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Development Economics

Scarcity as the Essence of the Study of Economics Other Areas in Economics:

1. Agricultural Economics
Definition of Scarcity
2. Managerial Economics
Scarcity = Limited Supply of Resources + Unlimited
3. Labor Economics
Demand for Resources
4. Monetary Economics
5. International Economics
Aggravating Factors of Scarcity
6. Development Economics
1. rapid increase in population
2. modernization
3. demonstration effect
The Study of Development Economics
4. peer pressure
Source: Economic Development
5. depletion of natural resources
Michael P. Todaro
Opportunity Cost
Development Economics as a Separate Field of Study
Something forgone when choosing an alternative
o Adam Smith is the first development economist.
Economics as Science of Choice His Wealth of Nations, published in 1776 was the
first treatise on economy development.
o The awarding of 1979 Noble Prize in economics to
It is a social science that deals with the proper allocation
two development economists W. Arthur Lewis of
of scarce resources to satisfy the unlimited needs and
Princeton University and Prof. Theodore Schultz of
the University of Chicago confirmed that
economic development is a separate field within
Economics a Science
the economics discipline.
It observes a procedure in analysing economic problems,
namely: descriptive (data) economic analysis (theory) The Nature of Development Economics
and applied (policy) economics
o Traditional Economics is concerned primarily with
the efficient, least-cost allocation of scarce
Economics as a Social Science
productive resources and with the optimal growth
It deals with the economic activities such as consumption,
of these resources over time so as to produce an
production, distribution and exchange. It is very much
ever-expanding range of goods and services.
related to other social sciences such as:
1. sociology (social problems) o Political Economy is concerned with the
2. psychology (human mind) relationship between politics and economics, with
3. politics (government and the state) a special emphasis on the role of power in
4. history (past events in human affairs) economic decision making
The Nature of Development Economics (cont’n)
Two Main Branches
Microeconomics o Development Economics is concerned with the
Deals with specific economic units such as the consumer, efficient allocation of existing scarce productive
business firm, and the industry. It is concerned with resources and with their sustained growth over
consumer behaviour, least-cost combination of inputs, time and deals with the economic, social , political,
optimum product mix, and product and factor pricing. and institutional mechanisms, both private and
public , necessary to bring about rapid and large-
Macroeconomics scale improvements in levels of living for the
Studies the economy as a whole. It is concerned with masses.
changes in the national output, level of employment and
Why Study Development Economics?
the general price level.
To gain a better understanding of several critical
questions about economies of TWCs.
Some Critical Questions: Meaning of Economic Growth
1. What are the sources of national and international
Definition of Economic Growth
economic growth?
It is a sustained increase in the capacity of the nation to
2. What can be learned from the historical record of
produce diverse output for its population.
economic progress in the now developed world?
3. What are most influential theories of development
Gross National Product/Gross Domestic Product as a
and are they compatible?
Measure of Economic Growth
4. Is rapid population growth threatening the economic
progress of developing nations
Gross National Product (GNP)
5. What do we mean by “environmentally sustainable
Is the total market value of final goods and Services
produced by nationals regardless of geographical area
6. Is expanded international trade desirable for
per unit of time.
development of poor nations?
7. Should large and powerful multinational
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
corporations be encouraged to invest in the
Is the total market value of final goods and services
economies of poor nations?
produced within a geographical area regardless of
8. What is the impact of foreign economic aid from rich
nationality per unit of time.
9. Are free markets and privatization the answer to
The Real Growth Rate
development problems? Nominal GDP
10.What is the role of financial and fiscal policy in Means physical output is valued using price in current
promoting development? year. It is also known as GDP at current price.

Development vs. Economic Growth
Means physical output is valued using price in base year.
Source: Economic Development
It is also called GDP at constant price or deflated GDP.
Michael P. Todaro
o Real GDP per Capita = Real GDP divided by Total
Meaning of Development
o Development traditionally meant the capacity of a
o Real Growth Rate (r) = Real GDP per Capita for
national economy to generate and sustain an
Yr 2 – Real GDP per Capita for Year 1
annual increase in its Gross National Product
(GNP) or its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). o Real GDP per Capita for Year 1 X 100
o Development is conceived as a multidimensional Difference Between Growth and Development
process involving major changes in social o Development is a multidimensional process
structures, popular attitudes, and national
o Development is accompanied by significant shifts
institutions, as well as the acceleration of
in the structure of the economy
economic growth, the reduction of inequality and
the eradication of poverty. (New View of Economic o Economic growth without structural change is
View of Development) often an indicator of the new income being
concentrated in the hands of the few people.
Core Values and Objectives of Development
o No sustained development can occur without
Core Values economic growth
o Sustenance: The Ability to Meet Basic Needs Economic Growth does not guarantee improvement in
o Self-esteem: To be a Person standard of living
o Freedom from Servitude: To Be Able to Choose
o To increase the availability and widen the 1. Governments promote economic growth to
distribution of basic life sustaining goods. augment the power and glory of the state and its
o To raise levels of living rulers.
o To expand range of economic and social choices 2. Resources may be heavily invested in further
available to individuals and nations growth, with significant consumption gains
deferred to a later date.
3. Income and consumption may increase, but those policies and management, spread of new
who already are relatively well off may get all or technology and increasing economic relations
most of the benefits, with China, India, and the Middle East also
contributed to its growth
Patterns of Development Patterns of Development
(Perkins, et. al.) Ukraine transition resulted in an abrupt and steep
decline in living standards.
Patterns of Development – Malaysia : A Case of
Unprecedented rates of economic growth o Ukrainians enjoyed modest living in the 1980s.
Most of their everyday needs were met.
o In 1970s, American and Japanese electronics Healthcare and daycare were publicly provided.
manufacturers move into export processing zones o In 1991, 90 percent of the voters supported
established by the Malaysian government. independence from Soviet Union.
o Newly industrializing nations benefited from this o Negative consequences of independence were
because of good infrastructure, English-speaking collapsed trade with Russia and inability to pay
workforce and stable government. fuel imports from Russia because of lack of foreign
o Malaysia used to be known mainly for the export exchange.
of rubber, tin, and palm oil, became the world’s o Mismanagement of domestic economy led to
largest exporter of electronics components and hyperinflation in 1993-94, with prices rising to
other labor-intensive manufactured goods. almost 5,000 percent. Life expectancy was 66
o The average income of the average Malay more years in 1989 but fell to 62 years in 1995.
than quadrupled in real terms between 1970 to Patterns of Development – Ukraine
2010, IMR fell from 41 to 6 infants per thousand, o They hoped for foreign investment but foreigners
and life expectancy rose from 61 to 75 years. Adult found existing technology backward, products of
literacy jumped from 83 to 103 percent. poor quality, and corruption rife.
o Agriculture accounted for about one third of o Ukraine’s economy rebounded during the 2000s.
national output in 1970; today it accounts for less Income per capita had risen three quarters of its
than 10 percent. level in 1989. But its major export was hit by global
o In 1984, Ethiopia was affected by drought and recession. Its weak banking sector is vulnerable to
shortage of food, compounded by multiple births world financial crisis.
and lack of emergency postpartum care. Village o It improved in 2010 but again plagued by political
school remained closed that year. turmoil and poor governance. Problems of
o In 1998, war broke out between Ethiopia and corruption, cronyism, and unresponsive public
neighboring Eritrea. institutions remain unresolved.
o In 2004, Ethiopia started to grow. IMR fell from an Patterns of Development - Observations
estimated 136 per thousand in 1970 to 67 in 2009; o All countries have been affected by dramatic
life expectancy from 56years to 13 years more. changes both within their borders and outside of
Adult literacy is less than one out of three, but this them.
improved. Four out of every five Ethiopia’s o Factors that affected development of the 3
children of school age are enrolled in primary countries are:
a. Changes in political system
o In 1970, 61 percent of national output was derived b. Substantial demographic shifts
from agriculture; and in 2009, it went down to 51 c. Spread of endemic disease
percent. d. Global trade
Patterns of Development – Ethiopia e. Capital movement across borders
o With 80 million population, Ethiopia is one of the f. Information and ideas spread much faster
most populous poor nations in the world.
Approaches to Development
o It is one of Africa’s emerging economies. Exports o Industrialization through import substitution (the
of primary products, remittances from Ethiopians replacement of home-produced goods)
working abroad, and foreign direct investment are
fuelling the nation’s growth. Better economic
o Labor-intensive techniques, income redistribution,
and provision of basic needs
o Dependence on markets to set prices and allocate
o Export promotion
o Shift from foreign aid and investment from the
richest to the poorest countries
o Debt forgiveness for poor nations that have
difficulty to repay loans

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