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The benefits of eating tomatoes and how to grow

tomatoes are good and right

Tomatoes can make people healthier and decrease the risk of conditions such as cancer,
osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. People who ate tomatoes regularly have a reduced risk
of contracting cancer diseases such as lung, prostate, stomach, cervical, breast, oral, colorectal,
esophageal, pancreatic, and many other types of cancer. Some studies show that tomatoes and
garlic should be taken together at the same time to have its cancer preventive effects. Whatever it
is, we really do not know how or why tomatoes work against cancers. We believe that lycopene
and the newly discovered bioflavonoids in tomatoes are responsible as cancer fighting
agents. Not only raw tomatoes but also cooked or processed tomato products such as ketchup,
sauce, and paste, are counted as good sources of cancer prevention. Tomato is also good for liver
health. Tomato has detoxification effect in the body. Probably it is due to the presence of
chlorine and sulfur in tomatoes. According to some studies, 51 mg of chlorine and 11 mg of
sulfur in 100 grams size of tomato have a vital role in detoxification process. We know that
natural chlorine works in stimulating the liver and its function for filtering and detoxifying body
wastes. Sulfur in tomatoes protects the liver from cirrhosis, too. Tomato juice is known as good
energy drink and for rejuvenating the health of patients on dialysis. Herbalists knew that
taking tomatoes and tomato products could reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
because of lycopene in it. What is your worry when you take too much food that contains animal
fat, Butter, cheese, pork, egg, beef, and other fried foods. Take tomato, it will prevent hardening
of the arteries. Therefore, tomato can reduce high blood pressure, too. Red ripened tomato is a
powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E and lycopene in tomato prevents LDL oxidation effectively.
Bean sprouts, cabbage or barley malt contain vitamin E. Tomato is an excellent fruit or vegetable
for rapid skin cell replacement. Tomato juice can be used for healing sunburn because of its
unique vitamin C. You can also name tomato juice as a good sports drink to restore yourself
from fatigue and sleepiness

how to grow tomatoes

 Tomatoes need full sun (eight or more hours a day) and warm soil for good yields.
 Plant in well-drained, loose soil.
 Tomatoes draw a lot of nutrients from the soil, so use a fertilizer. Get a soil test and
fol- low the recommendations. Beware of using too much nitrogen; you may grow a
large plant without much fruit.
 Provide water as needed. Prevent blossom end rot (caused by irregular watering) by
keeping the soil evenly moist. Blossom end rot causes the bottom of a ripe or semi-ripe
to- mato to be flat, black and leathery. It is often caused by uneven watering in hot
weather. Mulching helps maintain even moisture and decreases this problem.
 Tomatoes should be caged or staked for cleaner fruit with less damage. Containers can
be used to grow tomatoes, but must be large enough for growth. Choose one of the deter-
minate varieties or patio tomatoes.

Pick tomatoes when ripe for best flavor or allow them to fully ripen in a warm, dark area. The
day before a killing freeze is expected, harvest all green mature fruit that is desired for later use
in the fall. Wrap the tomatoes individually in paper and store at 60°F to 65°F. They will
continue to ripen slowly over the next several weeks.
Do not can tomatoes from dead plants, such as those killed by frost in the fall, as the acidity
level may not be high enough to safely preserve the fruit.

Tomato do-not’s
Do not plant within 50 to 70 feet of a black walnut tree. Walnut roots contain a plant toxin
called juglone. When tomato and walnut roots come in contact, the tomato quickly dies.
Do not plant tomatoes in the same area each year or after other members of the nightshade
family: peppers, eggplant and potatoes. Disease and insects will be more likely.

Tittle jurnal

 Michigan state University, Smart Gardening about how to grow tomatoes

 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Tomato-A Natural Medicine and Its Health

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