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Vivian Galindo

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1301-119

November 11 2022

Reflection Essay 3

In the Rhetorical Analysis Essay, I decoded the message behind these assignments

primarily when asked about a peer review article, what appeals these authors utilize to argue

their statement and aim toward a specific community, and how these choices impact that specific

community (Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 1.” 1 November 2022. ENGL 1301-119, Texas

A&M International). This form of writing consists of critical thinking skills to enhance the

ability to create this deliberated Analysis. In previous essays, such as essay two visual analysis

and essay one, genres are combined to structure and elaborate ideas for essay 3 Rhetorical

Analysis. By this claim, I emphasized the rhetorical triangle, which is logos, ethos, pathos, and

Kiros, the author used in Occupational Health of Animal Shelter Employees by Live Release

Rate, Shelter Type, and Euthanasia-Related Decision to persuade specifically Psychologists,

stakeholders, and animal communities to be aware and take employees’ mental stability seriously

(Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 9 November 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University).

The difference between visual Analysis and genre analysis is describing in explicit detail

the ad or visual and how they convince the audience, while a genre analysis asks you what the

community is about and what their purpose stands for as a group on a specific issue. Similarly,

the rhetorical Analysis because it utilizes the two appeals from both previous essays because you

explain the visual the authors utilize and why it is so essential for that specific community
(Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 2.” 1 November 2022. ENGL 1301-119, Texas A&M

International). Profoundly breaking piece explicitly by piece about why they used those specific

details in my case, I utilized a peer reviewed the article and analyzed all the information these

authors used to persuade the audience and pay attention to the argument. For Instance,

Androkonis and Propotova relied on statistics and credits from other sources to support their

claim for shelter employees’ mental stability and correspondingly animals and idealizing

solutions that will benefit both parties (Galindo, Vivian. “Final Draft Essay 3.” 9 November

2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University).

Following, would you choose to use this new technique in your other courses? I may use

this set of skills for my future English 1302 class when my professor asks us to describe in

explicit detail and have a deeper understanding of the rhetorical devices and a deeper meaning

utilized in an article. This can also be applied in my career by having phycological persuasion

involved in the advertising of a product or maybe using those results to explain a good or bad

investment but also explaining how we can come up with possible solutions to overcome these

problems and uplift and implements advice and guide through complicated circumstances and

become more vigorous intellectuals.

Additionally, would you not implement this new technique in your other classes? I

disagree that I will utilize rhetorical Analysis throughout my future career because my career

involves more numbers than writing. However, I may find it helpful in persuading a product or

something. Nevertheless, as long as I am beginning with basics or prerequisites such as Reading

and Writing and Math History and Science, I will utilize them for the meantime that does require

a breakdown on each topic to comprehend why this topic or issue should matter and why their

purpose was to act this particular way learning how to interpret. Textual evidence is essential to
grasp a greater understanding and perspective on how we apprehend the primary purpose based

on the lesson. Correspondingly, I devise and format my paper so my readers can understand the

message better and visualize the claims and statements I make through my paper.

Subsequently, how does the Analysis of a peer-reviewed article help improve the writing

of the essay, and how will it contribute to approaching these writing tasks in the future? The

concept was to bring about these ideas and come up with a form of persuasion and urgency to a

cause and then display that specific effect. For example, I decided to choose an article about how

these authors’ purpose was to persuade and urge these psychologists and stakeholders, and

animals’ communities that need to help these workers with their time management and personnel

growth by demonstrating statistics, results and gathering other sources of information from other

vital institutions and implementing emotional appeal to state their argument. This is important in

my future college classes because it contributes to stating my claim much clearer and concisely

to persuade a broader audience by using these rhetorical strategies from these authors.

Moreover, from the comments made by readers from previous essays, what are writing

strengths and weaknesses? Are they the same as previous essays, or have they changed? From

my expertise and conception, I am very creative when it comes to incorporating ideas in the

essay, rather it be something I experienced that impacted me the most or something I read and

that will inspire me for this essay, specifically essay three I reading about this article and the

appeals these authors used to compose their shelter employees are at risk of their mental health

and supervisors and phycologists and those in higher power ignore this statement. For instance,

in my paper, I mentioned the details these authors applied throughout their article, such as

Statistics, creditable sources from other institutions (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 9

November 2022. ENGL 1301-119, Texas A&M International).


Similarly, From the comments made by your professor, who is also considered a reader

of your previous papers, how will you find the comments for essay three? The same, different?

Furthermore, what was the most challenging part of the rhetorical analysis essay? Or what was

least challenging? For me, the most challenging task for this article was understanding and

analyzing part by part the appeals these authors used to Convey their argument to that specific

audience and then paraphrasing those ideas into my essay and the least challenging was the topic

that I chose to compose my paper.

Finally, how was your identity as a writer changed with this essay? As a writer, I am

constantly evolving with learning new techniques and strategies. Also, writing takes patience,

effort, and creativity on how we want to display these emotions and the presentation of this

particular form of writing to the audience.

In conclusion, as a professional composer, I am constantly growing and improving as

time evolves and acknowledging one’s victories and mistakes is the essence of what a true writer

is about. This essay really made me analyze and understand what these writers’ purpose and

arguments in reality are and how their persuading is what makes up a rhetorical paper.
Work Cited

(Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 9 November 2022. ENGL 1301-119, Texas A&M


(Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 1.” 1 November 2022. ENGL 1301-119, Texas A&M


(Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 2.” 1 November 2022. ENGL 1301-119, Texas A&M


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