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UNIT 1: Motion in 2D

Activity 1.5: Test with ruler and two coins

You can test this using a ruler and two coins. Carefully place the
ruler on the edge of a desk. Place one coin on the end of the
ruler overhanging the desk. Place the other next to the ruler as
shown. The aim is to flick the ruler so that the first coin falls
vertically where as the second coin gets pushed off the desk
horizontally. Figure 1.15 Cannonballs fired
horizontally with different


Figure 1.16 Ruler and coin experiment.

You have to flick it quite hard.
When you do so, listen for the clink as the coins hit the floor.
You will find the two clinks come at once; both coins hit the
floor at the same time.

Activity 1.6: Rolling a ball down a track

A more complex experiment involves rolling a ball or marble
down a track. As you vary the release height, you vary the
horizontal velocity of the marble. You could time the time it
takes to hit the ground for different release heights.
You must be careful to start timing when the ball leaves the
Curved track

Marble or ball-bearing

Marble leaves track moving horizontally

Sand tray

Horizontal distance travelled

Figure 1.17 A marble rolling down a track.

Grade 10 11

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