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Henry Roberts

JMC 305

Sidebar Story

21 November 2022

Mental Health and Suicide among College Students

Mental health issues and suicide are a major problem on college campuses and it is

important to recognize the factors that lead to these issues. Depression and anxiety are common

among college students and when these issues go unaddressed they lead to more serious

consequences, including suicide. It is of great importance that students have access to the proper

mental health support resources to get the help they need.

College campuses should be an environment for education, connection, and socializing.

However, suicides are tragically common among college students, “Suicide is the #2 leading

cause of death for college students,” according to the University of Michigan. Suicide is caused

by severe mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, loneliness, and isolation. Making

campuses more inclusive and supportive of students facing mental health issues will make

colleges overall healthier and more productive places to be. Doing this starts with providing the

right kinds of support.

Schools offer counseling services, which can be tremendously helpful in dealing with

mental health issues. It is important that schools make students aware of the support available

and encourage them to seek help. A college environment should encourage happiness, fulfillment

and education, and a school that fails to accomplish this is failing its sole purpose. Many schools

do offer counseling services, student organizations, and other resources in support of mental

health. For those in need, ASU offers free 24/7 counseling services on their counseling website.
Additionally, suicide in young adults in on the rise, “The suicide rate for 15 – 24

year-olds increased by over 200% in the last 50 years,” according to the University of

Connecticut. Factors that lead young adults to suicide include loneliness, financial and academic

stress, personal and familial stress factors, and preexisting mental health issues. As members of a

community at college, students and staff alike must recognize the signs of people struggling, and

provide these people with the help they need.

It does not take much to help one in need. A simple kind gesture, or a reference to

support resources can save a life and make a large difference in one’s battle with mental health

issues. In order to make college campuses safer and more inclusive spaces, an emphasis on

mental health support is absolutely necessary. We must come together and recognize how serious

of an issues suicide is on college campuses, and take the necessary steps to address this issue.

Small actions can save lives.

Works Cited

University of Michigan:

University of Connecticut

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