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Biology (314)

Tutor Marked Assignment

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) (i) Which Organelle possess DNA?
Answer- Organelles that posses DNA are - nucleus, mitochondria and plastids.

 Apart from having their own DNA, these organelles also have ribosomes. This
indicates that they can synthesize their own proteins as per requirement.
 The two organelles mitochondria and plastids are semi-autonomous in
nature. Example of plastids is chloroplast.
 Mitochondria is concerned with production of ATP and plastids is concerned
with photosynthesis.
 Nucleus is central organelle of cell responsible for complete functioning of
(ii) What is the function of WBC in the Body?
Answer- WBC-white blood cells are also called leukocytes or leucocytes. They are
cells of the immune system, which is mainly responsible for:
• Protecting and fighting against invading pathogens.
• Stimulates the production of the progesterone hormone
• Play a vital role in the human reproductive system by producing a network of
blood vessels within the ovary.

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) What does intra cellular digestions means? Justify the meaning by drawing
stages of ingestion and digestion in amoeba in three steps and labeling them.

Answer- The sort of digestion where food is directly taken into the cells and
digested within the cell is called as intracellular digestion. It occurs in unicellular
organisms like amoeba.stages of
ingestion and digestion in amoeba

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(a) Amoeba is a type of protozoa and all protozoa are believed to be the primitive
ancestors of animals. Digestion in Amoeba mainly takes place in the food
(b) Food vacuole is formed when food is engulfed through phagocytosis. These
vacuoles are pushed deeper into the cytoplasm where they join with the
lysosome to form secondary lysosomes.
(c) The secondary lysosome contains all the enzymes necessary to break the food
particles. The process of food digestion in amoeba is known as holozoic
nutrition and it consists of ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and
Additional information:
Ingestion: It is the process of taking food inside the
body by swallowing or absorbing it known as
phagocytosis. Food vacuole is formed by the ingestion
of food.
Digestion: It is the process of breaking down the food
into smaller components with the help of digestive
Absorption: It is the process of absorbing the
nutrients from digested food. The excess of food is
then stored as glycogen or lipids.
Assimilation: It is the process of complete oxidation
of the food to obtain energy.
Egestion: It is the process of excreting the undigested
food material out of the cell.

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) What do you understand by the term (i) Biopiracy (ii) Biopatent
Answer- (i) Biopiracy- Biopiracy is the commercial exploitation or monopolization
of biological or genetic material, in the form of medicinal plant extracts.
Biopiracy is the practice of commercial exploitation of biochemicals or genetic
materials which occur naturally. Typically, indigenous people have traditional
cognition primarily consisting of biological features and genetic diversity of the
natural environment from one generation to another.

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(ii) Biopatent- A biopatent is a patent granted by the government to the inventor
for biological entities and for products obtained from them. It allows the patent
holder to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing the protected
invention for a limited period of time

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.3
(a) Given Below is a table showing names & Disease Symptoms, Causal
Organism and preventive measures complete the table by filling up the blanks
marks 1 to.

S.No. Name of symptoms Caused by Prevention

1. Tuberculo  Coughing for three Mycobacteriu Wash your hands
sis (TB) or more weeks. m after coughing or
 Coughing up blood tuberculosis. sneezing. Don't visit
or mucus. other people and
 Chest pain, or pain don't invite them to
with breathing or visit you.
coughing. Stay home from work,
 Unintentional school, or other
weight loss. public places.
 Fatigue. Use a fan or open
 Fever. windows to move
 Night sweats. around fresh air.
 Chills.

2. Hepatitis Bodyache, loss Heavy alcohol Get the vaccines for

of Appetite use, toxins, hepatitis A and
Nausea, Eye and some hepatitis B. Use a
skin become yellow medications, condom during sex.
in colour. and certain Don't share needles to
medical take drugs. Practice
conditions can good personal

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cause hepatitis. hygiene such as
a virus. thorough hand-
washing with soap
and water. Don't use
an infected person's
personal items.
3. Filariasis  Inflammation — an infection with Use mosquito net
overactivated parasites at night, check
immune system. classified as entry of mosquito
 Lymphedema — nematodes Prevention of
fluid buildup in your (roundworms) mosquito breading
lymphatic system. of the family
 Hydrocele — Filariodidea.
swelling and fluid
buildup in the

4. Dengue  Headache. a virus of the Use insect repellent,

 Muscle, bone or joint Flaviviridae wear long-sleeved
pain. family shirts and long pants,
 Nausea. and control
 Vomiting. mosquitoes inside
 Pain behind the eyes. and outside your
 Swollen glands. home.
 Rash.

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.
(a) Define Homeostasis & explain how it is maintained in the body with the
help of an example.
Answer- Homeostasis is the tendency to resist change in order to maintain a stable,
relatively constant internal environment. Homeostasis is a self-regulating process
that controls internal variables necessary to sustain life. Homeostasis is a key
concept in understanding how our body works. It means keeping things constant
and comes from two Greek words: 'homeo,' meaning 'similar,' and 'stasis,' meaning

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'stable.' A more formal definition of homeostasis is a characteristic of a system that
regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, relatively
constant condition of properties.

Homeostasis is happening constantly in our bodies. We eat, sweat, drink, dance, eat
some more, have salty fries, and yet our body composition remains almost the same.
If someone were to draw your blood on ten different days of a month, the level of
glucose, sodium, red blood cells and other blood components would be pretty much
constant, regardless of your behavior (assuming fasting before drawing blood, of

6. Prepare any one project out of the given below:

(A) (i) What is a Corona? How does this Disease Spread?
Answer- The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from
the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or
exhales. Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in
mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections
that can range from mild to lethal.

(ii) What are in 'Symptoms of Someone infected with a Corona virus.

Answer- People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

 Fever or chills.
 Cough.
 Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
 Fatigue.
 Muscle or body aches.
 Headache.
 New loss of taste or smell.
 Sore throat.

(iii) Can Corona virus be transmitted from Person to person.

Answer- Yes, infected people can transmit the virus both when they have symptoms
and when they don't have symptoms. This is why it is important that all people who
are infected are identified by testing, isolated, and, depending on the severity of
their disease, receive medical care.
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COVID-19 transmits when people breathe in air contaminated by droplets and small
airborne particles containing the virus. The risk of breathing these in is highest
when people are in close proximity, but they can be inhaled over longer distances,
particularly indoors. Transmission can also occur if splashed or sprayed with
contaminated fluids in the eyes, nose or mouth, and, rarely, via contaminated

(iv) What steps you will take to protect yourself from the Corona Virus.
 Answer- Make sure that you cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief
or closed elbow while coughing or sneezing. Avoid spitting in public and
maintain distance.
 Be it for work or any important purpose, make sure that you avoid travelling
as much as possible.
 Our hands come in contact with many surfaces throughout the day.
 To avoid any kind of contact with the virus, make sure that you wear masks
when you step out the house. Wearing a mask prevents the chances of you
inhaling any kind of virus from the atmosphere around.
 Make sure that you frequently wash your hands with a disinfectant or
alcohol-based hand wash or at-least soap and water for minimum 20 seconds
to ensure that the virus (if any) present on your hands gets killed or drained

(v) What kind of Preventive measures that need to be taken by each one of us
to "stop" this Pandemic worldwide.
Answer- Preventing the spread of the coronavirus- Physical distancing, masks,
vaccines , and other preventive measures. Getting vaccinated and boosted is the best
way to reduce your risk of symptoms, especially becoming severely ill, if you get
COVID-19. But right along with vaccination are steps you can take to both avoid
getting infected and help prevent spreading the virus to others. They include
wearing your mask when you need to, avoiding crowds, and maintaining physical
Preventive measures include physical or social distancing, quarantining, ventilation
of indoor spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, hand washing, and keeping
unwashed hands away from the face. The use of face masks or coverings has been
recommended in public settings to minimise the risk of transmissions.

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