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How To Unwring Your Wrists: Steps To Relieve

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain With Massage

As a licensed massage therapist, I will teach a few simple massage
techniques that anyone can do to help relax the muscles of the forearm. I will
describe the basic anatomy and basic massage techniques to help. As the person
massaging and the person getting massaged communicate about how much
pressure feels comfortable as to not cause pain there should be no problems.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the inflammation of the
tendons that run through the carpal tunnel, the area of the
wrist where the ends of the forearm muscles travel through
the carpal bones to reach the fingers. The ends of the
muscles, called tendons, are surrounded by a covering called
a sheath that lubricates it, making the flexing and relaxing
of the muscles smoother and more protected.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome develops with the overuse
of these muscles. If you have a job where you are constantly
flexing your fingers, you are at a higher risk of developing
CTS, like jobs where you spend most of your time typing,
drawing, or handwriting.
When the muscles of the arms are in constant flexion or overused the tendon can
get inflamed and place pressure on the median nerve. This sends pain into the thumb,
index, middle, and ring fingers.
While CPT cannot be cured it can be helped. By stretching and through massage the
muscles can relax, and the inflammation may begin to go down.
Basic Anatomy 
 The forearm is composed of many
muscles with 2 main functions: the
muscles on the palm side of the
arm causes flexion. Flexion is the
action of curling your fingers and
wrist. The muscles on the back of
the forearm cause extension, or the
spreading out of the fingers and

 The muscles we are concerned with

are the flexor muscles, namely the
Flexor Policis Longus, Flexor
Digitorum Profundus, and Flexor
Digitorum Superficialis.

 The Flexor Policis Longus is the

muscle on the thumb side of the
arm that connects to and flexes the

 The Flexor Digitorum Profundus are

the deeper muscles lying below the
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis. The
four of each of these muscles
connect to each of the four fingers.
Basic Techniques

Effleurage is the beginning stroke of any massage. These strokes are long that glide
across the surface of the arm to spread lotion and warm up the muscles. Start lighter
and ease into deeper pressure as you are moving your hand over the muscles of the
lower arm, distributing that pressure across the entire surface of your hand. When
going deeper, apply more pressure with the fingertips while keeping the whole hand
on the arm.


Petrissage is characterized by short, grabby or pinch like strokes that

target the meaty parts of the muscle and tight areas. These strokes will
stretch, pull, and push painful areas so the muscle will relax.

Examples of petrissage strokes include:

- Kneading

- Broad kneading

- Compression

Getting Started
To begin massaging few items are needed:

- A partner who is willing to massage

- Clean, washed hands
- Lotion of any kind
- A place where the person being massaged can sit and rest their arm, such as on
a table or armrest. An alternative to sitting is lying down on their back.

Massage Outline

Have the one massaging orient themselves closer to the hand, so they will be working from
the wrist up to the elbow.

1) With both hands spread lotion all 2) While holding the wrist, apply
over both sides of the arm. Using pressure in a circular motion on the
the palms of the hands apply wrist. Apply to both sides of the wrist.
deeper pressure to the forearms. About 1 minute.
4) Broad Kneading. With Both hands
gripping at the wrist, apply pressure to
the middle of the forearm with your
3) Knead the arm by grabbing both sides thumbs as you glide up toward the
of the arm and pulling away, spreading elbow. Repeat on the backside of the
out the meaty parts of the muscle. 1-2 forearm. Repeat3-5 times on the
minutes. upside and backside of the arm.

5) Hold the thumb on pressure points in 6) Pinching between the bones in the
the meaty part of the muscles. Pressure palm, hold pressure and pull toward
points are areas that radiate pain when the fingers. Repeat 3-4 times.
pressure is applied. Hold for 20-30
seconds while the one getting massaged
breathes deeply.
Repeat step 1-6 on both arms.
Massage for as long as desired while communicating with your partner. Make sure you are
not applying a painful amount of pressure. Pain may be experienced as the massager applies
pressure to tense muscles. Make sure you both communicate about where those sensitive
spots are and to apply a little lighter pressure there.

Self Massage Notes

These techniques can easily be applied to the self massage. For steps 1, 3, and 4,
reverse the flow of pressure to go from the elbow down to the wrist. Steps 2, 5, and 6
remain the same.

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