ee motion # p88 hre x Sone q at force vig Ps power of = 22 mins, edium Onalogoug no. 17 abe convenien may Be 4 the a*@ Time = 8/22 .m MOTION THROUGH A MEDIUM 17.In the motion of an object through a certain medium (air at certain pressure ig an exam- ple), the medium furnishes a resisting force proportional to the square of the velocity of moving object. Suppose a body falls. due to the action ef gravity, through such a medium. Let" +” represents time , ond’v “represent velocity, positive downward. Let “gba! the usual constant acceleration SEWOTION DOWN INCLINED PLANE w dx =(t Sins + c))at fax = (Cat sine teat ‘ x= SE sina tctta © Th Equation ©, ; dee © when t=0 , SE: Vo Vo = 96) Sine +c “C1 = Ve In Equation @, © when t20 x= Me SOP inc tee +Cy 2 {C22 Xo thus, es uk + x. ans, 21, A long very smooth board is inclined at an angle of 10° with the horizontal A weight starts from rest 40 ft, from the bot- tom of the board and slides downward under the action of gravity alone . Find how lon, it will fakes the weight to reach the bottom of the board and de - termine the terminal speed Solution : From exercise no.20 ° Baten ty t= 1.89 sec % 1,90 cee thus, 4 VE = 32.2 Ft /sec* (1.8) Sin 18 Vf= 10.57 Ft [sec Add to the conditions of exerat No, 20 above a retarding fo of magnitude kv, where Wigl the velocity _ Determine v andl x under the assumption that Weight starts from rest with s Xo . Use the notation Solution : (ay) F+ ky Feky ee av oa the Linear Equation / Pte) i tea P(t) = = coe QC) = gt Sine 4 cy For Integrating factor Be ring Goes oftoas tos se Srcerat Sage ? =e seen e eat thus, 5 ot ot ae xe: fatsine + c,ye%ae eh at ve™ = [gsinc eat ec xe. fat sina est + Se at . ve" 24 Sine e* 4¢ 4 Pty i nes gsina [telat + Sethe, divide by es 7 consider v= 2Snx +ce* fte** au ec ans, Me iso ,v-0 9 ee © Substitute , at bs settee thus , : ae 9 ting eo : eer-cisa en." * ca sees eg HE Feet ae vis 9 (: oe e vw =2sinx (1-€ A ran ce. hat the I 2 with (b) Ft kv = w Sine xe cage ee oe Ft ky = mg Sin ‘ae tn Equation O © when ot a(ke) = cre aM since () +61 In Equation @ naa eens © when 470s | ae agree pe" 2 Ca 2 arysine ie with 2 Ib /gal of salt enters at 24gol /min , and the weli- stirred mixture ‘eaves at the same rate Find (a) the amount of sait in the tank at any time , and (b) the time at which te brine leaving will contain 4 Ib /gal of salt Solution Brine solution Ci ©2 lb/gal ee Fo ster un) 2 = be/aal pen Y= 2) in Let Volume flow rate, wa nin ™! mass of sait in Se tank at any time, ty rs aE Be wn at % aor * 25,For the tank in the previa exercise , determine the ll Walue for the amount of The tank after a long ti How much time must pai fore the amount of salt Yank reaches go "1. of # ing value ? Solution - ©) nfter a tong tong $60 = 0074 160) = seggrthe 0.20 = e-tho ino 2 at 40 =40 In 0,2 Bo: 28cm! 264 wea t /40) *£/40) 160 SIMPLE INTEREST E SME INTEREST i) 5A certain sum of money P crane ans, interest compounded continously If ota certain time there wet i dollars in the accounts «determine the time when ‘the principal attams roe t ‘The value 2P. dollars If the } annual interest rate if (a) 2% i arth) 4*/ + /a0)] E ~t /ae) i dP */40) 40) Bsa £ os, it De) where pa Po: Principal mit gum jalt 0 P| Precent money or 6 re - i af money ¢ be i! Interest ee @ when tzo ,P ce te ina 2.04 25 in 2 years ans. 27. A bank offers 5% interest compounded continously ina Saving account, Determine (@) the amount of interest earned in 1 year on a deposit of $100 and (6) the equiva lent wate if the compounding were done annually P= Poelt Solution (0) interect earned in 1 year (PL) (b) Equivalent rate $513 00%), a: $38 x ne eee as, 2, A bacterial populatisn is known fo have o logistic growth pattern with i and an equilibrium population of 40,000. A count shows that at end of thour there are 2000 bacteria present . Determine the population as a function of time, Solution © The Logistic Equation b-ax Integration by Partial Fractions Let. The Equilibrium Populatio Lim x(t) = b 10, tro a Xe = 1,000 When t = thour , x= single stud show that student at l= (b) If the oo ality k hai when ¢ jg find the ve new IM) And So, sae as = gent - geno) = = 2 ne ‘eo 400-1 4, A college dormitory houses And $0; $00 students , eacn of whom eee i is Susceptible to a certain virus Too Fao-T =H + seq in © infection A simple model ‘of epidemics assumes thot durin Inc = 100 ‘the course on , oa ‘an epidemic the Tate of change with recpect to time of number of infected stu- dents I is proportional to the t umber of Infe students and aiss fo the umber o' students, 100-1. (a) if at time t=0 a single ced, show 1 (99 +e) = jo0e™M Solution therefore 1 (100-1) L x aro! ay oe Ot. K1(400-1) toy 1 8b 2 ur m0-1) a ad k = 0.04 edt > Kat ait T (100-1) 100 2" . I =\ gq ¢ @ BaATe t a 400e* J T (100 -T) 1 a9 48% gonsidering , (ras

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