ECE123 Assignment #3 Program Statement Planning Sheet

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ECE123 Curriculum Design

Assignment #3 - Program Statement Planning Sheet (5%)

This planning sheet is designed to help you start planning for your Program Statement that becomes the
foundation and guideline for your practice/program with children, families, and the community. Please
reflect on what you have been learning in our ECE program and write down your thoughts. For the
Planning Sheet, you do not need to use the class materials. After you get feedback on your Planning
Sheet, you can start refining your ideas and making connections to the class materials.

 Please fill out the following form and submit it on Blackboard in week 7 as a word document or a
PDF document. You do not need to add a title page.
 You can share your thoughts in bullet points if you would like.
 Please ensure that you write your own thoughts in your own words (it is important for you to
focus on what is meaningful to you without copying and pasting information from online
 Reviewing the sample sentences from the Program Statement Assignment Description first
might be helpful.

Student Name: Parampreet Kaur

1. Program vision and philosophy

· Why is early childhood development important? Please write down 1-2 ideas.
The esteem of early childhood instructions can not be ignored in items of human development. The
early age of children are establishment for its potential growth, giving a solid base for dynamic
learning aptitudes, counting cognitive and social advancement.

· How do you view the child? What is your image of the child? Please write down 3-5 key words that
describe your image of the child.
Every child is born with the ability to be anything they want to be. They have infinite potential, and
our educators’ job is to help them explore and develop their talents and skills. I see the child as a
curious being who is constantly learning and growing. I believe it is our job as educators to provide
the child with a safe and nurturing environment in which they can explore and learn.

The child’s image sees them as blank slates without any pre-existing biases. This means that the child
is open to new ideas. Their environment can easily influence a d. This image of the child is often used
in educational settings as it emphasizes the importance of providing children with a rich and varied
learning environment.

The child’s image sees them as a clean slate, without any baggage or preconceptions. This means that
the child is open to new experiences and can be easily influenced by their environment. This image of
the child is often used in educational settings as it emphasizes the importance of providing children
with a rich and varied learning environment.

The child is constantly learning and evolving, and their future is open-ended. It emphasizes the
importance of providing children with a supportive and nurturing environment.

2. Program goals and pedagogical approaches

· What are 3 key things that are important for you to achieve when you work with children, families,
and the community (e.g., creating an inclusive and responsive learning environment, etc.)? These
become your program goals that you want to achieve to ensure professional practice with children,
families, and the community.

Creating an inclusive and responsive learning environment is one of the most important goals for
every childhood educator. This means building a space where all children feel safe, respected, and
valued. It is also essential that the environment is responsive to the needs of all children, including
those with special needs. To create an inclusive and responsive learning environment, educators must
be aware of the diverse needs of all children in their care and make sure that all children have what is
appropriate for their abilities.

Building positive relationships is another important goal for early childhood educators. Positive
relationships with children, families, and the community help to create a supportive and nurturing
environment for all. Good communication, mutual respect, and a genuine interest in others are all
critical ingredients for building positive relationships.

Promoting children’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development is another important goal
of early childhood education. Early Childhood educators can encourage children’s development in
many ways, such as by providing opportunities for physical activity, teaching social skills, and
encouraging creativity and problem-solving. By giving various experiences and activities appropriate
for each development level, educators can help all children reach their full potential. These are just a
few vital goals for early childhood educators to achieve when working with children, families, and the
community. Educators can provide a high-quality, developmentally appropriate education for all
children by focusing on these goals.
3. Play-based learning experiences and environments
· Why do you think play is important (the value of play)? Please write down 2 ideas.
 Stimulating the senses
 Exercising muscles
 Coordinating sight with movement
 Gaining mastery over bodies
 Making decisions
 Acquiring new skills
 Lay the foundations for math skills
 Learning skills in negotiation and conflict resolution

4. The role of the family

· How do you think the family can participate and engage in your program as a partner? Please share
2 ways.
1. Attending Meetings and Events.
One of the best ways for families to participate in their child’s education is by attending
meetings and events. This shows their child that they value their education and engage in
what they do. It also allows families to meet the teachers and staff working with the child and
learn more about the program.
2. Volunteering their time to help with activities
Another excellent way for families to participate in their child’s education is by volunteering
their time to help with activities. This can be done in various ways, such as helping to field
trips, volunteering in the classroom, or helping to organize events. This allows families to be
more involved in their child’s education and to build relationships with the other families in
the program.
3. Sharing their resources and expertise.
Families can also participate in their child’s education by sharing their resources and
expertise. This can be done in several ways, such as donating supplies, Speaking to the class
about their career, or mentoring a student. This allows families to share their knowledge and
experience with the students and help them learn about the world.

5. The role of the community

· How do you think the community can participate and engage in your program as a partner? Please
share 2 ways.

The community can participate and engage in our program as partners by:
 Volunteering their time to help with program activities is an excellent way for the district to
participate and engage in our program. This helps us save on costs and allows community
members to get more involved and invested in the program.

 Share their feedback and ideas with us to help improve the program. It is also an excellent
way for the community to participate and helps improve the program. This allows us to better
understand the community’s wants and needs and adjust accordingly.

Both are great ways for the community to participate and engage in our program as partners.

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