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Compact modular sulphur

recovery solutions
Benoît Mares and Christian Streicher Prosernat

rosernat has been awarded a contract for plate with large clearances. The space in between
the delivery of modular Sulphur Recovery the plates is filled with catalyst so that the cooling
Units (SRUs) for an Early Production Facility heat exchanger is embedded in the catalyst.
(EPF) project in Middle East. For this project The acid gas is fed in a thermal section, strictly
the SmartSulf™ technology licensed has been similar to what is found in conventional Claus
selected among other options less favourable in design. After sulphur condensation and reheat-
terms of capex and opex. The unit capacity is of ing the tail gas from thermal stage is fed to the
2 parallel trains of 100 TS/d each. The specific- first catalytic stage. Both catalytic reactors are
ity of the SmartSulf process technology which equipped with an internal heat exchanger in
allows to achieve high sulphur yields without order to control the temperature in the reactors.
need for additional tail gas treatment, has been The heat of the Claus catalytic reaction is being
considered as a definite advantage for the pro- removed by circulating water counter-currently
ject. The modular delivery by Prosernat allows in the heat exchanger inside of the reactor. The
to keep with the tight overall project schedule. first catalytic reactor is being operated at tem-
The overall project is being developed on a BOT peratures above sulphur subdewpoint. However
(Build-Operate-Transfer) model and the capac- by controlling the temperature at the outlet of
ity of Prosernat to follow the BOT Contractor in the first reactor higher catalytic conversions are
terms of contractual scheme was also a key deci- already being achieved than in a conventional
sive factor. first stage Claus reactor. After sulphur condensa-
  tion the gas from the first reactor is then fed to
A compact, low cost technology the second catalytic reactor. This reactor is being
Local environmental regulations required for operated at temperatures below sulphur subdew-
this kind of SRU an overall sulphur recovery of point, thus achieving much higher conversions.
at least 99.4 %. This level can be guaranteed with Because the temperature is kept controlled until
the SmartSulf process without need for instal- the outlet of the reactor the conversions achieved
lation of any downstream Tail Gas treatment are in fact even higher than those obtained in
Process. The concept of the SmartSulf process is conventional subdewpoint tail gas treatment pro-
based on the use of a 2 catalytic stages Claus unit, cesses. For a typical acid gas in a refinery over-
different from conventional Claus by the fact that all sulphur recoveries are above 99.5 %. Tail gas
the catalytic reactors are operated under isother- form the SmartSulf unit can therefore in most
mal conditions and the second catalytic stage is cases be directly sent to the incinerator without
operated under subdewpoint conditions in order
to achieve much higher sulphur yields than in
a conventional Claus process. This concept is
described with Figure 1. The fundamental idea of
the SmartSulf process is removing the heat pro-
duced by the exothermic Claus reaction directly
in the catalyst bed rather than in a downstream
heat exchanger. This controls the temperature
throughout the catalyst bed within a narrow
range. The heat exchanger applied is a thermo- Figure 1 Schematic of the SmartSulf process October 2017 1

Figure 2 3D model of the 100 TS/d SmartSulf

the need for any downstream tail gas treatment fully modularised within a tight timeframe
unit. This is being the case for the early produc- • The capacity of Prosernat to support its cus-
tion facilities considered in Middle East. tomer for such BOT project through financing
Once the second catalytic reactor is loaded with and continuous operational support.
liquid sulphur, the couple of automatic 4 ways
valves are being rotated so that the first reactor Construction of the SmartSulf unit
originally operated in “hot mode” becomes now Each of both 100 TS/d train of the SmartSulf will
operated in subdewpoint mode. The second cat- be delivered modularised in the following form
alytic reactor is now operated in “hot mode” and (see also Figure 2 3D model of the SRU):
therefore regenerated by vaporising all the accu- • 1 module for feed gas pre-treatment (knock-out
mulated sulphur, which is then condensed in the drum + air pre-heater)
external sulphur condenser. • 3 modules for the whole catalytic section
The SmartSulf process is a real breakthrough (including sulphur condenser and 4-ways valves)
in sulphur recovery technologies, allowing high • 1 package for the thermal section with reaction
sulphur recoveries without need for tail gas treat- furnace, burner and waste heat boilers with base
ment unit. To summarise the key reasons for plates and access platform supplied loose for site
selecting Prosernat and its SmartSulf process for installation
this EPF project have been: • 1 incinerator conditioning skid (for tail gas and
• The capacity of the process to meet local envi- combustion air)
ronmental regulations • 1 loose incinerator and burner
• The compactness of the process with a mini-
mum amount of equipment items compared to Specific equipments
other technologies The SmartSulf reactors for the project are 3.6 m
• The low cost of this technology, compared to diameter. Those reactors are proprietary items
alternative Claus + tail gas treatment options based on specific manufacturing knowledges
• The capacity of Prosernat to supply the unit especially for the assembly of internals (header,

2 October 2017

plates), mechanical design and testing of the In a modular approach, the units are manufac-
reactors, welding procedures, thermal stress con- tured and tested in a workshop and then shipped
siderations, non destructive tests… to the customer. Manufacturing in a workshop
Another specific item for the SmartSulf appli- compresses the construction schedule because
cation is the 4-ways valves. The process is cyclic the manpower, materials, equipments and
and designed so that after 24h, the two reactors technical resources are immediately available.
switches. The second Reactor that contains the Finally, construction in a workshop helps keep
catalyst loaded with sulphur has to be regener- the costs down and increases safety.
ated. For that purpose, switching 4-way valves The customer is in charge of the civil engineer-
are actuated and modify the process gas circula- ing which can be done in parallel with the mod-
tion through the unit. The former second reactor ule construction at the workshop. Thanks to the
becomes the first one and vice-versa. The switch- modular approach the units can typically be com-
ing procedure is completely automatic and takes pleted in one-third to one half of similar stick-
only a few seconds. built units.
The two 4-ways valves for the JPF case are 16
inches and are especially designed for sulphur Conclusion
environment applications. Full availability of the By combining the expertise of its own technol-
valves is achieved through tailor made design ogies and its experience in modular systems,
such as full steam jacket of the valve (body and Prosernat has already demonstrated many times
disc), free draining body with no possible sul- that it can offer a compact solution for fast track
phur accumulation, sealing system to ensure projects. Indeed, the SmartSulf offers a solution
Class IV tightness… Those valves are delivered by with a minimum number of equipments while
Prosernat as proprietary items. meeting the environmental specifications without
As mentioned earlier the sequence is com- the use of an additional Tail gas treatment Unit.
pletely automatic. Prosernat develops the com- Modularisation is an answer to many specific
plete functional analysis and also the logic challenges faced by the oil and gas industry, such
diagrams as required by the Client. For the pro- as harsh site conditions, size limitations at site
ject, the logic was implemented by the Client or for transport as well as tight project schedule.
directly in its control system. The advantage is Prosernat experience with above 400 modular
that the sequence is programmed using the same units installed worldwide, is being successfully
hardware and software as the ones used for the applied for sulphur recovery.
overall plant control and monitoring. It simplifies The EPF project is an example of such vari-
a lot in terms of maintenance. ous project challenges, in the case of Sulphur
Recovery Units and of how those challenges can
Plot area be met by Prosernat by combining its unique
The plot area required for the SmartSulf unit is technology portfolio, huge experience of modu-
similar to the plot area required for the installa- larisation and flexibility in meeting customer’s
tion of a standard Claus unit with two catalytic needs.
stages. The two 100 TS/d trains of SmartSulf are
easily installed in a 50 m x 70 m foot print. In
fact an existing Claus unit can be retrofitted into
a SmartSulf unit and has been already been done
in past projects. LINKS
More articles from: Prosernat
Modularisation strategy and schedule
The modularisation strategy for this project was More articles from the following category:
selected due to the location of the site and fast Gas Processing and Treatment
track project schedule. October 2017 3

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