Case Study 3 Food Production Done....

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University of Cebu-Main Campus

College of Hospitality Management

PRACTICUM with Conferences and Seminar

Case #3
Rationale of the Case:

A child has died and more than 800 people have been taken to hospital after falling ill with

food poisoning after eating at a restaurant outside Jordan's capital, Amman, reports say.

The restaurant had been offering cut-price shawarmas, the rotisserie meat snack, local

media say.

Health officials found that the meat had not been refrigerated in what were heatwave


Three people, including the restaurant owner, have been detained.

The five-year-old boy was one of 826 people taken to hospital after the first cases of food

poisoning were detected in the Ain al-Bashra area of north-west Amman on Monday

evening, health officials said.

The boy suffered heart failure and doctors were unable to save him, Mohammad Abed,

the director of Prince Hussein Hospital, told Petra news agency.

As of Wednesday four people were in intensive care and 321 remained in hospital in a

stable condition, Health Minister Saad Jaber said.

"All those affected said they had eaten meals from the same restaurant," he was quoted

by the AFP news agency as saying.

Local media reported that the shawarma meal had been on special offer at half its normal

price, resulting in a higher than normal number of diners.

Health ministry official Adnan Ishaq told state television that the meat had become

infected because it was not refrigerated, and laboratory tests had shown bacteria in the

meat and poultry.

Jordan has been experiencing high temperatures in recent days, with Amman exceeding

40C (100F).

Mr Jabar said an investigation into the poisoning outbreak was under way and "any

offender will be held accountable, regardless of who they are".
Case Study Report Outline

1. Description of the Status of the Case

a. Describe the current situation of the case
- The shawarma restaurant is offering cut-price shawarma in Jordan and
the people is attracted to its offer, a bunch of people went there to eat the
shawarma. 826 people who eat the shawarma fell ill, including the boy
who died because of the food poisoning. Even though the Jordan
experienced 40 degree heatwave the restaurant did not refrigerate its
meat that was the reason of the outbreak of food poisoning. The
authorities arrested the owner and the two employees.
b. Describe the performance standards and measures (if any)
- In this case the restaurant did not pass the standard requirement of
being a good restaurant. Due to the lack of safety measurement, failure to
do the proper preparation of the restaurant it cause the outbreak of food
poisoning of the people and killed a child.
2. Assessment/Analysis of the Case
a. Describe the operational strength of the case
- The authorities immediately took an investigation of the food poisoning in
Jordan. As the report said three people was arrested including the owner
of the restaurant. The 826 people who are the victims of food poisoning is
in the hospital.
b. Describe the issues/problems/concerns within the case
- The biggest issue of this case is the food poisoning cause by the
unrefrigerated meat. Many people has been in danger because the
contaminated meat. The inability to serve a fresh and good meat causes
the life of the customer in a very dangerous situation.
3. Alternatives for improvement
a. Present alternatives to address the identified issues/problems/concerns
- A good restaurant should offer a high standard for their foods in this case
the Jordan restaurant did not set the standard and cause danger to the
customer’s life. Food poisoning and improper handling of the procedure of
the foods are the problems that they are facing. Food contamination can
cause a very dangerous illness to the person.
b. Assess the alternatives to determine the viable solutions
- The restaurant should give a special training for the employees to give
them a knowledge and to strengthen their skills in this field of work. The
restaurant should do an everyday inspection of their foods to know if the
product is still good. While working to foods proper hygiene is the most
important to acquire to the employees this can prevent the contamination of
the foods.
4. Recommended solutions/improvement
- In this case the main problem is the food poisoning. The restaurant
should do an everyday inspection to the product, ingredients and the tools
that their using to avoid any accident. Proper training of the employees to give
them an opportunity to strengthen their skills.
5. References:
It is recommended that you source business journals, textual references as
well as any online sources to support your answers on number 5. Make sure
to include it with facts and figures. Please try to use your own words and
ideas based on research rather than copy and paste other’s words from the
internet. You should use the APA format style for the citations in this section.

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